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Red Shirt Unrest In Downtown Ubon (with Pics)

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When I saw cars like this drive past my front gate this afternoon I knew something must be up at Sunee Grand Hotel not more then 100 metres away.



Out the back there were a lot of police but not much action. Apart from all the police on the road there were many more hiding in peoples front yards.


I walked through the complex and out the front it was all happening. The main road through Ubon had been blocked off. There seemed to be more brown shirts (police) then red ones. The red shirts were there to protest the arrival of someone they don't like from Bangkok. They broke through the first barrier when they saw his car arrive with a full police escort.





The police hardly put up a fight but they had it all planned as another line of police were waiting and with perfect timing pushed them to the side of the road while the car carrying who ever it was made a dash for the rear entrance and got there without any problem.







I didn't see any violence or any arrests, I hope it stays like that. The only time anyone actually looked like getting arrested was this galah who decided after it was all over and they had opened the road to stage a one man sit in!


I had a long talk with a undercover security man who spoke flawless English who said he doubted it is over yet and expected some more trouble this evening. I really hope not as that would have to disrupt the concert tonight which I really wanted to go to.


Great pictures thanks. Glad it all went peacefully and like you I hope it stays that way.

That undercover security guy probably needs a bit of retraining though or perhaps drop the undercover bit of his title :)

I was surprised to see the police had 'POLICE' on their shields in english only rather than Thai as well, unless they thought all the trouble makers would be well educated english speakers of course.


Thanks for the pictures. I guess if your going to a riot, you may as well bring your camera.


Regarding the camera comments, old habbits die hard I guess - 10 years in the newspaper game make you grab a camera when you see something like that going down in your own back yard!


There was over 100.

Apparently it was Deputy Commerce Minister Alongkorn Polabutr whose visit they were protesting which would possible explain the small turn out.


Hi Memock

Looks like the PM is looking to visit Ubon also but no date yet. Yellow shirts next then....: :)



PM Abhisit to kick off weekly provincial visits

BANGKOK, July 21 (TNA) - Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva plans to visit people living upcountry on a weekly basis but, at this moment, will avoid visiting the provinces in the northeastern region, which generally still support ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, according to Minister to the Prime Minister's Office Satit Wonghnongtaey.

Mr. Satit told journalists that Mr. Abhisit is scheduled to go to the southern province of Songkla on Saturday August 1 to announce the government's community welfare scheme as a national agenda.

The week after that, Mr. Satit said, the prime minister may visit Bangkok's nearby provinces as he has engagements in the capital.

However, no northeastern province visits are currently listed in the plan, he said.

Regarding the premier's visits to Chiang Mai, Sukhothai and Ubon Ratchathani, plans have been set but the dates are not fixed, Mr. Satit said.

The visits would also depend on the policies at the destinations and the facilities to support the trips.

Meanwhile, Mr. Satit said the government is expected to deliver its six-month performance statement on Sunday and Monday August 2-3.

The official documents regarding that issue have already been prepared for members of parliament, senators, and the media, as well as the general public.

The Prime Minister's Office will also publicise the government’s performance via community radio, local cable television and advertising billboards. (TNA)

Political News : Last Update : 16:55:42 21 July 2009 (GMT+7:00)


Thanks for that Jay, stay tuned as the Sunee hotel has definitely taken the mantle of the best hotel in town so cannot imagine any of these top knobs staying anywhere else which means I should get lots of photos of all the protests!


Quieter then when I lived in the small village!

Still has it noises of course but no 6am loud speaker with the daily news happening here. :)


Yes it has, most of it anyway.

First two floors are full of clothes. Third floor is IT and is not yet open. 4th floor has the bowling ally and swimming pool (open)

Work still going on out the front of the actual hotel complex with more shops going on in there. Food hall underground just opened (half of it)

  • 2 months later...

Seems as the Thai PM is flying in to Ubon on Saturday. As I type there is a big red shirt protest meeting going on in my restaurant.

Seems as the Thai PM is flying in to Ubon on Saturday. As I type there is a big red shirt protest meeting going on in my restaurant.

I hope you laced their food with laxative :)


Yesterday you had all Ubon Red shirt there, today you have all police force in there,, hmmm,, what we should make out if this???


Not really sure apart from the fact that tomorrow is going to be interesting!!!

More updates here. www.memock.wordpress.com

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