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Pattaya Whats The Attraction ?


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Now this is my third post regarding the delights ,or not of Pattaya ,boys you got the other two closed down ,dont do it.

so what do you find good or bad about Pattaya ,discuss it like big boys :)

my take on a lot of it is "Its life Jim ,but not as we know it" as far as ime concerned substitute" they " for "we" in my case.

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i'll go ahead and post before it's closed(he-he) as a shopping destination, it truly is wonderful? you can find literally ANYTHING

including western sized clothes, electronics, you name it? on the flip side, the item i find truly offensive is the blocking of

pedestrian pathways by marketing people? take a 10 minute sales course and learn how not to be obnoxious. please

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It can be all things to all people and that sadly is why this thread will close as well.

With so many different things to see and do it is a great place to live when you learn where the things that may offend you lurk and how easy it is to avoid them. However, it is a very emotive place who's sheer diversity sends the narrow minded into spasms of anger, as in the main they can not be bothered to push aside the obvious and see what really goes on beneath the surface. I have always had a sneaking suspicion that the most vocal of it's detractors have some very nasty character traits which they would like to indulge in, but have either never had the bottle to try, or tried it in spades and have lived with the guilt ever since.

Pattaya IS NOT all about sin. It has fantastic facilities, great restaurants ( see the thread and marvel at the range available in such a small area ) and some of the best sporting facilities in Asia. It does not have a working municipal government and take on the locals or the police who are supposed to deal without fear or favour at your peril. It is a place filled with such a rainbow of characters, it is always quite sickening when as always ( and it will happen in this thread ) you get the you only live there because you are a dirty old man crew, ranting on with little knowledge or inclination to try to see what is really going on.

The reality is in my humble cliched opinion, that yes the majority of long term residents at one time put their toe into the water ( and let's be honest, why wouldn't you ) and some still do on a regular basis; however there are a great number and certainly on the " Dark Side " who have got passed that to a great extent and enjoy a life style which is truly fantastic as long as you show respect to all regardless of creed or colour and smile your life away thinking of the poor suckers freezing their nuts of back home whilst you tee up another ball ( mulligan ), as you lost the last one distracted by laughing with, not at, your charming caddie.

Edited by suiging
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I go along with the "all things to all people" description.

It really is up to you - something for everyone. OK, if you are looking for Thai culture it will be the bottled, labelled and sold to the tourist variety.

I don't really see the attraction for families, therer are better beaches, shopping malls, tourist attractions, culture and (family) nightlife elsewhere.

Before this thread does get closed I also want to place myself in tropo's camp - the huge attraction of Pattaya is the ability to find a younger partner for short-time or longer-term relationships. You cannot get that in the West and personally, the challenge of a younger, culturally different partner is both interesting and exciting.

Edited by Chaimai
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Pattaya has a lot going against it as a family type resort. What it is is a great place for lonely people with a bit of cash. It's a great place to meet up with friends. It has nearly everything you want (whatever your needs) close by.

It's not a place I'd want to live permanently, but I really enjoy my visits. I can go out to the bars occasionally have a really good time without taking a lady home with me (I have one waiting, so I don't need any extra).

I know many people who live in Pattaya and they have a good life, most of them are settled and bypass the obvious nightlife, so there's definitely something that keeps people there.

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Pattaya has a lot going against it as a family type resort. What it is is a great place for lonely people with a bit of cash. It's a great place to meet up with friends. It has nearly everything you want (whatever your needs) close by.

It's not a place I'd want to live permanently, but I really enjoy my visits. I can go out to the bars occasionally have a really good time without taking a lady home with me (I have one waiting, so I don't need any extra).

I know many people who live in Pattaya and they have a good life, most of them are settled and bypass the obvious nightlife, so there's definitely something that keeps people there.

First, may I suggest we actually respect each others opinions........and accept that some people like the place and some do not like the place......views and opinions differ.......one is not necessarily right.


Carnival-like energy (hard to get bored)

Situated on the beach

Decent choices of Western food

Good choice of movie theaters

Some decent malls w/ ac

Foodland (etc)

Ladies for rent


Poor infrastructure

Too much traffic

Too many people

Too many concrete coffins

Too many bad farangs

Too many bad Thais (most unfriendly in all of Thailand)

Too much crime

Too filthy/dirty (the air, water, etc)

Too expensive (prices have risen off the scale of what is reasonable for the location and services)

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Pattaya has a lot going against it as a family type resort. What it is is a great place for lonely people with a bit of cash. It's a great place to meet up with friends. It has nearly everything you want (whatever your needs) close by.

It's not a place I'd want to live permanently, but I really enjoy my visits. I can go out to the bars occasionally have a really good time without taking a lady home with me (I have one waiting, so I don't need any extra).

I know many people who live in Pattaya and they have a good life, most of them are settled and bypass the obvious nightlife, so there's definitely something that keeps people there.

First, may I suggest we actually respect each others opinions........and accept that some people like the place and some do not like the place......views and opinions differ.......one is not necessarily right.


Carnival-like energy (hard to get bored)

Situated on the beach

Decent choices of Western food

Good choice of movie theaters

Some decent malls w/ ac

Foodland (etc)

Ladies for rent


Poor infrastructure

Too much traffic

Too many people

Too many concrete coffins

Too many bad farangs

Too many bad Thais (most unfriendly in all of Thailand)

Too much crime

Too filthy/dirty (the air, water, etc)

Too expensive (prices have risen off the scale of what is reasonable for the location and services)

I won't comment on the pros but I am curious why you say poor infrastructure.

The Baht bus is 10 to 20 baht for anywhere from north jomtien to Naklua.

Try going a similar distance in Phuket and tell me how much it costs.

Oh that's right, Pucket has no baht buses! you need to hire a taxi or motorbike taxi.

Too much traffic.

I laugh at this. Try living in Bangkok where you will enjoy the longest traffic light wait in the world and it can take you 1 hour to move 1 kilometer.

Too expensive . I can get a reasonable priced 2 course western meal in Pattaya fairly easily.

IN Bangkok this is a lot more difficult.

Chiang Mai is probably cheaper though...

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So far, all reasonable posts. To be honest, I am not as big a Pattaya fan as I used to be when I lived here between 1980 and 1990. The rudeness of the street-level vendors and hustlers is a big difference but would hope that these people are not the true locals and just the opportunists and out-of-towners who migrate here to make a living of the 'rich farang'. Pattaya is a predominantly a town of expats in that it's a mix of foreigners and non-local Thais. Accordingly, you could accuse it of not having a heart.

Crime has increased; no debate. However, the fact that most all of the foreign language media, print, radio and TV chose to make crime their primary focus has blown this increase out of all proportion. By the same token, the ignorance of basic personal safety and cultural differences by the farang newbies may also contribute to their demise. But that's a global trend where 'bad news sells' and is not unique to Pattaya.

Poor infrastructure, dirty beaches, manic traffic, lack of planning, lack of law enforcement, lack of civic pride... I can go on but once again, this isn't unique to Pattaya and won't change whilst most of the country still considers the 'back-hander' much more convenient than doing the right thing or observing the law.

suiging's post hit the nail on the head in my regard. I WAS a sexpat, monger, whoredog or whatever you chose to label me in my prior incarnation but now move at a more sedate speed with much more diverse interests. I returned here because most of my work was in the region. Luckily, the circle of friends I made before is still mostly intact but they too have mostly matured, acclimatised or otherwise burned off that high-testosterone, drug and alcohol fueled lifestyle. Some of us still live our lives vicariously through those that are still bar-hoppers and latter day 'hansum men' but mostly we thrill at what we used to do in our younger days and not what people are doing now. The ugly new trend for sexual exploits to be published and discussed on public internet forums, replete with graphic pictures is something that you can't blame on the Thais. It's that darned internet thing again!

The weather is (mostly) great, prices are (mostly) better... did I mention the women? What else do you need?

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Pattaya has a lot going against it as a family type resort. What it is is a great place for lonely people with a bit of cash. It's a great place to meet up with friends. It has nearly everything you want (whatever your needs) close by.

It's not a place I'd want to live permanently, but I really enjoy my visits. I can go out to the bars occasionally have a really good time without taking a lady home with me (I have one waiting, so I don't need any extra).

I know many people who live in Pattaya and they have a good life, most of them are settled and bypass the obvious nightlife, so there's definitely something that keeps people there.

First, may I suggest we actually respect each others opinions........and accept that some people like the place and some do not like the place......views and opinions differ.......one is not necessarily right.


Carnival-like energy (hard to get bored)

Situated on the beach

Decent choices of Western food

Good choice of movie theaters

Some decent malls w/ ac

Foodland (etc)

Ladies for rent


Poor infrastructure

Too much traffic

Too many people

Too many concrete coffins

Too many bad farangs

Too many bad Thais (most unfriendly in all of Thailand)

Too much crime

Too filthy/dirty (the air, water, etc)

Too expensive (prices have risen off the scale of what is reasonable for the location and services)

I won't comment on the pros but I am curious why you say poor infrastructure.

The Baht bus is 10 to 20 baht for anywhere from north jomtien to Naklua.

Try going a similar distance in Phuket and tell me how much it costs.

Oh that's right, Pucket has no baht buses! you need to hire a taxi or motorbike taxi.

Too much traffic.

I laugh at this. Try living in Bangkok where you will enjoy the longest traffic light wait in the world and it can take you 1 hour to move 1 kilometer.

Too expensive . I can get a reasonable priced 2 course western meal in Pattaya fairly easily.

IN Bangkok this is a lot more difficult.

Chiang Mai is probably cheaper though...

By infrastructure I mean:

streets (poor construction, poor planning for parking and transportation in general.....and not enough bike lanes)

sewerage (primitive, prone to flooding, smells like crap, incapable of dealing with future development),

electricity (horrible....way too many black outs...... the grid looks like some Italian on acid designed the system thinking about his Momma's spaghetti)

You can laugh, but it is getting closer and closer to Bangkok in terms of traffic and associated problems.

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AS a resident (not tourist), Pattaya's attractions are:

- proximity to an okay-ish beach by urban standards

- even better beaches within short driving distance away

- easy access to good golf facilities

- warm weather all year round

- you can go "peace and quiet" or "paint the town red" options...the choice is available

- it is not far from a major airport

- it is an easy drive to BKK in case you miss the big smoke

- everything is easy drive away, and traffic is still manageable (yes it's getting worse, sigh)

- most things that I need are available here , and if not it's available from BKK

- the odd combination of farangs, locals, prostitutes, ex-farmers, bangkok weekenders make this place a strange wanabee that can't seem to get its act together but fascinating (sometimes frustrating) to watch all the same.

Gotta admit, not many places like Pattaya on earth!

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There is something for every type of person in Pattaya, but not very much for Children.

So I say its more for the grown ups.

My friend from the Netherlands visited with her daughter 2 years ago. They will return next week. Daughter who was 4 then had a great time seeing real elephants, tigers and enjoyed the beach tremendously. Has been nagging mum to visit again, so now that she is 6 years old, I'll see if she enjoys as much this time. But I BET she will want to see the "sexy ladies" on WalkIng St again!

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my take on a lot of it is "Its life Jim ,but not as we know it".

yeah, this pretty much sums it up.

I've been in Asia too long. I feel that way when I go home.


in the past i think you have misunderstood me ,but yes i think i have been in Asia to long as well ,i can never really settle when i am back in Britain ,i wrap up ,even when its warm and when out and my daughter says dad you cant say or do that ,i always wonder why.

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for all the topic on pattaya dirty beaches poor planing lack off water in places better places can be found elsewhere just as cheap what keeps people there is just sex plain and simple, before any off you go on about another pattaya knocker, think about ,it to those that think different take off the rose titned specs, as for one post about a six year old shows how stupid you are as she does not understand what all the thai girls ars doing in the bars ,when she grows she will see a different pattaya where girls sell there bodies to dirty old men

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I think a visitors perception of Pattaya is influenced a great deal by their relationship situation at the time. I went there alone 8 years ago and was constantly being hassled by touts, LBs, short-time girls etc, everything that makes that part of Pattaya what it is. Basically I went there just so I could say that I had been. Another one crossed off in my Lonely Planet guide book never to be visited again. I have since been back a few more times with my TGF 'bodyguard' and the difference is palpable, almost a 'Colgate ring of confidence' feeling that seems to make the place more enjoyable. It's like going to the zoo knowing the animals can't get at you. :)

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for all the topic on pattaya dirty beaches poor planing lack off water in places better places can be found elsewhere just as cheap what keeps people there is just sex plain and simple, before any off you go on about another pattaya knocker, think about ,it to those that think different take off the rose titned specs, as for one post about a six year old shows how stupid you are as she does not understand what all the thai girls ars doing in the bars ,when she grows she will see a different pattaya where girls sell there bodies to dirty old men

I have seen some very clean old men.... and young ones for that matter.

Still, some sanctimonious b4stard had to come out of the woodwork at some point on this thread - it just happened to be one who also can't spell. I bet the 6 year old can differentiate between their and there and of and off ! :):D I will put "titned" down to typing error rather than grammatical ignorance.

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... what keeps people there is just sex plain and simple ..... when she grows she will see a different pattaya where girls sell there bodies to dirty old men

top post brasso except you have it arse about tit... there's no girls selling anything, just some men buying.

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Pattaya has a lot going against it as a family type resort. What it is is a great place for lonely people with a bit of cash. It's a great place to meet up with friends. It has nearly everything you want (whatever your needs) close by.

It's not a place I'd want to live permanently, but I really enjoy my visits. I can go out to the bars occasionally have a really good time without taking a lady home with me (I have one waiting, so I don't need any extra).

I know many people who live in Pattaya and they have a good life, most of them are settled and bypass the obvious nightlife, so there's definitely something that keeps people there.

First, may I suggest we actually respect each others opinions........and accept that some people like the place and some do not like the place......views and opinions differ.......one is not necessarily right.


Carnival-like energy (hard to get bored)

Situated on the beach

Decent choices of Western food

Good choice of movie theaters

Some decent malls w/ ac

Foodland (etc)

Ladies for rent


Poor infrastructure

Too much traffic

Too many people

Too many concrete coffins

Too many bad farangs

Too many bad Thais (most unfriendly in all of Thailand)

Too much crime

Too filthy/dirty (the air, water, etc)

Too expensive (prices have risen off the scale of what is reasonable for the location and services)

I won't comment on the pros but I am curious why you say poor infrastructure.

The Baht bus is 10 to 20 baht for anywhere from north jomtien to Naklua.

Try going a similar distance in Phuket and tell me how much it costs.

Oh that's right, Pucket has no baht buses! you need to hire a taxi or motorbike taxi.

Too much traffic.

I laugh at this. Try living in Bangkok where you will enjoy the longest traffic light wait in the world and it can take you 1 hour to move 1 kilometer.

Too expensive . I can get a reasonable priced 2 course western meal in Pattaya fairly easily.

IN Bangkok this is a lot more difficult.

Chiang Mai is probably cheaper though...

By infrastructure I mean:

streets (poor construction, poor planning for parking and transportation in general.....and not enough bike lanes)

sewerage (primitive, prone to flooding, smells like crap, incapable of dealing with future development),

electricity (horrible....way too many black outs...... the grid looks like some Italian on acid designed the system thinking about his Momma's spaghetti)

You can laugh, but it is getting closer and closer to Bangkok in terms of traffic and associated problems.

Very informative JR. Thanks.

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for all the topic on pattaya dirty beaches poor planing lack off water in places better places can be found elsewhere just as cheap what keeps people there is just sex plain and simple, before any off you go on about another pattaya knocker, think about ,it to those that think different take off the rose titned specs, as for one post about a six year old shows how stupid you are as she does not understand what all the thai girls ars doing in the bars ,when she grows she will see a different pattaya where girls sell there bodies to dirty old men

Why am I stupid becasue the 6 year old "does not" understand what all the thai girls are doing in the bar"? How she is brought up is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and none of mine too, as she is my friend's daughter. If my friend chooses to expose her daughter to the realities of life, warts and all, it is purely her business. I see the result...her 6 yo is more intelligent than most her age and I daresay, might be able to punctuate better than you by the time she is 10 years old. :)

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By infrastructure I mean:

streets (poor construction, poor planning for parking and transportation in general.....and not enough bike lanes)

sewerage (primitive, prone to flooding, smells like crap, incapable of dealing with future development),

electricity (horrible....way too many black outs...... the grid looks like some Italian on acid designed the system thinking about his Momma's spaghetti)

You can laugh, but it is getting closer and closer to Bangkok in terms of traffic and associated problems.

Too many blackout? Surely you jest? I cannot remember my last blackout it's been so long ago. About a year ago I bought a UPS battery backup for my computer. It has hardly been used in that time. I went 3 years without one because blackouts are so infrequent.

I don't compare infrastructure with European/US/Australian towns, I compare it with other SE Asian countries, and on that comparison Pattaya is great.

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Gotta admit, not many places like Pattaya on earth!

I'd go one step further and say that there is no place like Pattaya on earth.

On other threads there have been comments that Pattaya is not unique and that better and cheaper alternatives exist. I've still waiting to hear about them.

Please don't mention Bali. It doesn't hold a candle to Pattaya.

Edited by tropo
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i was talking with the thai manager at the apartment the other day (an extremely intelligent fellow) and his comment to me which

really took me off-guard was an honest admission that some of the city's worst problems were caused by this growing contingent

of "bad locals". criminals running away from their home province to hide in pattaya. and unlike foreigners they often don't show any

identification when paying for rooms. stealing from other thais, snatching gold, thieving motorbikes. and all the more apparent as the

tourist numbers have dwindled to nothing. he's been here 20 years so i took that as unusually candid, honest assessment on his part.

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and his comment to me which

really took me off-guard was an honest admission that some of the city's worst problems were caused by this growing contingent

of "bad locals". criminals running away from their home province to hide in pattaya.

It's really no revelation that bad elements converge on a city full of tourists. You would expect that.

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i was talking with the thai manager at the apartment the other day (an extremely intelligent fellow) and his comment to me which

really took me off-guard was an honest admission that some of the city's worst problems were caused by this growing contingent

of "bad locals". criminals running away from their home province to hide in pattaya. and unlike foreigners they often don't show any

identification when paying for rooms. stealing from other thais, snatching gold, thieving motorbikes. and all the more apparent as the

tourist numbers have dwindled to nothing. he's been here 20 years so i took that as unusually candid, honest assessment on his part.

I have always considered pattaya as the criminal sentencing camp of Thailand.Everything they don't want somewhere else they send to pattaya.This counts for thais as well as foreigners in my opinion.

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