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Why Not Socialize More?


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Ok, as a slant on this, as a relatively young-ish female I am quite wary and careful. That goes for anywhere in the world. Not just here. Again, that doesnt mean im rude or impolite. Also, i am in Chiang Mai. I agree that if i were in a more remote part of the country and i saw another westerner i would be more inclined to want to interact.

When i am introduced to someone and i see them around I will always be sociable even if just a big smile and small hi or wave.

I think its perfectly normal for most women, no matter where they are, to be edgy around people (well men) they dont know. Its sad if im considered impolite just because i wish to be careful.

...with regards to the topic, and any others that regularly come up in a cycle/loop, i just meant that the search function is pretty useful. Some topics do come up quite often, and this is one of them. ..and yes a fresh slant can be good too depending on the topic. But anyway..aff.. geez...nvm..i dont have the right words... was just a comment..thought it was a useful one..instead turns out its just ammo for the grumps. :)

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This same topic has been covered time & time again on ThaiVisa, so not much really to add.

These days I don't put myself out to be sociable with my countrymen here for reasons that one either receives the traditional Farang greeting as pictured below or the invisible treatment.

Now I see these posts....then I see who the author of the post is :D:)

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If some farang approached me in Foodland with a big smile and wave.

I would think of mainly three things

1. Homosexual

2. Mental problems

3 American mormon

4. drunk

5. shortsighted becasue grandpa left his glasses at home, thinking he can sweet young things that he still has 20-20 vision

6. farang trying to scam another foreigner

this is fun, anyone care to add? :)

7. new, sincere, just wanted advice from the only other foreigner.

8. wanted to tell you, that you have lost your wallet and wanted to give it back to you.

9. an old friend from school can remember you

10.A unknown stunningly beautiful young farang female winking to you across the 7/11 shelf..Sure most of you would ignore her,right?

I had dust in my eye..

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Really amazing how a topic is rolling along, and the we've been here before brigade feel that mentioning 'we have been here before' is somehow contributing to the topic..........

If you guys have no problem ignoring people...surely it is not too much of a stretch to ignore what you consider to be a repetitive thread??

I will refrain from making the obvious comment here!!!

Most the people contributing here didnt say anything about 'we have been here before'.

It seems to me you want to start up ur own brigade here......the, 'I hand out at the supermarket trying to make friends' brigade and youve just got to realise that isnt everyones cuppa tea.

you assume most.....from where?.......my post was clearly with regard to those that did

Oh and thanks for your on topic comment.... :)

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You guys really ought to take a look at what you are writing.......then think.... we are in Thailand where the majority of people always nod or smile a greeting.....although I am not surprised if they don't bother with you miserable lot.......you might just want to take a look at yourselves and ask if you miserable/private people are actually the ones out of sync here.......

Sad sad sad people.....and you even try to justify your ignorance.....amazing Thailand!!!!

Right on 473geo!I was trying to think how to say it when I saw your post,so just let me add...YEAH WHAT HE SAID!

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Shortly after I first arrived here I use to be very open and friendly in public places. Now that I've settled in for a couple of years, I've regressed into the impersonal persona that I disliked experiencing from where I came.

Hmm, that's interesting. I've gone the other way (also after a couple of years). I wonder if there's a pattern one way or the other?

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You guys really ought to take a look at what you are writing.......then think.... we are in Thailand where the majority of people always nod or smile a greeting.....although I am not surprised if they don't bother with you miserable lot.......you might just want to take a look at yourselves and ask if you miserable/private people are actually the ones out of sync here.......

Sad sad sad people.....and you even try to justify your ignorance.....amazing Thailand!!!!


Sorry, I missed this one. You must stay in a tourist type area, where sure as the sun shines, thais are busy smiling and nodding at people (...thinking how they cant extract money from this tourist) BUT where I live, there arnt any tourists, very few thais are smiling, they are all too busy trying to earn a few baht and couldnt give a <deleted> about the white guy who was silly enuf to come and live amoungst them.

Ohhh by the way, welcome to Thailand, please part with ur cash and depart before your tourist visa expires. :)

Edited by neverdie
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My reasons for ignoring people in this type of situation are that i'm pig ignorant and dont actually like people that much, plus everyone else in Thailand except yours truly is only here to run around after prossies, drink too much and because theyre a failure back in their own country. :)

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You guys really ought to take a look at what you are writing.......then think.... we are in Thailand where the majority of people always nod or smile a greeting.....although I am not surprised if they don't bother with you miserable lot.......you might just want to take a look at yourselves and ask if you miserable/private people are actually the ones out of sync here.......

Sad sad sad people.....and you even try to justify your ignorance.....amazing Thailand!!!!


Sorry, I missed this one. You must stay in a tourist type area, where sure as the sun shines, thais are busy smiling and nodding at people (...thinking how they cant extract money from this tourist) BUT where I live, there arnt any tourists, very few thais are smiling, they are all too busy trying to earn a few baht and couldnt give a <deleted> about the white guy who was silly enuf to come and live amoungst them.

Ohhh by the way, welcome to Thailand, please part with ur cash and depart before your tourist visa expires. :)

Errr.... no keep assuming.......

I guess different people evoke different reactions......Thai people clearly don't treat all farang the same.....

Then clearly not all farang are the same......we reap what we sow....I guess

edit.....just to point out the words immediately following your highlighted section..........

Edited by 473geo
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:) I didnt even noticed I did that.....neither did rixalex (& he notices everything).

Yeah actually i did so obviously i do notice everything. :D

You know it's weird. You and i have been members of this forum about the same amount of time and i've often read your posts and generally got your humour and have known when you've been tongue in cheek (most of the time!), and when you haven't. And i've certainly found nothing offensive in your posts in the past.

Then today i make a genuinely light-hearted remark about your propensity to flirt on the forum and it set you off on a number of perculiar rants that suggest by their personal and confrontational nature that this accusation has really upset you???!!! (never knew that flirting was such an insult!?)

I'm truly bewildered neverdie, i really am. I thought you were one of the normal ones. Perhaps it's just your idea of humour, i dunno. Oh well, i guess it all makes sense to you. Good luck with that.

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:D I didnt even noticed I did that.....neither did rixalex (& he notices everything).

Yeah actually i did so obviously i do notice everything. :D

You know it's weird. You and i have been members of this forum about the same amount of time and i've often read your posts and generally got your humour and have known when you've been tongue in cheek (most of the time!), and when you haven't. And i've certainly found nothing offensive in your posts in the past.

Then today i make a genuinely light-hearted remark about your propensity to flirt on the forum and it set you off on a number of perculiar rants that suggest by their personal and confrontational nature that this accusation has really upset you???!!! (never knew that flirting was such an insult!?)

I'm truly bewildered neverdie, i really am. I thought you were one of the normal ones. Perhaps it's just your idea of humour, i dunno. Oh well, i guess it all makes sense to you. Good luck with that.

Rixalex, Please don't be dewildered, I didnt actually take offence at your post. Please understand the following:-

1. I'm a fairly complex type of individual.

2. I don't have many serious posts here on TV, Seriously nothing here is that important to me.

3. I don't mind you telling me that I am flirting, would you like me to write it in blood or something?

4. I always joke & play with two particular females on this forum and I have no doubt thats who you think I am flirting with....ohh & then theres jingthing (but im only human).

5. The females that I 'flirt' (or play) with are genuinely very very nice people....which is such a rare quality on the internet. There is no hanky panky going on, although often one of them refers to whips :) .

5. After re-reading my post, I agree it wasnt well written, perhaps even misleading.

6. I always read your posts too & enjoy them (not pissing in ur pocket either)

7. Would you like me to construct a little 'bridge' for you to climb over?

8. Please accept my sincere apologies for causing you any bewilderment.

:D <<<-----Look, I even smiled at you, heres another one :D:D

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If it's in Phuket I assume he's another desperate foreigner who should have gone home ages ago, trying to sell me a condo.

Hey, I try to be friendly, but sometimes I'm just not out to make friends. That isn't a Thailand thing, it's just me on a busy day. Please don't take offence. Maybe tomorrow I'll buy you a beer.

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:D I didnt even noticed I did that.....neither did rixalex (& he notices everything).

Yeah actually i did so obviously i do notice everything. :D

You know it's weird. You and i have been members of this forum about the same amount of time and i've often read your posts and generally got your humour and have known when you've been tongue in cheek (most of the time!), and when you haven't. And i've certainly found nothing offensive in your posts in the past.

Then today i make a genuinely light-hearted remark about your propensity to flirt on the forum and it set you off on a number of perculiar rants that suggest by their personal and confrontational nature that this accusation has really upset you???!!! (never knew that flirting was such an insult!?)

I'm truly bewildered neverdie, i really am. I thought you were one of the normal ones. Perhaps it's just your idea of humour, i dunno. Oh well, i guess it all makes sense to you. Good luck with that.

Rixalex, Please don't be dewildered, I didnt actually take offence at your post. Please understand the following:-

1. I'm a fairly complex type of individual.

2. I don't have many serious posts here on TV, Seriously nothing here is that important to me.

3. I don't mind you telling me that I am flirting, would you like me to write it in blood or something?

4. I always joke & play with two particular females on this forum and I have no doubt thats who you think I am flirting with....ohh & then theres jingthing (but im only human).

5. The females that I 'flirt' (or play) with are genuinely very very nice people....which is such a rare quality on the internet. There is no hanky panky going on, although often one of them refers to whips :) .

5. After re-reading my post, I agree it wasnt well written, perhaps even misleading.

6. I always read your posts too & enjoy them (not pissing in ur pocket either)

7. Would you like me to construct a little 'bridge' for you to climb over?

8. Please accept my sincere apologies for causing you any bewilderment.

:D <<<-----Look, I even smiled at you, heres another one :D:D


neverdie and the others!!!!

You were not happy that this thread was brought up again. But I must say that, here we have a

topic that some guys complain about being old and boring... and we are now up to page number 3

with posts, and it is still pouring.

Sorry to see however that neverdie and the gang send 100.s of posts about stuff that doesnt concern

the actual thread.Why dont you create your own thread where you can socialize with your friends...

anf throw shit at eachother, nobody else I think is especially interested.....

it seems to me that many of you prefer to talk talk and talk via the computer and refuse to be civil

amongst other people when you are out there in real life.

So nod and say hello, I will


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I live in Bangkok so I just dont see the point in saying hello to any random farang.

I admit I could have been friendlier to the farangs in my condo, but to be honest I am not the kind of person that needs to be in conversation 24/7, I notice there are quite a few farangs here like that. You know, the quiet not so loud guys, who have found a Thai girlfriend and seem happy about life. Maybe they don't need more company? If you don't drink a lot, how many drinking buddies do you need? To be honest many of these guys seem perfectly happy, a good fit for them.

I socialise with people at uni, sports, hobbies whatever, but I dont just make friends with whatever white face comes along. The few times I've done that it has ended with requests for money or attempts to sell drugs. That pisses me off and makes me wary of 'friendly' people.

It's easy to find drinking buddies and someone to chase girls with, but friends? I dont know..

So, honestly I would rather be lonely for a while than make friends with random people. I prefer to make friends the same way I do back home.

Also, there's some seriously weird people here, even weirder than me and that freaks me out :)

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Sure, no need to shake hands with every farang one sees in MBK or Patong. Main point here is, that many would ignore another Farang in the middle of an empty rice field, just because he is another farang. :)

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neverdie and the others!!!!

You were not happy that this thread was brought up again. But I must say that, here we have a

topic that some guys complain about being old and boring... and we are now up to page number 3

with posts, and it is still pouring.


can you please show me my post where I complained about this thread being brought up again. You wont be able to because I never said that.

Strange you open a thread and then when someone tell you something you don't want to hear you accuse them of doing something. You are exactly the type of weirdo that thailand attracts. :)

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neverdie and the others!!!!

You were not happy that this thread was brought up again. But I must say that, here we have a

topic that some guys complain about being old and boring... and we are now up to page number 3

with posts, and it is still pouring.


can you please show me my post where I complained about this thread being brought up again. You wont be able to because I never said that.

Strange you open a thread and then when someone tell you something you don't want to hear you accuse them of doing something. You are exactly the type of weirdo that thailand attracts. :)



QUOTE (eek @ 2009-07-18 11:11:57) post_snapback.gifI dont mean to come across as rude, but this topic has been brought up countless times that a quick search would produce numerous threads.

But, i will tag on that personally I think its up to each individual. Socialising is personal. Just because someone is another farang, doesnt necessarily mean i would want to have much social interaction with them. To be honest im pretty selective in who i get to know and very wary of strangers, particularly some of the strange strangers who move to Thailand! I have had some random encounters and casual conversations, but usually in an invironment that would encourage it..ie: waiting some place or at a cafe etc. Although i consider myself respectful and polite, i would always return a hello or a smile, i just dont go about being overly sociable with people i dont know. Also, if im shopping or whatever, im focused on what im doing.

Anyway, in general I prefer to get to know people the same way i would in my home country and other countries, through mutual friends or a situation where i feel comfortable getting to know someone...usually doing something that involves a shared interest (meeting someone through a hobby or whatever).

eeeek, As usual you hit the nail on the head with this one.



Yes neverdie,

I can show you where you said that. As mentioned you do not have to be rude or srcastic at all.

see above a quote from you... if you agree to something, that is exactly the same as you have said it.

It is up to you to call me a weirdo,because I should like to have a little more noding and hellos amongst us. You dont..

I think than, it is up to other people to see who´s the weirdo.


Edited by glegolo
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Hello everybody, I was WRONG! After reading the above posts and communicating in PM with Glegolo, I have realised the error of my ways. I was very fast at the start of this thread to tell eeek i feel she has 'hit the nail on the head' and I have therefore by law according to others, adopted her entire post. If fact, re-reading it all, I see eeks winge about this post being on the TV Forum before. I overlooked that part of the statement but was wrapped by the rest.

eeek, I disagree with you about this anal thread being done before thing. NAUGHTY Eek! :) Firstly, I don't ever recall seeing this thread on TV. As a relative newbie to the forum I am sure I have missed alot of interesting threads and posts. ALSO You see, its my opinion that the same thread can be done over and over again, as long as the participants are not exactly the same.....because that would be pointless.

Anyway it would appear I owe Glegolo my sincere apology for my mistake. I actually enjoyed most of this thread, except the bits where I was bashed around the head by most of the people posting here. :D

Peace to all, especially my flirting mate rixalex :D

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Hello everybody, I was WRONG! After reading the above posts and communicating in PM with Glegolo, I have realised the error of my ways. I was very fast at the start of this thread to tell eeek i feel she has 'hit the nail on the head' and I have therefore by law according to others, adopted her entire post. If fact, re-reading it all, I see eeks winge about this post being on the TV Forum before. I overlooked that part of the statement but was wrapped by the rest.

eeek, I disagree with you about this anal thread being done before thing. NAUGHTY Eek! :D Firstly, I don't ever recall seeing this thread on TV. As a relative newbie to the forum I am sure I have missed alot of interesting threads and posts. ALSO You see, its my opinion that the same thread can be done over and over again, as long as the participants are not exactly the same.....because that would be pointless.

Anyway it would appear I owe Glegolo my sincere apology for my mistake. I actually enjoyed most of this thread, except the bits where I was bashed around the head by most of the people posting here. :D

Peace to all, especially my flirting mate rixalex :D

I don't like this new you,being nice and all.....SNAP OUT OF IT,for gods sake man! :)

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I've always been friendly and outgoing, but Thailand has muted me somewhat. I still initiate hi's and nods, and meet interesting people.

Were you buying a ticket at 'Mr Thai' for an 80 year old lady and ended up talking to a young, handsome Englishman about 3 weeks ago?

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Hello everybody, I was WRONG! After reading the above posts and communicating in PM with Glegolo, I have realised the error of my ways. I was very fast at the start of this thread to tell eeek i feel she has 'hit the nail on the head' and I have therefore by law according to others, adopted her entire post. If fact, re-reading it all, I see eeks winge about this post being on the TV Forum before. I overlooked that part of the statement but was wrapped by the rest.

eeek, I disagree with you about this anal thread being done before thing. NAUGHTY Eek! :D Firstly, I don't ever recall seeing this thread on TV. As a relative newbie to the forum I am sure I have missed alot of interesting threads and posts. ALSO You see, its my opinion that the same thread can be done over and over again, as long as the participants are not exactly the same.....because that would be pointless.

Anyway it would appear I owe Glegolo my sincere apology for my mistake. I actually enjoyed most of this thread, except the bits where I was bashed around the head by most of the people posting here. :D

Peace to all, especially my flirting mate rixalex :D

I don't like this new you,being nice and all.....SNAP OUT OF IT,for gods sake man! :)

typical brainwashed by aliens.

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...You see, its my opinion that the same thread can be done over and over again, as long as the participants are not exactly the same.....because that would be pointless...

Well said, neverdie. I also was surprised at eek's post about searching first, didn't sound like her. We relatively new members most likely didn't know the posters on the old thread so it reading it wouldn't be near as interesting or entertaining. It isn't just information we seek on TV, as you well know.

My reply to the OP, at most I nod and maybe a little smile if he does the same. Basically I'm not an outgoing person, and besides, any talk would be trite. Not that I wouldn't like to have another friend but I'd prefer to make my friends the old fashioned way.

Edited by Lopburi99
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Not the first, not the last time this topic is on! ... And seriously???????? WEIRDOS! how can you pretend to randomly be friend with another person just because is farang??????????? when there is a 1000000 farangs out there? I don't talk with people I don't know, and I'm so UNfriendly that when I hear people speaking in Spanish (my mother tounge) I just shut up inmediatly if I'm talking on it, so I don't have to randomly talk with someone just because we share the same language. It sucks!

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Not the first, not the last time this topic is on! ... And seriously???????? WEIRDOS! how can you pretend to randomly be friend with another person just because is farang??????????? when there is a 1000000 farangs out there? I don't talk with people I don't know, and I'm so UNfriendly that when I hear people speaking in Spanish (my mother tounge) I just shut up inmediatly if I'm talking on it, so I don't have to randomly talk with someone just because we share the same language. It sucks!

And I doubt if anybody is disappointed :)

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Not the first, not the last time this topic is on! ... And seriously???????? WEIRDOS! how can you pretend to randomly be friend with another person just because is farang??????????? when there is a 1000000 farangs out there? I don't talk with people I don't know, and I'm so UNfriendly that when I hear people speaking in Spanish (my mother tounge) I just shut up inmediatly if I'm talking on it, so I don't have to randomly talk with someone just because we share the same language. It sucks!

Sheesh,Pop corn,you sound like 99.9% of Russians when i was last over there...

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