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Putting Off My Visit To Thailand


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Every place has murders but it seems that Thailand's tourist area has more than its fair share.

Anywhere in the U.S. is far more dangerous than Thailand - what a ninny! :)

Anywhere? Are you paid for your position as a Thai apologist? what a retard! :D

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Every place has murders but it seems that Thailand's tourist area has more than its fair share.

Anywhere in the U.S. is far more dangerous than Thailand - what a ninny! :)

Anywhere? Are you paid for your position as a Thai apologist? what a retard! :D

Whilst the use of the word 'anywhere' is a little over the top, for the majority of people Thailand is still relatively safe. I can certainly say, that back in The UK you are more likely to get attacked walking around atown or a village by a bunch of Chavs than you would in Thailand. The reason that people often get themselves into spots of bother here, is because they seem to leave their brains at the airport, or through a complete lack of common sense.

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Every place has murders but it seems that Thailand's tourist area has more than its fair share.

Anywhere in the U.S. is far more dangerous than Thailand - what a ninny! :)

Anywhere? Are you paid for your position as a Thai apologist? what a retard! :D

Whilst the use of the word 'anywhere' is a little over the top, for the majority of people Thailand is still relatively safe. I can certainly say, that back in The UK you are more likely to get attacked walking around atown or a village by a bunch of Chavs than you would in Thailand. The reason that people often get themselves into spots of bother here, is because they seem to leave their brains at the airport, or through a complete lack of common sense.

I agree. Well stated.

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

When Thailand residents ask me if I feel safer in Thailand compared to my home country (UK) I need them to qualify their question. They obviously refer to street crime, but in fact there are many more less obvious dangers in a country like Thailand that I think are more important and insidious. They stretch from being overhead and underfoot, including dogs, crumbling infrastructure, road dangers and builders incompetence, to poor food safety (especially green curry chicken with rice! :) ), lack of police control (or even interest) and institutional inadequacy. These are the hidden and unquantifiable dangers that are almost certainly more prevalent here than in the West. In more developed countries if the many legal, social and infrastructural preventative measures fail then there is a higher probability that if anything untoward happens there is at least a chance of getting some recompense and/or justice. In Thailand you can bet there is none. This doesn't mean you should go around being afraid of doing anything - not at all, but it's a question of keeping things in perspective. But do I feel safer in Thailand than the UK? For street crime - definitely. But not when everything else is considered. I still love it here and in fact the other dangers can give you quite a rush! :D

Nice post. A lot of what you say is noticed but many of us don't think about it. One thing I keep forgetting are the packs of dogs that roam the streets. I faced them down once when I just went for a walk in Bangkok. I just started walking one night and kept walking till the sun came up. I came upon a pack of dogs in one neighborhood and they put the fear of God in me.

Another day I was in Sala Deang walking to my hotel. Behind me I noticed the scream of what sounded to be a woman or child. I turned around in time to see a small little boy running towards me, screaming and yelling. just as he came around a corner and just as he got to me he fell down. Terror was written all over his face and he quickly got up, ran behind me and just as fast a pack of dogs came around the corner and stopped dead in their tracks. I looked at them and they looked at me. They growled and I pretended to pick up a stone and they fled.

I turned back to the kid to ask if he was ok. I don't think he spoke any English. He began to cry... I felt so bad for him and faught the urge to give him money. (In our family if a kid cries after something like that we give them something to help them feel better). He walked away.. Tears rolling down his cheeks and crying out loud with every step.

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It appears that the OP is serious, although I have to admit that I thought it was a joke as well. Having read some of his other topics, I think he means what he says. :):D

Thanks for reading my older topics. I am flattered and humbled :D Many would not take the time to do that.

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

When Thailand residents ask me if I feel safer in Thailand compared to my home country (UK) I need them to qualify their question. They obviously refer to street crime, but in fact there are many more less obvious dangers in a country like Thailand that I think are more important and insidious. They stretch from being overhead and underfoot, including dogs, crumbling infrastructure, road dangers and builders incompetence, to poor food safety (especially green curry chicken with rice! :D ), lack of police control (or even interest) and institutional inadequacy. These are the hidden and unquantifiable dangers that are almost certainly more prevalent here than in the West. In more developed countries if the many legal, social and infrastructural preventative measures fail then there is a higher probability that if anything untoward happens there is at least a chance of getting some recompense and/or justice. In Thailand you can bet there is none. This doesn't mean you should go around being afraid of doing anything - not at all, but it's a question of keeping things in perspective. But do I feel safer in Thailand than the UK? For street crime - definitely. But not when everything else is considered. I still love it here and in fact the other dangers can give you quite a rush! :D

Nice post. A lot of what you say is noticed but many of us don't think about it. One thing I keep forgetting are the packs of dogs that roam the streets. I faced them down once when I just went for a walk in Bangkok. I just started walking one night and kept walking till the sun came up. I came upon a pack of dogs in one neighborhood and they put the fear of God in me.

Another day I was in Sala Deang walking to my hotel. Behind me I noticed the scream of what sounded to be a woman or child. I turned around in time to see a small little boy running towards me, screaming and yelling. just as he came around a corner and just as he got to me he fell down. Terror was written all over his face and he quickly got up, ran behind me and just as fast a pack of dogs came around the corner and stopped dead in their tracks. I looked at them and they looked at me. They growled and I pretended to pick up a stone and they fled.

I turned back to the kid to ask if he was ok. I don't think he spoke any English. He began to cry... I felt so bad for him and faught the urge to give him money. (In our family if a kid cries after something like that we give them something to help them feel better). He walked away.. Tears rolling down his cheeks and crying out loud with every step.

Wooow You really R A Good man :D .About dogs,,i do my running in the early morning,or late evening ( dont like indoor jogging machines,like to get an "adventure"also when am training) wherever i am in Thailand , and the dogs,,,,As much as 25 have been on my "tail" hehe But i kick back my foot like a horse do,and sometimes i got a strike.But after i got the pepperspray they avoid me like am plaque,hehe.They start running away from me even from a looong distance , double hehehe.Piiiv piiv,Falang is comming ruuuun. :) ,, :D .

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robbed, mugged, and killed!!!! what were you doing out walking from night till sun up. were you not afraid walking around bkk at this time.ps thats about 6 hours walking.

Just felt like walking and drinking it all in.

I did the same thing when I visited Atlanta and that place is almost the murder capital of the USA.

I love life and enjoy each day and I try to never forget to smell the roses as I pass them bye.

Also, I remind myself that Touts are people too with feelings and emotions and I try not to just walk past them as if they don't exist. I smile at them and let my smile speak for me. Sometimes if I know I will pass bye a Tout I see all the time. I may buy a can of coke at the local 7/11 and hand it to them as I pass bye them.

Next time I am in Thailand and if I see a bunch of workers at a construction site or working along the road, I think I will buy some cold water and give them out to them.

For me, while in Thailand, every tick of the clocks tock is an adventure and a moment to be savored and held onto.

Still.... There are streets I avoid because they are too much bother and I don't want to be rude to anyone.

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robbed, mugged, and killed!!!! what were you doing out walking from night till sun up. were you not afraid walking around bkk at this time.ps thats about 6 hours walking.

One funny thing that happened during one of my very long walks. After walking all night and getting so tired that each step I took seem to take more effort than the last and my feet seem to be so heavy. Then one of the sandals I I purchased earlier, broke and I had to take unusually short steps to keep it on my foot.

I was only 2 blocks away from my hotel. It was right down the road and I could see it. I came across 2 tuktuk drivers who were chatting. I offered one of them 200 baht to take me to my hotel. He refused and asked for a ridiculous amount. I laughed that the hotel was only 2 blocks down. Still he would not budge. I looked at the other driver and he said nothing. So I clip-cloped my way to my hotel with my broken shoe. Got to my room. Showered and fell across the bed and had one of the best sleeps of my life :)

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Keep it up Paul. You are a Good Man :D You got my Respect! :)

Thank you. Your too kind. Shame that so many are so nasty and hostile here, but it don't bother me at all. I know there is a lot of bitter people in the world and they long to share their misery. The internet tends to be an outlet for them. So as long as they are here throwing their stones, they are not out in public making life more difficult for those people on the street.


Dear Paul,

Mate, i just wanted to say after all's said and done, and even though i took that cheap potshot about you being silly and a troll, i really mean you no malice whatsover..As im sure others on here do not either. You have indeed provided us with a good source of free entertainment.

Furthermore im glad to see that you are not taking the constant bombardment and piss-taking to seriously. Your attitude seems to say "while they're having a go at me they're leaving some other poor bast8ard alone"...an very admirable trait by aussie standards!..Good on ya!

Actually in my case i really do love reading threads like yours although i fear the laughing may be doing serious damage to my already suffering lungs..

So far you've been called:

A girl, a big girls blouse, a troll, a looney, a ninny (haha havent heard that one since watching "lost in space"!) the strangest farang ever, a moron of epic proportions (a bit harsh!), a retard (a tad uncalled for!!) and the icing on the cake "a republican"!!!!

AND you've been accused of:

Drinking out of a sippy cup (alluding to a big sooki la-la), being micheal jacksons double, hanging around kathoeys, scared of the boogeyman, being on a drip of sodium pethanol, being afraid of your own shadow..and probably many more ive missed..

Not mention everyone having a go at you for anything and everything including your work ethic,asking <deleted> are you on? ect ect

hel_l, you even inspired old forbsey to go to all the trouble of posting his devilish pic just for you!! (although admittedly he seems to need little encouragement in sharing his pics)

BUT, you've taken all this punishment in good nature and have continued to responded in kind, giving us further ammunition to keep the fun going!!

Actually you yourself even join in on the fun, admitting:

"I would be a fool to go wondering around and not know what dangers await me."

AND then, after all the procrastinating about the dangers of LOS, you tell us of your daily jaunts, wandering around for hours alone in the early hours of the morning!!!

Mate you are a classic..I really mean that and i'd love to catch up with you when you eventually get over here..

Dont worry about giving out money to beggars and kids and buying drinks for construction workers ect...save it all so me and you can go to the pub and spend a couple of thousand of your hard earned...

whattdya say???? :D:D:D:D

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Mate you are a classic..I really mean that and i'd love to catch up with you when you eventually get over here..

Dont worry about giving out money to beggars and kids and buying drinks for construction workers ect...save it all so me and you can go to the pub and spend a couple of thousand of your hard earned...

whattdya say???? :D:D:):D

Heck! as far as I am concerned, a strainger is a friend you have not met yet. But I would still have to stick with my plan to buy sodas or water for a bunch of workers. That is the kind of thing that makes my day and you never know what type of adventure it may lead to.

One day I will post on here about my final night in Bangkok, being pestered by a tout and ended up having him join me for my last meal in the land of smiles before I headed to the airport to catch my flight. I learned a lot about the life of a tout. On my next trip I am going to see if I can bribe a tout into leaving me alone during my holiday there! LOL

Oh... And then there is time I was in Bangkok for the first time. Went for a walk outside of my hotel. It was about 10 am and I was just looking around. A woman who seem to speak no English would not leave me alone so I reached into my pocket and dumped all my change into her hands. She was stunned for only a moment and then took my arm and put her head on my shoulder and walked with me. I forgot how I got away from her!

But yeah. I would be happy to have a drink with you. I don't drink much but I can put away 1 or 2 beers. :D

Edited by PaulUSA302
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Keep it up Paul. You are a Good Man :D You got my Respect! :)

Thank you. Your too kind. Shame that so many are so nasty and hostile here, but it don't bother me at all. I know there is a lot of bitter people in the world and they long to share their misery. The internet tends to be an outlet for them. So as long as they are here throwing their stones, they are not out in public making life more difficult for those people on the street.


Dear Paul,

Mate, i just wanted to say after all's said and done, and even though i took that cheap potshot about you being silly and a troll, i really mean you no malice whatsover..As im sure others on here do not either. You have indeed provided us with a good source of free entertainment.

Furthermore im glad to see that you are not taking the constant bombardment and piss-taking to seriously. Your attitude seems to say "while they're having a go at me they're leaving some other poor bast8ard alone"...an very admirable trait by aussie standards!..Good on ya!

Actually in my case i really do love reading threads like yours although i fear the laughing may be doing serious damage to my already suffering lungs..

So far you've been called:

A girl, a big girls blouse, a troll, a looney, a ninny (haha havent heard that one since watching "lost in space"!) the strangest farang ever, a moron of epic proportions (a bit harsh!), a retard (a tad uncalled for!!) and the icing on the cake "a republican"!!!!

AND you've been accused of:

Drinking out of a sippy cup (alluding to a big sooki la-la), being micheal jacksons double, hanging around kathoeys, scared of the boogeyman, being on a drip of sodium pethanol, being afraid of your own shadow..and probably many more ive missed..

Not mention everyone having a go at you for anything and everything including your work ethic,asking <deleted> are you on? ect ect

hel_l, you even inspired old forbsey to go to all the trouble of posting his devilish pic just for you!! (although admittedly he seems to need little encouragement in sharing his pics)

BUT, you've taken all this punishment in good nature and have continued to responded in kind, giving us further ammunition to keep the fun going!!

Actually you yourself even join in on the fun, admitting:

"I would be a fool to go wondering around and not know what dangers await me."

AND then, after all the procrastinating about the dangers of LOS, you tell us of your daily jaunts, wandering around for hours alone in the early hours of the morning!!!

Mate you are a classic..I really mean that and i'd love to catch up with you when you eventually get over here..

Dont worry about giving out money to beggars and kids and buying drinks for construction workers ect...save it all so me and you can go to the pub and spend a couple of thousand of your hard earned...

whattdya say???? :D:P:D:D

Too late... I reckon he's considering several marriage proposals already!!


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Paul, you obviously know nothing about Thailand. Anyone who has ever been to Thailand before knows that its not the "pickpockets" and people you dont know that you should be afraid of. Its a farangs Thai wife, her family, and countless relatives that will steal you blind deeper and more quickly than any quick thinking pickpocket and have you screaming for a plane home.

I will gladly surrender my wallet, credit cards, car keys, and most other worldly possessions to a pickpocket. At least it will be over more quickly than being bled dry slowly by my Thai wife and her fmaily.

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High season with more of a tourist crowd = definately better. More a crowd for the successful pickpockets to run off and get lost in!

When i traveled the world alone for 6 months a few years ago, i walked around all over the place, often at night, in an assortment of cities. Casablanca & Cebu come to mind. Later, reading up on the 'net, i definately shouldn't have been walking alone as a foreigner in the areas of those cities i was at night!

I like low season: I'm far more handsome and much more of a sexy man ;-)

Paul, may we enquire your age? (I speak collectively on behalf of the members following this thread).

I too have had the soi dog problem.

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Something doesn't add up here. The OP has faced down packs of soi dogs and pipe wielding men but is scared enough of scams, swindles and pickpockets to move his vacation date by 2 months. Anyway, have a great time when you do come.

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.


That seems really silly to me.

With a little common sense and judgement you will be better off in Thailand than in most cities in the U.S.

No "drive by" shootings in Bangkok...but there are in L.A.

I personally would feel safer walking down Sukhumvit road than walking through Central park in New York. Even at 3 a.m. in the morning (although I probably wouldn't be walking at that time either place.)


I have been to Thailand many times before and I know what is best for me and I know that last time I was getting too much attention from vendors, touts and the working girls and it made my walks frustrating. With empty bars, shops and taxis.... I am sure I would be that much more bothered so I am going to wait till there are more fish in the sea as it were.

Silly or not, I made my choice and I am happier for it :D

So why were you compelled to share all this nonsence?

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Now nearing 3 years in Thailand and the only trouble I have encountered has been the odd wife beating their drunken husbands with sticks as they drove them home like a cattle herder and a cat fight where 4 women beat up on another early hours of the morning. One bit of aggression in a pub between 2 Thai men over a woman.

No pickpockets, no thieves, no aggression in my direction. Not the same as in many European countries I have visited or when I was in Winnipeg - the so called 'Murder Capital' of Canada where I had the experience of meeting some street gangs.

We hear a lot about the bad things in Thailand for obvious reasons but if I were to baulk at going to a country or city because of any perceived threats I would still be a mummy's boy and tied to my mothers apron strings. Also I would have missed out on some great adventures.

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So much animosity towards Paul. I think 80% of the members here don't actually understand what a troll or trolling is. Sheesh.

Cant agree. I got the opposite impression. 80% of the members are aware of the trolling and they like it to go ahead with it because its fun...

Read all the posts and you will (maybe) agree.

Edited by webfact
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So much animosity towards Paul. I think 80% of the members here don't actually understand what a troll or trolling is. Sheesh.

Animosity???I don't think so,just light jokes,being serious in LOS is nearly an offence.. :)

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Paul, your absolutely correct in postponing your trip, as Thailand now has a serious problem with Swine Flu. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even come in December, as it is predicted to even get worse by then.


not only Thailand has a serious problem with swine flu! There are many!

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Paul, your absolutely correct in postponing your trip, as Thailand now has a serious problem with Swine Flu. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even come in December, as it is predicted to even get worse by then.


not only Thailand has a serious problem with swine flu! There are many!

The USA already has an estimated MILLION cases. Better to come to Thailand!

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It's still a good place to visit but if you run into problems, you can't expect the authorities to be of any help.

Tourists are fair game. The Thai Police have taken over the best scams and every lowlife in town seems to have a free pass to harass and attempt to scam visitors.

A few rules to help you have a better trip.

10. Never use a taxi parked outside your hotel or one that calls out to you. Pay what the meter says. If they don't use a meter, not your problem.

9. Never talk with or use TukTuks. 100% scammers. They are criminals paid to lure you into Police owned scams.

8. Don't talk to well dress Thais that stop you on the street corner. They are everywhere and work for the Police. Their goal is to defraud you with an elaborate scam.

7. Do not believe the people surrounding the Grand Palace. Tourist Police scam...It is open every day till 3:30.

6. Do not go into an upstairs bar in PatPong. Another Police scam.

5. Do not pay more than 3,000 for a suit.

4. If you go to the resorts, rent a car or motorbike. The transport system in these places are run by overcharging thugs.

3. Do not expect to make a profit on gems. If you need to buy jewelry, go for the Thai Gold at a reputable shop.

2. Do not give to the beggars. They work for the Police.

1. The buffalo is not sick.

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Paul, your absolutely correct in postponing your trip, as Thailand now has a serious problem with Swine Flu. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even come in December, as it is predicted to even get worse by then.


not only Thailand has a serious problem with swine flu! There are many!

The flu cases in Thailand are manageable and the likelihood of infection from a crowd is pretty low now. However, come high season when the flu will start it's annual climb in Europe and North America will make airports and flying a source of worry. I expect that this flu is going to wreak havoc on the tourist season and that the likelihood of travel restrictions by Dec-Feb is a distinct possibility.

Visit now while you can and while you have a chance. Forget the flu and pickpockets. Live life while you can.

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