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A Sure Way To Get Rid Of Taxi Touts

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Speak to them with great zeal and interest,

Of course you'll be speaking a combination of Ojibwa, (AKA, American Indian, otherwise know as Jiberish) and your best Klingon form Star Wars.

Act a little annoyed that they don't understand you, :)

It's the small things in life that put a smile on our face. :D

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A terse "Mai ow", or if you want to be more polite, "Mai ow, khrap," works wonders and doesn't make you look low class like coughing in one's face does.

Have you ever seen a Thai cover their mouth when coughing?

This is normal behaviour for them so they won't get upset.

No wonder the H1N1 virus is spreading so quickly here. Abhisit would be wise to explain such fundamental basics of cleanliness and manners.

This can be related to the BTS cards which attempted to educate the locals to stand away from the doors as they opened, with pictures to help them understand i.e. as the arrows on the ground clearly indicate.

Has there been a marked improvement with this irritatingly annoying impoliteness? Will they ever learn manners?

Whose manners? Yours or theirs?

Theirs of course. Look at how the Thai's enjoy gauging their noses in broad daylight? Is it that you aren't aware of their behaviour, have become immune to such vulgarity or act in similar vein yourself? I carry extra tissues and hand them out whenever I see this as it is quite repulsive.

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A terse "Mai ow", or if you want to be more polite, "Mai ow, khrap," works wonders and doesn't make you look low class like coughing in one's face does.

Have you ever seen a Thai cover their mouth when coughing?

This is normal behaviour for them so they won't get upset.

No wonder the H1N1 virus is spreading so quickly here. Abhisit would be wise to explain such fundamental basics of cleanliness and manners.

This can be related to the BTS cards which attempted to educate the locals to stand away from the doors as they opened, with pictures to help them understand i.e. as the arrows on the ground clearly indicate.

Has there been a marked improvement with this irritatingly annoying impoliteness? Will they ever learn manners?

Whose manners? Yours or theirs?

Theirs of course. Look at how the Thai's enjoy gauging their noses in broad daylight? Is it that you aren't aware of their behaviour, have become immune to such vulgarity or act in similar vein yourself? I carry extra tissues and hand them out whenever I see this as it is quite repulsive.

With your enthusiasm, you could make great tips as a toilet attendant.

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Doubtful Smokie. I think you must be stoned. :D

Are there public toilets in Thailand? On a similar note to previously discussed traditional Thai traits, the men urinate wherever and whenever they need to go, as seen (and smelt) :) on a highly regular basis. This is nothing less than putrid.

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A terse "Mai ow", or if you want to be more polite, "Mai ow, khrap," works wonders and doesn't make you look low class like coughing in one's face does.

Have you ever seen a Thai cover their mouth when coughing?

This is normal behaviour for them so they won't get upset.

No wonder the H1N1 virus is spreading so quickly here. Abhisit would be wise to explain such fundamental basics of cleanliness and manners.

This can be related to the BTS cards which attempted to educate the locals to stand away from the doors as they opened, with pictures to help them understand i.e. as the arrows on the ground clearly indicate.

Has there been a marked improvement with this irritatingly annoying impoliteness? Will they ever learn manners?

Whose manners? Yours or theirs?

Theirs of course. Look at how the Thai's enjoy gauging their noses in broad daylight? Is it that you aren't aware of their behaviour, have become immune to such vulgarity or act in similar vein yourself? I carry extra tissues and hand them out whenever I see this as it is quite repulsive.

You misunderstand me. What, to you, might be good manners may not be to them. That's one of the disadvantages of visiting foreign countries. It comes as something of a shock to realise that the rest of the world doesn't necessarily think as you do.

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A terse "Mai ow", or if you want to be more polite, "Mai ow, khrap," works wonders and doesn't make you look low class like coughing in one's face does.

Have you ever seen a Thai cover their mouth when coughing?

This is normal behaviour for them so they won't get upset.

No wonder the H1N1 virus is spreading so quickly here. Abhisit would be wise to explain such fundamental basics of cleanliness and manners.

This can be related to the BTS cards which attempted to educate the locals to stand away from the doors as they opened, with pictures to help them understand i.e. as the arrows on the ground clearly indicate.

Has there been a marked improvement with this irritatingly annoying impoliteness? Will they ever learn manners?

Whose manners? Yours or theirs?

I have to completely agree with Leicester on this topic, i am yet to see any sort of good manners from thai people especially the taxi, tuk tuk and motorbike drivers. In their defense they are all from issan and are the most uneducated people in thailand so other thais trying to educate them with cleanliness and basic manners will be like the blind leading the blind.

How can you question Leicester on his manners as he has clearly noticed this rude, disgusting dispicable behaviour on a daily basis. I think it is obvious you possess the same disgusting habits as the thais as you seem to be getting a bit defensive and annoyed from these valid points.

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I usually find "Mia Ow Krup" works very well except for Indian Tailors in Pattaya where it is intrepted as "yes please, pester/ insult/irritate /piss me off because then i will cetainly buy something i never had any intention of buying ".

Indian Tailor Logic.!!!!!!

i go every day beach road vics beer bar indian tailar "how do you do have nice suits" and shake hand

one time after the handshake i counted my fingers and say ok no one missing since no more handshakes not even the nice suits!!

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Doubtful Smokie. I think you must be stoned. :D

Are there public toilets in Thailand? On a similar note to previously discussed traditional Thai traits, the men urinate wherever and whenever they need to go, as seen (and smelt) :) on a highly regular basis. This is nothing less than putrid.

What are you talking about?

Thais have no ability to use a toilet because they are???? What???

No public toilets? Well I can always find one.

I must be stoned.....I can't believe I'm reading this drivel.

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Doubtful Smokie. I think you must be stoned. :D

Are there public toilets in Thailand? On a similar note to previously discussed traditional Thai traits, the men urinate wherever and whenever they need to go, as seen (and smelt) :D on a highly regular basis. This is nothing less than putrid.

What are you talking about?

Thais have no ability to use a toilet because they are???? What???

No public toilets? Well I can always find one.

I must be stoned.....I can't believe I'm reading this drivel.

This is my point entirely. You are a prime example of a man that has fallen in love with Thailand and has become oblivious to them coughing in people's faces, rudely entering lifts and transport before others have vacated, picking their noses in public, relieving oneself wherever they wish, not to mention the noises created by generating phlegm for a well required throat cleanse!!! :)

Yes of course there are public amenities readily available, it must be that the males I see spending a penny in the street would prefer not to pay the entrance fee. Please remind me, what do they call farangs with no money or too tight to spend their money again?

Kee-nok/Kee-neow. Wonder where they get these phrases from? :D

Who said Thais have no ability to use a toilet? Not me! :D

Moreover, where have you found the inclusion because they are???? What???? You have confused me here. Are you talking to me?

If you are going to respond to my messages classifying them as drivel, please read the information first before you head off on a totally different tangent.

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aggressive, thuggish, scum-bag touts that harass and try to defraud every visitor that enters the country?

What a grossly inaccurate and presumptive generalization. :)

Some find it easier to use the broader brush than as to set specifics that might contradict their predispositions.

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Have you ever seen a Thai cover their mouth when coughing?

This is normal behaviour for them so they won't get upset.

No wonder the H1N1 virus is spreading so quickly here. Abhisit would be wise to explain such fundamental basics of cleanliness and manners.

This can be related to the BTS cards which attempted to educate the locals to stand away from the doors as they opened, with pictures to help them understand i.e. as the arrows on the ground clearly indicate.

Has there been a marked improvement with this irritatingly annoying impoliteness? Will they ever learn manners?

Yes, I have seen Thais cover their mouths when coughing. Mixed, I would say.

I'm not exactly sure it's being impolite. It's annoying, to be sure, but it's a different standard. I was reading somewhere lately about Thai manners and -- although I don't remember the source -- it was positing that courtesy depended on whether or not there is an actual connection between two people. I think that may be true. For example...standing in line at McDonalds or the post office. When its all anonymous, not much courtesy. But when you look at someone directly, they will almost always let you right in to your position before they stepped in front of you...and usually with apologies. Driving...if I can look the other driver in the eye, they'll let me in...if it's deeply tinted glass, forget it. Yes, I am annoyed when they walk directly in front of me on the sidewalk. Yes, I'm annoyed when the motorcycles zip up the sidewalk...although I rarely get out of the way anymore...in fact, I tend to look directly in their face...they look down...they go around.

But on the other hand, in other situations there is a friendliness and ease of conversation here that I never found back in the States. I wandered into an obscure neighborhood taking my photos the other day (my hobby; BTW, I live here now). Way out of the way. I was welcomed into a Chinese Buddist temple and given an impromptu tour. One really old fellow was delighted at my unexpected presence. I took a photo of some food on the street that was particularly interesting, and the vendor gave me a look that made me think I had created a faux pas...then burst out laughing with all the other vendors and invited me to take a photo of her.

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Theirs of course. Look at how the Thai's enjoy gauging their noses in broad daylight? Is it that you aren't aware of their behaviour, have become immune to such vulgarity or act in similar vein yourself? I carry extra tissues and hand them out whenever I see this as it is quite repulsive.

Yes, I see that, but not all that common. On the other hand, I see great distaste when dining if I blow my nose...which I often have to do due to the chillis.

It's just different.

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Yes you are correct. I DO love Thaland and I have hever seen any of the behaviour you have described.

They only want to be examine what they perceive as to make themselves feel better towards an illusional superiority.

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This is my point entirely. You are a prime example of a man that has fallen in love with Thailand and has become oblivious to them coughing in people's faces, rudely entering lifts and transport before others have vacated, picking their noses in public, relieving oneself wherever they wish, not to mention the noises created by generating phlegm for a well required throat cleanse!!! :)

Yes of course there are public amenities readily available, it must be that the males I see spending a penny in the street would prefer not to pay the entrance fee. Please remind me, what do they call farangs with no money or too tight to spend their money again?

Kee-nok/Kee-neow. Wonder where they get these phrases from? :D

Who said Thais have no ability to use a toilet? Not me! :D

Moreover, where have you found the inclusion because they are???? What???? You have confused me here. Are you talking to me?

If you are going to respond to my messages classifying them as drivel, please read the information first before you head off on a totally different tangent.

Okay, so since it's such a terribly disgusting place, why are you here? I'm seriously asking. It seems like you pretty much hate Thai people. So why are you here?

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Okay, so since it's such a terribly disgusting place, why are you here? I'm seriously asking. It seems like you pretty much hate Thai people. So why are you here?

The omnipresent contradiction. As you might know, there is a great circle of these types. In residence forever.....can't stand the place....can't stand the people nor the society at large.....find every aspect of Thai life quite unsavoury.....etc. But insist on staying around.

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Trying to get back on topic...

I find that the best way to get rid of taxi touts is to follow the signs for Public Taxi. I don't recall ever having been bothered by taxi touts, although I can see that for visitors who are new to Suvarnabhumi, the flashy yellow ladies might be distracting, and newcomers who have not done their homework won't know a fair price for their trip.

That having been said, I am sure some people find the few quid extra for a car in good roadworthy condition with seat belts and ample luggage space, and where the driver knows where he is going, or can ask a radio operator for assistance with directions, to be money well spent.

I don't mind paying the airport surcharge either - that little extra reward encourages the taxi drivers to hang around in long queues at the airport, and helps ensure that there are always taxis at the airport, even in peak hours and even when the airport is not busy. The 50 baht surcharge is not a lot, especially compared to other airports - Taiwan (taxi monopoly at airport, +50% on meter), Singapore (+ S$3.50 I think).


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I often wonder if there are two Thailands:

1) One where life is perfect and even when it rains the sun is still shining.

2) One where life is hel_l on earth, where every Thai is out to get you (especially the women), good service is never to be had and the Thais live in ignorance of the world around them

Glad I don't live in either of those places, but firmly in reality.

That being said, touts are plain annoying, and if idiots didn't buy things from them, we wouldn't have them. Most just go away when you ignore them, but Jesus they can annoy the <deleted> out of you when you are sitting on the beach or at a restaurant trying to enjoy the day and one after another they just keep coming over. I particularly hate it when one of them touches me, that gets a very immediate and very negative response.

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Okay, so since it's such a terribly disgusting place, why are you here? I'm seriously asking. It seems like you pretty much hate Thai people. So why are you here?

The omnipresent contradiction. As you might know, there is a great circle of these types. In residence forever.....can't stand the place....can't stand the people nor the society at large.....find every aspect of Thai life quite unsavoury.....etc. But insist on staying around.

I know. And I just don't get it. I see both the good and bad. All the contradictions that make Thailand what it is. But if I hated it here so much that I had to only moan an groan, I'd just leave. To be honest a lot of that "great circle" you mention are here for one reason and we all know what it is, so for them it transcends anything they see as negative.

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Trying to get back on topic...

I find that the best way to get rid of taxi touts is to follow the signs for Public Taxi. I don't recall ever having been bothered by taxi touts, although I can see that for visitors who are new to Suvarnabhumi, the flashy yellow ladies might be distracting, and newcomers who have not done their homework won't know a fair price for their trip.

That having been said, I am sure some people find the few quid extra for a car in good roadworthy condition with seat belts and ample luggage space, and where the driver knows where he is going, or can ask a radio operator for assistance with directions, to be money well spent.

I don't mind paying the airport surcharge either - that little extra reward encourages the taxi drivers to hang around in long queues at the airport, and helps ensure that there are always taxis at the airport, even in peak hours and even when the airport is not busy. The 50 baht surcharge is not a lot, especially compared to other airports - Taiwan (taxi monopoly at airport, +50% on meter), Singapore (+ S$3.50 I think).

Bravo! Well said!

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A terse "Mai ow", or if you want to be more polite, "Mai ow, khrap," works wonders and doesn't make you look low class like coughing in one's face does.

Have you ever seen a Thai cover their mouth when coughing?

This is normal behaviour for them so they won't get upset.

No wonder the H1N1 virus is spreading so quickly here. Abhisit would be wise to explain such fundamental basics of cleanliness and manners.

This can be related to the BTS cards which attempted to educate the locals to stand away from the doors as they opened, with pictures to help them understand i.e. as the arrows on the ground clearly indicate.

Has there been a marked improvement with this irritatingly annoying impoliteness? Will they ever learn manners?

Whose manners? Yours or theirs?

I have to completely agree with Leicester on this topic, i am yet to see any sort of good manners from thai people especially the taxi, tuk tuk and motorbike drivers. In their defense they are all from issan and are the most uneducated people in thailand so other thais trying to educate them with cleanliness and basic manners will be like the blind leading the blind.

How can you question Leicester on his manners as he has clearly noticed this rude, disgusting dispicable behaviour on a daily basis. I think it is obvious you possess the same disgusting habits as the thais as you seem to be getting a bit defensive and annoyed from these valid points.

Looking at the time you joined, the number of posts you have and their content I think it is obvious that you are a sock-puppet.

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Being Irish I say "Pog ma Hon". I am waiting to be corrected on spelling by a Gaelic Scholar. :)

As Cowboy said paying the surcharge is the best way, I have never done anything else. The only time I did'nt do it with the Mrs the taxi driver would'nt turn on the meter so we told him to "Pog mo thon" and got out.

After that I just ignore them, d'ont even look at them and keep walkin'.

Edited by spongeman
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I particularly hate it when one of them touches me, that gets a very immediate and very negative response.

That is the one that sets me off, every time. I have no problem giving a polite "mai ow khrap" even dozens of times. But when someone puts their hands on me or tries to "help" me with my luggage, they have just crossed my personal tolerance line.

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Okay, so since it's such a terribly disgusting place, why are you here? I'm seriously asking. It seems like you pretty much hate Thai people. So why are you here?

The omnipresent contradiction. As you might know, there is a great circle of these types. In residence forever.....can't stand the place....can't stand the people nor the society at large.....find every aspect of Thai life quite unsavoury.....etc. But insist on staying around.

I know. And I just don't get it. I see both the good and bad. All the contradictions that make Thailand what it is. But if I hated it here so much that I had to only moan an groan, I'd just leave. To be honest a lot of that "great circle" you mention are here for one reason and we all know what it is, so for them it transcends anything they see as negative.

For the benefit of Phetaroi; I have stated 6 or 7 issues that disgust me about Thais. Yes I know this is because they are uneducated and its a different culture etc.

It wouldn't really be interesting reading if I were to write about all the wonderful things Thailand offers, and that I enjoy, would it? Visiting the beach on a weekend, a clear blue sky on a sunny warm day, a panang curry or similarly marvellous Thai meal, football in the international casual league at Patana school, massages ;-), playing golf on amazing courses with a caddy, cheapness of almost everything (alcohol especially;-)), the fact I'm not worried about getting mugged at 3am (its a very safe place, low crime levels), the jai yen yen mentality, the friendly thai smile, my girlfriends body, beautiful women in general, being able to pay the police 200 baht for speeding ;-), and most importantly winding muppets up like you and smokie who must walk around with your blinkers on. Everything I have said about their dirty habits is true and smokie - from the island of Ibiza, sorry I mean Samui, says he has never seen this. A great example of being here too long - you have become a liar (to yourself)!

What is wrong with stating a few home truths? Its just the way us youngsters roll. Fancy another bite?

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For the benefit of Phetaroi; I have stated 6 or 7 issues that disgust me about Thais. Yes I know this is because they are uneducated and its a different culture etc.

It wouldn't really be interesting reading if I were to write about all the wonderful things Thailand offers, and that I enjoy, would it? Visiting the beach on a weekend, a clear blue sky on a sunny warm day, a panang curry or similarly marvellous Thai meal, football in the international casual league at Patana school, massages ;-), playing golf on amazing courses with a caddy, cheapness of almost everything (alcohol especially;-)), the fact I'm not worried about getting mugged at 3am (its a very safe place, low crime levels), the jai yen yen mentality, the friendly thai smile, my girlfriends body, beautiful women in general, being able to pay the police 200 baht for speeding ;-), and most importantly winding muppets up like you and smokie who must walk around with your blinkers on. Everything I have said about their dirty habits is true and smokie - from the island of Ibiza, sorry I mean Samui, says he has never seen this. A great example of being here too long - you have become a liar (to yourself)!

What is wrong with stating a few home truths? Its just the way us youngsters roll. Fancy another bite?

There's nothing wrong with stating a few home truths. But what is so common on this forum is that virtually all the truths stated are negatives. And I agree, Thailand has its negatives (as do all countries). It's nice to see that, when prompted, you can state a number of things you like about Thailand. Do you realize how seldom people do that on this forum?

I also agree with you about the guy who has never seen any of things you mentioned. He must be blind.

There are, indeed, things that drive me crazy. For example, just yesterday I left Pantip steaming because of being approached so many times to buy porno videos. Just burned me to a crisp...and I see that as right along the same theme as taxi touts, etc.

One place we may differ is in regard to education. I am not sure that education is very related to refined culture.

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