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i got married for 2 and half years with farang guy and he got 1 kid from his ex girlfriend,i love his kid

His problem about alcoho.all of his friends,who he hang out with always have many girls around and had sex,i found out from his friend sms said about tit,pussy or having sex with 2 girls even they got wife and own kid already,

before i can"t accept but i don't want to fight,he had hot temper.he done many things without thinking of my feeling many time.we both jealous

- actually man hit woman nobody can accept that in life but after he knock me down in 1 punched in front bed supper club because of I pull water in yr face because of we both jealous

- when I'm away to work,he been out all night and invited 2 girls and 1 man in the house,he told me he didn't do anything with them,just talk

- another night out he have girl number and hind his phone in the car,so i found out,he said he do that revence me for i'm act not nice when he been out

- everytime he out he like to turn off the phone or no battery left everytime when I just called to ask "when u come back home,around 3 or 4 am already then make him upset and came back home in the morning even he gave me yr word and promise already .

And that I forgive u because I love him,want to get marry only one time in my life but that broke my trust and my heart already and I don't mind to give a chance "

- we fight as talk fight again and he always to work in Phuket,got house there also,but ask his ex girlfriend to go down to Phuket told her we divorce,but she said no because she still got feeling for my husband so he decided

- invite his dad's brother and pay for his flight from europe and they had night out spent money on alcohol usually 30,000-40,000 per night

other thing i got own job work for government,salary not much,i don't mind to live on my saraly,but sometime i feel something,why he take care other people better than take care me but actually he really nice person when he have good mood

You know what Why i don't like to ask him for money because when we fight he said everything i got is his......i get better life because of him.......hurt me everytime when I heard that from him

goodluck for me I didn't quit my job.You're not stable to live with so u know why I'm insecure to live with him

So make me decide to divorce him, but can"t through it because he ask he a chance and he change himself to stop drinking,not out.we help to cut down budget to live like a normal

Now again just stupid fight he spent time on internet too much,so i just said to him but he shout at me and talk bad.make me upset i decide to go to sleep with my parent house instead but after that night he get member on website looking for female to travel europe with and put himself "single" i forgot to tell u we both have password and he said he did it to revence me and then he changed password so i can"t check

he sent me email about suicide,make me and his family worry, so i went to see him and i get back to him that night.

But after he change password he get member on other website for travel europe looking for girl to travel with again and only open female profile,now i knew his heart not 100 percent for me,so what's point to be together.

mean he looking for other girl when he still have his own wife but we just live seperate,

i have no trust,make me checking,i don't like myself to be like this,not stable to be with him because he can thrown me out some time i walk out of this relationship with no money i have to ask my daddy for money when i have not enough to live or get new apartment to live seperate with him

no future, insecure even still love, but people can't live with only love.when couple get old love will not so important but still be friend,take care each other, talk and share everything, honestly. But we just got only love,nothing else

i want to hurt short time not for whole life.I can't forget all of this but i want to give another chance but i can"t give all my trust to him.

oh. your in diaologue looking for relationship advice on here MY GOD. Mate if you dont get rid of her after this there is something wrong with you, i thought she only posted 1 she has 13.

there is a lot more i would like to post on here in defence of my friend (the husband) but i shall hold myself back for his sake.

mate its gonna take a F#$!&ing big bloke to fill your shoes,

F im absolutely shocked that she could do this, even my missus cant believe it.

she acts like butter would not f!$%&^in melt

Get my number and call me son, i imagine you probably need a beer


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Now i got new apartment to live with my own and concentrate with my work,but sometime just feel lonely,my mom knew about this and she said up to me if i'm not happy with this marry life

i know you feel lonely sometimes but this guy is not good for you or for anyone!

your broken heart will mend and i hope you can be happy in the future.

I hope you don't think all farang man are same like this one!

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Now i got new apartment to live with my own and concentrate with my work,but sometime just feel lonely,my mom knew about this and she said up to me if i'm not happy with this marry life

i know you feel lonely sometimes but this guy is not good for you or for anyone!

your broken heart will mend and i hope you can be happy in the future.

I hope you don't think all farang man are same like this one!

The Love Doctor is IN.

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