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  • 4 weeks later...
quote: "according to Thai law the wife is entitled to half of the possessions after 2 to 3 years living together, even without being married"

can anybody confirm this?

If you're not registered as married, that's the end of the story, The law here doesn't recognize the idea of 'common-law' marriages

I know from direct personal experience a couple of years ago.

If you can, pay up and move on, live and learn. Do not run away from it.

There’s another alternative, you pack up and move on, leave the girlfriend behind with her debt. She incurred it let her pay for it. Just my two pence worth.

Get another girlfriend cheaper..........

But I know the family pressures her, and she doesn't go out and gamble or drink or buy telefones or goldchains. She has to help the family. She is otherwise a very honest and hard working woman

Rolo, this is very common amongst the less afluant famillies in thailand. There is allways one familly member who is picked on as the provider or to bail out other familly members when they get into difficulties. You see people of otherwise good character stoop to almost anything in order to fullfill there socalled family obligations. Unfortunately this absolute loyalty is so deeply ingrained i dont think you will ever see any change. I often wonder what would happen if the provider got into some difficulties. Would the other family members help to bail them out.

I suppose (along with my brother-in-law) that I do provide on occasion for my in-laws BUT as regarding them bailing the providers out ... well yes - when my village heard I may be going home for a few months when the money went up from 200,000 to 400,000 regarding provable funds for my 'o' visa, they whipped around and raised the extra 200,000 interest free. Bloody diamond lot of people up here in Buriram. I see this generosity quite a lot up here. Cynics may see my neighbours reactions as a business investment (they lose nothing at the end of the day and I still contribute). However, by 'contribute', I mean a kilo of Pork here and a couple of beers there - nothing major. So what I am trying to say is that it's not always a forgone conclusion that your Thai relatives are out to 'do you over for money' and yes some will even help you if you're short of a few bob - even if they are fairly skint themselves. I have (contrary to a lot of you guys) found Thais to be really generous, especially with the beer but then again I am in the greatest part of Thailand - ie the village!

There's always something, and if she doesn't take care of the family, they will give her a hard time when she returns after the relationship with the farang is over. And she knows just too well that that happens all the time...

Any thoughts about my ramblings...?

Yes, I have some thoughts about your ramblings. Why would anybody financially commit to a country Thai girl knowing that they (ie the farang) are not really interested in knowing her Mum and Dad out in the sticks when the girl is so obviously and hugely bonded to them? Why don't you people get out there in the village with her Mum & Dad, get to know them, show them some respect and I guarentee you'll have two Thai friends for life who WILL NOT TRY TO FLIP YOU OVER. Of course done the other way (ie show no interest in the village and just live with the girl in Bangkok/Pattaya or wherever without ever really knowing her family etc) you are of course showing a huge amount of contempt / disinterest (in their eyes) and they will treat you in kind. Probably best you marry a city girl if you want to live in the city - most country girls don't want to be there long term anyway it seems. But don't write off the village life - it's sometimes the closest you'll ever get to a stable life here and sometimes the place where your Thai friends are easier to be with than your Western friends.

-  I was not aware of that loan and it's about the third time in almost four years that she "tricked" small amounts out of me.
absolutelt nothing to show for it.
When I met her, I took care of her immediate probs which cost me something like 60K.
But after the initial fix-up (hospital bills for the birth of the baby the "husband" didn't pay aso) I sent her mother 2000 Baht amonth,
Then she hocked my motorcycle without my knowledge, had to bail it out.
Then 16K for the sister.
She says: "When I ask you, you say no" and that seems to be enough reason to steal -
She is otherwise a very honest and hard working woman,


Of course she promises she'll never do it again.
but a donation to the poor of the Isaan. I can live with that.

the poor of isaan ! , pass me the man size kleenex !

who will you borrow from when your money runs out and you need something , or your daughter needs something .

get out man , get a life for yourself , dont let yourself be taken advantage of like this.

they are laughing at you behind your back , and when your money runs out you will lose your wife and daughter.

you are on a one way ticket (third class) to oblivion.

what , if anything , are they doing to either help themselves , or do the decent thing and try to payback their borrowings from you.

cant you see what is happening.

cash cow , cash cow , cash cow !!!!!

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