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Seven Benefits Of Coconut Water


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Coconut water is the liquid that is taken from unripe coconuts. If coconuts get ripe the liquid that is inside will harden and become a part of the white flesh of the coconut, which is used to make coconut milk. So, picking the coconut while it is unripe will ensure that the body gets all the benefits of coconut water..

Coconut Water Hydrates the Body

Coconut water is an isotonic solution which replaces the fluids and minerals that the body loses during physical activities. For this reason, many athletes and persons who work out regularly are encouraged to drink coconut water to replace all the minerals and fluid that they lose while working out. Even the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) attest to the benefits of drinking coconut water when it fought for a patent in 2000 to market coconut water as the next big sports drinks.

Coconut Water Relieves Urinary Problems

If you consume coconut water on a regular basis it can reduce urinary problems. People who suffer from strangury, polyutra and other urinary ailments drink coconut water to relieve their symptoms.

Coconut Water Kills Intestinal Worms

Drinking coconut water with one teaspoon of Olive oil for three days will kill intestinal worms and clear the stomach of worms, which makes for better digestion.

Coconut Water Breaks up Kidney Stones

People who have kidney problems and are plagued by Kidney stones should drink coconut water in addition to taking their medication. Drinking coconut water regularly helps to break up kidney stones making them easier to push out.

Coconut Water is Used in Blood Transfusion

Coconut water is almost identical to blood plasma and this makes it easy to use for blood transfusion. In cases of emergency coconut water has been used as an intravenous hydration fluid instead of the standard IV fluid. During World War II many wounded soldiers were saved in the Pacific because of emergency transfusion using coconut water as plasma.

Coconut Water is an Antibacterial

Coconut water contains monolaurin, an antiviral, antibacterial and antiprozoal monoglyceride that is used to kill lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, Herpes, cytomegalovirus, flu and various pathogenic bacteria.

Coconut Water Controls Vomiting

Coconut water is great at reducing vomiting. People who have typhoid, malaria, fevers or other ailments that are known to induce vomiting drink coconut water to settle the stomach. As such, coconut water is also a good thing to drink during a hangover.

Green or unripe coconuts can be found in Asian and West Indian markets. All coconuts that they sell are closed up to keep coconut water from losing its nutrients. So, if you plan on buying a coconut, you can ask someone to chop the coconut open or you can open it yourself at home and drink it.

So keep drinking the coco and go nuts :)

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The saturated fat is in coconut milk (and of course coconut flesh) , not in the water.

Coconut water is indeed an excellent beverage and very good for rehydration.

However I must correct some inaccuracies in the original post as follows:

It does not kill intestinal worms

It most definitely does not cure " HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, flu and various pathogenic bacteria."

It does not break up kidney stones, altho it will help maintain adequate hydration which in turn can reduce the liklihood of forming stones in the first place or help pass stones that have already formed.

It is not the same as blood plasma and not used in blood transfusions, altho it has sometimes been used for IV rehydration (a totally different matter).

Over-hyping things unfortunately tends to end up discrediting them when they fail to live up to the hype. Which, in a case like coconut water which indeed has many positive benefits, is a shame.

Thoroughly recommended for anyone with diarrhea, fever, or just sweating a lot on a heat day as an excellent means of maintaining (or regaining) good hydration. But that's about it.

(Oh and delicious too.... :) )

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Ive just happened to stumble across this and although i dont know too much about the water itself, its the saturated fat in coconut that makes it one of natures most perfect foods.

The whole saturated fat being bad for you is simply incorrect. It started getting bad press when polyunsaturated cooking oils were being advertised and companies were basically lying about tropical oils being a health warning (the irony). Infact you have to look at fats in a whole new way to understand them, not just in the three commonly known categories.

It is true however that animal fat is bad for you and it is mainly saturated. Animal fats are long chain triglycerides and because of their length the body cannot utilise them effectively. Incidentally, saturated fat is also the best oil to cook with because it isnt missing any carbon atoms in its chain, which prevents the spawning of free radicals.

The medium chain triglyercides found in coconuts, particulary lauric acid, is extremely good for you and the body actually uses them like it would a carbohydrate.

It has also been used to treat lipid coated viruses as stated in the original post - including HIV. MCFA's (medium chain fatty acids) are usually part of the treatment, although drug companies obviously overcharge and dont even include lauric acid(?!).

Wikipedia has a good page, or alternatively the book 'The Miracle of Coconut Oil' explains it all in a lot more detail. The book also explains the differences between the types of fats and how your body uses them (or doesnt as is the case with hydrogenated fats).

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The saturated fat is in coconut milk (and of course coconut flesh) , not in the water.

Coconut water is indeed an excellent beverage and very good for rehydration.

However I must correct some inaccuracies in the original post as follows:

It does not kill intestinal worms

It most definitely does not cure " HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, flu and various pathogenic bacteria."

It does not break up kidney stones, altho it will help maintain adequate hydration which in turn can reduce the liklihood of forming stones in the first place or help pass stones that have already formed.

It is not the same as blood plasma and not used in blood transfusions, altho it has sometimes been used for IV rehydration (a totally different matter).

Over-hyping things unfortunately tends to end up discrediting them when they fail to live up to the hype. Which, in a case like coconut water which indeed has many positive benefits, is a shame.

Thoroughly recommended for anyone with diarrhea, fever, or just sweating a lot on a heat day as an excellent means of maintaining (or regaining) good hydration. But that's about it.

(Oh and delicious too.... :) )

Talk about a wet blanket. :D

but can it prevent gout :D

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Based upon my experience in the food world I observe the following:

Any time anybody says "The Miracle of..." it isn't.

Any time anybody says "The Truth About..." it has nothing to do with the Truth; it is just what THEY want you to believe.

Apologies to Dr. Fife.

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The bad news about saturated fat is totaally false. Your body needs fat to survive and saturated fat is ok in moderation. See how long you live without fat and protien in your diet. Remove cabohydrates and no problem but remove fats and protien and you die.

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The bad news about saturated fat is totaally false. Your body needs fat to survive and saturated fat is ok in moderation. See how long you live without fat and protien in your diet. Remove cabohydrates and no problem but remove fats and protien and you die.

That would depend on the type of saturated fat. True about the carbs, although thats certainly not recommended!

Edited by Limey
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  • 2 months later...

Good things:

No cholesterol

High in calcium

Very high in dietary fiber

Very high in manganese

Very high in magnesium

High in phosphorus

Very high in potassium

High in riboflavin

High in thiamin

Very high in vitamin C

But (bad things):

Very high in sodium

Very high in sugar

Conclusion: more good points then bad ones; I'll keep drinking it :)

BTW, coconut water, coconut milk and coconut oil are different things, I'm talking about the water here.

Edited by wattaman
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The saturated fat is in coconut milk (and of course coconut flesh) , not in the water.

Coconut water is indeed an excellent beverage and very good for rehydration.

However I must correct some inaccuracies in the original post as follows:

It does not kill intestinal worms

It most definitely does not cure " HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, flu and various pathogenic bacteria."

It does not break up kidney stones, altho it will help maintain adequate hydration which in turn can reduce the liklihood of forming stones in the first place or help pass stones that have already formed.

It is not the same as blood plasma and not used in blood transfusions, altho it has sometimes been used for IV rehydration (a totally different matter).

Over-hyping things unfortunately tends to end up discrediting them when they fail to live up to the hype. Which, in a case like coconut water which indeed has many positive benefits, is a shame.

Thoroughly recommended for anyone with diarrhea, fever, or just sweating a lot on a heat day as an excellent means of maintaining (or regaining) good hydration. But that's about it.

(Oh and delicious too.... :) )

Can it help me play the banjo better?

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  • 4 weeks later...
The saturated fat is in coconut milk (and of course coconut flesh) , not in the water.

Coconut water is indeed an excellent beverage and very good for rehydration.

However I must correct some inaccuracies in the original post as follows:

It does not kill intestinal worms

It most definitely does not cure " HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, flu and various pathogenic bacteria."

It does not break up kidney stones, altho it will help maintain adequate hydration which in turn can reduce the liklihood of forming stones in the first place or help pass stones that have already formed.

It is not the same as blood plasma and not used in blood transfusions, altho it has sometimes been used for IV rehydration (a totally different matter).

Over-hyping things unfortunately tends to end up discrediting them when they fail to live up to the hype. Which, in a case like coconut water which indeed has many positive benefits, is a shame.

Thoroughly recommended for anyone with diarrhea, fever, or just sweating a lot on a heat day as an excellent means of maintaining (or regaining) good hydration. But that's about it.

(Oh and delicious too.... :) )

Talk about a wet blanket. :D

but can it prevent gout :D

For Gout you want Red Fruits and Vegetables. Ideally cherries, or tart Cherry extract supplements. But watermelon, tomatoes, guava, pink grapefruit.

and coconut oil treats HIV, it contains Lauric acid, which is in high concentrations in breast milk and is a strong anti-viral agent.

In my opinion its not the HIV that kills you, its the medication, like AZT, that causes AIDs. If you do a little research you might feel the same way... many scientists have come forward recently accusing Gallow, the scientist who "discovered" the link between HIV and AIDs, and made millions from the patent for the test (which doesn't work), with fraud. Typical big pharma shenanigans. If you take AZT you have 5-10 years but you can die old and grey with undetectable "HIV".

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:) and also inaccurate.

On both grounds would normally be deleted but as it has been up since yweterday and the misinformation given is extermely dangerous the following factuial corrections are provided:

HIV medications (which do not consist of AZT alone and have not for over a decade) are given only when the immune system has been damaged by the virus to a critical point and not for HIV infection in earlier stages. At the point at which ARV is given, lack of treatment invariably leads to death within a few years at most. With ARV, people are living normal lives. In countries with no or limited access to ARV, AIDs is a major cause of death, to the extent that in some African countries there are abnormally few people in the adult age group. In countries where all or most people witghh HIV have access to ARV, deaths from AIDs are very rare.

Statements in the above post with regard to HIV test are also inaccurate/misleading. There is not a single "HIV test" but rather several types of tests of different sorts, all of them "work" but like all tests they have known incidence of false negatives and false positives hence the standard practice of testing first with a rapid, inexpensive test known to be very sensitive (few false negatives) but not very specific (i.e. comparatively large number of false positives) and then, for any positive results, following up with a second more labor-intensive and costly test which is highly specific. This combined protocal is extremely accurate.

The fraud allegations against Dr. Gallo -- which were made years ago, not recently -- concerned whether or not he had stolen work by French scientists in his identification of the HIV virus. The allegations were dropped when investigations failed to prove the charges, altho some people still believe them to be correct. Nothing in the allegations casts any doubt on the legitimacy of the research findings, rather it was a squabble over which of several scientists working on the same thing should get credit.

Posters are reminded of health Forum specific rules with regard to the posting of inaccuartte information, and also that the burden of ensuring the accuracy of "facts" found on the internet lies with the poster; misinformation abounds and one can find a website somewhere saying just about anything.

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