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Phone Cards In The Us?


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Hey all, I'm going home to the States for a visit, will be there a few weeks. I have roaming with AIS, which has worked great the last couple times I have gone over. However, I would like to get a local number this time as I'm hooking up with a large amount of old friends and family and would like them to be able to call me there without having to go through the Thailand phone system to do it. :)

Just wondering if you know of or can lead me to info on getting a pre-paid phone card there. I would also like to have a data plan with that, so I can use my iPhone whilst on the road. I don't even know if such things exist there.

Anyone have some ideas or links for me?


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I've taken some extended business trips to the USA and found the need for a local SIM card. Unfortunately, things don't seem quite as convenient and inexpensive as Thailand. I found that buying a phone/SIM card kit was cheaper and easier to purchase than just a pre-paid SIM card. The phone you get is crap (and locked to the carrier who issues the SIM card), and the term that has become popular for the included phones is "flush phone". You buy the kit, put the SIM card in your own phone, and flush the crap phone. You can buy the kits at places like Walmart, Target, Best Buy, etc. Be sure you buy one that uses a GSM SIM card, or else you will be stuck using the flush phone,

Your next surprise will be how expensive the pre-paid calls are (mine was around US$ 0.30/minute, or about 10 baht/minute). Plus, you have to pay for incoming calls at the same expensive rate. Then there is the hassle of buying top up cards, which are not available everywhere as they are in Thailand (and most countries for that matter).

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I have good idea for you.You say - you enjoyed roaming with AIS,so it looks,that you are "money-no-object" man?

Buy yourself new I-Phone3g in America!with US contract-plan;it will make nice souvenir,after come back to LOS - you will have

to visit MBK,and -use it here,or give to your girl/boy/kid or wife.

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Phone calling cards are one of the biggest rackets in the world. Do you know why it costs twice as much to call Mexico from the US as it does to call Thailand? Because there are more Mexicans in the US. but, you're right, it costs about 30 cents a minute to call Thailand. I would use my computer (IChat, etc.). It's easier, and doesn't cost anything. I don't even have a phone. I just started not having one, and it's an immense relief.

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You can go into any ATT store and they will sell you a Sim and you can have a prepaid plan (GoPhone - Simple Plan $.25/minute) It can also be set up with Data but the plan is not unlimited 100mb/$19.99


Also you can go into any Target and buy a cheap prepaid phone and swap the sim card from the phone into your IPhone (Assume yours is unlocked)... But data option will only be available with ATT cards

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You can go into any ATT store and they will sell you a Sim and you can have a prepaid plan (GoPhone - Simple Plan $.25/minute) It can also be set up with Data but the plan is not unlimited 100mb/$19.99


Also you can go into any Target and buy a cheap prepaid phone and swap the sim card from the phone into your IPhone (Assume yours is unlocked)... But data option will only be available with ATT cards

Right, exactly what I suggested above - go buy a cheap prepaid phone kit from a store like Target and flush the phone.

But I'm curious: how much does the SIM card cost at ATT? Last time I checked, they were asking something like US$60. And where can you buy refill cards? Do you have to go to an ATT office to buy those?

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You can go into any ATT store and they will sell you a Sim and you can have a prepaid plan (GoPhone - Simple Plan $.25/minute) It can also be set up with Data but the plan is not unlimited 100mb/$19.99


Also you can go into any Target and buy a cheap prepaid phone and swap the sim card from the phone into your IPhone (Assume yours is unlocked)... But data option will only be available with ATT cards

Thanks sfokevin, that was a great answer. I won't be using it a lot, but it would be nice to have if not too spendy. I of course use Skype with my family here when I am in the States, but the phone is mostly for connecting with my friends and family in the States when I am there too. the price seems alright, and that is probably what I will do. Thanks for the good advice...seems some others here had a lot to say but not accurate information.... :)

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I have good idea for you.You say - you enjoyed roaming with AIS,so it looks,that you are "money-no-object" man?

Buy yourself new I-Phone3g in America!with US contract-plan;it will make nice souvenir,after come back to LOS - you will have

to visit MBK,and -use it here,or give to your girl/boy/kid or wife.

Haha money is certainly an object...I'm not chatting forever on roaming, but keep it in case it's an emergency. I usually use Skype on the road for any extended conversations...

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You can go into any ATT store and they will sell you a Sim and you can have a prepaid plan (GoPhone - Simple Plan $.25/minute) It can also be set up with Data but the plan is not unlimited 100mb/$19.99


Also you can go into any Target and buy a cheap prepaid phone and swap the sim card from the phone into your IPhone (Assume yours is unlocked)... But data option will only be available with ATT cards

Thanks sfokevin, that was a great answer. I won't be using it a lot, but it would be nice to have if not too spendy. I of course use Skype with my family here when I am in the States, but the phone is mostly for connecting with my friends and family in the States when I am there too. the price seems alright, and that is probably what I will do. Thanks for the good advice...seems some others here had a lot to say but not accurate information.... :)

Tom - we'll have to wait and see if Kevin comes back with the price of the ATT SIM card. As mentioned above, last time I was back there just the cost of the SIM card direct from ATT was more expensive than the phone/SIM card combination. For example, the SIM card only was about $60, but I bought a SIM card/phone combo kit for $40. Didn't have much use for the jurassic-era Motorola phone, but at least the SIM card was cheaper!

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Tom - we'll have to wait and see if Kevin comes back with the price of the ATT SIM card. As mentioned above, last time I was back there just the cost of the SIM card direct from ATT was more expensive than the phone/SIM card combination. For example, the SIM card only was about $60, but I bought a SIM card/phone combo kit for $40. Didn't have much use for the jurassic-era Motorola phone, but at least the SIM card was cheaper!

I checked the site, with the 100mb of data for 20 bucks, and 29 bucks for the card with enough time for my uses, that's a cool $50. I'll have to think about that. Usually I don't need to use a phone there much, but this trip is going to be different. Lots of folks coming to town, and hey, it's summmmeeerrrrtime! Plus I don't want to miss a single update on TV, lol.

Thanks Bubba for your investigations!

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It is 200$ there,at least 500$ here and not available yet;on this forum somebody is already asking with ...no answers;

my idea has economic sense?

Roaming is gross rip-off,with the exception of sms(receiving - free,sending(about 1$) - reasonable;data roaming? - highway robbery!

In Europe - EU ministers forced regulations to cut roaming charges,they acted on moral grounds to stop open stealing from public.

My idea of having two i-phones?it is not funny at all.Any serious gentleman in LOS should have 3(three) phones:1-biz,2-pleasure,3-private

and change them sometime,if circumstances happen!

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Any Walmart, BestBuy or Target store will sell this GoPhone for $20... you can just pop out the sim in it and put it in your IPhone...



An even cheaper option is to buy the ATT sim from ebay...


You can buy it and have it delivered to your first stop in US... them just buy the standard top up cards at any Wallgreens/Best Buy/ATT...

Also look into a wifi data plan... such as TMobile wifi ($39/month - unlimited data)... You can go to any Starbucks, Airport or Barnes & Noble bookstore and get your UNLIMITED data fix and with IPhone skype... you can talk forever...

One last trick... there are many FREE wifi spots in most cities... Libraries, Malls and such... research the cities and find out where they are... the IPhone with skype is awsome and free to use.... No bitching or complaining :)

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