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A Close One Today...


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The hel_l ride between Chonburi and Bangkok is always one of those hyper-aware, adreneline-laden experiences, but today was extra special ... er, fun. Coming up to stoplight near Chonburi city, I'm in the left lane slowing down at about 60kmh, when all of a sudden a double-trailer truck comes roaring by me in the right lane then cuts a hard left to make the turn, ignoring me, the red light, and any animate or inanimate object in every direction. I stopped quickly very close to the curb (no serious drama there) thinking in that split-second to myself 'here's another idiot Thai truck driver' ... but, just as I'm thinking this, I realize the moron has also misjudged his line and cut the corner too tightly. Then, in that same instant, the back set of wheels on that second trailer roar by within inches of squishing me flat and then blast right over the curb and sidewalk in front of me. The energy released by the impact (blown tires?) was just like a small bomb went off ... B-O-O-M ... rocks, dirt, debris flying everywhere. :) Wow... :D:D Man, time for a big cold beer (home now) to go refill my karma bank (where's that wat?).

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Glad to know that you are ok and "The Force Was With You..."

Who needs sky diving and other expensive types of thrill seeking activities when all you need to do is hop on your bike and ride to the local 7-11. Sure works for me :)

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The hel_l ride between Chonburi and Bangkok is always one of those hyper-aware, adreneline-laden experiences, but today was extra special ... er, fun. Coming up to stoplight near Chonburi city, I'm in the left lane slowing down at about 60kmh, when all of a sudden a double-trailer truck comes roaring by me in the right lane then cuts a hard left to make the turn, ignoring me, the red light, and any animate or inanimate object in every direction. I stopped quickly very close to the curb (no serious drama there) thinking in that split-second to myself 'here's another idiot Thai truck driver' ... but, just as I'm thinking this, I realize the moron has also misjudged his line and cut the corner too tightly. Then, in that same instant, the back set of wheels on that second trailer roar by within inches of squishing me flat and then blast right over the curb and sidewalk in front of me. The energy released by the impact (blown tires?) was just like a small bomb went off ... B-O-O-M ... rocks, dirt, debris flying everywhere. :) Wow... :D:D Man, time for a big cold beer (home now) to go refill my karma bank (where's that wat?).

I often think that if a piece of stupid, selfish and mindless driving like this resulted in some sort of permanent injury to myself, i would carry complete hatred for that individual to my death-bed. Those who can find forgiveness are better people than me.

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Hopefully the selfish p#rick crashed his truck off a cliff somewhere a little further down the road. You are right, they have no consideration for anyone, they are the biggest thing on the road thus its all 'up to them'. I guess we've got to expect this, lets face it alot of these guys are hardly brain surgeons :):D .

If he gets you next time, can I have whats left of your bike? :D

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I hate that ride btwn Chonburi and BKK. And I really hate Thai truckers. They just do not look for motorcycles. I guess the Yaabaa and wake up drinks don't help much either. Glad you made it with no harm other than a few nerves shattered. How many times have I got home and said "could have been worse"...

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Yes,lucky to not become another RIP member,bastard truck drivers.The you tube type sights are full of poor pricks that never stood a chance underneath the tyres of a semi... :)

Why single out trucks!..I realise this thread was started about a truck incident..but as all you bike riders big and small know, it is a general driving habit of Thais to ignore other road users including other bike riders too..they just HAVE to get their 1st..and in doing so endanger others..I've seen many a female rider of their own ilk treated the same way..they just pull over and are scared shitless of their fellow countrymen's actions..this driving attitude is also reflected in most things the big Thai kahuna does in this country..they try to excuse their recklessness by saying it was his destiny..as if the days drive was planned out already and he just went about his driving in a crazy manner to challenge his faith almost..bizaar behaviour. I've made some young riders pull over and have tried to explain to them what they are doing is so reckless, negligent and careless but they look at you as if you're from Mars..well after all we are aliens! How dare we interrupt their ride to death. So just take exrtra care..it's like a street racer computer game

..just make sure it is not Game Over. My 2 bahts worth.

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