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12call & Dtac Gprs Data Packages Prices For Pre-paid


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Been hunting for current prices for GPRS data packages (Bolt-ons) for AIS & DTAC pre-paid

Found a link for DTAC but after a long search through AIS/12Call website I found nothing with complete details on all available GPRS bundles.

Any links or info on current 12Call data package prices would be great & confirmation on the DTAC prices in link below.

A pre-paid 50 to 100Hr package is all I really need, The post-paid data deals are just over the top for my usage.

DTAC link: http://www.happy.co.th/en/low/17_service_m..._internet02.php

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I know that is how it would work with DTAC but not sure with AIS.

AIS packages are quite a jump from 20 to 100Hrs.

I think I'll have a play with DTAC Happy & the 50hr promo.

Thanks for the link, AIS/12Call website wasted half my day !

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