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Taking 6 Mth Old Baby To Thailand From Uk


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we are now worried about taking our daughter to thailand,,we asked doctor today about hep b and malaria vaccine but we were told baby cannot get hep b and malaria vaccines in uk before they are 1 yr old,,,,

we want to hear what risks there are in a 6 mth old baby living in a big city such as pattaya or bangkok,,we are worried about things like washing our baby in the shower incase dirty water gets into her mouth,,about taking her out and people touching her face etc contracting germs or even if she scratches herselfwhile playing...i know we are probably worrying for nothing but we would be gratefull for anyone who can advise us or who has expirienced any problems with there young ones in thailand,,we plan to stay up county in khon kaen als for a while with my wifes family...

thanks in advance

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the nurse at my gp said that prior to walking Hep B wasn't really necessary as, providing as you were sure that wherever baby was crawling around was not going to be exposed to glass, needles, rusty nails etc. then risk of contracting it was minimal but once they are walking (usually over 1) then of course the risk of coming in contact with these things increased signifigantly. So I wouldn't personally stress over it too much until she is walking unaided outside (even when walking most babies spend more time in pushchair, carried when out than walking until nearly 2 years old anyway)

As for the other things, well you just have to be cautious about who touches baby & if you are worried about shower water then probably best to install some kind of filter to the bath taps but tbh, kids will automatically try to drink shower water & if your child is going to spend time in thailand then probably best to allow her to get used to it now.

My son spent 4 weeks in Khon Kaen at 3 months old & 10 months old & neither time did he even suffer from a bad tummy.

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You're not traveling to malarial areas so there's no issue there. Dengue fever shd be more of your concern, as its common in urban areas during the monsoon season. Still, you should be taking normal precautions to avoid your baby - and yourselves - from being bitten by mosquitos or any other bugs. A google search will quickly show up what those very simple measures are.

Tap water in most, if not all, urban areas is potable, so the prospects of a six month old or anyone else getting sick from water they injest in the shower is exceedingly unlikely. Give your baby a bath if you're still concerned, and you really are worrying unduly. You may have to deter people from touching your child, not only for the potential to convey viruses but also for the inappropriate intrusion.

Do some googling and go to Bangkok Mothers & Babies International Web site and your concerns should ease enough for you to enjoy your trip. Bon voyage!

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Wash the baby in a baby bath rather than the shower (if its not running water less likely to drink it - as in a baby bath you will be holding her above the water - she will still suck her wet hands/feet though). Water isn't likely to be infected anyway in cities (fluoride sees to that), so don't worry too much.

Some jabs can cause quite dangerous side affects in babies, that's why they will not let you have them. Don't worry about Malaria unless you are going to be close to the Burmese or Cambodian borderlands (within 10Km). You can get cuboids mosquito nets here which you can place your baby in (they have a groundsheet in them too) to keep bugs away and use a net over the pram and cot.

Usual things when going on holiday - be careful of sunburn (use a high factor if you are going out in the sun), wash and cook food thoroughly (or use pre made baby foods) - and cover it if the baby only takes a part feed (use the fridge if its likely to go bad in between).

Get some of that alcohol based hand cleaner (popular at the moment due to swine flu) and use it - more likely you will introduce germs to her than some stranger as you will be touching her more regularly.

We brought our daughters over at 3 months and 6 months respectively - never had an issue.

Oh, one thing. Becareful with food in the pram/pushchair. When we brought our daughter over at a couple of years old, we brought a push chair. Weher she had munched on some biscuits during the day (spoiled by the in-laws!) she had deposited crumbs behind the seating - the next morning it was swarming with ants - we didn't notice at first (they were behind the seating until she sat on it), but she screamed when placed in it - they bit her. Not a pleasing thing to happen!

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My 8 month old daughter (together with me and her mother) went to Thailand for 1 month in February and 2 months recently, we just got back 2 weeks ago. We've stayed in Nakhon Sawan, Pattaya, Phuket. She played with everybody adults and children, everyone wanted to and did hold her, we only took care to boil water before using it in her feed and she was fine the whole time.

We were back in the UK one week and she fell really ill with temperature, watery poo, vomiting, I think she caught Swine Flu from the kids next door. Glad to say after a course of Tamiflu (suspension) she is now ok.

Maybe its better to be in Thailand than here in UK??

Edited by ArranP
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How do any Thai babies survive to be adults?


My wife and I took our son to Thailand to visit my wife's family when he was 4 1/2 months, Before we went, we went to see our GP who told us to just use common sense and everything would be fine and you know what? It was.

My wife is just back from Thailand with our son, he's 2 in September and is now running about like a headless chicken, I told her to keep him away from puddles of dirty water and to cook his food properly and he'll be fine and you know what? He was.

As hard as it is, parents need to think rationally otherwise they will pass on their constant fears and worries to their kids, I know I've seen it happen many times.


Edited by Brigante7
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we are now worried about taking our daughter to thailand,,we asked doctor today about hep b and malaria vaccine but we were told baby cannot get hep b and malaria vaccines in uk before they are 1 yr old,,,,

we want to hear what risks there are in a 6 mth old baby living in a big city such as pattaya or bangkok,,we are worried about things like washing our baby in the shower incase dirty water gets into her mouth,,about taking her out and people touching her face etc contracting germs or even if she scratches herselfwhile playing...i know we are probably worrying for nothing but we would be gratefull for anyone who can advise us or who has expirienced any problems with there young ones in thailand,,we plan to stay up county in khon kaen als for a while with my wifes family...

thanks in advance

Stop stressing! Your child is likely to be safer and happier here... really the only "risk" as you put it is dehydration in very warm weather (for you too, not just the baby)... if you're (hopefully) still breastfeeding, just do it more often... if not, make sure the formula you buy/bring is not containing sugar and mix with boiled bottled water only. Thailand is the most wonderful place for babies ... our little one born and raised here and healthier/stronger than her western-raised cousins... get yourself a baby sling if you haven't already got one (Thailand hopeless for prams and strollers) and a little mozzie net and have a wonderful holiday.

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Biggest worries are ants, mosquitoes etc. Not for disease but for irritating bites. I don't fret the whole place being dirty too much but I do worry about the fact that Thais are not concious of risks. Chucking a bottle into the garden, cigarette ends, empty Yakult bottles, food scraps, broken this and that, furniture which has bit broken off or sharp edges etc. are far more worrying. Go pick a young Thai person and ask about all the scars on their bodies. I'm not talking about the motorbike scars, just the stuff from dog bites, broken glass and this and that. Western kids just don't have as many and whilst for boys it is not an issue, I think many girls would rather they had fewer scars and other, preventable childhood brushes with danger.

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we are now worried about taking our daughter to thailand,,we asked doctor today about hep b and malaria vaccine but we were told baby cannot get hep b and malaria vaccines in uk before they are 1 yr old,,,,

we want to hear what risks there are in a 6 mth old baby living in a big city such as pattaya or bangkok,,we are worried about things like washing our baby in the shower incase dirty water gets into her mouth,,about taking her out and people touching her face etc contracting germs or even if she scratches herselfwhile playing...i know we are probably worrying for nothing but we would be gratefull for anyone who can advise us or who has expirienced any problems with there young ones in thailand,,we plan to stay up county in khon kaen als for a while with my wifes family...

thanks in advance

Why do you need to take a six month old baby to Thailand :) ? Is it just to annoy all the passengers on the 12 hour aeroplane flight? What possible reason could there be for taking a six month old baby to Thailand.?

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How do any Thai babies survive to be adults?

Because their patents, and parents' parents grew up in Thailand and these things are second nature to them. If Thais were taking their children to another country where the climate and health services were significantly different it would be just as prudent for them to enquire about any concerns so that they don't show up in Toronto in January with a kid in shorts and flip-flops at a time when measles was rampant.

Think before giving the smug reply next time. :)

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Is it just to annoy all the passengers on the 12 hour aeroplane flight

I'm always suspicious of posters who sign up specifically to post one stupid thing. This forum takes a dim view of trolls.

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Our daughter was 3 months old when we came to Thailand and like you I was concerned but she is now a thriving 3 year old and has a sister that was born here! As posted your biggest concern, apart from taking proper precautions in the heat, should be dengue fever. Johnson & Johnson do a mosquito repellant suitable from 6 mnths onwards, clear lotion in a green bottle can be found in most major supermarkets here and some pharmacies. I don't know if you are breast or bottle feeding but the Thais have a very relaxed attitude to breastfeeding, if bottle feeding tins can be difficult to read so maybe get some help and always use bottled water (although that seems alien to what we are taught in the West). With regards to "contact" Thais are so friendly and it can seen overwhelming when they want to touch or pick up the baby. My best solution is to smile sweetly and tell then politely that the baby is tired, the other option is to avoid peak traffic hours in shopping centres / supermarkets etc. Pushchairs are a nightmare it's hard enough to use the pavement sometimes so as suggested invest in a sling but try to source a cotton material "sling" type as the normal western type can make you and the baby sweat excessively. You can find Western brands of baby food in the supermarkets but watch the use by dates, there are Thai brands as well. Enjoy your time here and I wish you a happy holiday.

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Why do you need to take a six month old baby to Thailand :) ? Is it just to annoy all the passengers on the 12 hour aeroplane flight?

Sit behind the engines. The noise will fade into the background and take all the crying, snoring, and loudmouths with it.

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Is it just to annoy all the passengers on the 12 hour aeroplane flight

I'm always suspicious of posters who sign up specifically to post one stupid thing. This forum takes a dim view of trolls.

mmmm yeah its a troll allrite

Edited by dmax
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we are now worried about taking our daughter to thailand,,we asked doctor today about hep b and malaria vaccine but we were told baby cannot get hep b and malaria vaccines in uk before they are 1 yr old,,,,

we want to hear what risks there are in a 6 mth old baby living in a big city such as pattaya or bangkok,,we are worried about things like washing our baby in the shower incase dirty water gets into her mouth,,about taking her out and people touching her face etc contracting germs or even if she scratches herselfwhile playing...i know we are probably worrying for nothing but we would be gratefull for anyone who can advise us or who has expirienced any problems with there young ones in thailand,,we plan to stay up county in khon kaen als for a while with my wifes family...

thanks in advance

Why do you need to take a six month old baby to Thailand :) ? Is it just to annoy all the passengers on the 12 hour aeroplane flight? What possible reason could there be for taking a six month old baby to Thailand.?

wot an idiotic reply...this member should be sent on holiday for flaming or banned

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we are now worried about taking our daughter to thailand,,we asked doctor today about hep b and malaria vaccine but we were told baby cannot get hep b and malaria vaccines in uk before they are 1 yr old,,,,

we want to hear what risks there are in a 6 mth old baby living in a big city such as pattaya or bangkok,,we are worried about things like washing our baby in the shower incase dirty water gets into her mouth,,about taking her out and people touching her face etc contracting germs or even if she scratches herselfwhile playing...i know we are probably worrying for nothing but we would be gratefull for anyone who can advise us or who has expirienced any problems with there young ones in thailand,,we plan to stay up county in khon kaen als for a while with my wifes family...

thanks in advance

Why do you need to take a six month old baby to Thailand :) ? Is it just to annoy all the passengers on the 12 hour aeroplane flight? What possible reason could there be for taking a six month old baby to Thailand.?

wot an idiotic reply...this member should be sent on holiday for flaming or banned

How come you wife did not tell you anything?? How did she survive in her childhood in Khon kaen?? This is rediculous! BTW there is no need for Malarial vaccine, as other posters mentioned, Dengue fever is more concerned.Becareful of mosquitoes bite, specially during the day, Hep B vaccine as far as I remember is given to the baby since they were born up to six months. Take some cleansing gel with you whenever you take her out and if anybody wants to touch her kindly ask them to clean their hand.You might have got dirty look back anyway. I see nothing wrong with the water here. You make me think we were really backward here!(apologies for my not so good english)

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