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Phuket Immigration Crackdown Announced

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If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??


WHAT? Where did you get this list from? Strike AUSTRALIA OF YOUR LIST. I can tell you 100% this does not happen and if it did it is totally illeagal and leaves the hotel open to litigation. There is a certain thing in Australia called the PRIVACY ACT PLEASE FEEL FREE TO READ IT. The Act stipulates that no person can pass personal information about another to any person or organisation without the expressed permission of the person concerned. There is an excemption to the act tho and that is if the person/s is comitting/comitted or about to comitt a criminal offence. To get this information from the hotels about people staying there you will need a 464 warrant issued by the courts and will need a very good reason and only in relation to one person and not a blanket warrant.

Well I guess from your list Australia is not a 1st world country as for the other countries on your list I cannot comment.

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Everyone is taking this way too seriously, it's just total nonsense like everything else that comes out of a government "official."

This guy is in charge of Phuket immigration, not the whole country. He speaks for himself, not Thailand.

I don't think that government officials or anyone who works for anything here represent whatever organization it is they work for. They are individuals speaking for individuals, and this individual wants to show off in front of the cameras and make silly statements so he doesn't look irrelevant.

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The question, is Thailand capable of protecting World leaders against terrorism at such a venue?

Even though a woman in a RED shirt was able to open the door to the PM's car :)

Seems to me that the problem here is not the act itself, but the headlines that get people wound up. Crackdown, crackdown, crackdown. No???

Thailand, the land of crackdowns.

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As I have said many times in the past, visa runs should be terminated, all those applying to stay in Thailand long term should be imposed to use the non Immigrant visa process with a requirement that each applicant has a police letter from their home country confirming what is and what is not on file about them.

If by "home country" you mean "country of birth", that could be a fairly meaningless piece of paper. I left my country of birth when I was 19 years old and have lived in various other parts of the world ever since. I'm now 50 years old.


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Are hotels required to routinely record and report details of their Thai guest's identity cards when they check in?

Yes th

ey are and every day an officer on a motorbike comes by to collect the Thai girls (boys) name !

Fair enough. I don't feel comfortable with the ever more intrusive surveillance society that seems to be appearing just about everywhere now, but at least in Thailand it doesn't appear to be as discriminatory as some people are making out, at least as far as this law is concerned.


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I think any measures to counter terrorism have to be good

Only if you can be confident that those measures will only be used for the counter-terrorism purposes they were originally intended for. Are you sure you can you really trust governments to stick to that promise?

The UK government recently used newly introduced anti-terror laws to seize control of one of the Icelandic banks operating in the UK. The Icelandic government were quite offended that they were in effect being labeled as terrorists. They also used a similar law to bug the phone of a family who they suspected of trying to get their kid enrolled in a local school, which according to the rules he was not really entitled to attend.

I really have my doubts that once governments have got all this power to watch every aspect of our lives they will be able to resist the temptation to use it for whatever purposes they want.

The Thai government say they need to keep a close track on foreigners for security reasons. The next step could be CCTV cameras inside hotel rooms to make sure you're not constructing a bomb in there. Just how far are you happy for all this to go?


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all guest houses/hotels in the uk should complete a registration card, details to include passport details of any overseas visitor,.. but the details are not passed on .

How is the hotel expected to know which of its guests are locals and which are overseas visitors?


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If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??


WHAT? Where did you get this list from? Strike AUSTRALIA OF YOUR LIST. I can tell you 100% this does not happen and if it did it is totally illeagal and leaves the hotel open to litigation. There is a certain thing in Australia called the PRIVACY ACT PLEASE FEEL FREE TO READ IT. The Act stipulates that no person can pass personal information about another to any person or organisation without the expressed permission of the person concerned. There is an excemption to the act tho and that is if the person/s is comitting/comitted or about to comitt a criminal offence. To get this information from the hotels about people staying there you will need a 464 warrant issued by the courts and will need a very good reason and only in relation to one person and not a blanket warrant.

Well I guess from your list Australia is not a 1st world country as for the other countries on your list I cannot comment.

I guess your wrong sufaxxis and I am sure most other western countries have a similiar law protecting privacy of all world citizens.


Disclosure of information--displeft.png offence dispright.png (1) A person (the first person ) commits an displeft.png offence dispright.png if:

(a) personal information that relates to an individual is disclosed to the first person because of the operation of this Part; and

(:) the first person subsequently discloses the personal information; and

© the first person is not responsible for the individual (within the meaning of subclause 2.5 of Schedule 3).

Penalty: 60 penalty units or imprisonment for 1 year, or both.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the following disclosures:

(a) if the first person is an agency--a disclosure permitted under an Information Privacy Principle;

(:D if the first person is an organisation--a disclosure permitted under an approved privacy code or a National Privacy Principle;

© a disclosure permitted under section 80P;

(d) a disclosure made with the consent of the individual to whom the personal information relates;

(e) a disclosure to the individual to whom the personal information relates;

(f) a disclosure to a court;

(g) a disclosure prescribed by the regulations.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to a matter in subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

(3) If a disclosure of personal information is covered by subsection (2), the disclosure is authorised by this section.

(4) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(f), court includes any tribunal, authority or person having power to require the production of documents or the answering of questions.

<A name=_Toc231296907>

Edited by marsteele
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yes well i think its not a bad idea to at least know where a expat or falang can be contacted but sometimes i wonder if police chief yongbunjerd knows where his daughters are at the moment and what they are doing .

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I own a guesthouse and this simply looks like trouble. If they want me to comply with reporting all guests of my establishment it better not be those lengthy and seemingly pointless "90-day notification" forms.

I believe this is just another one of those "crackdowns" put in place to impress the upcoming political visitors and it will quickly be forgotten once the summit is over and immigration finds out how impossible it is to enforce.

The Immigration Act where this requirement comes from was written in 1979 so this is nothing new.

You can find info here about reporting requirements and download the forms also.


Edit: Also see section 38 of the Immigration Act. http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/do...gration_Act.pdf

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When do we get our yellow stars?

this is what we should do , make yellow stars with "farang" written on them and go into the streets with it , at the same time we should have people distributing them at the arrivals at the airports ....... but not sure the Thai authorities will have enough brain or culture to understand the message .........

You mean like these?


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Is that not why we fill out immagration cards when we enter thailand. This has all our details and place of intended stay. Another one in the back for the tourist.
Why do people keep saying this? It doesn't affect tourists does it? They don't work for hotels and guesthouses. Most hotels I have stayed in in Thailand have requested to see my passport and often taken a copy. It doesn't take any more of my time up if they then have to do extra paperwork.
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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Tattoos are not necessary as it is already fairly easy to visually identify foreigners . . . at least falang foreigners. OK, so tattoo all the foreigners who might be able to pass for Thai in a crowd. :D

Ahh but the number might identify you as the bank robber and me as the law abiding sex tourist.

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Everyone is taking this way too seriously, it's just total nonsense like everything else that comes out of a government "official."

This guy is in charge of Phuket immigration, not the whole country. He speaks for himself, not Thailand.

I don't think that government officials or anyone who works for anything here represent whatever organization it is they work for. They are individuals speaking for individuals, and this individual wants to show off in front of the cameras and make silly statements so he doesn't look irrelevant.

read the op post fully...this is already law all he said was he was going to enforce it giving ample warning to those who dont comply to start doing it.

You need to register with passport etc in any hotel in any country, I cant see what everyone is getting so uptight about,

Paranoid springs to mind!!

it doesnt concern tourists or expats just the hoteliers and landlords its their responsibility to ensure information is passed to Imm.

As someone has already stated, if you were in the Uk you would be on a security camera around 50 times a day.

if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear

Edited by Tafia
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cracks me up posters have moronically compared this to Nazi germany. Some people have no sense of perspective and are the perpetual (imagined) victim in life, whether they are here or elsewhere in the world.

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I own a guesthouse and this simply looks like trouble. If they want me to comply with reporting all guests of my establishment it better not be those lengthy and seemingly pointless "90-day notification" forms.

I believe this is just another one of those "crackdowns" put in place to impress the upcoming political visitors and it will quickly be forgotten once the summit is over and immigration finds out how impossible it is to enforce.

You should have being complying with this law long ago, If you have not then i suspect you are guilty of numorous offences.

This is not a new law in thailand it has being in force since the early 80s.

I travel the world on a regular basis and am often asked to provide my passport at hotels, I cannot see the problem with it.

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I have an idea; All foriegners stop going to Thailand for any reason. Spend your vacation dollars at

home to support your own economies. It's obvious the Thai's do not appreciate their visitors.

The same rule applies to Thai persons, they also have to be reported.

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Hotels in Pattaya have been reporting this info to the government. I used to check into my favorite hotel without a passport but about 2-3 years ago, passport required or at least a copy of the pertinent info regarding each guest. The hotel I stay at likes the concept of using the internet of reporting. Less hassle for them. No passport now, no room.

During my ten years in Thailand (1998-2008) I had to show my US passport at every hotel I ever checked into. I spent time especially in Phuket during the April breaks between the school years, regularly staying at one hotel where they got to know me but still requested the passport every time. No problem.

I also always had to 'show papers' at hotels in Koh Samui, Bangkok and in other locales throughout Thailand. This is nothing new to me, nor should it be new to any of us.

This most recent flair of publicity seems to be a reaction against the refugees from Burma and some terrorism thrown in for good measure. Thai authorities are notorious for their overreactions, especially when it comes to refugee foreigners.

It's unfortunate however when refugees can be labelled 'human trafficers' and 'terrorists'.

There is the upcoming ASEAN foreign ministers' summit to include Sec of State Clinton and other Western luminaries. After the fiasco of the ASEAN leaders conference in Pattaya earlier this year, courtesy of Dr. Toxin and his Red Shirts, I can understand the timing as to why the authorities in Phuket are making these noises.

Some of we foreign devil folk might do well to chill out in considering this latest and localized government overreaction. It's nothing more than the ususal Thai blue smoke and mirrors.

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

Yeah; but elsewhere this rule is in force for everybody , not only for the foreigners.

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all those applying to stay in Thailand long term should be imposed to use the non Immigrant visa process with a requirement that each applicant has a police letter from their home country confirming what is and what is not on file about them.

You'd trust the Thai Government and Thai Police with this kind of information? :)

Beggars can't be choosers.

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

Yeah; but elsewhere this rule is in force for everybody , not only for the foreigners.

No different here; Read the Posts!!

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I have just read this entire thread and come to this conclusion.

No wonder thailand looks down on the farang, If you show the same lack of intelligence on the streets as some show on here.

Just mho

I came to the same conclusion , then thought no cant be, surely all these posters couldnt have missed the point completley; but they did!!

Paranoid or What??

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

Yeah; but elsewhere this rule is in force for everybody , not only for the foreigners.

No different here; Read the Posts!!

Tafia, I think some posters on here cannot see the wood. The trees are obscuring their view

Edited by cyborg22
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