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Putting Off My Visit To Thailand


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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

You seem to be a bit of a glass half empty fellow, don't you? In fairness though, your fears are not without good reason. After all, most of us that have been here, for a reasonable length of time, know that these are dire times. You can see it in their eyes of course - the locals - they're all out to scam, rob, cheat, mug, steal, murder or kill. Believe me, it's just not safe out there any more. There's potential killers lurking down every shadowy side Soi.

Still, life must go on. For every problem, there's a solution. May I make a few practical suggestions that will enable you to have a safe and enjoyable trip here, even in these darkest of times.

1. To avoid the scams, rippoffs, and cheating that will beset you on your arrival at Shewannaboom airport: A few minutes prior to touching down, fake a heart attack or a stroke. This way you'll be met by some attendees, as soon as the airplane door opens, and whisked off in a wheel chair. You'll then be given very fast customs clearance and loaded into an ambulance with a wheel chair ramp. On the way to the hospital - probably Bumrungrad - you can make a miraculous recovery and ask to divert straight to your hotel. This will ensure that you will be transported to your hotel in the absolute securty of your own highly secure, and rapid, transportation.

2. To avoid having your pockets picked while out on your walks: The major problem with having your pockets picked is the fact that you've got pockets. To avoid this you should wear one of those 1970's one piece, lycra, pocket less jumpsuits - made popular by Barry Manilow and Bony M. Remember that blue is for boys and pink is for girls.

3. To avoid being mugged, accosted, and killed: You should hire your own phalanx of indimidating crowd controllers. The psuedo farang cops that patrol the mean streets at night in Pattaya should be ideal. They wear black uniforms and will look completely mennacing as they gaurd your front and rear from touts, beggars, street walkers, pickpockets (you should still wear the pocket less one piece jump suit just in case) feral dogs, tuk tuk drivers, Indian Tailors, moto bike taxi boys, time share sellers, beach side hawkers, katoeys, copy watch sellers, pirate dvd sellers, and anything else I haven't thought of.

Good luck

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hi everyone,well thailand for me is a safe place to be.ive been going to pattaya on a regular basis for 12 years and seen very little trouble over that time, compared to where i live in nottingham where on a typical saturday night you have the choice of being knifed or glassed.so ok you get hassled by the girls,taxi drivers ect but thats pattaya for you.what a fantastic place to be.i will always be coming back.

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I want to visit the village areas but the bright lights of the city are just too much of a lure for me... Even now while I am in my office at work I can almost hear the sounds of the disco's and their rhythmic beat thump, thump, thumps through my body and to see all the attractive people in their sharp and sexy clothes... Could I give that up for the tranquil sound of a peaceful village? Oh man... I am longing for Silom or Walking Street right now! hahah :)

Paul, you sound more like a city mouse than a country mouse. Not a judgement call on my part, just remember that a Thai disco can explode in flames - so you're better off staying close to your home.

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

You seem to be a bit of a glass half empty fellow, don't you? In fairness though, your fears are not without good reason. After all, most of us that have been here, for a reasonable length of time, know that these are dire times. You can see it in their eyes of course - the locals - they're all out to scam, rob, cheat, mug, steal, murder or kill. Believe me, it's just not safe out there any more. There's potential killers lurking down every shadowy side Soi.

Still, life must go on. For every problem, there's a solution. May I make a few practical suggestions that will enable you to have a safe and enjoyable trip here, even in these darkest of times.

1. To avoid the scams, rippoffs, and cheating that will beset you on your arrival at Shewannaboom airport: A few minutes prior to touching down, fake a heart attack or a stroke. This way you'll be met by some attendees, as soon as the airplane door opens, and whisked off in a wheel chair. You'll then be given very fast customs clearance and loaded into an ambulance with a wheel chair ramp. On the way to the hospital - probably Bumrungrad - you can make a miraculous recovery and ask to divert straight to your hotel. This will ensure that you will be transported to your hotel in the absolute securty of your own highly secure, and rapid, transportation.

2. To avoid having your pockets picked while out on your walks: The major problem with having your pockets picked is the fact that you've got pockets. To avoid this you should wear one of those 1970's one piece, lycra, pocket less jumpsuits - made popular by Barry Manilow and Bony M. Remember that blue is for boys and pink is for girls.

3. To avoid being mugged, accosted, and killed: You should hire your own phalanx of indimidating crowd controllers. The psuedo farang cops that patrol the mean streets at night in Pattaya should be ideal. They wear black uniforms and will look completely mennacing as they gaurd your front and rear from touts, beggars, street walkers, pickpockets (you should still wear the pocket less one piece jump suit just in case) feral dogs, tuk tuk drivers, Indian Tailors, moto bike taxi boys, time share sellers, beach side hawkers, katoeys, copy watch sellers, pirate dvd sellers, and anything else I haven't thought of.

Good luck

My View on if the glass is half empty or half full? My answer is.... "Thank you, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink."

I didn't feel a need to ask anyone if I should visit in October or not. I was able to come to that decision on my own. I read the news papers, the comments on the stories. I have read the blogs and the comments on the posts made there. I have read Thai related message boards and the comments others have posted.

In each situation I remember my own experience when I was in Thailand and I ask myself what I would have done in that situation. I also have had many experiences of good and bad situations while on holiday in Thailand. Moor good than bad but none so bad that it would stop me from coming back.

I know that when I come back, no matter when I choose to come back, I will face trixters and cheaters. We all know that as soon as you make your way out of the airport, if your not savvy or pre-warned, you will fall pray to the Airport Taxi cheats. Why deny it? We all know it is true... No big deal...

In Silom, we all know that if you follow a Tout into an upstairs bar, you are going to be ripped off. Why deny it? Don't be mad at me for talking about it. I am only saying what is already known.

Maybe some will be tricked by the women who use to be men? Am I wrong to mention that? No... We all know it is true that it will happen. Why deny it?

I came here to offer my opinion and view, not only to those who post here but for those who only read here.

Should I be upset that some chose to attack me rather than have a talk about if October or December is a better time to visit or would it matter at all? No. I knew when I put the post up that the attackers would attack. That is what attackers do. But for those who only read here and enjoy reading the genuine opinion of others, they will find useful information here. Even in this thread. Even the attackers are providing them with useful information, if only knowing who to avoid should they venture a visit or want to ask a question of a member here.

So again. Is the glass half full or empty? The real question for me is should I say Thank you before or after you give me the beverage to drink. :)

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i live in a country that gets a constant traveler's warning from most of the western world so i cant imagine that i would choose a place by having more people. we are told to avoid large groups of people.

maybe u should change your hair/clothes/walk style since u are more 'tourist accident prone' than most. when i was in bangkok i just felt i was in a large icky humid polluted city. nothing more, nothing less..... im not city wise, i hate cities, so my husband and i high tailed it back to his village where main dangers are motocy accidents and dengue fever (and scorpions, this past season).....



I want to visit the village areas but the bright lights of the city are just too much of a lure for me... Even now while I am in my office at work I can almost hear the sounds of the disco's and their rhythmic beat thump, thump, thumps through my body and to see all the attractive people in their sharp and sexy clothes... Could I give that up for the tranquil sound of a peaceful village? Oh man... I am longing for Silom or Walking Street right now! hahah :)

Let me be the first one : TROLL

You do like to be the first one, don't you? Throwing stones out of a crowd - this is a behaviour which makes me log in here since a very long time just to say what I think. Even if I would disagree with Paul I sure do disagree with your behaviour CARIB!


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You are quite right to put off your trip to Thailand. You’re hate it here.

Below is a photo taken last week of some of my neighbours on one of their Farang baiting expeditions.

Too dangerous for me to go out, so I sent the wife instead. Haven’t seen her since.


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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

You seem to be a bit of a glass half empty fellow, don't you? In fairness though, your fears are not without good reason. After all, most of us that have been here, for a reasonable length of time, know that these are dire times. You can see it in their eyes of course - the locals - they're all out to scam, rob, cheat, mug, steal, murder or kill. Believe me, it's just not safe out there any more. There's potential killers lurking down every shadowy side Soi.

Still, life must go on. For every problem, there's a solution. May I make a few practical suggestions that will enable you to have a safe and enjoyable trip here, even in these darkest of times.

1. To avoid the scams, rippoffs, and cheating that will beset you on your arrival at Shewannaboom airport: A few minutes prior to touching down, fake a heart attack or a stroke. This way you'll be met by some attendees, as soon as the airplane door opens, and whisked off in a wheel chair. You'll then be given very fast customs clearance and loaded into an ambulance with a wheel chair ramp. On the way to the hospital - probably Bumrungrad - you can make a miraculous recovery and ask to divert straight to your hotel. This will ensure that you will be transported to your hotel in the absolute securty of your own highly secure, and rapid, transportation.

2. To avoid having your pockets picked while out on your walks: The major problem with having your pockets picked is the fact that you've got pockets. To avoid this you should wear one of those 1970's one piece, lycra, pocket less jumpsuits - made popular by Barry Manilow and Bony M. Remember that blue is for boys and pink is for girls.

3. To avoid being mugged, accosted, and killed: You should hire your own phalanx of indimidating crowd controllers. The psuedo farang cops that patrol the mean streets at night in Pattaya should be ideal. They wear black uniforms and will look completely mennacing as they gaurd your front and rear from touts, beggars, street walkers, pickpockets (you should still wear the pocket less one piece jump suit just in case) feral dogs, tuk tuk drivers, Indian Tailors, moto bike taxi boys, time share sellers, beach side hawkers, katoeys, copy watch sellers, pirate dvd sellers, and anything else I haven't thought of.

Good luck

My View on if the glass is half empty or half full? My answer is.... "Thank you, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink."

I didn't feel a need to ask anyone if I should visit in October or not. I was able to come to that decision on my own. I read the news papers, the comments on the stories. I have read the blogs and the comments on the posts made there. I have read Thai related message boards and the comments others have posted.

In each situation I remember my own experience when I was in Thailand and I ask myself what I would have done in that situation. I also have had many experiences of good and bad situations while on holiday in Thailand. Moor good than bad but none so bad that it would stop me from coming back.

I know that when I come back, no matter when I choose to come back, I will face trixters and cheaters. We all know that as soon as you make your way out of the airport, if your not savvy or pre-warned, you will fall pray to the Airport Taxi cheats. Why deny it? We all know it is true... No big deal...

In Silom, we all know that if you follow a Tout into an upstairs bar, you are going to be ripped off. Why deny it? Don't be mad at me for talking about it. I am only saying what is already known.

Maybe some will be tricked by the women who use to be men? Am I wrong to mention that? No... We all know it is true that it will happen. Why deny it?

I came here to offer my opinion and view, not only to those who post here but for those who only read here.

Should I be upset that some chose to attack me rather than have a talk about if October or December is a better time to visit or would it matter at all? No. I knew when I put the post up that the attackers would attack. That is what attackers do. But for those who only read here and enjoy reading the genuine opinion of others, they will find useful information here. Even in this thread. Even the attackers are providing them with useful information, if only knowing who to avoid should they venture a visit or want to ask a question of a member here.

So again. Is the glass half full or empty? The real question for me is should I say Thank you before or after you give me the beverage to drink. :)

Walk out of the airport....jump in a taxi....tell him to turn on the meter....go trollroad....pay troll....arrive bangkok....pay 350bt or so....same as any other city in the world??

Sorry just cant resist it :D:D

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Keep it up Paul. You are a Good Man :D You got my Respect! :)

Thank you. Your too kind. Shame that so many are so nasty and hostile here, but it don't bother me at all. I know there is a lot of bitter people in the world and they long to share their misery. The internet tends to be an outlet for them. So as long as they are here throwing their stones, they are not out in public making life more difficult for those people on the street.


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Posts quoting a deleted post have been removed, posts responding to that post have been removed. Please do not respond to people who break the rules but use the report function to let a mod on duty know.

Now, a quick reminder of the rules for those who seem to be unaware:

4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.
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Keep it up Paul. You are a Good Man :D You got my Respect! :)

Thank you. Your too kind. Shame that so many are so nasty and hostile here, but it don't bother me at all. I know there is a lot of bitter people in the world and they long to share their misery. The internet tends to be an outlet for them. So as long as they are here throwing their stones, they are not out in public making life more difficult for those people on the street.


You are a good man!

Thats why you support the beggars in Thailand - right? (post #4)

I enjoy giving to those in need while in Thailand because they show such genuine gratitude that it does your heart good to think that you are making their life that much less sadder.


After reading your posts I thought you are scared to show up in public...

Edited by webfact
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Keep it up Paul. You are a Good Man :D You got my Respect! :)

Thank you. Your too kind. Shame that so many are so nasty and hostile here, but it don't bother me at all. I know there is a lot of bitter people in the world and they long to share their misery. The internet tends to be an outlet for them. So as long as they are here throwing their stones, they are not out in public making life more difficult for those people on the street.

Methinks you were employed as Michael Jackson's double, and since the 'gloved one' has left us, you're taking the role to heart.

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Just came back from a 10 day visit and you really can tell that the tourist numbers are down. Big difference from my last visit in November. There are also much less pushy taxi and tuk-tuk drivers out there, possibly they went back to their families outside Bangkok?

I did not feel unsafe or threatened in any way while walking around many different neighborhoods so you must be really reading between the lines about how unsafe Thailand is :)

regards, Bartek.

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Keep it up Paul. You are a Good Man :D You got my Respect! :)

Thank you. Your too kind. Shame that so many are so nasty and hostile here, but it don't bother me at all. I know there is a lot of bitter people in the world and they long to share their misery. The internet tends to be an outlet for them. So as long as they are here throwing their stones, they are not out in public making life more difficult for those people on the street.


You are a good man!

Thats why you support the beggars in Thailand - right? (post #4)

I enjoy giving to those in need while in Thailand because they show such genuine gratitude that it does your heart good to think that you are making their life that much less sadder.


After reading your posts I thought you are scared to show up in public...

People take message board far to serious. If you post that you like coke they will bash you for saying in another post that you drank a Pepsi...

Heck. Friday I made this post from work. Saturday when I am off from work, people are telling me I should be working. As if the post and thread is constant and frozen in time and everything written is absolute and chiseled in stone.

Being scared? On a message board? Not me... Never :D

Also. Thank you for noticing me. On a message board with so many posters, I take it as a great compliment for you or anyone to notice a lone poster on such a big message board forum. Thank you! :D

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

When Thailand residents ask me if I feel safer in Thailand compared to my home country (UK) I need them to qualify their question. They obviously refer to street crime, but in fact there are many more less obvious dangers in a country like Thailand that I think are more important and insidious. They stretch from being overhead and underfoot, including dogs, crumbling infrastructure, road dangers and builders incompetence, to poor food safety (especially green curry chicken with rice! :) ), lack of police control (or even interest) and institutional inadequacy. These are the hidden and unquantifiable dangers that are almost certainly more prevalent here than in the West. In more developed countries if the many legal, social and infrastructural preventative measures fail then there is a higher probability that if anything untoward happens there is at least a chance of getting some recompense and/or justice. In Thailand you can bet there is none. This doesn't mean you should go around being afraid of doing anything - not at all, but it's a question of keeping things in perspective. But do I feel safer in Thailand than the UK? For street crime - definitely. But not when everything else is considered. I still love it here and in fact the other dangers can give you quite a rush! :D

Edited by Tyke
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I like to travel out and away from the tourist spots and I am often alone
In a crowd of tourist, my chances of not being a victim are much better....

Is this a joke?..............

It appears that the OP is serious, although I have to admit that I thought it was a joke as well. Having read some of his other topics, I think he means what he says. :):D

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