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Favourite After-hours Places In Cm


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Not done it for a few years, but we used to head to the airport at 5-6am ish when everyone was closing. The restaurant there was always open and serving drinks.


Yeah take a plane to Rangoon or something. Bars might still be serving :)

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I'm not sure of the name but the new club at The President is the new place to go, open till the wee hours.

I'm also not sure if they have a foreigner cover charge. But for anyone complaining about a foreigner cover charge, my philosophy, if you don't have the money you shouldn't be out. Go have a couple of beers at Tuskers.

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The problem is that you want to keep it free from expats other than yourself.

Why is this a problem? Whilst I understand your point, I for one didn't come to Thailand because it was full of foreigners (anyway you've already guessed why I came here :) ). I work with Thais and socialise mainly with Thais; expats make up a very small part of my social circle. Call me selfish, but I don't see why I would want to advertise to all and sundry about the Thai places I go to with Thai friends. If you want to find these places, make some real Thai friends and you'll soon find you're living in a differnt world to the totally artificial one that exists around Thapae gate (UG: I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted here :D ) It's human nature to want to keep Utopia to yourself once you've found it (take the storyline from "the Beach" as an example).

Back on topic: late night venues. Firstly, many on TV seem to think Thailand's bars are there only to grab the farang dollar, and that Farang's are the only customers that matter (try that argument on a Friday night at Mandagay :D ). Reality: the vast majority of bars in and around CM make a living selling ice, mixers and Chang beer to Thai kids and view most Farangs as something that escaped from the zoo. Many are concerned that too many Farnags will scare away the Thai customers. Think back to when you were twenty, unless you were turning tricks, would you go to a place where you get stared at by a bunch of fat over fifites? Secondly, the late night venue's have a particular set of problems, they are operating illegally and have heavy overheads to allow them to do so. They want discreet understanding customers, not a bunch of tourists who turn up, in tuk-tuks, complain about the prices, the state of the hong namm, the "real" Thai food, then call the tourist non police after someone whacks them over the head for groping their girlfriend. Or worse, several drunken farnags who then start fighting amongst themselves. Just see it from the bar owners perspective - a friend who wons' such a venue has actually got angry with me for bringing other Farangs; most don't get past the door unless they are with known Thai customers.

I do much better socially as a fat old fellow who speaks OK Thai, than I ever did as a thin, young guy who didn't

:D Indeed, even a little Thai goes a long way here

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I'm not sure of the name but the new club at The President is the new place to go, open till the wee hours.

Fabrique - this thread is a spin off from another one discussing that venue. You seem to be the only one who thinks its the place to go.

But for anyone complaining about a foreigner cover charge, my philosophy, if you don't have the money you shouldn't be out.

If you have money and spend it freely the foreigner cover charge doesn't apply anyway.

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I'm not sure of the name but the new club at The President is the new place to go, open till the wee hours.

I'm also not sure if they have a foreigner cover charge. But for anyone complaining about a foreigner cover charge, my philosophy, if you don't have the money you shouldn't be out. Go have a couple of beers at Tuskers.

I have the money, I'm willing to buy drinks, I'm willing to leave a tip, and I'm willing to pay a cover charge if the place has entertainment I'm interested in, but I resent being charged money for the privilege of spending money. This isn't an attitude I developed in Thailand, I resent it anywhere it happens. And since there are plenty of places that don't charge a cover, they're the ones that get my business.

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I for one didn't come to Thailand because it was full of foreigners (anyway you've already guessed why I came here)

I like the honesty!

I pretty much agree with your whole post. I just gave the young feller a hard time for insulting us old folks. I was here in my early 30s and I never felt like the older guys were any better or any worse than the rest of us and I often enjoyed their company. I respected them for having the guts to travel to a place that improved their lives and I still feel the same way now that I've joined them. :)

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If you got girls already to lube up, a great place to cap them off is at Bossy which is down on that Japanese karaoke street near CM lan . maybe someone else can give better directions.

I wouldnt go there to pick up new ones though, as most will stick to their tables.

What the hel* kind of language is that? I thought I was hip and knew street slang, but I'm stumped with this one.

Please enlighten!

Another question, where is a good place for a mid-thirties, expat farang to go to meet single girls (not bar girls)?

Girls to lube up? lol Yeah thats pretty nasty language man.

just got my ole girl a lube up this week, shes ready for another years service, but im talking bout my Toyota :D

I think he means if you have girls that are nearly drunk ie tipsy/lubed up, you can carry on drinking to get them drunk/capped off :D

i understood it,either im hip still, or need a hip replacement :D

Actually Im not that hip either, but more of a two bit poet and just made up those terms for a lack of a better way to describe the situation

the above poster summed it up pretty well.

to put it bluntly (not sure if we are allowed to be blunt, but I will pretend we are in a bar talking)

say you and a buddy are out somewhere. . . say hotshot to make it easy and you meet two girls. And its 1am and hotshot is closing and its not time to go home and boomboom, as the girls still want to party/get liquid courage.

so the bad answer is to take them to spicy with all the chumps

the good answer is to take them to bossy, buy a bottle across the street and get a table in the corner, get some coke to mix for the girls and soda or ice for the men. Finish about 2/3 of the bottle and by the time they shut down, get outside and divide and conquer and take em home and ram till dawn...

but again I need to stress that unless you have a pokemon haircut, a lowered honda jazz and some brass knuckles, dont bother going to bossy to try to pick up. the good side of it is that nobody will bother you and your women, unless there is some jackass falang that wandered in after reading about it on a forum.. just make sure to tip the bottle boy and everything will be ok.

if you need to pick up fresh, you can try the warm-up game, but it usually requires phone number, call the next day, dinner and condoms

It just depends if you speak thai. there is a string of karakoe bars along some lonely road not too far from the night bazzar where you can find a constant stream of them fresh ones from the village, but dont even bother if you dont speak thai and dont know how to play....

and lastly.... if you have a European car with tinted windows, just cruise slowly by one of the universities around 4pm and roll down the window halfway when you see one you like and watch what happens.... :)

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please never make the mistake that every farang male who socialises in this excellent city is here for 'the same reason'.

So sorry, only about 99.9% of them are. :)

Beg to differ we're not all here for the same thing, well, actually we are, its just "same same but different" :D

Given the numbers of people attempting to sing hymns at the bible basher's club next door tonight, there seems to be quite a number in CM who are here for another reason. But, then given the stories some of the hill tribe boys tell about the extra curricular introductions to the adult world they received at missionary schools up in the hills maybe not........... :D

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I'm not sure of the name but the new club at The President is the new place to go, open till the wee hours.

Fabrique - this thread is a spin off from another one discussing that venue. You seem to be the only one who thinks its the place to go.

But for anyone complaining about a foreigner cover charge, my philosophy, if you don't have the money you shouldn't be out.

If you have money and spend it freely the foreigner cover charge doesn't apply anyway.

Never been there myself. I didn't even know the name. Just heard about it.

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Just hope none of you guys here(Ug excluded of course) was not involved in a fracas at a Thai nightclub on saturday night.(this club is situated outside of the superhighway BTW)

It didnt look good the farang repeatedly punching a thai guy in the face with 4 thai constabulary seated 5 metres away.

Retribution will be thai style I am sure.

I didn't hang around to see the end result... :)

Probably better to keep some favorite venues unknown to the riff raff

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For anyone who may be considering to post any of the lesser known places (the sort you were introduced to by your thai friends and would not have found otherwise), I beg you please to not post them on this forum as I do not want to be surrounded by sleazy old gits trying to cop off with students half their age when I go out this weekend.

Just tell us where you go then we know not to go there :)

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It just depends if you speak thai. there is a string of karakoe bars along some lonely road not too far from the night bazzar where you can find a constant stream of them fresh ones from the village,

Fresh ones from the mountain more like. Burma, Lao, China.. you name it. The up-side is that it doesn't matter that much anymore if you speak Thai. If you do, chances are your Thai is better than theirs. :)

and lastly.... if you have a European car with tinted windows, just cruise slowly by one of the universities around 4pm and roll down the window halfway when you see one you like and watch what happens...

Thought that was the vocational colleges more like? Or Phayap perhaps, they're all ******, or so I've heard. :D

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As I remember if 'you're not on the list' you always had to pay to go into a club in the UK.

In many instances if you weren't dressed correctly or fashionable enough you also couldn't get in. Considering the state of dress of some of the foreigners I've seen out on the town, I'm amazed they we're even let in. Long gone are the days when one went to the Reggae pub in Koh Samui and danced on the sand/dirt dancefloor.

I think it was Paagai made a point with words to the effect of... when you we're in your twenties would you really want to be stared at by 50 something year olds... horses for courses, An older crowd should be catered for as they've dollars to spend and they wanna get jiggy however maybe some of the youger ones just don't want them in their back yard.

Regards Bojo

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For anyone who may be considering to post any of the lesser known places (the sort you were introduced to by your thai friends and would not have found otherwise), I beg you please to not post them on this forum as I do not want to be surrounded by sleazy old gits trying to cop off with students half their age when I go out this weekend.

Most of the member clubs I frequent after hours wouldn't let a prick with an attitiude like your's in anyway. 'Nuf said :)

'Nuf said, indeed! :D

Point is apart from "nuff said" it was also "very well said" and if the guy doesn't undertstand it he should do what his mum probably never told him "to wash behind his ears" before going out :D

Edited by john b good
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Aside from all the unconstructive posts, the list so far is:

Chiangmai bar next to Discovery, Inside Park, Spicy or the open-air van, V-club, Mandalay/The Dark, Bossy, Vit club, two gay Karaoke places and MaejoMan's secret clubs he frequents that only let 'members' in (not pricks).

What are Inside Park and Vit Club like? Indoor/outdoor? Music?

Any more places???

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An older crowd should be catered for as they've dollars to spend and they wanna get jiggy however maybe some of the younger ones just don't want them in their back yard.

As long as it includes Thai women and not just young farang guys who want as little competition as possible. :)

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Aside from all the unconstructive posts, the list so far is:

Chiangmai bar next to Discovery, Inside Park, Spicy or the open-air van, V-club, Mandalay/The Dark, Bossy, Vit club, two gay Karaoke places and MaejoMan's secret clubs he frequents that only let 'members' in (not pricks).

What are Inside Park and Vit Club like? Indoor/outdoor? Music?

Any more places???

You forgot Fabrique!!!

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An older crowd should be catered for as they've dollars to spend and they wanna get jiggy however maybe some of the younger ones just don't want them in their back yard.

As long as it includes Thai women and not just young farang guys who want as little competition as possible. :)

dont forget zimmer frame parking out front :D

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What are Inside Park and Vit Club like? Indoor/outdoor? Music?

Any more places???

"Inside the Park" is an outdoor restaurant, bamboo hut type place, but quite large and nicely done. A bit hidden, can't recall what music they play (Drunk again :) )

Vit club (Or Wit club?) is on Chiang Mai Land, haven't been in ages. Indoor music venue, used to have Karaoke late on but not sure now.

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The problem is that you want to keep it free from expats other than yourself.

Why is this a problem? Whilst I understand your point, I for one didn't come to Thailand because it was full of foreigners (anyway you've already guessed why I came here :) ). I work with Thais and socialise mainly with Thais; expats make up a very small part of my social circle. Call me selfish, but I don't see why I would want to advertise to all and sundry about the Thai places I go to with Thai friends. If you want to find these places, make some real Thai friends and you'll soon find you're living in a differnt world to the totally artificial one that exists around Thapae gate (UG: I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted here :D ) It's human nature to want to keep Utopia to yourself once you've found it (take the storyline from "the Beach" as an example).

So, i'm alright jack for you then. Human nature to keep utopia to yourself? No, i don't think so at all. And forums such as these are places for sharing the wonders of being a human.

And in my experience in thailand not many farang have an extensive network of thai friends like yourself; it's just not quite that simple. As it happens i often went places in bangkok with thais who showed me places i'd never otherwise have found. Such good places i told everyone i knew.

I trust your circle of thai friends are unaware of your selfishness. I can't imagine them being the same. Lucky they afforded you what you don't want to give to others.

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Aside from all the unconstructive posts, the list so far is:

Chiangmai bar next to Discovery, Inside Park, Spicy or the open-air van, V-club, Mandalay/The Dark, Bossy, Vit club, two gay Karaoke places and MaejoMan's secret clubs he frequents that only let 'members' in (not pricks).

What are Inside Park and Vit Club like? Indoor/outdoor? Music?

Any more places???

The disco on the backside of Lucky Bar can be hit or miss, but it does stay open till about 5 or 6am.

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The problem is that you want to keep it free from expats other than yourself.

Why is this a problem? Whilst I understand your point, I for one didn't come to Thailand because it was full of foreigners (anyway you've already guessed why I came here :) ). I work with Thais and socialise mainly with Thais; expats make up a very small part of my social circle. Call me selfish, but I don't see why I would want to advertise to all and sundry about the Thai places I go to with Thai friends. If you want to find these places, make some real Thai friends and you'll soon find you're living in a differnt world to the totally artificial one that exists around Thapae gate (UG: I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted here :D ) It's human nature to want to keep Utopia to yourself once you've found it (take the storyline from "the Beach" as an example).

So, i'm alright jack for you then. Human nature to keep utopia to yourself? No, i don't think so at all. And forums such as these are places for sharing the wonders of being a human.

And in my experience in thailand not many farang have an extensive network of thai friends like yourself; it's just not quite that simple. As it happens i often went places in bangkok with thais who showed me places i'd never otherwise have found. Such good places i told everyone i knew.

I trust your circle of thai friends are unaware of your selfishness. I can't imagine them being the same. Lucky they afforded you what you don't want to give to others.

I agree. I love to show people places that other people have shown me.

Unfortunately, I've discovered that most foreigners don't like Thai places if they can't speak Thai. They get very paranoid and seem to be convinced at every moment that they're about to be ripped off.

I'm just about ready to give up after the last time where I took a foreigner who lives here to a late night student club. We had about a dozen student girls with us who were paying their own way with the whisky and mixers and the club was full of young student Thais and no other foreigners. Everyone was friendly and as I'd been there many times before the staff were eager to help, Unfortunately no-one spoke English and I spent the entire time trying to calm down his paranoia that the staff were trying to rip him off and over order on his bill. A miserable night for me and he can spend the rest of his life in Chiang Mai going to Spicy from now on as far as I'm concerned as it seems to be the only place he's happy.

This is not the first time this has happened and I've resorted before to telling the whining foreigner that I'll pay for everything just so he'll shut up asking what the price of everything is and whether the bill will be accurate and what did the waitress just say and what is the waitress doing and where did she go and ruining everyone else's night.

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So, i'm alright jack for you then. Human nature to keep utopia to yourself? No, i don't think so at all. And forums such as these are places for sharing the wonders of being a human.

The problem is the moment you post on a public forum you attract the idiots as well as the normal people. Mr Lube is a good example of the type of tosspot who would not be appreciated at the places I frequent.

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An older crowd should be catered for as they've dollars to spend and they wanna get jiggy however maybe some of the younger ones just don't want them in their back yard.

As long as it includes Thai women and not just young farang guys who want as little competition as possible.

dont forget zimmer frame parking out front

Out front? How are we supposed to dance without our aluminum walkers?

What I meant was that I wonder if Thai girls are as concerned about keeping older farangs out of certain venues as some of our less aged farang members are. I have not noticed that they are so bothered by our presense as some folks would like to suggest. whistling.gif

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An older crowd should be catered for as they've dollars to spend and they wanna get jiggy however maybe some of the younger ones just don't want them in their back yard.

As long as it includes Thai women and not just young farang guys who want as little competition as possible.

dont forget zimmer frame parking out front

Out front? How are we supposed to dance without our aluminum walkers?

What I meant was that I wonder if Thai girls are as concerned about keeping older farangs out of certain venues as some of our less aged farang members are. I have not noticed that they are so bothered by our presense as some folks would like to suggest. whistling.gif

They probably have fatter wallets as well! :)

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