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Using Existing Insurance (us-based) In Thailand


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I'm relocating to Thailand soon, and I will be living on minimal savings for the coming year. I have been considering purchasing insurance from one of the companies that provide health insurance in Thailand (quotes obtained through Thai Visa) however the costs give me some pause because I have health insurance through my retirement system here in the US (Humana) as well as access to funds in an HRA through my employer that I can use through March 2011 (just a few hundred dollars).

I am curious if anyone has had any experience using health insurance from the US and filing out of network claims? Also using an HRA account?

On paper (I am not retired for another week) my plan is pretty good, in-network deductible of $500 and $2000 out of pocket limit (out-of-network the deductible is $1000 and a $4000 out of pocket limit). Unless an emergency arose I could fly back to the US and satisfy the out of pocket limit for the cost of the premiums quoted for Thailand or just a little more. 555 I think too I could get reimbursed for part of the health insurance premium from the HRA. I'm just weighing my options in my mind right now.


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I'm retired with a U.S, based health plan. So far I have submitted Dental claims for dental work done in Bangkok and have been reimbursed for a

percentage of the claim. My plan uses Delta Dental. I have been sending in the receipt (in English) describing the work done and charges. I also send

a copy of my credit card statement to show exchange rate. Saves us both money. I can get a tooth pulled here at a clean sanitary place for 10 to 20 dollars,

whereas in America they want $375. The first dentist I went to in Bangkok, (recommended by wife's relative), had a tin spit cup. You do need to be careful where you go.

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