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Is The Flu Made It To Chiang Mai?


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Are the Docs and Hospitals seeing a surge in flu here?

I asked my doc in the USA to give me a script for Tamiflu so I could buy with my insurance and bring home to CM. He has always been very helpful but he gave me a firm NO. It seems that "big brother" has nixed it unless you are sick.

If it hits hard the Docs and government pukes will be munching Tamiflu like M & Ms. They do not wish to share. :)

Just came on here and do not have time to read the entire thread, but was at a meeting last month and told by Chiang Mai University medical staff in attendance that there is a small number (I think it was in the teens) of the latest flu virus confirmed here in Chiang Mai.

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It is going to spread regardless of what people or countries do. The best advice is to get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids and eat healthy food. Smokers and heavy drinkers are self destructive anyway, so there is nothing we can do to help them. If the body is strong then it will fight off germs using the natural immune system. If you get a touch of the flu and you are well rested then the body will toss it off and get stronger. The real problem is with families who have school children. Children have not had time to build up a good immune system and they catch every cold and flu going around. They bring it home to the rest of the family and everyone catches it. It is hard not to get the flu if you are immersed in it for 24 hours of every day.

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Just came on here and do not have time to read the entire thread, but was at a meeting last month and told by Chiang Mai University medical staff in attendance that there is a small number (I think it was in the teens) of the latest flu virus confirmed here in Chiang Mai.

Yes but the ratio of ACTUAL cases to REPORTED cases is likely approx 50 to 1. This is basic folks. The REPORTED cases are the TIP of the iceberg.

That's based on official Thai statistics, about 4000 cases reported, about 180,000 actual cases presumed (with 24 deaths)


Edited by Jingthing
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I was informed today that two schools --- Thibodint (near Chiang Puac bus station) [poor spelling] and Prince Royal's --- have been closed briefly.

Heard a little nipper had it in kindergarten at Dara... it remains open.

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I didn't realize "chicken soup, and lots of liquids, and rest" were pharmaceuticals.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Thakkar,

Here is how you can realize : Google on and study the following two phrases : "vis medicatrix naturae" and "primo non nocere."

regards, ~o:37;

As Ur-Orang once said : "Why give someone sanity, when you can teach them how to create it themselves ?"

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Just giving a heads up, try it or don't, won't change my life.

So putting forward some obscure nostrum with no evidence, no personal details about how and why you think this was effective for you, at a time when a major pandemic is underway ... which constitutes medical advice ... is just trivial for you ? What if someone was stupid enough to take your advice and had swine flu and died ?

Considering that Upjohn researched it, found it extremely effective, but couldn't get a patentable variation with potency says something.

Dropping the name of a major pharmaceutical company with a vague hint at their research is supposed to impress us ? Companies like UpJohn test thousands of compounds, and many show promising reactions "in vitro" (in the test-tube) or even in trials on rats or rabbits, some selectively tested on certain genetically engineered strains of mice or rats whose reactions can indicate reactivity in a scientifically valid way.

"The Upjohn researchers determined that olive leaf extract inhibited at least 56 disease-causing bacteria, viruses and protozoa, including the malaria-causing Plasmodium falciparum. The researchers also found it was effective against Vaccinia, a contagious viral disease of cattle, produced in humans by inoculation with cowpox virus to confer immunity against smallpox. Finally, it should be emphasized that the components of olive leaf extract inactivated every cold and flu virus they were tested against." Do your own research and decide, there is too much info to cut and paste onto a forum. Not just health pages, dig deep and you will find the actual scientific research.

Reactions and inhibitions in the laboratory are not equivalent to those in the human body. Only after a long series of complex evaluations against species increasing in complexity (say primates) can drugs move into carefully controlled trials on people which are given in stages monitored by regulatory procedures designed to protect public health. An exception is clinical trials of substances which are known to be very "promising" risky but which are done with people who are already dying and voluntarily agree to submit to testing with the understanding they may not be helped, may even be harmed (side-effects) by the experimental treatment.

While it's good you have an active fantasy life, where do you get the idea that "with all those microbes being wiped out there WOULD be a reaction" ? Did you just "invent" that ? By the way I don't consider dissecting the lack of any real content in your mis-guided post "argument" : from my point of view for "argument" to take place there has to be "substance" in the issue being discussed.

Again, I posted this for those that are interested in having a potential aid against viral infections, not to get into a useless ongoing debate with those that prefer pharmaceuticals.

How do you know I "prefer phamaceuticals" ? This is a typical ploy where someone who cannot explain their thinking attempts to rebut someone questioning their thinking by implying the questioner is a member of some group which automatically excludes them from fair consderation of the issue a hand : that's called an "ad hominem" argument via stereotype, by the way.

I think there was no "reason" you posted this : more that you had some emotional motive for posting this that you probably don't even understand yourself, say, or you are one of those nutters deeply into "health conspiracy" theories involving giant corporations, cover-ups, etc. I can only hope that it is not possible that you could actually think of yourself as qualified, somehow, to advise other people on health matters.

To your health !


Edited by orang37
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are people really still going on about this in thailand? here in the US, it's old news. i don't think anyone cares anymore about swine flu.

More like the people are more rational and not hysterical. There is no panic. There is no mass mask wearing (useless). However, there have already been an estimated million infections there.

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are people really still going on about this in thailand? here in the US, it's old news. i don't think anyone cares anymore about swine flu.

More like the people are more rational and not hysterical. There is no panic. There is no mass mask wearing (useless). However, there have already been an estimated million infections there.

Actually within the past week mask wearing has increased significantly here in Chiang Mai. I assume it is due to the flu.

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are people really still going on about this in thailand? here in the US, it's old news. i don't think anyone cares anymore about swine flu.

Who gives a smeg what's going on over there?

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Actually within the past week mask wearing has increased significantly here in Chiang Mai. I assume it is due to the flu

I was speaking about the lack of irrational hysteria in the US, not Thailand. Here in Thailand, it is crazy. Masks, what a joke!

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North Chiang Mai University has 2 confirmed cases of H1N1 and we have been told they are considering closing as well. Word is out all over Hang Dong that a Mother of a 7 month old girl died after only contracting the virus 24 hours before. I have family that interacts directly with this family and this is how I come upon the information.

Our daughters Nursery school is closed for the next two weeks.

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North Chiang Mai University has 2 confirmed cases of H1N1 and we have been told they are considering closing as well. Word is out all over Hang Dong that a Mother of a 7 month old girl died after only contracting the virus 24 hours before. I have family that interacts directly with this family and this is how I come upon the information.

Our daughters Nursery school is closed for the next two weeks.

The mother died within 24 hours of contracting the virus?

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North Chiang Mai University has 2 confirmed cases of H1N1 and we have been told they are considering closing as well. Word is out all over Hang Dong that a Mother of a 7 month old girl died after only contracting the virus 24 hours before. I have family that interacts directly with this family and this is how I come upon the information.

Our daughters Nursery school is closed for the next two weeks.

The mother died within 24 hours of contracting the virus?

I dont know how it came out that way.. no the infant died... not the mother. Sorry for the error.

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