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There are time share touts active in Kata at the moment.

They were selling to some unexpecting tourists in front of my shop just now, so I warned them it was time share. After his selling failed he threatened me to watch my back and accused me of stealing money from him. So if the latter is true, at least somebody was prevented of making a mistake.

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They have always been in the Karon & Kata areas. Nothing new. It amuses me to watch their antics, offer the 'free' scratch card, every one a winner, the OPC (outside personal contact) person getting all excited, you won, you won. Then the news that you have to spend an hour or so at a time share presentation the next day before you get your prize. I'm sure a lot of tourists treat it as a bit of holiday entertainment, especially on a rainy day.


As long as they're honest in their actions and tell the people what they're doing, I have no problems with them. But I hate it if I see people getting scammed. Normally I don't see them here in the street.

But him accusing me of 'stealing money from him' after I told the tourists it was a timeshare, made it very clear to me that he did not tell them that.

Plus it's sunny at the moment, so there must be better places to amuse yourself than listening to a timeshare tout.


Your right everyones a winner - if they go ahead and buy the package they get the best prize usually a camera or cash, if not and they just sit in on the presentation then they will get the free holiday at one of the companies many shared hotels. Of course they will have to pay for their own flights, and upon arrival on their holiday they will get hassled day in day out to buy into the programme. One way or another they will try and get you.


They will try and stop you by asking you to fill out a survey or the likes to help local tourism etc... All they are doing is seeing if you qualify for the package - Married, kids, credit card etc..... and tryng to build up a rapport.

How its done:

Upon qualifying they will usually have 2 scratch cards - to be handed out to the couple as a thanks for assisting with their survey. They will emphasise that there are some small prizes to be had, t-shirts and so on. The card game usually being 21. The unsuspecting couple dont realize that one of these scratch cards is a t-shirt prize winner and the other is the jackpot winner ( ALL THE TIME ALL DAY LONG). The tout will know the difference because there will be a slight change in the font on the winning card, or if there is a picture of a beach on it, there could be an extra leaf on the winning tickets palm tree. Almost impossible to see if your not looking for it. Sorry to say that the winning ticket is 9 times out of 10 given to the lady.

When you have revealed the jackpot winning scratch card you are met by an extremely excited tout - experiance or desperation for money will depend upon the level of the touts excitement.

Then you are told that you simply have to go in a paid taxi to a luxury resort to collect your prize, if you sit down and listen to a little speal from the resorts in house staff.

To the OP - I bet they wouldnt have been so blunt with you if you were a national. I once saw a national in Greece chase a tout from outside his shop with a machete :) , needless to say you never saw anyone touting outside his shop again.


To the OP - I bet they wouldnt have been so blunt with you if you were a national. I once saw a national in Greece chase a tout from outside his shop with a machete
Good idea, I'll get one ready here.
They have always been in the Karon & Kata areas. Nothing new. It amuses me to watch their antics, offer the 'free' scratch card, every one a winner, the OPC (outside personal contact) person getting all excited, you won, you won. Then the news that you have to spend an hour or so at a time share presentation the next day before you get your prize. I'm sure a lot of tourists treat it as a bit of holiday entertainment, especially on a rainy day.

Yep. I know one guy on a day when it was monsooning and he had nothing to do sit and listen to their presentation then stood up, thanked them for the coffee and cakes they had given him and walked out saying he was off for an oily massage :-)

As long as they're honest in their actions and tell the people what they're doing, I have no problems with them. But I hate it if I see people getting scammed. Normally I don't see them here in the street.

But him accusing me of 'stealing money from him' after I told the tourists it was a timeshare, made it very clear to me that he did not tell them that.

Plus it's sunny at the moment, so there must be better places to amuse yourself than listening to a timeshare tout.

So how would you like it if someone came into your shop and told your customers they could purchase the same items far cheaper in a shop down the road, you wouldnt be happy would you?...please also explain why it is a scam, do you know the true meaning of scam, look the word up in a dictionary....only adults are pitched and they can always say no, if they choose to go on a presentation and maybe purhase they are old enough to decide without people like you poking your nose into other peoples business....if you had done that to me when I was an OPC I would of broke your jaw......bet the OPCs were Farangs???....you would do it to a Thai OPC,

As long as they're honest in their actions and tell the people what they're doing, I have no problems with them. But I hate it if I see people getting scammed. Normally I don't see them here in the street.

But him accusing me of 'stealing money from him' after I told the tourists it was a timeshare, made it very clear to me that he did not tell them that.

Plus it's sunny at the moment, so there must be better places to amuse yourself than listening to a timeshare tout.

So how would you like it if someone came into your shop and told your customers they could purchase the same items far cheaper in a shop down the road, you wouldnt be happy would you?...please also explain why it is a scam, do you know the true meaning of scam, look the word up in a dictionary....only adults are pitched and they can always say no, if they choose to go on a presentation and maybe purhase they are old enough to decide without people like you poking your nose into other peoples business....if you had done that to me when I was an OPC I would of broke your jaw......bet the OPCs were Farangs???....you would do it to a Thai OPC,


noun 1.a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, esp. for making a quick profit; swindle.–verb (used with object) 2.to cheat or defraud with a scam.

OPC's can put off punters from local shops/businesses especially if they decide to setup camp outside one of these shops. The shop owner then can then lose out on business. The shops customers decide on their own to go into these shops - but they dont have a choice from an OPC pulling up to them and harrasing them for a scratchy. Can you not see where the shop owner would get pi$$ed off.

If your an ex OPC then you should know more than anyone how much of a scam the whole setup is.


As long as they're honest in their actions and tell the people what they're doing, I have no problems with them. But I hate it if I see people getting scammed. Normally I don't see them here in the street.

But him accusing me of 'stealing money from him' after I told the tourists it was a timeshare, made it very clear to me that he did not tell them that.

Plus it's sunny at the moment, so there must be better places to amuse yourself than listening to a timeshare tout.

So how would you like it if someone came into your shop and told your customers they could purchase the same items far cheaper in a shop down the road, you wouldnt be happy would you?...please also explain why it is a scam, do you know the true meaning of scam, look the word up in a dictionary....only adults are pitched and they can always say no, if they choose to go on a presentation and maybe purhase they are old enough to decide without people like you poking your nose into other peoples business....if you had done that to me when I was an OPC I would of broke your jaw......bet the OPCs were Farangs???....you would do it to a Thai OPC,

At least you're honest enough to admit to being an OPC! Nonetheless, there's enough hassle for visitors on the streets of Phuket resorts at the moment, and any business owner wouldn't be happy for someone standing outside their shop, essentially making (most) people want to move on as soon as possible because of recognising the sales pitch. Maybe scam is not the correct term, however the pitch is inevitably deceitful in that the actual real reason for approach isn't given. I just feel pity for OPC's, if that's what they're resorting to, trying to earn a living, it must be degrading for them.

Might also be worth exercising restraint on the subject of potential violence to OP's.

if you had done that to me when I was an OPC I would of broke your jaw......bet the OPCs were Farangs???....you would do it to a Thai OPC,

....hee, hee, gnash, gnash….c'mon then tough guy take a swipe at my jaw…but you'll have to find it past me chins first!...heh, heh…

I must say, the only touts I've come across have been in the touristy areas of the south, with nowt in Bangkok, Chaing Mai or oop Udon way. The only time in Phuket was in Patong, on the 200 year smelly road, when I was approached by some idiot farang on a moto sai. "Are you t'English, like?" says he. "..... off, ya northern ....." says I. Seemed to do the trick. :)

if you had done that to me when I was an OPC I would of broke your jaw......bet the OPCs were Farangs???....you would do it to a Thai OPC,

....hee, hee, gnash, gnash….c’mon then tough guy take a swipe at my jaw…but you’ll have to find it past me chins first!...heh, heh…

I must say, the only touts I’ve come across have been in the touristy areas of the south, with nowt in Bangkok, Chaing Mai or oop Udon way. The only time in Phuket was in Patong, on the 200 year smelly road, when I was approached by some idiot farang on a moto sai. “Are you t’English, like?” says he. “.... off, ya northern .....” says I. Seemed to do the trick. :)

Smooth. Nothing like a good dose of subtlety!

As long as they're honest in their actions and tell the people what they're doing, I have no problems with them. But I hate it if I see people getting scammed. Normally I don't see them here in the street.

But him accusing me of 'stealing money from him' after I told the tourists it was a timeshare, made it very clear to me that he did not tell them that.

Plus it's sunny at the moment, so there must be better places to amuse yourself than listening to a timeshare tout.

So how would you like it if someone came into your shop and told your customers they could purchase the same items far cheaper in a shop down the road, you wouldnt be happy would you?...please also explain why it is a scam, do you know the true meaning of scam, look the word up in a dictionary....only adults are pitched and they can always say no, if they choose to go on a presentation and maybe purhase they are old enough to decide without people like you poking your nose into other peoples business....if you had done that to me when I was an OPC I would of broke your jaw......bet the OPCs were Farangs???....you would do it to a Thai OPC,


So you have been one of the guys trying to ..... up people’s holiday??

There are time share touts active in Kata at the moment.

They were selling to some unexpecting tourists in front of my shop just now, so I warned them it was time share. After his selling failed he threatened me to watch my back and accused me of stealing money from him. So if the latter is true, at least somebody was prevented of making a mistake.

Time share OPC's in front of your shop will cost your business money as tourists will not want to shop after being approached by OPC's, that's for sure. Tell them to pitch elsewhere, there's plenty of space on the street. Their work permits (some don't even possess them ) don't actually allow them to roam the streets and tout tourists. Payments are made by their companies to the authorities to overlook the fact. Don't be intimidated by foreigners working illegally, they are breaking the law and will soon give your place a miss if you interrupt their sales pitch.

Regards Bojo


Last time i won with a scratch card i dropped it accidently(of course) right by a grid,and accidently pushed it with my foot down the drain,opops so sorry scammer.


I am an EX-OPC, during the past few months I know that it was really really hard to make a living from the job, that will be why the guy kicked off with you, he probably knew that the couple werent even going to scratch the cards and felt you had no right really to interfere and make his day more difficult than it already is. Not all OPCs choose that line of career, they are forced into it for personal financial reasons.

Of course I dont know this is y he kicked off for a fact but Im just guessing. Also I dont really condone how he reacted to you, but sometimes it does get too much.

You will see alot of OPCs in Kata, and I know alot started working there a few months ago, as Patong is dead, and is overloaded with OPCs it is impossible to make money unless u have the gift of the gab :)

It was so demoralizing getting told where to go every day, and being screamed at by tourists and tuktuk drivers that it is easy to explode when someone interferes when you were pitching.

As for the scam thing, I can see why people say that it is a scam, as alot of OPCs are dishonest with their pitch - but not all OPCs are like that, there are honest OPCs - I was one believe it or not (maybe thats y I was rubbish haha) but seriously not all are fullof c**p. Plus what a lot of people who watch and notice OPCs on the street may not be aware of is the couple need to be checked in before they go to a presentation, so if an OPC has blatantly bulls****ed the couple they r found out and fined.

anyway.....im not condoning it as I said, and it doesnt really affect me anyway since I no longer do it :D but just thought it may give some insight as to why he reacted ...or maybe he is just a moron :D

So do they have WPs? It's bad enough with the local touts without these pests making nuisances of themselves.

Highly unlikely. The job does not qualify for foreigners under the Thai labour laws.


As he told me: they do not have work permits but are paying of the police. "So you make trouble for us, you'll be the one having trouble."

It is a scam IMO if the salesguys are not being honest about what they're doing. That makes it cheating IMO. And when that is done in front of my shop, thereby deterring potential guests from visiting my shop, I will do something about it, despite the bad attitude presented by them here and on the street.

I just feel pity for OPC's, if that's what they're resorting to, trying to earn a living, it must be degrading for them.
pagallim, totally agree with you there. However, these guys did make the choice freely and willingly. They could also make a different, and IMO more honourable, choice.

The OPC gets paid for bringing them in to the office, even if they dont buy. Just like the tailor for dragging someone from the street, taxi driver taking you to a jewelry store, the guy on Bangla shouting "Ping pong show"... Thats what the OPC means by saying its cost him money.

As for the shop owner, OK its your shop and im sure you have more right to be there than an OPC however, how would you like it if the OPC one day shouted to one of your customers "Dont buy, its a scam !". Would you be happy ?

It will get worse, as the rest of the world is tightening up on OPC's (Spain, Bali etc), and Phuket remains even more relaxed the OPC's will flock here. 3 years ago there were 2 timeshare companies flooding the streets of Patong with OPC's, there are now 5.

Its a huge money spinner for the Municipal office for the sheer amount of fines that they collect on a daily basis, the monthly figure reaching into the millions (baht of course).

Then there is the blatant corruption. Not so long ago 1 particular timeshare company actually "gifted" a fleet of motorcycles to the Patong Police department, a very shrewd move indeed. They even paraded themselves on the Phuket Gazette website.

I still think that OPC's come 3rd on the list of the most annoying, after TukTuks and tailors. :)

As for the shop owner, OK its your shop and im sure you have more right to be there than an OPC however, how would you like it if the OPC one day shouted to one of your customers "Dont buy, its a scam !". Would you be happy ?
No, I would not be happy, but that is not what I do. I tell them: 'it's timeshare'. So in your example, that would be: 'it's diving', which the tourist are fully aware of when they enter the shop.
So do they have WPs? It's bad enough with the local touts without these pests making nuisances of themselves.

Highly unlikely. The job does not qualify for foreigners under the Thai labour laws.

Aach position I held as either OPC or Rep came with a legal WP, so the above statement incorrect.

Your right everyones a winner - if they go ahead and buy the package they get the best prize usually a camera or cash, if not and they just sit in on the presentation then they will get the free holiday at one of the companies many shared hotels. Of course they will have to pay for their own flights, and upon arrival on their holiday they will get hassled day in day out to buy into the programme. One way or another they will try and get you.


They will try and stop you by asking you to fill out a survey or the likes to help local tourism etc... All they are doing is seeing if you qualify for the package - Married, kids, credit card etc..... and tryng to build up a rapport.

How its done:

Upon qualifying they will usually have 2 scratch cards - to be handed out to the couple as a thanks for assisting with their survey. They will emphasise that there are some small prizes to be had, t-shirts and so on. The card game usually being 21. The unsuspecting couple dont realize that one of these scratch cards is a t-shirt prize winner and the other is the jackpot winner ( ALL THE TIME ALL DAY LONG). The tout will know the difference because there will be a slight change in the font on the winning card, or if there is a picture of a beach on it, there could be an extra leaf on the winning tickets palm tree. Almost impossible to see if your not looking for it. Sorry to say that the winning ticket is 9 times out of 10 given to the lady.

When you have revealed the jackpot winning scratch card you are met by an extremely excited tout - experiance or desperation for money will depend upon the level of the touts excitement.

Then you are told that you simply have to go in a paid taxi to a luxury resort to collect your prize, if you sit down and listen to a little speal from the resorts in house staff.


Pattaya is infested with the people operating exactly in accord with the above M.O. First approach is "Hello sir, where are you from, could you spend one minute helping us with our survey?"

My response is to growl at them "None of your business now get out of my way and stop wasting my time" A bit rough maybe but I walk the same route every day for my exercise routine and every <deleted>' day they go through the same spiel.

I did, some time back, go along with their routine and ended up at some dodgy condo block in Jomtien. Took a look around, ditched my "winning" scratch card and exited stage left. Even my non-quality time is better spent than listening to their hard sell cr@p.

Time share touts, or any other touts are vermin plain and simple.

So do they have WPs? It's bad enough with the local touts without these pests making nuisances of themselves.

Highly unlikely. The job does not qualify for foreigners under the Thai labour laws.

Aach position I held as either OPC or Rep came with a legal WP, so the above statement incorrect.

The easiest way for a farang to get a WP is to work for a timeshare company, much easier than any other "farang" related business.

Like them or not, the timeshare companies do bring in a lot of foreign currency. As long as they do this WP's will always be available.

Yes, its completely wrong that a timeshare tout will get a WP before a teacher, but that is the reality. Its all about money. :)


If I look at an OPC in Samui or Phuket an then look at some of the sorry states down KSR that are supposedly teachers with a WP.....OPC deserves a WP hands down :)


Hello. I am an OPC in kata and patong sometimes. I have been doing this job for over a year. I think that i dont annoy tourists too much if they say no i say thanks! and ride away.

Every person that attends the presentation gets a weeks free accomodation. We also offer them elephant trecking tickets, or tickets to the shows/ phi phi to attend..

I have a full work permit as do all of my collegues, and a B visa.

Most of these posters dont have a clue, their posts are wrong in what they are saying. "trying to make a living" LOL i make twice as much as what i did working nightshifts in a factory back home. Its a job for young happy people not old miserable fogeys :)

We help people too, and ive made a lot of friends from tourists who i keep in touch with.

Im having the time of my life, making money, living the dream!

Many happy people join phukets different holiday clubs every day, Some of these companys are very reputable and have been around for many years. Speak to timeshare owners and most of them are very very happy with their purchase..


I went to one of these presentations in Patong. I was just curious to see for myself what the pressure was like and also thought it would be entertaining to watch the salesmen squirm. Just to be safe in case they used drugs on me, I did not carry any credit card. The first salesman was exceedingly handsome. He realized fairly quickly I was a dud prospect and passed me off to a more senior fat bald guy. I won't be going again. They really ought to qualify their "prize winners" better!

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