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The Thai Flag


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Of all the countries I've visited Thailand would be the one

where I've see the national flag displayed the most.

From public buildings, businesses to whole villages in the sticks it is

the final word in ubiquity. Which countries, if any

surpass Thailand in this regard?

Purposefully displayed national flags? Ever visited America? No country on earth comes to the instinctive fellowship of flag waving fools that they are.

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Ever visited America? No country on earth comes to the instinctive fellowship of flag waving fools that they are.

Thailand is same same!

The subliminal presence of indoctrined nationalism is a spoiler....

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Ever visited America? No country on earth comes to the instinctive fellowship of flag waving fools that they are.

Thailand is same same!

The subliminal presence of indoctrined nationalism is a spoiler....

Thailand and the US both seem obsessed with flying the flag. They are also the only two countries I know where if you are a national, and you criticise your own country, you are branded anti your own country (i.e. anti-American or anti-Thai).

Of course, in England, you need planning permission from the council to fly the national flag (which I think is fair, since it is really a sign of the subjugation of our closest neighbours, as is ''our'' national anthem :-)

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They are also the only two countries I know where if you are a national, and you criticise your own country, you are branded anti your own country (i.e. anti-American or anti-Thai).

No way is that true. There are MANY countries like that!

As he confessed, this lil' chicken ain't traveled far from the hen-house.


Just said I haven't been to Israel, not that I am not exceedingly well traveled.

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As he confessed, this lil' chicken ain't traveled far from the hen-house.


Just said I haven't been to Israel, not that I am not exceedingly well traveled.

Was just making the point that you made an ill-advised observation about a place to which you've never been. Fair enough?

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Was just making the point that you made an ill-advised observation about a place to which you've never been. Fair enough?

Not really fair at all. Did you take that picture? Don't you think that is kind of an anti-Israeli image to post totally out of context? Where is the picture of a suicide bomber to balance? I don't think you have disproven my supposition at all with one photo, do you??!!!

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Israel surpasses Thailand, by far.

Does it? That interesting. I haven't been there. Its not very surprising really considering the endless military conflict there. Also with fluid borders and settlements, flags there may actually have a functional purpose.

As he confessed, this lil' chicken ain't traveled far from the hen-house.

Israel has gone a bit beyond flags to demarcate its borders, nowadays...


Nary a flag in sight!

If that photo is indeed Israel then there is good cause to build that wall. I have never been to the middle east and have no intention of ever going. There are far too many other lovely and friendly places to visit without going to a hostile environment.

I have to agree that the USA rivals Thailand for the number of flags being flown. By contrast, Canada only has a few and those are around government buildings. However, my guess is the private citizens of the USA fly more flags than do the Thai citizens of their country. Most Thai flags that are flying were put up by the Thai government.

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Most Thai flags that are flying were put up by the Thai government.

I see Thai flags everywhere, mostly on PRIVATE BUSINESSES having nothing to do with the government.

Lots in the villages too.


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Most Thai flags that are flying were put up by the Thai government.

I see Thai flags everywhere, mostly on PRIVATE BUSINESSES having nothing to do with the government.

In that case, good for them. I'm all for national pride and the flag is just one way of showing it. Personally, I'm not into flags. I have a personal beef with Canada's flag for no other reason than the idiots who made the final decision. It SHOULD have been blue borders instead of the red ones that we presently have.

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I have a personal beef with Canada's flag for no other reason than the idiots who made the final decision. It SHOULD have been blue borders instead of the red ones that we presently have.

I cant believe it got onto the 2nd page without naming Canadians as the greatest flag wearers of all time, every last one of them has a maple leaf either attached to their luggage, on a key ring, tattooed on themselves, on a wallet, bumper stickers, shaved in the back of their head etc etc ......... but i hope they keep it up as it notifies the rest of us to avoid being bored sh7tless by one of the politically correct, sterile bunch.

Good thing about Thais is theyre quite happy to walk around with the Union Jack on their clothing, shows they have impeccable taste in other nations flags.

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the thai flags really are everywhere.

I remember being bored whilst waiting outside a family mart near samui airport so I had a little spot the flag comp - can't remember exact count but I was amazed at how many were in close radius.

we'd prob get arrested for flying a national flag in the UK.

Don't be silly. How would all the Greasy Spoons advertise their existence if we couldn't fly the flag of St George who, apparently, was born in what is now Turkey.

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I have a personal beef with Canada's flag for no other reason than the idiots who made the final decision. It SHOULD have been blue borders instead of the red ones that we presently have.

I cant believe it got onto the 2nd page without naming Canadians as the greatest flag wearers of all time, every last one of them has a maple leaf either attached to their luggage, on a key ring, tattooed on themselves, on a wallet, bumper stickers, shaved in the back of their head etc etc ......... but i hope they keep it up as it notifies the rest of us to avoid being bored sh7tless by one of the politically correct, sterile bunch.

Good thing about Thais is theyre quite happy to walk around with the Union Jack on their clothing, shows they have impeccable taste in other nations flags.

I think that Canadians who are travelling like to display their flag, and I think that is because they don't want people to mistake them for Americans.

I would say the US flies the most flags, but Thailand may be a close second. Israel lags them, though, as it lags northern Vietnam, in my opinion.

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I have a personal beef with Canada's flag for no other reason than the idiots who made the final decision. It SHOULD have been blue borders instead of the red ones that we presently have.

I cant believe it got onto the 2nd page without naming Canadians as the greatest flag wearers of all time, every last one of them has a maple leaf either attached to their luggage, on a key ring, tattooed on themselves, on a wallet, bumper stickers, shaved in the back of their head etc etc ......... but i hope they keep it up as it notifies the rest of us to avoid being bored sh7tless by one of the politically correct, sterile bunch.

You do not see many Canadian flags flying in the Province of Quebec.

You are wrong about the blue borders. We should have kept the old Red Ensign as our flag.

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The Turkish flag is everywhere in Turkey. And mean everywhere.

Yeah, you're right! BTW, I am not convinced that the US is the top of the flag wavers. You would have to have objective measuring criteria to really determine this. For example does a flag decal on a car count or not?

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Was just making the point that you made an ill-advised observation about a place to which you've never been. Fair enough?

Not really fair at all. Did you take that picture? Don't you think that is kind of an anti-Israeli image to post totally out of context? Where is the picture of a suicide bomber to balance? I don't think you have disproven my supposition at all with one photo, do you??!!!

So what do you want? An album?

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So what do you want? An album?

No. Of course not. Its just that your wall photo was a not very subtle bit of totally one sided anti-Israeli commentary, or do you deny that? Even though I haven't been there, my understanding is that the borders there especially in disputed areas are indeed a patchwork, and you certainly have NOT proven that flags (of both sides) do not play a role in "defining" these borders. Now I may be wrong, but one pic of a wall doesn't make a strong case. I will spare you a pic of blown up Israeli teens on a beach but here are some flags ...post-37101-1249533782.jpg

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Oh, so now it's a pissing contest of who can post the most pictures to support their point?

My written observation was based on my personal visual observation in the country itself. The picture was representative of the heavily fortified Israeli borders (walls, barbed wire, and soldiers) which pervade the entire country. Flags are not the normal instrument of demarcation there.

I've been there three times. Remember, you haven't crossed the border or even seen it yet.

Piss away.

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Oh, so now it's a pissing contest of who can post the most pictures to support their point?

My written observation was based on my personal visual observation in the country itself. The picture was representative of the heavily fortified Israeli borders (walls, barbed wire, and soldiers) which pervade the entire country. Flags are not the normal instrument of demarcation there.

I've been there three times. Remember, you haven't crossed the border or even seen it yet.

Piss away.

No need. I believe all of that. I never said that flags are an effective way of keeping warring parties apart in a perpetual war zone. Aside from that, are you saying you didn't see LOTS OF FLAGS? My impression is that peoples at war especially involving border disputes have a strong tendency to display LOTS OF FLAGS, as if to say, we own this part. You still have not even begun to convince me that this is not happening on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides.

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Oh, so now it's a pissing contest of who can post the most pictures to support their point?

My written observation was based on my personal visual observation in the country itself. The picture was representative of the heavily fortified Israeli borders (walls, barbed wire, and soldiers) which pervade the entire country. Flags are not the normal instrument of demarcation there.

I've been there three times. Remember, you haven't crossed the border or even seen it yet.

Piss away.

No need. I believe all of that. I never said that flags are an effective way of keeping warring parties apart in a perpetual war zone. Aside from that, are you saying you didn't see LOTS OF FLAGS? My impression is that peoples at war especially involving border disputes have a strong tendency to display LOTS OF FLAGS, as if to say, we own this part. You still have not even begun to convince me that this is not happening on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides.

Sorry, you'll have to buy your own air ticket.

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Then we'll continue to take your armchair pontifications with a grain of salt. :)

I'll drink to that.

BTW, even people with first hand experience still see the world through their own filters.


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If you're going to have to have a filter, I prefer my own rather than a second or third party. Agreed?



(by "my own" I take your meaning that we all prefer "our own" filters, quite naturally)

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