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No Foreigners Found Violating Law On Buying, Renting Farmland In Thailand


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No foreigners found violating law on buying, renting farmland in Thailand

BANGKOK: -- Concerned Thai officials will continue monitoring whether foreigners have violated law on buying or renting farmland to engage in agriculture in the kingdom although initial investigation found that such a practice does not exist, Deputy Commerce Minister Alongkorn Ponlaboot said on Saturday.

Mr Alongkorn said an investigation had been conducted in 20 provinces nationwide by Commerce Ministry Business Development Department officials and it was found that no foreigners had either bought or rented farmland over the limit set by law to continue farming in Thailand.

However, the ministry will continue monitoring the sector and seek cooperation from owners of agricultural land, and members of the Thai Farmers Association (TFA) for help in monitoring the activities of foreigners who may have entered into the business, he said.

Farming as an occupation is reserved for Thais only and the probe was conducted following an outcry by some farmers that foreigners have bought numerous plots of farmland here and hired farmers to provide the labour.

On Monday, the ministry will ask the Department of Special Investigation to continue probing whether foreigners have bought or rented farmland through business registration or a joint investment with Thais, said Mr. Alongkorn.

The ministry will also cooperate with TFA president Prasit Boonchuey in investigating the matter, he said.

He said Thailand will ask Bahrain’s Prime Minister Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa during a meeting with his Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Monday to buy Thai agricultural products or enter into joint investments in farming.

Sheikh Khalifa is scheduled to arrive here Sunday for a three-day official visit at the invitation of the Thai government.


-- TNA 2009-08-08

Related discussion (Farming in Thailand Forum):

Govt Probes Foreign Money In Paddies, Worse worries than land grab:


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No foreigners found violating law on buying, renting farmland in Thailand

BANGKOK: -- Concerned Thai officials will continue monitoring whether foreigners have violated law on buying or renting farmland to engage in agriculture in the kingdom although initial investigation found that such a practice does not exist, Deputy Commerce Minister Alongkorn Ponlaboot said on Saturday.

Related discussion (Farming in Thailand Forum):

Govt Probes Foreign Money In Paddies, Worse worries than land grab:


I don't know what surprises me more...Yet another "anti-foreigner" crackdown...Or the fact that they didn't find anyone! :)


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Excellent! At last the Ministry of Inactive Posts has something to do!

They can remain totally inactive by monitoring a practice which doesnt exist. Saves all that worry about accidentally appearing to do something and getting into trouble, having to pretend that they were only active because it was their lunch break...

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wow~! it is really good to know that our PM will be in Thailand tomorrow :D I know that Bahrain has entered into a jv of some sort with the Thai government to establish a hub for halal food for the mideast based out in bahrain and manned by thai food technologists and something to the extent of farming ventures in Thailand... :)

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Not exactly hard to launder money in Thailand considering declarations regarding land only need to be made on 5 odd million baht plus. hel_l you can deposit 2 million in the bank before the mandatory filing needs to be made.

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I think it has more to do with this "FIELDS OF BATTLE

Global food supply concerns have revived fears of foreigners seeking to do farming in Thailand. Some farmers worry they could end up being little more than serfs." http://www.bangkokpost.com/business/econom...ields-of-battle

covered here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Asia-Land-Gr...cu-t279444.html

and also being discussed here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Dsi-Opens-In...in-t286194.html

DSI opens inquiry into foreigners buying land


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From the government department of non stories...this has to be the best one yet...monitoring a situation where no laws have been violated and where there is no evidence that the practice of buying too much farmland exists...brilliant!!

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You dont know to do it ?

2 company strategy !

Bahrein invests in a mixed company - production of canned hala food;

The mixed company invest in the 2nd clean Thai company,

which supply the agricultural products,

( to be on save side, they purchase the big agricultural land.

This 2nd company have nothing to do with farongs ! 100% proofed !!

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2 many crooked farangs in Thailand.Its called money laundry+++.It's so ok by me they do "abit" clean up now!.Thailand should started the cleanup looong time ago.

Yes because all farang are evil and the thais would never be corrupt...heaven forbid

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No foreigners found violating law on buying, renting farmland in Thailand

BANGKOK: -- Concerned Thai officials will continue monitoring whether foreigners have violated law on buying or renting farmland to engage in agriculture in the kingdom although initial investigation found that such a practice does not exist, Deputy Commerce Minister Alongkorn Ponlaboot said on Saturday.

Related discussion (Farming in Thailand Forum):

Govt Probes Foreign Money In Paddies, Worse worries than land grab:


I don't know what surprises me more...Yet another "anti-foreigner" crackdown...Or the fact that they didn't find anyone! :)


More political distraction for the peasantry during the silly/wet/cold season.

It just bothers me that they bothered to even do this...

Call Peter Mandelson, who it appears is on holiday this week, running UK & the World from a Rothschild estate in North Corfu - he'll fix it....

Arf & regardz,


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it's really amazing, I read about 40 foreigners arrested in some billion baht scheme, probably conning ,many illiterate farmers, although all are not illiterate, reading pesticide labels and directions does have it's challenges. But I ride my bicycle to the market, and upon my return and somewhat dismay, come to find yet another crack down, although nothing out of order was found. It seems like every arse needs it's own personal crack paraded around in public, unlike in most places where cracks are like opinions, and no one needs another one. I was under the impression that Thailand is losing farmland to farmers that are selling out. Their offspring don't want to get into the business, so Thailand is going to have a shortage of food, probably already does considering the amount of food grown that goes into feeding livestock. At an 16-18:1 ratio upon return, feeding livestock is about as dumb an industry as it gets, not to mention the pollution etc. Maybe it's time for farmers, real farmers, people that have a love of farming, jump into the game and contribute to the cause, 'cause sooner or later, everybody gets hungry ka. Just a thought.

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Sounds like all the evidence you need for a 'Crackdown'. I'd love to know how these guys go about their probing activities. Does anyone know the Thai word for 'Crackdown'?

This is one of the best 'Crackdowns' Ive ever heard about. Hilarious.

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we are guests here

pure and simple

we will never be anything more than that

for guests, read "tolerated relative-types with fleecing potential and no right of recourse, irrespective of who is to blame when the shears have bare=skinned the dumb visiting foreign livestock", IMHO.



Edited by Brewsta
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Wie seuht es denn mit Investoren aus Dubai aus ?

Die muessten doch einen guten Fuersprecher :) haben ?


I think the mods have overlooked your post. You are not supposed to post in any other language than English unless you also provide the translation!

Here is a translation of your post:

"How about investors from Dubai?

They must have a good promoter"

I guess you mean 'square face'?


edit/ the mods have found and deleted the post. :D

Thanks for the translation!

Edited by raro
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we are guests here

pure and simple

we will never be anything more than that

for guests, read "tolerated relative-types with fleecing potential and no right of recourse, irrespective of who is to blame when the shears have bare=skinned the dumb visiting foreign livestock", IMHO.




but its still the most fun i've ever had

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Paranoïa strikes again...

I admit I'm a tiny bit paranoid, because I sell baby plants (tree saplings), but I'm v. small potatoes, so to speak. I think I grossed 7,000 baht last year, before expenses. Not quite enough to pay for my cow manure bill.

I sometimes snarl at my Thai neighbors and they snarl back, let's hope they don't grab on to this xenophobic swizzle stick of a policy in order to get back at the farang ba in their neighborhood (who tells them to keep their dogs from barking all night, and other such enjoyable exchanges).

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