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Michael Jackson Dead at Age 50

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Drugs and Alcohol: Jackson Family Attempted Vegas Intervention

Originally posted Friday June 26, 2009 10:15 AM EDT

Michael Jackson

As far back as 2006, members of Michael Jackson's family were terrified that his escalating dependence on prescription drugs had become a danger to his life – and attempted an intervention in Las Vegas.

"The family believes Michael is addicted," a family insider told PEOPLE. "There was an intervention in Las Vegas. Janet was on the phone, but Randy, Jackie and Rebbie were there in person," the source said, referring to several of Michael's eight siblings.

"Michael got p---ed off. He said he wasn't on drugs. But they didn't believe him."

Jackson suffered cardiac arrest at his rented home in Los Angeles Thursday and was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m. PST. His autopsy will be conducted by the Los Angeles County Coroner Friday, although some tests, including a toxicology report, could take days or weeks to complete.

At the time of the Vegas intervention, another source close to the family blamed a Jackson aide for supplying the superstar with drugs from prescriptions acquired from multiple doctors.

"[The aide] has contacts wherever they are," said the source. In addition to consuming alcohol, Jackson takes "straight morphine, Demerol and opiates like Oxycontin. He also takes Valium and Xanax," said the insider.

"Michael is a clinically functioning addict and these are the most dangerous," the source continued. "They stop and start. These are the ones that OD ... It could happen any minute."

After Jackson's death Thursday, family attorney Brian Oxman, who huddled with the grieving family at the hospital, raised the possibility that the drug abuse remained a critical factor in Jackson's life. "If you think that the case of Anna Nicole Smith was an abuse, it is nothing in comparison to what we have seen in Michael Jackson's life," Oxman told CNN.

Stay tuned to PEOPLE.com for more on Jackson's cause of death ...

Edited by chen168
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MJ you were a legend and always will be, your death has shocked and saddened the world! We loved you! may you Rest in Peace! .............I only hope that there is someone new who can be as good as you in the music industry today, although I doubt this will happen for many years to come!

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Michael Jackson 911 Call: 'He's Not Breathing!"

By Mike Fleeman

Originally posted Friday June 26, 2009 02:25 PM EDT


In a frantic 911 call, a person at Michael Jackson's house says, "He's not breathing!" and pleads with the operator to send an ambulance.

"We have a gentleman here who needs help," says the unidentified male caller, according to a tape released Friday by the Los Angeles Fire Department.

Without giving Jackson's name, the caller says there is a 50-year-old in his bed who is being given CPR by his personal physician. "He's pumping his chest and he's not responding to anything," the caller says.

The operator advises the caller to move Jackson to the floor for CPR. But when the operator hears there's a doctor on the premises, backs off. "We're on our way there. If your guy is doing CPR instructed by a doctor, he has a higher authority than me," the operator says. The operator then asks: "Did anybody witness what happened?"

"No, just the doctor, sir. The doctor's been the only one here," says the caller.

"Okay, did the doctor see what happened?"

The caller can be heard talking to somebody else: "Doctor, did you see what happened?"

A muffled voice can be heard in the background, followed by the caller coming back on the line, his voice even more urgent: "Sir, if you could please…"

"We're on our way," the operator says, interrupting. "I'm just passing these questions on to our paramedics."

After paramedics arrived within minutes, they attempted to revive Jackson, then transported him to nearby Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

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Weird....where's Dr. Conrad Murray who was present when Michael Jackson went into cardiac arrest Thursday...? :)

Michael Jackson's death: Jackson camp says concert promoter hired doctor

2:43 PM | June 26, 2009

The cardiologist being sought for questioning in the investigation of Michael Jackson's death was hired by a concert promoter to accompany the entertainer to London for his comeback concert series, a Jackson advisor said today.

Dr. Conrad Murray, a physician with offices in Nevada and Texas, was with Jackson when he went into cardiac arrest Thursday and police, who talked to Murray briefly at UCLA Medical Center, are trying to track him down for further interviews.

post-13995-1246055067_thumb.jpg In this July 7, 2006 photo, Dr. Conrad Murray poses for a photo as he opens a cardiovascular center in Houston. He tried to revive Jackson to no avail.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/m...0JZsSipJW&C

Dr. Tohme Tohme, a Jackson advisor, said Los Angeles-based concert promoter AEG Live retained Murray and the physician arrived in town less than two weeks ago.

Jackson and the rest of the company were set to depart early next week for England.

"I don't know the exact arrangements, but AEG paid him and he was going to go with [Jackson on tour]," Tohme said of Murray. Tohme said Murray treated Jackson for a cold when the singer was living in Las Vegas last year.

A spokesman for AEG declined to comment.

In a statement, the company, which had sunk tens of millions of dollars into Jackson's comeback efforts, expressed condolences to the singer's family and said it planned to begin processing refunds for about 750,000 tickets next week.

Police sources said Friday afternoon that they were still looking for Murray. Investigators impounded his vehicle at Jackson's Holmby Hills house.

Murray was hit with hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal judgments last year and has a history of money problems.

In 2008, three judgments were filed against Murray or his company, Global Cardiovascular Associates, in Clark County, Nev., totaling more than $435,000, and two other cases are pending from companies that claim Murray owes them a total of $355,000. The three judgments include $71,332 for school loans, $135,302 to Popular Leasing, USA and $228,420 to Citicorp Vendor Finance.

Murray specialized in cardiovascular disease and was licensed in California, Nevada and Texas. He has no history of discipline in those states. He graduated in 1989 from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, an independent, historically black university that touts itself as “perhaps the major educator of black physicians in the U.S.”

Murray practices in both Nevada and Texas. In Houston in 2006 he helped open the Acres Home Heart and Vascular Institute, fulfilling part of a promise he made after the death of his father, a longtime community leader and doctor. He opened Global Cardiovascular Associates, his Las Vegas practice, in 2000. On Friday, that Las Vegas office was dark and locked. A "Closed" sign hung on the door, reading: “Will be back at :00 p.m.”

At least one TV crew circled the parking lot.

Nobody answered the door at Murray’s Las Vegas home -- a million-dollar stucco-and-stone dwelling in a gated community next to the Red Rock Country Club -- but a gray sedan pulled away as a reporter approached.

In addition to the recent judgments, Murray filed for bankruptcy in 1992 in Riverside County. Five tax liens were filed against him between 1993 and 2003, in amounts totaling more than $44,600, according to county records.

--Harriet Ryan and Kimi Yoshino, with Ashley Powers in Las Vegas

Source: LA Times - LA NOW


"Murray, who was staying at Jackson's rented Los Angeles mansion to help him gear up for a grueling 50-show comeback, went off radar shortly after the singer was pronounced dead Thursday.

Investigators spoke with Murray briefly and later towed a BMW with Texas plates from the property near Sunset Blvd., a car registered to Murray's sister.

"The car might contain medication or other evidence that could assist the coroner in determining the cause of Michael Jackson's death," said Officer Richard French, an LAPD spokesman.

While French did not name the doctor and insisted he was not the target of a criminal investigation, a Texas TV station identified him as Murray, who has offices in Houston and Las Vegas.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/m...0JZsyZkPE&C


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Dr Conrad Robert Murray Suspect In Michael Jackson Overdose

By Dean Johnson, Community Contributor -- Published: June 26, 2009

Dr Conrad Robert Murray was Michael Jackson's live-in doctor at the time of his death. There is much fingerpointing going on amongst those who were close to Micahel Jackson - most are pointing toward Jackson's doctors that are said to have taken advantage of his hypochondria in order to bill him hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.

Dr Conrad Robert Murray was the doctor who was likely to have administered the fatal dosage of the narcotic pain-kill Demerol - a drug powerful enough to stop Jackson's heart.

Murray dissapeared from the scene of Jackson's death after he tried unsuccessfully to perform CPR to resuscitate him. Murray was wanted for questioning, but is not being charged with anything at this time.

Several sources are unclear as to why Jackson was recieving daily doses of demerol, but what is known is that the drug was being abused (used without a prescription). Some say that Jackson was addicted to demerol and oxycontin, others say that he was using the drug to slim down for his upcoming performance.

The next few days will surely become a whirlwind of accusations and mixed emotions as Michael Jackson's family and fans struggle to make sense of his unfortunate and unexpected demise.

!!! "This article has been contributed by an Alternative Health Journal community member. It reflects the views of the author and only the author. The Alternative Health Journal makes no claims to the accuracy of the information contained within."

From: http://www.alternativehealthjournal.com/ar...n_overdose/3633






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But they all are without any doubts not that widely known as Michael Jackson.

Sorry folks, but Mohammed Ali beats them ALL! :)

Don't think so Ulysses G.

Type both names in Google and find out....


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:) How low can a forum sink when it tolerates such sick comments and jokes by it's members about someone who isn't even dead for 24 hours ?

I enjoyed some of his music, but this man has been accused more than once of molesting children - very young children - and then buying his way out of it. He has never been convicted, but, there is a LOT of evidence to suggest that it is true and it was not just a few youngsters either.

Now that he is dead, he will never have to serve a day for it for it. I'm afraid that your disgust is totally misplaced in this particular instance.

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The most famous person on the planet,

Thats very true and well said. Theres only a very very small group of people whose iconic fame transcends international borders and endures for decades.

Madonna, Tom Cruise, Thaksin Shinawatra, Prince, Prince Charles, Mick Jagger, Mickey Mouse, Garry Glitter, Jodie Foster, Brendan Foster, Johnny Depp, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

You want to talk about enduring names in history? Here are some:

Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Cleopatria

In more recent times: Hitler, Stalin, M.L.King, Saddam Hussein, JF Kennedy, Lenin, Marx, Chairman Mao, Schwarzenegger, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Ghandi

A better known black contemporary than M.Jackson is Muhammed Ali, if we're talking worldwide name recognition. (I would say negroid, but that's become a non-PC term, though M.Jackson had become as black as a piece of typing paper).

Edited by brahmburgers
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But they all are without any doubts not that widely known as Michael Jackson.

Sorry folks, but Mohammed Ali beats them ALL! :)

Don't think so Ulysses G.

Type both names in Google and find out....


I'm finding nothing definitive. The best thing that I've found says they are equally famous. blink.gif

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Yeah there's no scientific study that shows who's more well known, but surely the vast number of difference in return hits is some indicator. Common sense also can draw from the fact that MJ has continued to sell long past his prime, and will likely continue to do so after his death. Ali only gets the rare tribute now and then, with many people not even knowing what era he competed in.


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for those saying how sensitive we should be about a person's death, consider this:

M.Jackson spent the past several decades immersed in self adulation and had a publicity machine next to none. When people put themselves up on such a giant pedestal, it's natural that public ridicule follows close behind. A recent poll done in California, found that 5% of respondents had a positive attitude about Jackson.

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As the world mourns the loss of Michael Jackson , it shows just how vulnerable and weak some of us truly are.

only the fools of the world will be mourning- no intelligent person gives a flying fXX

come on, get real.. the guy made some great music, but was an accused paedophile and a freak

vunrable and weak,yep, like those kiddys he was "seeing"

but all the cash got him out of that

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Can someone explain to me what the fuss is all about? A singer who has not had a hit for many years dies. How does this impact your life? You may have all his records but difference does it make to your life if he is alive or dead? Has anyone on here ever met him?

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Firstly this is simply speculation.......... BASED ON HARD FACTS!

I belive that this death is just a cover, so he can avoid his mounting depts!

He faked his own death, for the above reason.....turned black again so as to mislead people into beliving he is dead, and not being able to locate him, so to throw everyone of his scent, he has taken refuge with a gang in LA, as he felt he would feel at home with THE CRIBS!

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As the world mourns the loss of Michael Jackson , it shows just how vulnerable and weak some of us truly are.

only the fools of the world will be mourning- no intelligent person gives a flying fXX

come on, get real.. the guy made some great music, but was an accused paedophile and a freak

vunrable and weak,yep, like those kiddys he was "seeing"

but all the cash got him out of that

And 1000's of the worlds people can look past all that Michael was.



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It is possible to separate the artist from his personal life. Some of you may hate him but you can't deny his talent and his amazing legacy. BTW, he was never convicted of these crimes many of you assume he is guilty of. He was undeniably VERY WEIRD.

As far as mourning, well it is probably silly to mourn someone you didn't personally know. However, I think many of us are simply remembering how MJ touched our lives and this is especially poignant for older people who grew up with his music starting with the Jackson 5.

He did project a lot of love and many of us loved him back, in our own way. Also, if Liz Taylor was his best friend, he couldn't be all bad ...

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Can someone explain to me what the fuss is all about? A singer who has not had a hit for many years dies. How does this impact your life? You may have all his records but difference does it make to your life if he is alive or dead? Has anyone on here ever met him?

It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice!,,,ok? :D Remember ur understatement :)

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RIP Michael Jackson - A True Legend - There will never be another as good.

Your fantastic Music will Live on forever. Your Famous Moonwalk, Fabulous...

Billie Jean will NEVER Die. :)

I'm not sure neverdie will billy jean though? :D

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We are trying to decide if he was the most famous alive. I think that is still on topic.

I think more people would recognise a photo of Jackson than Ali. Ali is well known to those over 35, but younger people weren't around when he was fighting, and to them he is just a silent old man with Parkinsons.

Jackson's 'death' would have been an awesome publicity stunt to promote the concerts. Every day that goes by though makes it look less like a hoax, especially post autopsy.

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