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Thai A(H1N1) Resistant To Tamiflu – Malaysians Told To Stop Wanking


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I just posted the following on the "good doctors" blog - I doubt as it is a "moderated by the owner" board that it will see the light of day there!

your comments about masturbation and homesexuality clearly come from a prejudiced/religious standpoint. Obviously too much dry friction is bad for many reasons which is why most sensible people would use some form of lubrication. You are giving young people the quite unecessary fear that they are doing something wrong by masturbating or by being gay - such ridiculous opinion should be left to the blinkered clerics. You have absolutely no basis for claiming that girls and women in Malaysia masturbate less as (a) who would conduct such a survey in a muslim country and (:) how many girls/women would admit that they did.

I would suggest that you do a bit of travelling and get to know young people in the UK and europe amd find out that there is a huge world outside the narrow confines of religion and state enforced morality.

You are talking about an airborne virus which passes from one person to another - how on earth is sitting in your own room privately masturbating likely to increase your chance of catching it. I agree homosexual activity with another person carries that risk but only in so far as you are in close contact with another person and in this the same risks apply to heterosexual relations and going to the cinema!!

I am very pro alternative therapies but this kind of pronouncement gives them a bad name and you are using your influence to warp the minds of young people

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"Malaysians told to stop wanking"


What is the world coming to? Muslims are told to stop jerking off!

Maybe coconut water, orange, lemon and pomelo can prevent AIDS as well!

God is great! :)

Edited by Ga-gai
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please be specific.... wanking by yourself or having someone wank it for you?

And how does the virus (or the acids...I am kinda confused) know it is your hand or a male hand (or other parts) vs a female hand (or other parts)? Has it morphed into intelligence? Wow! That IS scary!!!! I am very thankful that this quack, errr, I mean Doctor, has given us the heads up on this! I will tell my wife immediately. :D:)

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Of-topic posts and replies to them have been deleted and will continue to be deleted. Let's be serious about this scientific subject of the flue virus. Let's look out for comments in the international press about the unorthodox recommendations of this former Malaysian university professor about ways to prevent contracting the virus and post them here.



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Why I am surprised that h1n1 is turned into a anti-gay campaign? Does this guy believes what he says? Is homophobie classified as mental illness? Why I am so naive that I believed homophobie would have existed in the past?

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Interestingly, how does homosexual activity create this "acidity", whilst heterosexual activity doesn't? Can anybody explain that?

He explained that! Homosex and masturbation will produce heat, while heterosex is cold sex...

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Can't be dumper than a doctor stating that a child doesn't become a human being till after a few years past birth, but Obama has put him in his cabinet and will rely on him for advice.

Loony tunes are everywhere.

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To be serious a vaccine is now being tested in several US cities. including here in Atlanta my home till we mosey on back to Thailand next year.

Trials will determine dosage and whether a booster will be needed. They say it'll be ready in October for the general populace, children and health workers first.

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Interestingly, how does homosexual activity create this "acidity", whilst heterosexual activity doesn't? Can anybody explain that?

He explained that! Homosex and masturbation will produce heat, while heterosex is cold sex...

He's doing it wrong then!!! :D:)

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The first part is most worrying ... if the virus is resisting to Tamiflu, then we are in deep trouble !

As for the second part : I suppose if you wash your hands before and wear 1 of those masks, while you're at it ... you should be ok !

Alternatively, use your left hand ... "he" will think it is someone else (thus hetero) and you'll be ok !

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Thai A(H1N1) resistant to Tamiflu – Malaysians told to stop wanking

By John Le Fevre

(THAIVISA.COM): -- Thai authorities are urging calm after the first case of pandemic A(H1N1) found resistant to the front-line antiviral drug Tamiflu was found in a patient at Ramathibodi Hospital.

Meanwhile a doctor in Malaysia has said that avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities are among preventive measures people can take to reduce their chances of contracting the virus.

Dr. V. M. Palaniappan, an eminent practitioner of complimentary therapy, said that such activities caused the body to develop friction heat which in turn, produced acid and made the body hyperacidised.

Dr. Palaniappan told Bernama, the Malaysian national news agency, that masturbation and homosexual activity made "the body become an easy target for pandemic A(H1N1) infection," however, the normal sexual union between members of the opposite sex was absolutely safe.

OMG - I would hope they'd save this for the April 1 post, but no...

Who is this guy, why is he newsworthy, and just what agenda is he trying to promote?

Gawd...it's good to know that the 1600s are alive and well in Malaysia.

80% what has been quoted on this website lately in my opion should be only quoted on Aprils fools day.

When I joined in 2003 it seemed to be very differrent or maybe the THE BOYS IN BKK have changed that much?

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Meanwhile a doctor in Malaysia has said that avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities are among preventive measures people can take to reduce their chances of contracting the virus.

Translating the good doctor's words to plain English: "people with swine flu are gay wanke_rs".

Mr. Palaniappan will be a doctor when pigs fly... to our misfortune... swine flu.

Edited by crocodilexp
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He would probably feel at home with that nutty Health Minister in South Africa who advised people to eat beetroot to cure AIDS!

I've long thought that most "alternative Medicine" advocates are simply charlatans, Dr. V. M. Palaniappan (an eminent practitioner of complimentary therapy) only goes to confirm my view.

Interestingly, how does homosexual activity create this "acidity", whilst heterosexual activity doesn't? Can anybody explain that?

I'll never stop Wanking :)

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Thai A(H1N1) resistant to Tamiflu – Malaysians told to stop wanking

By John Le Fevre

(THAIVISA.COM): -- Thai authorities are urging calm after the first case of pandemic A(H1N1) found resistant to the front-line antiviral drug Tamiflu was found in a patient at Ramathibodi Hospital.

The discovery was made in a batch of 50 confirmed pandemic A(H1N1) samples being tested by the hospital laboratory.

The two cases will be discussed at a meeting of virologists and health authorities tomorrow, which will also review the national strategy for combatting the spread of the virus and the planned stockpiling of oseltamivir, the generic version of Tamiflu.

The meeting will also discuss treatment guidelines and whether Thailand should stockpile the alternative antiviral drug zanamivir.

Oseltamivir is not a generic version of Tamiflu ... it's the active ingredient in Tamiflu.

Would be concerned if a generic version is being administered - I'm sure there's plenty of dodgy stuff masquerading as generic Tamiflu.

Zanamivir has to be administered before the onset of symptoms .... so that's a whole different approach.

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He must have graduated from the same school as the SA clown who advocated beetroot & garlic to stop HIV/AIDS


He recommended people drink coconut water, which is alkaline, and therefore could be used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of pandemic A(H1N1), along with orange, lemon and pomelo which, despite containing citric acid, were very rich in potassium and therefore, would not disturb the body's immunity.

Hang on mate, didn't George Bush graduate from Harvard Law or business school, not sure which - supposedly the best in the country, and look how his ideas on abortion, stem cells, war and gay marriage were screwed up by his arrogant belief in God. And then there are the people who voted for him - twice over......

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the first part of the news about drug resistance is more important.

here it goes the next stage of pandemic

I'm afraid you might be right, LondonThai - this is all we need, to have a Tamivflu-resistant strain come up! Sounds a bit like the movie '12 Monkeys'.

Interesting what he's saying about the acidic-basic body conditions, though. I've been hearing more about increasing the basic (alkaline) pH levels in the body lately. We've started using Epicor in advance, to cut down the possibility of us being in the 5000/week that will come down w/ the flu - guess I'll have to add the green coconuts to my diet when I get back to Thailand in 2 weeks!

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And I thought wanking was safe, not having sex with any virusinfected bargirls :D

Stupid me :)

You are more likely to be infected than any bar girl ... they've not had sex with dirty farang girls.... well majority hasnt. stupid you. oops.

How can u possibly tell a bunch of wanke_rs to stop wanking? What chance have they got? Malaysia aint Thailand ... Theyre Muslim!! Poor wanke_rs hahahaha

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:) What would they think of next? :D

You gentlemen should stop wanking ASAP then.

avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities are among preventive measures people

hmm... i didn't know this idiot's hypothesis was limited to men only... I think acid build up can occur in both genders? in fact isn't there a higher build up of acid in a woman's body to kill the inseminating sperm during copulation...thus the 'only a few survivors' meets the egg... with usually ONE being the winner...

With this idiot's recommendations, it is sad they try to make a 'claim to fame' in a terrible way...

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The first part of this article is relatively serious, regarding resistance to drugs caused by widespread and indiscriminate usage. This is particular to drugs used with animals raised in close confines, like chickens and especially with pigs that are systematically close to humans. The Thai use drugs haphazardly to their own detriment, especially with people consuming meat from easily diseased animals cured by drugs. Indeed, the use is so indiscriminate drugs are often administered to animals as a precaution to getting disease. By the way, I’ve also observed something similar with Thai farmers growing watermelons and the concoction of chemicals used to prevent disease. The farms I visited sell the product but don’t eat the produce themselves.

The second part of this article is ridiculous but is absolutely serious for people who start with an unconscious, emotional, and negative conclusion (i.e. like masturbation, homosexuality). As an authority “doctors” and “scientists” select information to confirm their foregone conclusion. In the bigger picture, this process can also be used consciously as is the case of scientists paid by interests with an agenda to find what they want with the aim of manipulating public opinion. Exxon, the world’s largest publically trading corporation, now appears as No. 1 in this field (a position previously held by the tobacco industry), especially relative to climate change and role of carbon in the atmosphere.

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