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Mobi Is In Hospital Again


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Sorry to hear it. I've had dengue twice, the first time bad enough to be hospitalized for 2-3 weeks...so I know what he's going through.

What hospital is he in?

Good luck, Mobi

And be aware that during the convalesence, depression is common and can be severe. It will lift on its own, just remember it is the disease.

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Sorry to hear it. I've had dengue twice, the first time bad enough to be hospitalized for 2-3 weeks...so I know what he's going through.

What hospital is he in?

Good luck, Mobi

And be aware that during the convalesence, depression is common and can be severe. It will lift on its own, just remember it is the disease.

He is in Sri Racha hospital, I tried to call him but he was too sick to answer, A short while later he sent me an SMS. saying he will be in hospital for four or five days and is too ill to talk.

Edited by Rimmer
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As the dear Doctor predicted, on the 5th day I rose again, my fever started to abate, and I am slowly returning to the land of the sane, having been semi delirious and wracked with pains, nausea and God knows what else since last Thursday.

I ate nothing for 4 days, and I am still very weak. My blood platelet count is low which means I am subject internal haemorrhaging, and possible heart complications. (I just brushed my teeth and my mouth was full of blood). They won't release me until my blood is in better shape.

I have never been ill like this in my life. My fever never dropped below 103 F (39.4C) and often went as high as 104.

Anyway, today I am definitely on the mend, and as you can see, well enough to tap a few sentences on my bedside laptop.

BTW,the emergency Doc at BPH said there was nothing much wrong with me and sent me home and told me to take paracetamol. (once he had established I didn't have swine fever, which was all he seemed to care about.)

A few hours later I was so sick that I was being rushed to Sri Racha by ambulance, which may well have saved my life. The doctors here are great, very caring and knowledgable. They immediately diagnosed dengue, which was subsequently confirmed by a blood test.

Many thanks to all those who have wished me well. I really appreciate it.

Take care all of you.

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I ate nothing for 4 days, and I am still very weak. My blood platelet count is low which means I am subject internal haemorrhaging, and possible heart complications. (I just brushed my teeth and my mouth was full of blood). They won't release me until my blood is in better shape.

Jeez. Sounds like something out of a Richard Preston book (all highly recommended). Glad to hear you are on the mend. Did you catch this in Bangkok or upcountry?

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. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Did you catch this in Bangkok or upcountry?

If I knew where I caught it I'd go back and mow down all the mosquitoes in the vicinity with a sub-machine gun. :) It has a lengthy incubation period, and is transmitted by the dengue mosquito which only comes out in the day time. But the mosquito has to bite an infected person, before it can infect another person.

More fevers today, and my blood platelet count is dropping. so I'm here for a few days yet.

Once again, thanks for the good wishes folks.

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Glad to hear from you Mobi and you have my full sympathies as I've been there. It is more than 2 decades past that I was hospitalized with very bad dengue but boy do I still remember it. It hurt even to breathe.

Be warned that the convalesence is slow and that it is normal to experience depression -- sometimes quite sever depression, fits of crying etc -- during it. Knowing that it is a normal part of the disease and will pass helps.

Hang in there!

BTW -- which hospital in Sri Racha are you at? Phyathai or other?

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I'm still in hospital (Samitivej, Sri Racha)

This is the first time I have opened my laptop in 2 days. I have been racked with high fevers, pain and extreme fatigue,and sweat drenched bedclothes and bedsheets. I have barely eaten in days, and spend most of my time asleep or in a sort of semi concious state, with my eyes closed, due to the pain behind my eyes.

I thought I was getting better a few days ago, but it was just a brief respite and the fever returned with a vengeance.

The doc is worried about my blood, as the platelet count is continuing to drop, as are the white blood cells. I can't brush my teeth as my gums bleed, and yesterday I had a nose bleed. He won't inject me with insulin due the risk of bleeding from the injection site, so has included insulin in my intravenous feed.

As you may have gathered my fever has broken today, so I am doing a bit of tap tapping. The doc says today is critical for my blood, and will check to see if it improves now the fever seems to be subsiding.

Yes Sheryl, this is a very miserable, depressing, and totally energy sapping condition. My phone is permanently off as I don't feel like talking to anyone.

So here's hoping the next 24 hours will really put me on the mend.

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Drop in white count is normal and persists well into the recuperation phase.

If your platlets drop below a certain point they will give you transfusion.

It sounds like the medical care you are receiving is excellent.

Hang in there, it will get better. You will emerge a whole lot thinner, though, which may alter your insulin requirements.

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I too had a bad case. Whoever named it broke bone fever must have had it. I made mine worse before I went to the hospital by eating aspirin like it was candy. The doctor told me that I had no internal ulcers or bleeding because if I did, I would be dead. Four days in the hospital and very weak for a couple weeks after that. I was infected in Bangkok.

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