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Maxnet Latest Problems: Maxnet Answer


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About 9PM, my wired connection stopped working; It said that I'm not connected to the internet. I went downstairs to use wireless (I'm in a hotel in Rayong) and it works good. Could someone please tell why this is?

Some ants probably indulged in eating your line (no kidding).

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Still sucks in Korat


P.S. I also noticed that 2 of the ISP I use to have are gone. Use to have, 112, 114, 117, 222 not only have 112 & 114

Getting better but not back to what it use to be. Do have a 3rd ISP available. Gave back 222


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Strange as I had the Premium 2Mb package at 590 baht per month and was upgraded to 3Mp at the same price about 2 months ago. My router status shows 3072/509 and was good all over the world till about 2 weeks ago. Thailand is still the same but the rest of the world went to sh_t.


TT&T has done sometime in Korat area as can be seen by these 2 Bangkok speed tests. In the first one on July 15th the Distance is 50 miles. Now the Distance is 150 miles and there is no name for the ISP. Does this mean they are using a different server????


Edited by Rdrokit
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Strange as I had the Premium 2Mb package at 590 baht per month and was upgraded to 3Mp at the same price about 2 months ago. My router status shows 3072/509 and was good all over the world till about 2 weeks ago. Thailand is still the same but the rest of the world went to sh_t.

You mean "Indy" 2Mb package at 590 baht per month and was upgraded to 3Mp.

The cheapest Premier package starts at 1090,- Baht.

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2mb for 590 is not Premium but the cheapo Thailand-only package.

Yes Premier 2048/1024 is 1,090 ++


As you can see I have been corrected a number of times already and do not need to be corrected again. My post was asking about the different distance in server and no ISP name. That is what I am looking for a response to not my mistake that has already been addressed.

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2mb for 590 is not Premium but the cheapo Thailand-only package.

Yes Premier 2048/1024 is 1,090 ++


As you can see I have been corrected a number of times already and do not need to be corrected again. My post was asking about the different distance in server and no ISP name. That is what I am looking for a response to not my mistake that has already been addressed.

Now you have the information just twice.

But this is no reason to get angry and to take it personally.

I thought by this amount of posting perhaps you overlooked the reply of Phil Connors... :)

Edited by zenobit
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2mb for 590 is not Premium but the cheapo Thailand-only package.

Yes Premier 2048/1024 is 1,090 ++


As you can see I have been corrected a number of times already and do not need to be corrected again. My post was asking about the different distance in server and no ISP name. That is what I am looking for a response to not my mistake that has already been addressed.

Now you have the information just twice.

But this is no reason to get angry and to take it personally.

I thought by this amount of posting perhaps you overlooked the reply of Phil Connors... :)

Please don't try to presume what I overlook. And I do take it personally when you write "Indy"in red and make it twice as big as the rest of the letters in the post

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How long it normally takes before they can change Indy package to Premier? I was told couple times few days ago they cannot do this kind of upgrading on this month, but I have to wait till next month. :) Even this doesn't make any sense for me... How #¤%&king huge process is it if it takes about ten days?

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How long it normally takes before they can change Indy package to Premier?

For me the change only took 4 hours:

Monday midday 13:00 registered, 17:00 it worked already.

New username and password came via SMS.

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How long it normally takes before they can change Indy package to Premier?

For me the change only took 4 hours:

Monday midday 13:00 registered, 17:00 it worked already.

New username and password came via SMS.

Yes, Mine took one day, and was informed of change of username and password, it worked immediately thereafter.

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And doth it continues.... :D

Well, nice to see some Maxnet users in the last few posts have switched providers and seem happy ..it gives me more confidence to do this ...abliet TOT !! Oh and I see one user is happy to pay another 500 per month to go to Premier ...and good luck to that person. However, myself, I have lost faith in Maxnet completely and will tell them tomorrow or Saturday to just cut me off as and when as I am not paying them a sinlge satang more.

I went up to my farang friends house on same mubaan yesterday (he's about 250 metres nearer to the 'new lines and boxes' on main road). He's on an old TOT deal 490 baht 1MB. I ran tests (4.30PM) and his line attenuation is down at 0.9 and 1.2 and SNR is ok at 30 and 21. His local to BKK is 0.94MB DL and 0.43 UL !! (ping 50ms)) that is a big percentage, and ratio wise: better than any Maxnet user Indy or Premier I have seen on this thread. His speeds to US to Frisco, Las Veggie, Washington are around 0.45 DL 0.22 UL. His page loads from U.S. are 3 to 5 times quicker than my indy and my fave websites instant access and connectivity smooth. So: me thinks with 3 times the DL compared to my freinds connection that I will go for on TOT, I should be ok even with that extra 250 metres don't you think? (well fingers crossed). I also think that whilst TOT does have its problems, it is nothing in comparison to Maxnet for the last 5 weeks with no resolution on the horizon also.

I reckon Maxnet have just given up you know ...and if people cancel so be it ...as other posters have pointed out, most Thais are probably happy/unaware that its shoddy, and happy to pay. It's Thailand:the vast majority of their custom is from Thais. I don't think Maxnet is actually that bothered about losing a few farang here and there (especially given their present situation of 'takeover')

I'm gone and 'voting with my feet' too: TOT same deal, same price 3MB/512 590+vat.

Oh, and for those people going to their TT&T office and being told 'no refunds' etc., just point them to this thread ...me and a couple of others on this thread have had refunds. Like I said before (somwhere in this long thread) go with your evidence of line downs, speed tests, 1103 calls, E-mails sent, engineer visits etc. ....they have to back down, but be patient in the process too.

Finally, just for the 'cheapskate bashers' too: Yes, its mainly an INDY problem but if you care to read all 200 odd posts on this thread you will find many PREMIER customers that are less than satisfied also. Upgrade at your peril :D or switch ISP and hope LOL.

Good luck to you all and your 1103 calls, I'm not calling them anymore, Love, Joy and happiness... Triple You :)

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How long it normally takes before they can change Indy package to Premier?

For me the change only took 4 hours:

Monday midday 13:00 registered, 17:00 it worked already.

New username and password came via SMS.

Yes, Mine took one day, and was informed of change of username and password, it worked immediately thereafter.

How about your speeds to the US or Europe??? Please let us know!

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How about your speeds to the US or Europe??? Please let us know!




I knew before that I would NOT get even from Premier the full performance.

But there is one great difference to the Indy Packages:

The Premier Connection is running stable and save most of the time.

FOR ME this is very important.

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Yes, me too. My results are all about like this to US and Europe, but consistent no matter what time of day. I just had a skype conference call that was no problem, I can stream music all day, and youtube is working ok.

It is nowhere near as promised and as I'm paying for (2mb), but it is the best I can do under the circumstances, and MUCH better than I was getting out of Indy 5mb. I don't have an alternative except for TOT, which is not an alternative. (well, there is CAT CDMA, but recent threads on that are bad, and I don't fancy investing 10,000 baht on their modem.

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After talking with one of the bosses at Jasmine today and explaining my fault I have logged for a faulty line hasnt been looked at yet and its now been like one month they kind of went into shock, 10 minute slater the regional manager from Maxnet rings and a tech will be out tomorrow, lets see the difference then.

Service is a premier 2mb


Item Description

Product Name SmartAX MT880

Physical Address 00:1d:6a:3c:40:f5

Software Release V100R002B020 TT&T

Firmware Release

Batch Number RTC20P7.020.37998

Release Date 2008/05/21

ADSL Description

ADSL State Show Time

Data Path Fast

Operation Mode G.dmt.bis

Max. Bandwidth Down/Up(kbps) 4380 / 524

Bandwidth Down/Up(kbps) 2048 / 454

SNR Margin Down/Up(dB) 12.0 / 7.0

Attenuation Down/Up(dB) 21.0 / 35.3

Power Down/Up(dBm) 19.3 / 11.3

CRC Down/Up 526/ 15761

FEC Down/Up 41823/ 6368

HEC Down/Up 955/ 0

System Up Time 11:03:26

DSL Up Time 11:02:39

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Well i stopped calling and did some thing about it, i am now with Ji-NET and things are 100% better NO MORE 1103 CALLS!!! internet back to normal and no more lies.

I've been with JI-NET now for about 6 months with solid/steady service after a VERY disappointing 2 months with TOT Goldcyber. I have the JI-NET 2MB Bizconnect package and the internet connectivity is always there for me regardless of the day or time. And the international connectivity/responsiveness (i.e., sites external to Thailand) is solid/steady/fast running in the 1MB-1.7MB range. JI-NET is more pricy than some other services but at least there service is solid/steady/fast. JI-NET web site is: http://www.ji-net.com

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How about your speeds to the US or Europe??? Please let us know!

Sorry I erased this one by mistake



I knew before that I would NOT get even from Premier the full performance.

But there is one great difference to the Indy Packages:

The Premier Connection is running stable and save most of the time.

FOR ME this is very important.

INDY 3Mb package :) Close to the same download speeds which is all I am interested in.



Whole lot better to Germany????


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Didn't want to give anyone a heart attach on that Germany speed test so I ran another. The first must have been a lucky hit. This is more realistic.


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Well i stopped calling and did some thing about it, i am now with Ji-NET and things are 100% better NO MORE 1103 CALLS!!! internet back to normal and no more lies.

I've been with JI-NET now for about 6 months with solid/steady service after a VERY disappointing 2 months with TOT Goldcyber. I have the JI-NET 2MB Bizconnect package and the internet connectivity is always there for me regardless of the day or time. And the international connectivity/responsiveness (i.e., sites external to Thailand) is solid/steady/fast running in the 1MB-1.7MB range. JI-NET is more pricy than some other services but at least there service is solid/steady/fast. JI-NET web site is: http://www.ji-net.com

I agree,. I switched to J-Net a couple of months and their service is far superior to Maxnet Premiere. Connection is more stable and faster (even though the published speed is slower). Best of all, when I do have to call their support desk they are really friendly and helpful, unlike the bunch at Maxnet.

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INDY 3Mb package :) Close to the same download speeds which is all I am interested in.

I don't live in Korat. I live in Pattaya and here the 3MB Indy package doesn't work for Europe and USA.

FOR ME the Premier package was the right choice.

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...I switched to J-Net a couple of months and their service is far superior to Maxnet Premiere. Connection is more stable and faster (even though the published speed is slower). Best of all, when I do have to call their support desk they are really friendly and helpful, unlike the bunch at Maxnet...

I didn't know that "Ji-NET" is avaible in Pattaya (...Jomtien) :)

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INDY 3Mb package :) Close to the same download speeds which is all I am interested in.

I don't live in Korat. I live in Pattaya and here the 3MB Indy package doesn't work for Europe and USA.

FOR ME the Premier package was the right choice.

I fully understand. Unfortunately TT&T is so screwed up that there is no standard across Thailand. I have friends in Chang Mai that are actually happy with there TT&T service.

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Switched to premier and everything works now... unfortunately I could not vote with my wallet... I wish I could leave but there is no other choice where I live ...but as soon as there is... I am soooo gone.

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...I switched to J-Net a couple of months and their service is far superior to Maxnet Premiere. Connection is more stable and faster (even though the published speed is slower). Best of all, when I do have to call their support desk they are really friendly and helpful, unlike the bunch at Maxnet...

I didn't know that "Ji-NET" is avaible in Pattaya (...Jomtien) :)

They have packages for both TOT and TT&T lines, so I assume it is available everywhere. Certainly in Jomtien, because that us where I live!

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