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Why Do Thais Give Money To Beggars?


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I see it all the time. All the hard working, very poor Thais are lined up manning their corn/noodle/fruit/ice cream/coffee/shoe repair/som tum/phone holder stand and then a beggar walks through, stops in front of each of them and asks for money. 75-80% of them then give it to him, so this beggar probably makes 10 times more in a day then they do. Why oh why?

Edited by Escobar69
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Maybe they know this person. Maybe they can see them self in this person. If they are giving I am sure they have good reason to give. I can even imagine that they know this person who now has nothing and comes to them for help. I wonder how many have once resorted to begging, got back on their feet and are now in the position to help out another person who is down on his or her luck.

I enjoy giving to those in need while in Thailand because they show such genuine gratitude that it does your heart good to think that you are making their life that much less sadder.

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Maybe they know this person. Maybe they can see them self in this person. If they are giving I am sure they have good reason to give. I can even imagine that they know this person who now has nothing and comes to them for help. I wonder how many have once resorted to begging, got back on their feet and are now in the position to help out another person who is down on his or her luck.

I enjoy giving to those in need while in Thailand because they show such genuine gratitude that it does your heart good to think that you are making their life that much less sadder.

Yes most thais I have met are a generous bunch and I am always happy to pass on a few baht

As for the farang beggars around suk....why???

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Yes most thais I have met are a generous bunch and I am always happy to pass on a few baht

perhaps that is why they are so poor? surely, a person with the slightest bit of intelligence realizes how silly/unproductive it is to give money to someone begging for it.

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Yes most thais I have met are a generous bunch and I am always happy to pass on a few baht

perhaps that is why they are so poor? surely, a person with the slightest bit of intelligence realizes how silly/unproductive it is to give money to someone begging for it.

And your more useful alternative is?

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"...fear of retaliation? increase in good karma?..."

Or what about good old human compassion?

Is this a joke?

Not a joke.... Some people have a thing called "compassion", obviously not you.

"...surely, a person with the slightest bit of intelligence realizes how silly/unproductive it is to give money to someone begging for it..."(Escobar69)

I'm certain I have at least a slight bit of intelligence, and I do not realise how silly/unproductive it is, therefore your statement is wrong.

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My husband and I always make sure we have some small change to hand when we shop at the local markets. We laughingly refer to it as Par Si - tax.

In our local market there is a man with no legs skating along on a piece of wood with wheels under it, a lady with only one arm who is also blind. Yes, it's compassion for those that have farl ess than we do, and every little bit helps, as a general rule people only give a few baht, less than most folks would spend on a beer or a packet of cigarettes.

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If the person is very old, (and obviously not cared for by family), deformed or disabled, give a little, there is no social security here. In some areas the prime tourist begging spots are controlled and rented out by the police. That good looking well spoken Burmese guy in C.M. that lost a leg below the knee makes quite a bit.

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I don't give to beggars but will donate to a few charities, and mostly in goods, rarely cash, with our company logo in stickers or inked across the front to prevent (to an extent) resale of said goods.

I do try to balance that with my belief that the more someone gets something for free, the less able they are going to be able to get it for themselves in the long run.... usually only donating to charities with younger children and infants in their care, not working aged teenager type organizations.

As for why... not so much as to feel good, as I usually feel pretty good anyway, nor for karma, which I don't believe even exists. Kind of to keep things in perspective on how fortunate I am, and so family members can keep that lesson in mind as well.


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"...fear of retaliation? increase in good karma?..."

Or what about good old human compassion?

Is this a joke?

some people might consider your question a joke. i don't as it's a dàmn stupid one! :)

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I see it all the time. All the hard working, very poor Thais are lined up manning their corn/noodle/fruit/ice cream/coffee/shoe repair/som tum/phone holder stand and then a beggar walks through, stops in front of each of them and asks for money. 75-80% of them then give it to him, so this beggar probably makes 10 times more in a day then they do. Why oh why?

there is a fine line between true charity and misplaced compassion.

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I always give a few baht to a deformed or disabled beggar because I pity such an unfortunate soul. Pure and simple. Maybe I can make a small difference in his/her day. Makes me realize how very, very lucky I am.

Same same for me.

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I've alwasy been under the impression that most beggars on suk road are not Thai (normally Cambodoan/ vietnamese) put there in the morning by Thai organised gangs - much like the Indian situation - picked up at night and relieved of their earnings.

Or am I being cynical?

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I enjoy giving to those in need while in Thailand because they show such genuine gratitude that it does your heart good to think that you are making their life that much less sadder.

So why are you scared to come to Thailand?

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Well known scam - gangs control these beggars and well the takes are most likely not going to the beggar.

I've often wondered how some of the profoundly disabled get on to the top of the footbridges. :)

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I enjoy giving to those in need while in Thailand because they show such genuine gratitude that it does your heart good to think that you are making their life that much less sadder.

So why are you scared to come to Thailand?

I think instead of answering your stupid question, we should just assume you don't know how to read. There, now I feel sorry for you.

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Well known scam - gangs control these beggars and well the takes are most likely not going to the beggar.

This is true, but only in well known tourist areas. It seldom happens in Thai village areas who know what is going on. I trust the Thais to know who are legitimate and who aren't.

As for myself I believe in helping those in need to help themselves. I've been able to set up a few Thai families in small businesses to help themselves. I know several others who have done the same.

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I enjoy giving to those in need while in Thailand because they show such genuine gratitude that it does your heart good to think that you are making their life that much less sadder.

So why are you scared to come to Thailand?

I think instead of answering your stupid question, we should just assume you don't know how to read. There, now I feel sorry for you.

Thanks, it must have taken you some time to write that. Well done.

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Yes most thais I have met are a generous bunch and I am always happy to pass on a few baht

perhaps that is why they are so poor? surely, a person with the slightest bit of intelligence realizes how silly/unproductive it is to give money to someone begging for it.

And if that person is unable to work due to some disability, or some mental illness or a deformity, why is it so counter-productive to give a small amount to them?

Have you never heard of compassion? Never been down at heel yourself at some time? (if not, count yourself very lucky).

Many of us believe in Karma and also believe that to help in a small way is good for your own heart because you feel you have helped someone.

Not everyone is a tight arse and it is a good thing too or else there would be many more problems in this world from lack of a bit of charity.

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