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Web Browsers


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Firefox 3.5. I was told it was faster, but frankly I don't notice any difference. Recently:

* Tried Chrome. Like the simple interface, it just didn't work as well as Firefox.

* Tried Opera. Interesting. Speedial was cool for a few days, then I got sick of it.

* Tried IE8 when I had to buy some game time for a Thai MMORPG (FF doesn't work on their site). It stinks.

Kind of wondering if M$ is on the brink of leaving the browser space. They were so quiet about IE8, maybe they are starting to realise how much it sucks?

I don't think they care very much. They need a "good enough" browser so people don't flee to Mac OS in droves, but that's about it. They don't need a great product.

The strategic importance IE once had it doesn't have anymore since MS gave up on trying to take over the internet. Back in the dark ages of IE6, MS tried to break standards left and right with the goal of giving Windows users the "best" internet experience, in that stuff would just be broken in other browsers/OSs. That's why so many Thai web pages still only work in IE 6, but in the grand scheme of things the strategy failed, thankfully.

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Hi :)

99% Swiftfox 3.5, some times (to test stuff) Opera, Netscape or Konqueror (Linux).

At work 99% Firefox 3.5, rarely IE 8 and even more rarely Chrome (a certain site in Germany for some reason works ONLY in Chrome, crashes all others) Windows XP that is.



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Microsoft Warns About a Serious IE Security Hole

For those using still using IE on XP :


Maybe time to switch to FF, Chrome, Safari ?

Haha, as if those are not vulnerable to security leaks. Incidentially people who run Vista have no reason to worry whatsoever, even people who run windows 2000 don't have to worry, the vulnerabiltiy occurs in MS's most insecure operating system to date:

Affected Software

Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows XP Service Pack 3

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2003 with SP2 for Itanium-based Systems


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Firefox most of the time, occasionally Konqueror. For those very few sites that need IE I use the IEtab addon for Firefox.

Must say, Chrome isn't bad, but its still a long way from Firefox.

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IE6 (for online banking purpose only)

You are seriously taking the piss aren't you?

Ever heard of Bangkok Bank online banking which can not be conducted in any other browser?

Ever heard of Online Armor and Banking Mode?

Cannot say I have as I dumped that bank yrs ago, guess the BBL is behind the times. K-Bank rocks with latest browser technology:-)

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