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Drugged And Mugged In Bangkok


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Er, mahtin, did they drug you and mug you? If not, <deleted> was your post about? (I let one person reply and look what they said, valuable contribution mahtin, f'sure).

Sorry to interrupt your hijack

No need to apologise my friend. May I ask you if you find the same inconsistencies that I do in the OP? Or anyone else for that matter?

Truth stranger than fiction etc etc, but bashing Thailand for the sake of 'it's easy enough to do' particularly in the current climate, I don't like.

Hijack? 1st time for everything! :):D

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I've heard about this new scam going around. A young Thai women approaches a man - normally in one of the entertainment or tourist areas. The young Thai women hypnotises the foreigner and five years later he awakes to realise that he has a bought a house, a car, and often a business - all of which is in her name!

10 out 10. I suspect more than a few posters humiliating the OP are in fact themselves being systematically conned. A con is a con and the longer the game plays out the bigger the con. Everyone says the same thing " I cant believed I was conned she seemed so nice" well were you ever conned by a man/woman that you didn't like?

Edited by zorro1
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No need to apologise my friend. May I ask you if you find the same inconsistencies that I do in the OP? Or anyone else for that matter?

Truth stranger than fiction etc etc, but bashing Thailand for the sake of 'it's easy enough to do' particularly in the current climate, I don't like.

Hijack? 1st time for everything! :):D


A side-effect of stirring up the public in this manner comes when an authentic story is dismissed as a prank, or when a superfluous story is taken as legitimate (cf: The Sun, The National Enquirer etc).

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Ok, ok. As red faced as I now am. The story still stinks of madeupness. Consider my earlier posts :) . Not picked up at a hotel, drugged in a place he couldn't find again and the 'perps' took him back to the hotel they didn't pick him up from and called him the next day, knowing which room he was in!? to threaten the confused, drugged, didn't know where I was ,individual. <deleted>! Why bother? Chances of seeing them again? The press will do anything for a story and this just stinks bad. Too many inconsistencies. Am I the only one noticing the massive amount of BS occuring here?

Agree with beerchang -

"He called a taxi and after 15 minutes we arrived at an attractive bungalow set in a garden"

There are SO many places like this for rent 15 minutes from Sukhumvit!

Total nonsense.


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What a load of <deleted>. This crap only happens in movies...and dcikhead's imaginations

:D ...or he might have been frightened out of his wits to behave this way. altenatively, he had other things in mind and followed them through hoping to score something. all said, too many missing pieces in this simple revelation. :)

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I guess I'm just a skeptic. I find it hard to believe such stories. If I were a criminal, there is no way I take him shopping for a bunch of useless crap, instead I'd take him straight to the gold shops. Gold can be easily sold, a Gucci bag, not so easy.

I think it is more plausible that this man went to Thailand on business and when he got back to his home had to explain some unusual purchases to his wife.

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The story is very suspicious...probably highly embellished. It did strike a chord with me though, as it has to a couple of other people replying here.....Walking alone, I too was approached by a man at Chattuchuk who, after greeting me and asking me where I was from, was overjoyed when I told him NZ. "Ohhh...my sister is going to New Zealand to do nursing! Can you help me? She needs advice about NZ."

At the time, I thought he was just a pimp with a new line, and not being interested in another woman, I brushed him off.

Hate to think what would have happened if I was single at the time.

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I am a licensed medical professional who regularly uses anaesthetics and can assure you there is no drug on earth that can: 1) leave you awake enough to walk and sign your name *and* 2) willingly do things you would not normally do. Research pharmacologists have been studying this for decades. GHB (gamma-hydroxy butyrate or the "date rape drug") as well as rohypnol or other benzodiazepines leave you lightly to heavily sedated so you cannot resist an attack. But ... you certainly could/would not walk and legibly sign credit card receipts against your better judgement.

You can check this out with a licensed pharmacist or your doctor.

This story is full of other holes as well.

What really bothers me is the way authors such as this one malign entire populations of people by identifying a person of a particular nationality as being the bad guy, most of whom are upstanding good hearted people. For me this is a form of calculated bigotry. Be more skeptical, check out purported facts (the internet folks!), and most of all, please don't encourage it!

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I've heard about this new scam going around. A young Thai women approaches a man - normally in one of the entertainment or tourist areas. The young Thai women hypnotises the foreigner and five years later he awakes to realise that he has a bought a house, a car, and often a business - all of which is in her name!


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Well I think I came across the exact same couple on the walkway between Siam BTS and Central World. Old bloke saying his daughter was starting a nursing course in London and wanted help. I told him I wasn't interested etc etc and got away. You would have to be pretty stupid to go along with them but what pisses me off more are all the people on this forum that think Thais are incapable of any wrongdoing.

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i was walking home late last night after visiting the outlaws and heard something in the dark

it was very scary and as people know streetlights in middle of nowhere towns are non existant

i stoped and so do whatever was following me

i started walking again and felt this huge presence behind me

2 pairs of large eyes stared into mine

my aunt in laws cattle

they stared at me

and stared

i felt helpless then gently they nudged me into town to the ATM

i withdrew god knows how much and handed it over

then they walked me home


that is what i told the wife anyway

so how many of them were there? a single pair of eyes sounds like a cow.... cattle refers to many????

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Drugged and mugged in Bangkok

On the morning of July 7 I left my hotel in Sukhumvit Road to walk into central Bangkok. A young woman of perhaps 30 and a Filipino man of about 50 approached me in a friendly manner. Finding I was English, the man said that his sister was coming to London to work as a hospital nurse.

As she was apprehensive about living in Britain, he asked if I would come to his home to reassure her. I said I would be happy to help as, by coincidence, my grandson was also a nurse in London.

He called a taxi and after 15 minutes we arrived at an attractive bungalow set in a garden. I accepted a soft drink and the sister came and sat beside me. I spoke to her about nursing in London and she listened politely.

Then the man asked me to come into another room, where he produced a pack of cards and said he would educate me in the secrets of card play.

By this time I seemed to be floating in a dreamlike place. I started giggling, which annoyed the man. He asked to see my wallet and roughly went through it. Other people came and went. We played cards but I had no idea what I was doing. He then took my camera and put it in a cupboard. I was incapable of saying or doing anything.

Finally, I was told to get into a taxi and taken to a modern shopping complex by the man and his "nurse" sister. I was told to hand my bank card to a shop assistant. I remember signing the till printouts and seeing the man and his sister head off with shopping bags. The taxi driver then took me back to my hotel.

It was not until I reached my room that my brain seemed to clear and the enormity of what I had done dawned on me. It was clear I had been drugged. I phoned my bank to cancel my debit card but three transactions totalling £2,550 had already been cleared and the money taken from my account.

The following morning the Filipino man rang my hotel room and made it clear that I should tell nobody. He said if I told the police then we would both go to a Thai jail (I had already informed the police and the British embassy). Fortunately, I did not hear from him again.

It was such a frightening experience that I want to warn other travellers to Bangkok. I will not be able to recover any of the £2,550 because I had voluntarily signed for the sums being taken from my account.

Name and address supplied

Gill Charlton replies

Bangkok is known for its sophisticated ways of parting tourists from their money and this appears a particularly elaborate swindle.

Beware people who befriend you on the street and ask favours or offer taxi tours. As this male senior citizen discovered, it can prove a life-threatening encounter.



A similiar scam has been running for at least 25 years in Bangkok. I was approached once on Sukhumvit road about 1980 by a Fillapino I had once met on a flight into Bangkok. He wanted me to come to his house, which I seem to recall was somewhere around Soi 101 for a "few drinks and a friendly card game". I was not about to go with someone I had a brief acquaintence with on a plane flight. I kept refusing him until he gave up.

I wonder if they were somehow related?


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The moralof the story is: leave your wallet and credits cards in the hotel safe unless you are heading out to make a credit card purchase.

All you need carry is a copy of your passport and enough cash to see you through whatever you have in mind.

Quite simple and effect remedy.

Hindsight is a wonderful gift....... :)

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Irrespective of whether the OP's story is true or not is how amazed I am that folks come to a "developing" country and get stitched up by stuff that they would walk away from post haste back in their own, "developed" country.

I can imagine my reaction to somebody in my home town comiing up to me and saying "The museum is closed today. Can I show you a nicer place?" My answer would most probably include language my mother wouldn't like to hear.

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I'm there for ya dude! But hey, did you get that last posters question on how after being pick-pocketed, he asked , 'how' !!!! OMG! The usual run of things is when you've been pick-pocketed, the money etc comes from your pocket! Some real...oh...sorry...I have to respect all members of TV. Despite how frickin' stupid they might be!!! :D (Disclaimer: Not calling any particular individual stupid, nor every member or otherwise on here). Respect to all.

Yes i saw that also.

i suppose there could be variations on pickpocketing. say a fishing line from a multi storey building. :):D:D

It is so good to be back home, noodle soup before sleep i think.

Edited by cyb
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There are filipino/a's up to the same thing in the centre of Ho chi minh city in vietnam. I remember a guy with a blogspot account who has documented this online, can't remember url, look it up on google if you want

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What a load of <deleted>. This crap only happens in movies...and dcikhead's imaginations

actually this type of scam happens quite often, the article mentioned poker and that is typically the basis of the scam. When i first arrived to bali i met a man from tazmainia at a homestay that was having problems because he had befriended some people who were going to teach him how to count cards.... in the end he went to his atm 2 or 3 times and lost all his withdrawn funds.

well a couple of days later i am on walk about when a lovley lady starts to chat me up and ask me to have a cup of coffee at a street side cafe. i agree, public setting no problem, while we are having our coffee she informs me that it is her birthday and asks me if i want to go to her house for a party. I must add that while we are having coffee she is asking me questions as if i were filling in a credit report, i.e. do you have a credit card, how long have you lived at current location, where are you staying, do you have a phone? seriously i had to laugh to myself because i could see this was leading somewhere but i did not know where. then her cousin shows up and introduces him to me; by now i realise that she is the liner and he is the closer as he takes over and begins the drill of closing me to come to the party and he informing me that he is a black jack dealer in malaysia. they say they have a car and invite me to their house and promise to return me to my hiome when i am ready. the bad news is; i went, the good news is when they offered me a coke it was in a can and i opened it. the man immediatly began pitching me on how he could teach me to count cards, at which point i i told him very clearly that i had no money, no credit cards and did not believe in gambling shortly there after he and the girls had heated words and i was returned to my homestay. on my arrival the Taz was in the car park and in shock when he saw his gambling friends dropping me off, he had called the police but the police could do nothing; at the end of the day greed is the scam. At the end of the day, i was lucky, foolish and stupid so trust me these types of scams do happen and they do happen often.

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I'm surprised that some OP think this bad experience has to be a made-up tale. Overly defensive of LOS' good reputation? Forty years in SE Asia has brought me often times in unwanted and unsought contact with conmen. Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, even Australia! The story about a relative going soon to study/work in my country and could I please spare some time and give needed advice has been played on me a few times. Fortunately I have some good basic common sense and never fell for a con like this poor guy did. I've found out too that if you listen a couple minutes to those con guys they will pile up so much BS trying to reel you in that they quickly become ridiculously unbelievable.

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What a load of <deleted>. This crap only happens in movies...and dcikhead's imaginations

actually this type of scam happens quite often, the article mentioned poker and that is typically the basis of the scam. When i first arrived to bali i met a man from tazmainia at a homestay that was having problems because he had befriended some people who were going to teach him how to count cards.... in the end he went to his atm 2 or 3 times and lost all his withdrawn funds.

well a couple of days later i am on walk about when a lovley lady starts to chat me up and ask me to have a cup of coffee at a street side cafe. i agree, public setting no problem, while we are having our coffee she informs me that it is her birthday and asks me if i want to go to her house for a party. I must add that while we are having coffee she is asking me questions as if i were filling in a credit report, i.e. do you have a credit card, how long have you lived at current location, where are you staying, do you have a phone? seriously i had to laugh to myself because i could see this was leading somewhere but i did not know where. then her cousin shows up and introduces him to me; by now i realise that she is the liner and he is the closer as he takes over and begins the drill of closing me to come to the party and he informing me that he is a black jack dealer in malaysia. they say they have a car and invite me to their house and promise to return me to my hiome when i am ready. the bad news is; i went, the good news is when they offered me a coke it was in a can and i opened it. the man immediatly began pitching me on how he could teach me to count cards, at which point i i told him very clearly that i had no money, no credit cards and did not believe in gambling shortly there after he and the girls had heated words and i was returned to my homestay. on my arrival the Taz was in the car park and in shock when he saw his gambling friends dropping me off, he had called the police but the police could do nothing; at the end of the day greed is the scam. At the end of the day, i was lucky, foolish and stupid so trust me these types of scams do happen and they do happen often.

Yes, I believe that alien abduction is quite common among those that have a spirited imagination also.

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Few years ago,while shopping in Chinatown,BKK,i was approached by a Filipino guy,who started to talk quite friendy and natural about music and life in Thailand etc.

He asked me if i was alone,and what i was in Thailand for,then invited me to a party in some friend's house in the evening.

Well,i don't like parties and i politely declined.

After reading the OP,i recalled that person,well,i think Mama was right,never go with the strangers :)

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I am a licensed medical professional who regularly uses anaesthetics and can assure you there is no drug on earth that can: 1) leave you awake enough to walk and sign your name *and* 2) willingly do things you would not normally do. Research pharmacologists have been studying this for decades. GHB (gamma-hydroxy butyrate or the "date rape drug") as well as rohypnol or other benzodiazepines leave you lightly to heavily sedated so you cannot resist an attack. But ... you certainly could/would not walk and legibly sign credit card receipts against your better judgement.

You can check this out with a licensed pharmacist or your doctor.

This story is full of other holes as well.

What really bothers me is the way authors such as this one malign entire populations of people by identifying a person of a particular nationality as being the bad guy, most of whom are upstanding good hearted people. For me this is a form of calculated bigotry. Be more skeptical, check out purported facts (the internet folks!), and most of all, please don't encourage it!

You are pro in medical science.I am not,but it happened to me.Nobody explained what.May be you will do?

It happened long time ago - KaoSan Rd

I arrived on tuktuk,street was empty,on the other side - another tuktuk and 2 Thai guys.One of them started to talk something to me walking in my direction.

I wanted to pay for ride - I had my purse in hand.

The next thing I remembered - my tuktuk driving away,driver with scared face;the other tuktuk going away with 2 Thai guys.

I am alone.I do not have my purse!I lost 200B only.I thought - I had some delusion.

Three days later - I saw same 2 Thai guys in the same location - they run away seeing me.

So? what did they use?

I made some researches and I know what.Not for public knowledge - but not very big secret.

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I am a licensed medical professional who regularly uses anaesthetics and can assure you there is no drug on earth that can: 1) leave you awake enough to walk and sign your name *and* 2) willingly do things you would not normally do. Research pharmacologists have been studying this for decades. GHB (gamma-hydroxy butyrate or the "date rape drug") as well as rohypnol or other benzodiazepines leave you lightly to heavily sedated so you cannot resist an attack. But ... you certainly could/would not walk and legibly sign credit card receipts against your better judgement.

You can check this out with a licensed pharmacist or your doctor.

This story is full of other holes as well.

What really bothers me is the way authors such as this one malign entire populations of people by identifying a person of a particular nationality as being the bad guy, most of whom are upstanding good hearted people. For me this is a form of calculated bigotry. Be more skeptical, check out purported facts (the internet folks!), and most of all, please don't encourage it!

You are pro in medical science.I am not,but it happened to me.Nobody explained what.May be you will do?

It happened long time ago - KaoSan Rd

I arrived on tuktuk,street was empty,on the other side - another tuktuk and 2 Thai guys.One of them started to talk something to me walking in my direction.

I wanted to pay for ride - I had my purse in hand.

The next thing I remembered - my tuktuk driving away,driver with scared face;the other tuktuk going away with 2 Thai guys.

I am alone.I do not have my purse!I lost 200B only.I thought - I had some delusion.

Three days later - I saw same 2 Thai guys in the same location - they run away seeing me.

So? what did they use?

I made some researches and I know what.Not for public knowledge - but not very big secret.

I am no pro in medical science,

But i do know of one legal drug that can do this.

It's called alcohol :):D

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I am a licensed medical professional who regularly uses anaesthetics and can assure you there is no drug on earth that can: 1) leave you awake enough to walk and sign your name *and* 2) willingly do things you would not normally do. Research pharmacologists have been studying this for decades. GHB (gamma-hydroxy butyrate or the "date rape drug") as well as rohypnol or other benzodiazepines leave you lightly to heavily sedated so you cannot resist an attack. But ... you certainly could/would not walk and legibly sign credit card receipts against your better judgement.

You can check this out with a licensed pharmacist or your doctor.

This story is full of other holes as well.

What really bothers me is the way authors such as this one malign entire populations of people by identifying a person of a particular nationality as being the bad guy, most of whom are upstanding good hearted people. For me this is a form of calculated bigotry. Be more skeptical, check out purported facts (the internet folks!), and most of all, please don't encourage it!

You are pro in medical science.I am not,but it happened to me.Nobody explained what.May be you will do?

It happened long time ago - KaoSan Rd

I arrived on tuktuk,street was empty,on the other side - another tuktuk and 2 Thai guys.One of them started to talk something to me walking in my direction.

I wanted to pay for ride - I had my purse in hand.

The next thing I remembered - my tuktuk driving away,driver with scared face;the other tuktuk going away with 2 Thai guys.

I am alone.I do not have my purse!I lost 200B only.I thought - I had some delusion.

Three days later - I saw same 2 Thai guys in the same location - they run away seeing me.

So? what did they use?

I made some researches and I know what.Not for public knowledge - but not very big secret.

See above post re. alien abduction. Happened to you too? Cuck :):D cuck :D:D

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I am a licensed medical professional who regularly uses anaesthetics and can assure you there is no drug on earth that can: 1) leave you awake enough to walk and sign your name *and* 2) willingly do things you would not normally do. Research pharmacologists have been studying this for decades. GHB (gamma-hydroxy butyrate or the "date rape drug") as well as rohypnol or other benzodiazepines leave you lightly to heavily sedated so you cannot resist an attack. But ... you certainly could/would not walk and legibly sign credit card receipts against your better judgement.

You can check this out with a licensed pharmacist or your doctor.

This story is full of other holes as well.

What really bothers me is the way authors such as this one malign entire populations of people by identifying a person of a particular nationality as being the bad guy, most of whom are upstanding good hearted people. For me this is a form of calculated bigotry. Be more skeptical, check out purported facts (the internet folks!), and most of all, please don't encourage it!

You are pro in medical science.I am not,but it happened to me.Nobody explained what.May be you will do?

It happened long time ago - KaoSan Rd

I arrived on tuktuk,street was empty,on the other side - another tuktuk and 2 Thai guys.One of them started to talk something to me walking in my direction.

I wanted to pay for ride - I had my purse in hand.

The next thing I remembered - my tuktuk driving away,driver with scared face;the other tuktuk going away with 2 Thai guys.

I am alone.I do not have my purse!I lost 200B only.I thought - I had some delusion.

Three days later - I saw same 2 Thai guys in the same location - they run away seeing me.

So? what did they use?

I made some researches and I know what.Not for public knowledge - but not very big secret.

I understand you are loathe to make the information public, but people here are going to be very sceptical about what you have found out.....PM me with what it is and I will confirm it and let everyone know that you are indeed correct without divulging your secret.

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