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Phuket Immigration Crackdown Announced

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... measures aimed at improving compliance with immigration law...

Compliance with immigration law works both ways. Isn’t it in Phuket where immigration officers routinely ask foreigners applying for an extension of stay to pay 5,000 Baht although the regulatory fee is 1,900 Baht? Will Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd do something to make the officers comply with the rules and collect only the normal fee?



That was Samui unless Phuket have the same special promotions. :)

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Tattoos are not necessary as it is already fairly easy to visually identify foreigners . . . at least falang foreigners. OK, so tattoo all the foreigners who might be able to pass for Thai in a crowd. :D

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I thought most of the immigrates in the UK came from "Wales ' :D

You may have a point!! Their fault for building the bridge and people think the Visa fee here is steep try driving over the Severn Bridge.. :)

Edited by Tafia
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Compliance with immigration law works both ways. Isn’t it in Phuket where immigration officers routinely ask foreigners applying for an extension of stay to pay 5,000 Baht although the regulatory fee is 1,900 Baht? Will Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd do something to make the officers comply with the rules and collect only the normal fee?



No, I believe that is Koh Samui.


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[quote name='glegolo'

If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


By a;; means countries have the right to govern their borders. Just look how

well the USA does it with their's....20-million illegals that Obama wants to make legal.

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As I have said many times in the past, visa runs should be terminated, all those applying to stay in Thailand long term should be imposed to use the non Immigrant visa process with a requirement that each applicant has a police letter from their home country confirming what is and what is not on file about them.

Those who are contravening the laws in Thailand create the tightening up of visa regulations for those of us who are legitimately living here long term.

I think all foreigners here should have all their money taken from them , their cars, motorbikes , houses and land and then be kicked out of Thailand , OH , thats whats happening now , I forgot .

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I got it all now........immigration office changes, visa rule changes, world reccession, shut down swampy airport...it was all designed to cut down on the number of tourists visiting Thailand.

They were preparing the ground for not having to report too many farangs....keeping the paperwork down....very green...chop down less trees etc.

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Are hotels required to routinely record and report details of their Thai guest's identity cards when they check in?


Yes they are and every day an officer on a motorbike comes by to collect the Thai girls (boys) name !

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[quote name='glegolo'

If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


By all means countries have the right to govern their borders. Just look how

well the USA does it with their's....20-million illegals that Obama wants to make legal.

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

With the security situation in Thailand and the world the way it is ithink it's well over due!



HEY MISTER PANIC-PERSON (and you're obviously not the only oe on this litle forum !) : Why don;t you slow down and relize a few things:

1. We ARE all guests in this brilliant country

2. Last time in Pattaya, no measures (security) to speak of, were taken and look what happened there

3. Whenever you write your comments; PRETEND hat some Thai people are reading this forum too . . . . .

"Yellow-Stars" and "Tatoo'd Numbers-on-arms", what a bunch of super rude and extremely infantile suggestions; certainly show the level of thought some of these people are (only) capable of.

Just because a web-site forum is a "printed" media, doesn't mean that you can just write anything (like the super-insults which appeared here), only morons of epic proportions do this; I just bet your mouths aren't half as big, when it comes to person-to-person communications.

Let's all behave ourselves.

BTW; this system of ospitality Industry reporting excists in many other civilized countries; maybe check out your own country, before criticizing the one you have chosen to live in ?

I must admit, sometimes some of the comments are a bit insulting to the Thai people, surely if a person thinks the place hopeless and still stays here then they should possibly question they're own intelligence.

Thailand is, unfortunately, catching up with the rest of the over-governed "civilized" countries, but I guess if they don't move with the times then they will be exploited or left behind.

I think any measures to counter terrorism have to be good

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As I have said many times in the past, visa runs should be terminated, all those applying to stay in Thailand long term should be imposed to use the non Immigrant visa process with a requirement that each applicant has a police letter from their home country confirming what is and what is not on file about them.

Those who are contravening the laws in Thailand create the tightening up of visa regulations for those of us who are legitimately living here long term.

I think all foreigners here should have all their money taken from them , their cars, motorbikes , houses and land and then be kicked out of Thailand , OH , thats whats happening now , I forgot .

DONT WORRY, never mind , its OK , stop panicing , keep your hair on , :) , Do what I have done, get yourself a wench as your girlfriend from the immigration office. I dont go anywhere , I just give her my passport and hey presto a long stay stamp logged on computer and it only costs me my time inbed with her , LUCKY ME :D:D

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perhaps we could wear little armbands, they could be white in color and maybe have a little star on them, ooops i forgot the germans used that. i wonder how long it wil be before the confiscate our property and spit on us as we make our way to the airport

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1. We ARE all guests in this brilliant country


.... the one you have chosen to live in ?

You call yourself a"Guest".... Then say you live here... Please decide!!

I, for one, understand the definition of the word "Guest", and I most certainly am NOT a Guest here.... You don't treat Guests the way that they treat farangs, so it's no wonder so many are over-reacting and reading between the lines.

I stopped being a guest the moment I moved here to LIVE. I reject that racist title. I live here.. I have a right to gripe... for Me... For my Thai Wife who is mistreated and discriminated against by her own government,... and for the children we hope to have... I have a right to rebel for all of them... so Please stop calling me a guest here... unless you plan on paying for my dinner and showing me a good time!


Edited by CosmicSurfer
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Perhaps one/some of the summit attending countries requested this for security? whether it is valid or for show remains to be seen. It is the very system in Thailand that leads to the environment so many non thai's find appealing enough to relocate and/or vacation. The system that creates 25 baht papaya salad and 5 baht sticky rice and a slew of other nice food. Now Italian food is quite pricey, who would one complain to, the Thai government or to Mr. Berlesconi?

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If you check into a hote in the UK you don't have to show any identification. However, some hotels have, of their own volition, requested that if you are paying cash, you show some form of ID. This does not have to be too strenuous.

Immigration issues are dealt with at the borders.

However, I don't think it is too onerous or too much of an imposition to give a hotel your details but it is what the hotel does with them or the authorities do with them, particularly in a corrupt country like Thailand where the details could easily be bought or sold. As Thailand will never really overcome this issue, it is a risk for the tourist or hotel guest. There will always be some places which do not require such information.

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Thailand has always been and continues to be a magnet and refuge for most country's losers, criminals and pedofiles. The expats in this country aren't exactly

the creme de la creme of western society. Even if terrorism wasn't a factor, I hope they clean it up and let the scumbags move on to Cambodia or some other 3rd world cesspool. Sorry to those scumbags that I offend...LOL

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As I have said many times in the past, visa runs should be terminated, all those applying to stay in Thailand long term should be imposed to use the non Immigrant visa process with a requirement that each applicant has a police letter from their home country confirming what is and what is not on file about them.

Those who are contravening the laws in Thailand create the tightening up of visa regulations for those of us who are legitimately living here long term.

I think all foreigners here should have all their money taken from them , their cars, motorbikes , houses and land and then be kicked out of Thailand , OH , thats whats happening now , I forgot .

DONT WORRY, never mind , its OK , stop panicing , keep your hair on , :) , Do what I have done, get yourself a wench as your girlfriend from the immigration office. I dont go anywhere , I just give her my passport and hey presto a long stay stamp logged on computer and it only costs me my time inbed with her , LUCKY ME :D:D

your telling me that you have to rump the old woman for a visa? absolutely disgusting! good job im not in your position, my visa would have been cancelled a long time ago. this forum never ceases to amaze. men having sex with there wives....AAAAArrrrgh, whatever disgusting things will they come up with next

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An old friend of mine will be coming over and stay with us in our house for a few day. Do I have to report him to the Police?

And what kind of suspicious behavior should I report?

- Not chasing girls?

- Not drinking "lao"?

- Driving politely?

- Giving a big tip?

the OWNER of the house has to report any non thais staying, but who does

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Perhaps one/some of the summit attending countries requested this for security? whether it is valid or for show remains to be seen. It is the very system in Thailand that leads to the environment so many non thai's find appealing enough to relocate and/or vacation. The system that creates 25 baht papaya salad and 5 baht sticky rice and a slew of other nice food. Now Italian food is quite pricey, who would one complain to, the Thai government or to Mr. Berlesconi?

You have obviously never had a 3000 bht SANDWICH !! :)

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If you check into a hote in the UK you don't have to show any identification. However, some hotels have, of their own volition, requested that if you are paying cash, you show some form of ID. This does not have to be too strenuous.

Immigration issues are dealt with at the borders.

However, I don't think it is too onerous or too much of an imposition to give a hotel your details but it is what the hotel does with them or the authorities do with them, particularly in a corrupt country like Thailand where the details could easily be bought or sold. As Thailand will never really overcome this issue, it is a risk for the tourist or hotel guest. There will always be some places which do not require such information.

all guest houses/hotels in the uk should complete a registration card, details to include passport details of any overseas visitor,.. but the details are not passed on .

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An old friend of mine will be coming over and stay with us in our house for a few day. Do I have to report him to the Police?

And what kind of suspicious behavior should I report?

- Not chasing girls?

- Not drinking "lao"?

- Driving politely?

- Giving a big tip?

If he talks into his shoe and speaks in foreign tongues, that would be a clue... :)

If he talks to his shoe then call him Maxwell Smart. If he talks in foreign tongues then bust a cap in his ass.

It won't be long before Thailand drives out all the foreigners. Between getting ripped off forced to jump through visa hoops, it can make you hate this place!

I for one am done here. I'm sick of the Thai way and next month will be making my way back to the states. The 6 years I've been here has had some good times but there were tons of bad times with the "Thai Way" of doing things. Most of us know why we come here and it's not for the Tom Yum. Not that I care what anyone thinks anyway, I'm just done. My company is Internet based and the lack of cable speeds here just pisses me off and Thailand does NOTHING about the Internet speeds. More and more kids are jumping on the net these days doing gaming and it just sucks that the speeds are the way they are. So, Thailand, you can keep your Tom Yum and your "Rip Off The Farang" mentality. I'm tapped!

Oh and one more thing before I go. To most of the moderators of this site. Over the years you all seem to have gotten too big of a head. To most of you moderators, one day you can stop hiding behind your computer and come out into the real world. You will find that being all tough and stuff won't get you anything but a fat lip. So, my advise is stop pretending your God because really, you're just losers behind an IP address and that is the lamest thing eva!

Peace my brothers and sisters. See you in the next life. Oh and I hear Panang is the next big destination...

dam_n that made no sense! No need to reply, won't be reading it.

classic post, sounds like someone needs a visit to the doctor. speed of internet has sent you insane? i reckon 1 week back in the USA and you will be back eating your words

farewell loser, we wont miss you :D

speak for yourself, not everyone

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Two big questions:

[1] Does this apply only to the Phuket region, or to all of Thailand? I am in Isan.

[2] I have rented a home for many years. Does my landlady have to report me to the Immigration Police? How often? I would gladly do it for her if possible.

One silly question:

I don't mind at all showing my passport to get a hotel room. But if a farang sleeps over at my house one night, do I have to report him to immigration?

If he is leaving withing 24 hours there should be no problem :-)

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If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

USA, UK, Most of Europe, Australia. Have you never travelled to any of these countries ? Surely if you had you would have seen the standard statements you have to make on your entry docs about where you'll be staying (usa doesn't let you in unless you have first 3 mights booked now and register on their site in advance) not least the standard form any hotel will present you with that asks for you to conplete country of residence and passport number.

Do you really think that what Thailand is doing is so different from every other country in the world ? That is: progressively restricting our freedoms and privacy ? Now, on the other side, what can the authorities really do with these thousands of submissions every day other than reference a computer search list for matchs against certain criteria. Ultimately there's no more to this than record keeping incase you pop up doing something illegal in future.

I dissaprove of these invasions globally but I respect the Thais right to implement it.

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Here I am just sitting down to eat and I check my Email to find that Thaivisa has again provided me with an ample supply of "whine" to go along with my dinner. Most hotels and guest houses have been doing this for years. It is nothing new, other than enforcing teh law.

eggsactly one could predict the Thai bashing that would follow a perfectly reasonable crack on miscreants

[Here we go again.

Another one for chasing tourists away.]

Truth be known the 1 to 2.5% that farang tourism 'contributes' to the overall Thai economy has, rightly so, been deemed to be offest by the skint behaviour, along with policing costs.

They cater and 'promote' to tourism to Japan and China, as a target market.

They don't eggsactly run 'Visit Thailand' in UK, Canada, and Britain


A real simple way for Thailand to crack down on miscreants is to credit check every visa application. That 'land developer' whose Thai wife shot a disgruntled customer in Hua Hin would have been weeded out, for example. [last I heard, he is back in business!!!?? sheesh]

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Opportunism is king in Thailand. I start to wonder if the immigration department cannot impose the same fines on the Thai military. They are not that good in reporting Rohinyas either as it seems. Lots have disappeared and I suppose their passports were not stamped properly.

Well who cares? The state is sponsoring the interest bills of the hotel owners already and soon they are eligible for more state support.

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Two big questions:

[1] Does this apply only to the Phuket region, or to all of Thailand? I am in Isan.

[2] I have rented a home for many years. Does my landlady have to report me to the Immigration Police? How often? I would gladly do it for her if possible.

One silly question:

I don't mind at all showing my passport to get a hotel room. But if a farang sleeps over at my house one night, do I have to report him to immigration?

If he is leaving withing 24 hours there should be no problem :-)

Must be a first for Thailand , having a farang over for the night :D I thought Greece was the place for that :)

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Get real people...

Ive never heard so much bullshit complaints over nothin.

Tell me a country where you can book into a hotel without showing your passport? You think they only want to look at your pretty picture??

If countries like the UK had in place a system where immigrants where checked they wouldn't have over half a million illeagals running around the system.

I have to show my passport whenever I book into a hotel, my landlord had to inform Imm when I rented, I do 90 day reports....?????

As already stated, this requirement is Law, not directed at the tourist or the expat but the hoteliers and landlords of properties that rent out to foreigners, its those that the Imm Dept are tightening up on. Hotels also take the details of Thais who stay there.

Those of us who stay long term do 90 day reports, others do border crossings, whats the problem here??

Unless of course there are some who have something to hide!!

Paranoid beyond belief, another opportunity to kick at the Thais.

Things are not perfect here; but they are a long way better off than the places we left behind...otherwise we wouldn't be here would we?

When they've been unhappy with a FOREIGN Gueshouse owner, they've demanded proof of his Immigration records (that they know he doesn't have) and then fine the FOREIGN Business owner the maximum.

The way I understand it, the ENFORCEMENT under this Immigration rule usually consists of FINE COLLECTION. This, to me, is a way for them to legitimize the Enforcement of collecting fines.

Until now, unless I'm mistaken, the only way to do this was to fill out the 'official form' (that I've never seen) and run it down to the Immigration office yourself. My limited experience at the Patong Immigration Office is that they don't want to do anything there. They wish to claim most duties are outside of their scope and send most people to the Main Immigration Office in Saphan Hin, Phuket Town.

I'm willing to bet that if all the guesthouses & apartments in Patong (How many do you think there are? 300? 500?) were to run this information to them each day, the Immigration Staff would have a fit. I'd bet 20,000THB that the paperwork WOULD NOT even be processed. They believe they are there to collect a paycheck, not do trivial labor.

The problem here isn't showing your passport or visa stamp upon check-in, but the blatant inconsistencies and corruption behind the doors.

The only problems we've had in Phuket has been with overstayers. I applaud efforts to crackdown and keep within the laws. But this is just window dressing... designed to line their pockets, IMO

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

With the security situation in Thailand and the world the way it is ithink it's well over due!



HEY MISTER PANIC-PERSON (and you're obviously not the only oe on this litle forum !) : Why don;t you slow down and relize a few things:

1. We ARE all guests in this brilliant country

2. Last time in Pattaya, no measures (security) to speak of, were taken and look what happened there

3. Whenever you write your comments; PRETEND hat some Thai people are reading this forum too . . . . .

"Yellow-Stars" and "Tatoo'd Numbers-on-arms", what a bunch of super rude and extremely infantile suggestions; certainly show the level of thought some of these people are (only) capable of.

Just because a web-site forum is a "printed" media, doesn't mean that you can just write anything (like the super-insults which appeared here), only morons of epic proportions do this; I just bet your mouths aren't half as big, when it comes to person-to-person communications.

Let's all behave ourselves.

BTW; this system of ospitality Industry reporting excists in many other civilized countries; maybe check out your own country, before criticizing the one you have chosen to live in ?

I must admit, sometimes some of the comments are a bit insulting to the Thai people, surely if a person thinks the place hopeless and still stays here then they should possibly question they're own intelligence.

Thailand is, unfortunately, catching up with the rest of the over-governed "civilized" countries, but I guess if they don't move with the times then they will be exploited or left behind.

I think any measures to counter terrorism have to be good

Being reported to the immigration really does not solve the terrorism issue, in fact it does not solve any problems at all, just creates more work for the hotel owners.

Thailand allows in any one without even checking their background, why do you think Thailand is an escape heaven for drug dealers, smugglers, gun runners etc.

Having people reported does not fix the problem, half of the time this people are on fake passports and other half of the time, will rent an apartment/house.

Only short term tourists stay in the hotels, and i really doubt they will be terrorists and if they were, Thai police would not know or do anything about it anyway.

Long term expats already have to report in some way or another, so this retarded rule truly is retarded

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