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I shall take the 5th, because I'm Canadian...okay I'll bite...when I grew up the isle "owned" half the world..ie: half the world was colored pink (the commonwealth) in those days..to over generalize..when a small island owns "half" the world...do you think the owners will have small egos??? When such a small place "owns" so much of the world..how will they view themselves? Will they view themselves as SUPERIOR?? When their "kingdom" shrinks, does the enormous ego shrink accordingly??..not from what i see.. (CHECK) MATE

look, my last post is a generalization of a minority of them...every country has arrogant types..in honesty most Brits I've met are good people..and of the friends I have in LOS ( Thai and farang )..two I know that would back me.. (and me them) are English ( and I'm half Scottish )

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Just one thing that came to mind reading this, was an odd thing a Thai lady said to me. I was in her shop quite regularly, and she asked me where I was from. I said the UK. Her and the other girls looked at each other and made "ahhh" sound. The lady then said that yes, she didnt think I was American, because I am so polite. Read into it what you will. Personally I just took it that her personal experience of Americans may have been not as good as it could have been, but, that it doesnt (or at least, shouldnt), reflect on all Americans. Sadly though, as others have said, a few bad encounters can tar some peoples views of a whole nation, rather than them realising its just that those particular idiots just happen to be from a certain country. Idiots are born everywhere. Tis a global phenomenon!

Hmmm all the Brit I have met in Thailand are great, they like their grog and usually friendly. They Canadian are great very friendly. Italians are fun. The USA guys, I have met a few, theys seem strange. But these are all tourists like me. I also see other guys walking around with their heads down and a scowl on their faces. They are aloof, distant and generally rude. These guys make it obvious that they dont want to socialise with people like me. I think they are sexpats.

Yes, I agree with you. The majority of Americans I have met here other than old retired folk are from California and well... lets just say even in the USA we think California folk are a bit odd if nothing else eccentric to be polite. I have only met one person from the East Coast since I have been in Thailand and one Southerner who got out of here as fast as he could it was like another planet for him and he didn't want anything to do with Thailand (he was working for a US company).

The southern US is another planet!

Where else could you live in a aluminum house with 4 flat tires and a expired license plate and christmas lights 365 days a year....


As an American who knows little about England, I can tell the difference like night and day between the low class urban Brits (they always seem to be talking about places like manchester, liverpool, and wearing soccer crap) with their strong accent, and the higher class or maybe just rural Brits who seem well-mannered and amicable. I assume the former is just leaft-over peasants from medieval times, who didn't have the creativity to come to the US. Australians tend to be more civilized, and Canadians always so. Americans are somewhere in the middle being culturally insensitive but trusting and friendly. I dare not speak of the foul creatures of the Continent...

I'm going to have to say honestly that Brits are not perceived very well here by the Thais I know. The Thais say the Brits get drunk, make a problem and fight I suppose the same could be said about American red necks but there aren't to many of them here mostly because of the import tax on their mobile homes I imagine. In any event I have many friends from England that I met in my own country and they were well behaved proper people as most Americans imagine the English to be but since I have been to Thailand that image is shattered and I find myself having more in common with Australians. I have always liked the English and have had great respect for them my mother and father even took me to Ottawa in 1976 to have a look at the Queen but I would not want to make a comment about the Brits based on what I have seen here. All that being said I think all of the people I have seen out and about (Westerners) have not been a 'good quality' of people over all and yes I know I don't know these people but it is my impression watching them lurk about the city. I tend to notice a hostility about Westerners and I always thought it was just me but my youngest child cries and runs away when she sees a Westerner so.... I'm not sure what to make of it.

Have you delved into why your child does that? It's irrational under normal circumstances (even in Pattaya) so one would have to conclude that she's suffered some traumatic experience related to Westerners. Or perhaps Thai relatives are brianwashing her to believe that ALL Westerners are evil. Either way, this irrational behaviour can have some seriously adverse effects on her development and perception of the world she lives in. Please, get her some psychiatric help ASAP.


Brits, Aussies, Yanks we are farangs aren't we? Can the average Thai tell where we are from by our accent alone?

I guess Pattaya/nana etc all the horrible places full of horrible people show the nastier side of every nationalility.

But in my experience English people are generally perceived as well educated and polite people.

But then i only hang around people i like and can trust so this is the feeling i get when i see interaction between me and friends and Thai people.

Beer bars and sex tourists are a different ball game!

Most Brits are great, but, unfortunately, the nasty drunks and just plain nasty yobs tend to stand out. They are the only nationality that I have seen who consistantly get drunk and try to pick fights with other foreigners for no reason at all.

The bad apples really do ruin it for the majority of good Brits. :)

I have to agree with this posting. Most brits like to get drunk and behave real bad then. I do know a one that doesnt drink much and i was really supprised. I know you can't generalize but often it's correct. But then again me beeing Dutch would make me a druggie, and i ain't one currently i did use some long ago like many ppl.

What i mean is that there is a bigger percentage bad drunks from england then there is from any other nation.


Ah...well, I suppose the question is perceived by whom in Thailand.

I agree that Thais would have difficulty judging national origin by accent only. I, however, do not have that difficulty. Here in Pattaya, it is all too easy to tell that the majority of the "low quality" tourists/residents are Brits. Over-represented and over here.


Doesnt it depend where you see them? I have seen idiot 'football' type Brits in Pattaya completely drunk and stupid - but I have found Thaís (up here in the North) generally have a high opinion and I have never seen any problems (just a few young Aussies going round the bars in shorts pissed) but no real trouble - can't really box people - good/bad everwhere chai mai?

Ah...well, I suppose the question is perceived by whom in Thailand.

I agree that Thais would have difficulty judging national origin by accent only. I, however, do not have that difficulty. Here in Pattaya, it is all too easy to tell that the majority of the "low quality" tourists/residents are Brits. Over-represented and over here.

...So, there is actually some kind of quality rating for tourists in Pattaya? :)


Have you noticed the trend for bar owners to hang posters of footballers on solid brick walls......

.....they are hoping that the Brit lager louts lose their aggression by headbutting the posters.

Ah...well, I suppose the question is perceived by whom in Thailand.

I agree that Thais would have difficulty judging national origin by accent only. I, however, do not have that difficulty. Here in Pattaya, it is all too easy to tell that the majority of the "low quality" tourists/residents are Brits. Over-represented and over here.

So because the large majority of British people are hard working and cosmopolitan and would like to retire early to a life abroad. we are ""low quality"residents" that are "Over-represented and over here."

I imagine you are American, with this grandiose view of every thing that you behold. But imagine that the vast majority of yanks do not even have a passport. And your Armed forces believe its a good idea to have convicted criminals in the Marines. Tells us a lot about the Land of the Good.

Ah...well, I suppose the question is perceived by whom in Thailand.

I agree that Thais would have difficulty judging national origin by accent only. I, however, do not have that difficulty. Here in Pattaya, it is all too easy to tell that the majority of the "low quality" tourists/residents are Brits. Over-represented and over here.

So because the large majority of British people are hard working and cosmopolitan and would like to retire early to a life abroad. we are ""low quality"residents" that are "Over-represented and over here."

I imagine you are American, with this grandiose view of every thing that you behold. But imagine that the vast majority of yanks do not even have a passport. And your Armed forces believe its a good idea to have convicted criminals in the Marines. Tells us a lot about the Land of the Good.


That doesn't give you much to work with, does it? :)


I find this entire discussion amusing. The only people that have the stereotypes that you are talking about are not Thai people, but other falangs. To have a discussion about whether the Thais view the citizens of one particular country with any particular disdain is just silly. Unlike other falangs, Thais cannot pick up on the accents between countries, just like very few falangs can pick up the difference between the accents of Isaan, Central Thailand/Bangkok, and the South (Pattani, Hat Yai).

The reality of the situation is that the Thais really can't tell you guys apart. When one falang gets drunk, misbehaves, they don't attribute it to one particular country. It is attributed to all Falangs. British, Canadian, Scottish, Irish, New Zealand, whatever...Thais cannot tell. It's all the same country as far as most Thais are concerned. YOU ARE ALL FALANGS! That's why the Thais have the word "falang" so they don't have to figure out which country you guys are from. Much easier to refer to as "that stupid falang" than "that stupid Scottsman".

With that said, if you speak English, you pretty much are all the same to your average Thai, though Thais can sometimes tell/distinguish non English speakers such as Germans, French, etc. Mainly because their English is hard to understand. The only falang group that does have a particular negative connotation are Russians, because Thais think a Russian they run into may be tied up with the Russian mafia. Of course, not necessarily a bad thing because I think the Thais are less likely to mess with a Russian too (I mean why mess with the Russians when there are so many soft Englishmen around?) Have a nice day folks. :)

Ah...well, I suppose the question is perceived by whom in Thailand.

I agree that Thais would have difficulty judging national origin by accent only. I, however, do not have that difficulty. Here in Pattaya, it is all too easy to tell that the majority of the "low quality" tourists/residents are Brits. Over-represented and over here.

So because the large majority of British people are hard working and cosmopolitan and would like to retire early to a life abroad. we are ""low quality"residents" that are "Over-represented and over here."

I imagine you are American, with this grandiose view of every thing that you behold. But imagine that the vast majority of yanks do not even have a passport. And your Armed forces believe its a good idea to have convicted criminals in the Marines. Tells us a lot about the Land of the Good.

Maybe "bobbin" is an American, however he could be an Aussie, or Scot, or..... Seems like many of your closest neighbors don't even want to be mistaken as a Brit, so your assumption is rather baseless :) The reality is that the vast majority of yanks are passport holders. Many don't choose Thailand as a travel destination like other westerners do. The reasons are best saved for another post.

Anyone who has been living here for sometime are well aware that Thais "perceive" falangs based on ones behavior and actions (good or bad) no matter where in the west you are from.


Is this an accurate picture?

Art: Banksy

Yes. But very soon it will be a scene of the past. The UK is bust and they won't have the money for the bus to Heathrow let alone the flight.

Happy days!

I feel sorry for the decent Brits that moved here. Tarred with same brush . . . .


If God said to me "son I will give you another chance you can be any nationality in the world what will it be" Id reply thank you for the offer but you got it right the first time round....I'm Proud to be British. And for any of the Brit bashers here, you either feel inferior for some reason or jealous and for the Brits bashing other Brits you don't deserve to be British.

If God said to me "son I will give you another chance you can be any nationality in the world what will it be" Id reply thank you for the offer but you got it right the first time round....I'm Proud to be British. And for any of the Brit bashers here, you either feel inferior for some reason or jealous and for the Brits bashing other Brits you don't deserve to be British.

We're talking about the lager lout element that ruin places for the rest of us.

So to be British, I need to be drunk, abusive, loud, violent . . . this is how Brits are perceived on the Eastern Seaboard and contrary to other posts on this thread the Thai's do know which nationality is which and they ain't keen on the British.

If so, you're right, I don't deserve to be British.


Well, I'm a Brit and there is much about my country that I don't like.

However, it is also the country of my birth, the country that gave me the freedoms and education so that yes, I could do and go to where I wanted to.

And there's nowt wrong with Manchester lad !

Well, I'm a Brit and there is much about my country that I don't like.

However, it is also the country of my birth, the country that gave me the freedoms and education so that yes, I could do and go to where I wanted to.

And there's nowt wrong with Manchester lad !

Yes! The UK gave us a good education, a good start and a passport accepted anywhere outside North Korea.

But I will say the reason Brits have been so mobile and flush was the credit bubble which is now kaput.

Ah...well, I suppose the question is perceived by whom in Thailand.

I agree that Thais would have difficulty judging national origin by accent only. I, however, do not have that difficulty. Here in Pattaya, it is all too easy to tell that the majority of the "low quality" tourists/residents are Brits. Over-represented and over here.

So because the large majority of British people are hard working and cosmopolitan and would like to retire early to a life abroad. we are ""low quality"residents" that are "Over-represented and over here."

I imagine you are American, with this grandiose view of every thing that you behold. But imagine that the vast majority of yanks do not even have a passport. And your Armed forces believe its a good idea to have convicted criminals in the Marines. Tells us a lot about the Land of the Good.


That doesn't give you much to work with, does it? :D

Boobin aboot that i can not really reply. :)

If God said to me "son I will give you another chance you can be any nationality in the world what will it be" Id reply thank you for the offer but you got it right the first time round....I'm Proud to be British. And for any of the Brit bashers here, you either feel inferior for some reason or jealous and for the Brits bashing other Brits you don't deserve to be British.

We're talking about the lager lout element that ruin places for the rest of us.

So to be British, I need to be drunk, abusive, loud, violent . . . this is how Brits are perceived on the Eastern Seaboard and contrary to other posts on this thread the Thai's do know which nationality is which and they ain't keen on the British.

If so, you're right, I don't deserve to be British.

I don't drink, so I've never met a "lager lout". Still, the British are the only nationality that my experience has taught me to avoid. I'm sure there are exceptions but there seems to be a genetic imperative to be bores.

It's a class based society, much like Thailand and one just gets sick about hearing about the others "working class roots", or however GCSE's or "A" levels they have. Who the f*** cares? It's high school for crissakes. Then you get the "class jumpers" that want to talk about going to "grammar school", what? 30 years ago? <deleted> cares?

Always pointing out what a "clever" person might do. Much less interested in what an intelligent, moral or honest person might do. :)

If God said to me "son I will give you another chance you can be any nationality in the world what will it be" Id reply thank you for the offer but you got it right the first time round....I'm Proud to be British. And for any of the Brit bashers here, you either feel inferior for some reason or jealous and for the Brits bashing other Brits you don't deserve to be British.

We're talking about the lager lout element that ruin places for the rest of us.

So to be British, I need to be drunk, abusive, loud, violent . . . this is how Brits are perceived on the Eastern Seaboard and contrary to other posts on this thread the Thai's do know which nationality is which and they ain't keen on the British.

If so, you're right, I don't deserve to be British.

I don't drink, so I've never met a "lager lout". Still, the British are the only nationality that my experience has taught me to avoid. I'm sure there are exceptions but there seems to be a genetic imperative to be bores.

It's a class based society, much like Thailand and one just gets sick about about hearing about the others "working class roots", or however GCSE's or "A" levels they have. Who the f*** cares? It's high school for crissakes. Then you get the "class jumpers" that want to talk about going to "grammar school", what? 30 years ago? <deleted> cares.

Always pointing out what a "clever" person might do. Much less interested in what an intelligent, moral or honest person might do. :)

Are you an American?


Some pretty nasty generalisations. Im not sure where people hang out, but ive yet to meet a lot of 'lager lout' types in Chiang Mai. Of course we have a our fair share of stereotypical personalities, so im sure we do have 'lager louts'. Just as we have old codgers with young girlfriends, just as we have overbearing Americans, just as we have ego inflated western gents, and so that generlised stereotypical list can go on and on.

For the most part, however, i just see people getting on with their daily lives, of every nationality, without too much fuss or drama. So..noone is particularly 'ruining' anything for me. I dont see what lager lout types are 'ruining' anyway...a quite night in the pub or what? Or are they ranting and raving down the streets day and night also? Sure, i wouldnt want to see any of that..but then again, i dont. Granted I dont hang out in pubs, but is this something thats supposed to be happening everywhere? If so, i havent heard about it. Maybe reconsider where you hang out?

It's a great cartoon, the figure of the Brit could quite easily be replaced by an Aussie or a Yank.

How did you know? I thought it was a secret that all "Yanks" are chained up in the hot sun and feed raw meat before we are allowed to travel abroad. If that does not make us agressive enough, Home Land Security has a little pill they give us-works every time :)

Some pretty nasty generalisations. Im not sure where people hang out, but ive yet to meet a lot of 'lager lout' types in Chiang Mai. Of course we have a our fair share of stereotypical personalities, so im sure we do have 'lager louts'. Just as we have old codgers with young girlfriends, just as we have overbearing Americans, just as we have ego inflated western gents, and so that generlised stereotypical list can go on and on.

For the most part, however, i just see people getting on with their daily lives, of every nationality, without too much fuss or drama. So..noone is particularly 'ruining' anything for me. I dont see what lager lout types are 'ruining' anyway...a quite night in the pub or what? Or are they ranting and raving down the streets day and night also? Sure, i wouldnt want to see any of that..but then again, i dont. Granted I dont hang out in pubs, but is this something thats supposed to be happening everywhere? If so, i havent heard about it. Maybe reconsider where you hang out?

Danish chap in his early forties moved in next door recently. He admitted he was dreading meeting me because he knew I was British and his experience of Brits was not good.

We're good mates now.

It's certainly a Pattaya stereotype we're talking about here and I must say that most Brits are very nice people. Like me for example.


"The reality is that the vast majority of yanks are passport holders. Many don't choose Thailand as a travel destination like other westerners do. The reasons are best saved for another post."

Umm beg to differ. USAtoday showed that ONLY 22% of American's hold Passports. so certainly NOT a vast MAJORITY.

Many don't choose to travel because put simply ....They can't. :D:)

ALSO may i add that i have several Friends that are indeed American. And very nice people they are. also not one of them is from California.

Are you an American?

Yes I am and I hope you didn't take it personally MJP.

No, no . . . I feel much safer now.

You are right in what you say. Trouble is the Pattaya 'lager lout' stands out like a sore thumb and we all get the same brand.

BTW, most of my lot are from LA and the rest from Winnipeg, only a few bods left in the UK now.

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