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Deserves all he is going to get, The death penalty is too good for the likes of him. Better to rot in jail for rest of his life.

no one deserves to exist in such terrible conditions... NO ONE!

These garbage dump scavengers in India don't deserve to exist in such terrible conditions but at least they are free and more importantly they don't traffic in drugs.

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harley clarkey,

Along with knowing he was seriously breaking the law, this idiot must know something of the conditions in Thai gaols. There has been enough printed about those conditions over the years for one to know that even if only 10% is true, a Thai gaol is not the place to be spending any time, let alone your life.

But he went ahead, and trafficked heroin, knowing at worst, there was a fair chance he'd end his time on the end of a rope (or whatever method the Thais for execution), or at best, in a Thai gaol. Surely this halfwit could rationalize the consequences of what he was embarking upon and I'm sure he did, but was blinded by the bulk $$ he stood to make out of others' misery and potentially their deaths. In short, he didn't care about anybody but himself.

Gaol sentences are to punish criminals, and make no mistake, this is one of the worst possible crimes. If a person murders another, one person is dead, but we would never know how many deaths this prick would have caused if he'd managed to get this through with his awful cargo.

Prisons shouldn't be holiday camps with TV's and other luxuries as they are here in Australia. They should be tough, and I mean really tough, so tough that nobody would ever want to go there, not even as a visitor.

If the decision was mine, a life sentence wouldn't be an option; too expensive to the state, and not as sufficient a deterrent as execution. As the Chinese Emperor Qing said, "Kill one, frighten a thousand".

Once again, NO SYMPATHY. You play the game, you take the knocks.

I have no problem, and no sympathy, at all with this idiot serving his time....and I agree with you. NOT in the lap of luxury...(bring on Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona). But I do NOT agree with keeping humans in conditions that are more appropriate to the middle ages. This is institutional cruelty and it is not acceptable. If the Thais want to kill him then do it quickly and some humanity.

For the record I am totally against any scum that deals in death. Be it heroin, meth, crack et al. The devestation these sub humans cause in society is incalcuable. Not only in the cost of life, but can you just imagine the number of robberies and muggings that, say, 100 addicts have to commit to feed their daily habit? And all the while the top dog is laughing all the way to the bank...which he probably owns

I can guess that this fool is just a stupid mule. And yes mules are a vital link in this death chain and so they make their bed and lie on it.

Can we be absolutely 100% certain that, given this is Thailand and rotton from the top down, we can believe all that is fed to us? What is with the post above that claims he is innocent?

Two Thai police officers have given evidence in a Bangkok court against an Australian man who attempted to smuggle more than three kilograms of heroin into Australia last year.

Andrew Hood, 37, a former storeman from the Sydney suburb of Annandale, was arrested at Bangkok airport in December.

Hood was arrested by customs officials as he made his way to the departure lounge.

In court today, photos were produced showing bags of heroin taped to his body.

Reports say the heroin had an estimated street value of 12 million baht ($480,000).

In an earlier hearing in May, Hood, fearing the death penalty, pleaded guilty to the charges.

But he is unlikely to be given the death penalty.

He told the court in May there was "no way I'm fighting this one. You can't win. I've been informed by plenty of people."

A verdict is expected on August 5.


I harshly criticize Thai Law....but law is law.

More important: this is not respectfull to the Thailand and Thai people.

Anyway....due to his consciousness.......I wish him good luck.

God bless him.

Two Thai police officers have given evidence in a Bangkok court against an Australian man who attempted to smuggle more than three kilograms of heroin into Australia last year.

Andrew Hood, 37, a former storeman from the Sydney suburb of Annandale, was arrested at Bangkok airport in December.

Hood was arrested by customs officials as he made his way to the departure lounge.

In court today, photos were produced showing bags of heroin taped to his body.

Reports say the heroin had an estimated street value of 12 million baht ($480,000).

In an earlier hearing in May, Hood, fearing the death penalty, pleaded guilty to the charges.

But he is unlikely to be given the death penalty.

He told the court in May there was "no way I'm fighting this one. You can't win. I've been informed by plenty of people."

A verdict is expected on August 5.


The guy is innocent - the victim here is all part of the police airport extortion scam.

Hood had nothing on him when he was going through customs, all those photos used as evidence were not him. They are all a photo-shop job, same goes for the recorded tv pictures, they are fake.

The police mistook Andrew Hook for another Andrew J Hood who had been staying at five-star accommodation in Bangkok and bragging of recently inheriting his father's small fortune.

Receiving a tip-off to the wealth of Andrew J Hood the police arrested the wrong Andrew Hood and handed him over to a Sri Lankan 'Tony'. Tony advised Hood that he has the 13rd person this week to be arrested for smuggling drugs via the airport but for 3.5 million baht he would be let off scot-free. Unfortunately, this Andrew Hood doesn't have a dollar to his name and the police could do nothing but send him over the courts with the fabricated evidence.

According to reports, this police drugs airport extortion scam preys on an average of 60 innocent foregners a month.

Petition your local OZ MP now - Andrew is an innocent victim.

So what? Guilty or innocent? This story is getting bold! 60 farang victim a month of airport scams in bangkok? 2 a day? Are you sure of what you're talking about? May you post any source?

Bye Max

Deserves all he is going to get, The death penalty is too good for the likes of him. Better to rot in jail for rest of his life.

no one deserves to exist in such terrible conditions... NO ONE!

I agree with you.

But he should have been aware of what treat will be in store for him if get busted in Thailand!

Also agree.

OK....he has to accept his sentence for breaking the law.....and this idiot and peddler of death and destruction did break it. But you don't keep humans in conditions that are unfit for an animal in any civilised society.

Its amazing the amount of doo gooders that are out there worrying about trash like this. Get real, he gets what is due to him. I'm betting your from one of those societies where the tax payers fork out 40-50 thousand dollars a year to take care of scum bags per scumbag. Thats the joke, these sort of people should be housed in dungeons & fed feces.

I applaud the thais for doing such an excellent job in housing scum in scummy conditions.

He Is the problem , he made the problem now he must deal with his problem, Tough Shi*.

Give him a needle and a few grams , that will solve his problem .

The problem is the needless authoritarian state. A fabricated and manufactured war on some drugs. We don't even have the ability to recognize what the real criminal activity might be nor can we be bothered. Because 'they' said so......


Its amazing the amount of doo gooders that are out there worrying about trash like this. Get real, he gets what is due to him. I'm betting your from one of those societies where the tax payers fork out 40-50 thousand dollars a year to take care of scum bags per scumbag. Thats the joke, these sort of people should be housed in dungeons & fed feces.

I applaud the thais for doing such an excellent job in housing scum in scummy conditions.

Your Christian signature;

On my honor, I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

And then you rant on ;

Thats the joke, these sort of people should be housed in dungeons & fed feces.

I applaud the thais for doing such an excellent job in housing scum in scummy conditions.

Are you able to see the Hypocrisy here?? Get rid of one or the other.

Two Thai police officers have given evidence in a Bangkok court against an Australian man who attempted to smuggle more than three kilograms of heroin into Australia last year.

Andrew Hood, 37, a former storeman from the Sydney suburb of Annandale, was arrested at Bangkok airport in December.

Hood was arrested by customs officials as he made his way to the departure lounge.

In court today, photos were produced showing bags of heroin taped to his body.

Reports say the heroin had an estimated street value of 12 million baht ($480,000).

In an earlier hearing in May, Hood, fearing the death penalty, pleaded guilty to the charges.

But he is unlikely to be given the death penalty.

He told the court in May there was "no way I'm fighting this one. You can't win. I've been informed by plenty of people."

A verdict is expected on August 5.


The guy is innocent - the victim here is all part of the police airport extortion scam.

Hood had nothing on him when he was going through customs, all those photos used as evidence were not him. They are all a photo-shop job, same goes for the recorded tv pictures, they are fake.

The police mistook Andrew Hook for another Andrew J Hood who had been staying at five-star accommodation in Bangkok and bragging of recently inheriting his father's small fortune.

Receiving a tip-off to the wealth of Andrew J Hood the police arrested the wrong Andrew Hood and handed him over to a Sri Lankan 'Tony'. Tony advised Hood that he has the 13rd person this week to be arrested for smuggling drugs via the airport but for 3.5 million baht he would be let off scot-free. Unfortunately, this Andrew Hood doesn't have a dollar to his name and the police could do nothing but send him over the courts with the fabricated evidence.

According to reports, this police drugs airport extortion scam preys on an average of 60 innocent foregners a month.

Petition your local OZ MP now - Andrew is an innocent victim.

So what? Guilty or innocent? This story is getting bold! 60 farang victim a month of airport scams in bangkok? 2 a day? Are you sure of what you're talking about? May you post any source?

Bye Max

So guys what i really don't understand is how you can follow talk your thoughs without even mind if the guy is guilty or victim of an airport scam..

well i had a tour on the net but didn't found the news about him victimized..

anyone know something more about it???



Deserves all he is going to get, The death penalty is too good for the likes of him. Better to rot in jail for rest of his life.

no one deserves to exist in such terrible conditions... NO ONE!

peadophiles do...

Two Thai police officers have given evidence in a Bangkok court against an Australian man who attempted to smuggle more than three kilograms of heroin into Australia last year.

Andrew Hood, 37, a former storeman from the Sydney suburb of Annandale, was arrested at Bangkok airport in December.

Hood was arrested by customs officials as he made his way to the departure lounge.

In court today, photos were produced showing bags of heroin taped to his body.

Reports say the heroin had an estimated street value of 12 million baht ($480,000).

In an earlier hearing in May, Hood, fearing the death penalty, pleaded guilty to the charges.

But he is unlikely to be given the death penalty.

He told the court in May there was "no way I'm fighting this one. You can't win. I've been informed by plenty of people."

A verdict is expected on August 5.


I harshly criticize Thai Law....but law is law.

More important: this is not respectfull to the Thailand and Thai people.

Anyway....due to his consciousness.......I wish him good luck.

God bless him.

u for real?

Deserves all he is going to get, The death penalty is too good for the likes of him. Better to rot in jail for rest of his life.

no one deserves to exist in such terrible conditions... NO ONE!

Rubbish, If daddies little girl ended up in a red light district screwing anything anyone any age just so she can get her next hit how would you feel. When she eventually dies what will you be thinking as they shovel dirt onto her grave. Now multiply what I have just said by a thousand mate. Yeah your right, give the guy a break, maybe some week end detention and a little community service that should teach him.

HANG THE FILTHY DOG. Better still let him rot slooowly :)


no matter how much desperation someone is in, I still think they are complete muppets to be smuggling drugs through any boarders, let alone in asia. I dont feel sorry for him but I feel really sorry for his 9 year old Daughter, I wonder what she is thinking the poor thing.

I look forward to reading his book on his release!

no matter how much desperation someone is in, I still think they are complete muppets to be smuggling drugs through any boarders, let alone in asia. I dont feel sorry for him but I feel really sorry for his 9 year old Daughter, I wonder what she is thinking the poor thing.

I look forward to reading his book on his release!

Agreed my heart goes out to the little girl. One must remember that most of the scum that are smugglers may have been doing runs for many years. Few would be first timers. The smuggler himself was a user so it destroyed his life in the end. Whats with the sunglasses on the cop INSIDE the terminal? he been watching to many cop movies :)


Hello, this story illistrates another poor life choice by a short sighted village idiot. I would think that the food in prison would be of a lesser quality than he could imagine, and the lack of freedom is always less than desirable so I hope he was not under any type of duress to tape 3 kilos of heroin to his body. There is no excuse for this behavior other than foolish greed. Cheers.

Deserves all he is going to get, The death penalty is too good for the likes of him. Better to rot in jail for rest of his life.

no one deserves to exist in such terrible conditions... NO ONE!

Could you please describe the conditions a heroin addict exists in? Then compare it with a Thai jail.

I think i would opt for jail.

Its amazing the amount of doo gooders that are out there worrying about trash like this. Get real, he gets what is due to him. I'm betting your from one of those societies where the tax payers fork out 40-50 thousand dollars a year to take care of scum bags per scumbag. Thats the joke, these sort of people should be housed in dungeons & fed feces.

I applaud the thais for doing such an excellent job in housing scum in scummy conditions.

Neverdie I am so so so very very very sorry.



So many honest, hard working people who live in much worse conditions than Thai jails (Burma anyone?) yet some misguided people amazingly pick out dirt like this waste of oxygen to worry about.


"Could you please describe the conditions a heroin addict exists in? Then compare it with a Thai jail."

cyb, you could have the 'best' of both worlds in a Thai gaol I beleive, i.e., be in the slammer and still have access to hard drugs!!

Win/win situation.

This low life knew the risks and the possible consequences for himself and daughter, but he still chose to go ahead. I don't believe that deserves any sympathy; she may, but he doesn't.

Sorry .. I have little to no sympathy for him - of all people, he was one of them and knew the damage/destruction the stuff does.

Right. Heroin is ghastly and ruins lives. He took his chances knowing what would happen if he got caught. Serves him right.

Wait for the howls of protest in the Aussie press. They always seem to side with Aussies who break the law abroad, demanding that they be freed, regardless of the circumstances.

As an Aussie I say let him rot in a thai prison. I guess there is one Aussie who will not side with him

Me to im aussie let him rot :)

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