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Thai Men Attempting To Kick In Doors And Threatening Murder In A Apartment Block In Phuket City

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I heard the story from a friend this morning who was called for assistance with the CCTV at the apartment block after the incident. He said that the whole story was published by <URL removed>. This morning I could access the <URL removed> website but now it seems blocked, indirect is the website loading using a p*xy.

The police was under question in this article because apparently crimes against farangs has no consequences for a Thai in Phuket. Nobody was hurt in but a lot of frightened people after the rampage after a quarrel between a Thai and a farang. The Thai called for help and two drunks friends showed up kicking doors and shouting I will kill you, they forced the wrong door on the fourth floor but the waken up resident blocked his door with a fridge. Later the police was seen talking in a friendly way with the Thai man and made no attempt to arrest him or even to inspect the damage.


If these circumstances could be established as factual, then the matter should be reported to the Governor. However, the problem (of course) with these types of incidents is the quesiton of whether the facts can be established reliably. It seemks there must have been plenty of independent witnesses...

If these circumstances could be established as factual, then the matter should be reported to the Governor. However, the problem (of course) with these types of incidents is the quesiton of whether the facts can be established reliably. It seemks there must have been plenty of independent witnesses...

I am wondering just what had " John" done to deserve the death threat . never expect on the police to do more than show up then then &lt;deleted&gt;&gt; off without doing anything!

I am wondering just what had " John" done to deserve the death threat . never expect on the police to do more than show up then then &lt;deleted&gt;&gt; off without doing anything!

Nothing, apparently. The knife wielders got the wrong door. Let’s wait for publication of the story in a paper that does not forbid a link to its site and see what they report.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


I am wondering just what had " John" done to deserve the death threat . never expect on the police to do more than show up then then &lt;deleted&gt;&gt; off without doing anything!

Nothing, apparently. The knife wielders got the wrong door. Let’s wait for publication of the story in a paper that does not forbid a link to its site and see what they report.



Ok fair so what I wonder has john's neigbours done ?


The publication that this story is in does not allow links to their site nor copy of their articles. Post removed for posting the entire content of the article.


Police laughing an joking with the perp.. Sharing a cig.. Says it all really..

If the female judge hadnt been in the building it sounds like it would all have been ignored..

I read the report and even for a Phuket faramg 'publication' it must have been a very slow news day to warrant any mention.

Not sure what your point is. This kind of inactivity from the police is exactly the kind of thing the local media should be reporting.

You'd rather they stuck to reporting on the booming local property business, right?


Sounds like a scary ordeal. I hope the guy who let these thugs into the building has been evicted!

PS. I have confirmed with the owner of Phuketwan that he is OK with links so I think there's a misunderstanding here. There was a problem before on TV when stories & pix were being posted in full with no links/no credit.


This topic was about "Thai Men Attempting To Kick In Doors And Threatening Murder In A Apartment Block In Phuket City".

It was sidetracked into an issue about copying material from a local news company. All the off topic posts have been removed.

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