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Need Help I Have 5 Questions About Windows 7


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I am posting this as I am hoping some of you out there can help provide answers to these questions at least for me. I have used vista and am currently using windows 7 RC on my netbook just for the sake of trying it out. Any comments, feedback or responses are all welcome. Please note I ask because XP is old already and I don't plan on wasting time with vista if windows 7 is coming out soon.

1. I've read from a few places zdnet, cnet, pcworld, etc about windows 7 being released october 22. Is this going to be a global release in which I could buy windows 7 in singapore from a retailer in a box ( no plans on buying windows 7 with a pc )

2. its been made aware that most of windows 7 is pretty much just vista, so in that regards should most programs that worked on vista work automatically with windows 7. I've gotten already itunes and a few other programs working on my netbook already including firefox and open office. I ask this because the program I run uses SQL Server 2005 Express and .net framework 2.0, will windows 7 be able to use that. Currently the program is compatible with Vista.

3. From using the windows 7 RC, i've heard that the final release won't have much changes from the RC any truth to the matter

4. Its been said that microsoft has gone to great lengths to make networking easier any truth to that. I ask because I have 4 different printers that I use in my business. and on top I have a server running plus 2 clients

5. Should I wait till windows 7 has its 1st service pack before buying?

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1. I've read from a few places zdnet, cnet, pcworld, etc about windows 7 being released october 22. Is this going to be a global release in which I could buy windows 7 in singapore from a retailer in a box ( no plans on buying windows 7 with a pc )

My understanding that is the global release date with perhaps a couple weeks later for additional language packs.

2. its been made aware that most of windows 7 is pretty much just vista, so in that regards should most programs that worked on vista work automatically with windows 7. I've gotten already itunes and a few other programs working on my netbook already including firefox and open office. I ask this because the program I run uses SQL Server 2005 Express and .net framework 2.0, will windows 7 be able to use that. Currently the program is compatible with Vista.

I would have to say that it is not just a Vista with new wrappings. I found it more efficient, less resources. Also, I did not switch to Vista due to several of my critical applications not able to run under them. They install and run fine under Windows 7. .NET framework 2.0 works fine under Win7, have not tried SQL but being a MS product doubt if it will be an issue

3. From using the windows 7 RC, i've heard that the final release won't have much changes from the RC any truth to the matter

Very minor, probably not noticeable changes/fixes.

4. Its been said that microsoft has gone to great lengths to make networking easier any truth to that. I ask because I have 4 different printers that I use in my business. and on top I have a server running plus 2 clients

5. Should I wait till windows 7 has its 1st service pack before buying?

I found the networking easier under Win7 then my tests under Vista. My netbook was able to connect wirelessly to my workstation and get ICS going painlessly. This is probably one of the few Windows I would feel comfortable with not waiting for SP1.

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I have used every O/S under the sun, except M$ Virus, as we unaffectionately call it.

Some were excellent, others absolutely shockers. Virus is a shocker and dont believe Seven will be any better.

M$/Intel/yadda are on a hardware/software update selling mission. Period.

Perhaps instead of classifying an O/S as old, state your objectives and use more than one O/S

in your network. Most of us do, and obtain the best security, flexibility, performance, etc that way.

Linux is all about networks - most of us have a tiny box in the closet - dont even realize its there

Knowing M$, you might have to wait for at least SP1 or Eight

I keep XP purely for any/all embedded hardware updates.


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I agree with Tywais, but would expand on the "Should I wait till windows 7..." part. If everything is running as it should, then feel free to upgrade if you want to spend the money. If some of your apps are not working, wait. The whole "wait until Service Pack X" is so ridiculous that I won't even bother getting into it.

As for Jack, I think he was hitting the juice too hard last night. :D

The whole "I never used Vista but I know it sucks" line is getting old. :) Never a crash or virus on my installs.

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I have a couple usb devices that sometimes need to be unpluged and plugged back in to get them to work on windows 7 RC. Only other hiccup was Punkbuster that stops cheating in online games such as Call Of Duty 4 did not like 7 RC but that is fixed now.

My Xerox Docuprint 4517 would never work via Ethernet yet could ping it under Vista, since installing 7RC the printer works perfectly on my network.

Sharing media files etc has certainly been improved.

7RC is certainly better to use than the early days of Vista with all the security trying to protect me from myself. :):D

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