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Our son is nearly 3 months old and we have been debating the circumcising thing for a while. Doing some recent research has made me decide it is the right thing to do for many reasons. I also learned it should have been done when he was first born. Very neglectful of me. Anyway can anyone recommend a doctor or hospital in Phuket that can perform this


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Why would you have a part of your sons penis cut off ? What is your reason for doing that?

Wouldn't you be worried that he would later resent you for it?

I wish there was a short answer I could give you, but there are way too many medical benefits to explain here. If you really want to know, goggle it, like I did

I would be very surprised if there is even one male that resents having had this done

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Why would you have a part of your sons penis cut off ? What is your reason for doing that?

Wouldn't you be worried that he would later resent you for it?

Well Mary, since you asked - it looks better (so I have been told).

No resent here - in fact should offer a thanks to the old man for getting me cut.

Reminds me a of joke though.

Lady has a boy who was born without eyelids...Doctor says we sew on a bit of foreskin and fix him up. She goes, won't that make him a little cockeyed? Doc says, no but will give him alot of foresight.

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Why would you have a part of your sons penis cut off ? What is your reason for doing that?

Wouldn't you be worried that he would later resent you for it?

I wish there was a short answer I could give you, but there are way too many medical benefits to explain here. If you really want to know, goggle it, like I did

I would be very surprised if there is even one male that resents having had this done

What medical benefits would those be? No major medical organization (AMA, WHO, AAP, etc.) supports routine infant circumcision.

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Why would you have a part of your sons penis cut off ? What is your reason for doing that?

Wouldn't you be worried that he would later resent you for it?

Well Mary, since you asked - it looks better (so I have been told).

No resent here - in fact should offer a thanks to the old man for getting me cut.

Reminds me a of joke though.

Lady has a boy who was born without eyelids...Doctor says we sew on a bit of foreskin and fix him up. She goes, won't that make him a little cockeyed? Doc says, no but will give him alot of foresight.

...and the faster he blinks, the more pleasure he feels :)

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I would be very surprised if there is even one male that resents having had this done

I know 2 who had it done (for non medical reasons) & wish it had never been done when they were babies. One was an ex who has hardly any feeling in the end of his penis as skin was too tightly cut & it causes quite painful issues & the other (family member) suffered regular infections as a child which doctors put down to the foreskin being removed & foreign matter entering.

It is a personal choice of the parent but strangely, one that your child has no personal choice in. :)

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It is healthier to be circumcised, this is a well know fact.

Less prone to infections (particularly HIV) if you have condom less heterosexual sex.

Maybe the head of the penis is desensitized and that could be one of the reasons I can have sex for a least an hour without blowing my load prematurely

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... but there are way too many medical benefits to explain here. If you really want to know, goggle it, like I did. I would be very surprised if there is even one male that resents having had this done

I am aware that this is a huge area of debate on many internet forums, with strongly held views on either side.

From my reading there are not "too many medical benefits", if you are talking about proven facts established via proper research. Leaving aside people with personal hygiene issues, medical conditions or congenital abnormalities ..... In fact I am only aware of one benefit, and that is the susceptibility to HIV infection - and that has only recently been established (and they are still exploring the many related variables).

I would be very surprised if you had ever met a male who had been given a choice as to whether to have his bit chopped off. Ask your question beforehand and you might get a different answer. :)

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I would be very surprised if there is even one male that resents having had this done

Be careful about such broad statements. There are men who pay for foreskin restoration. Someone should do a poll. I am cut and glad of it, and I suspect most feel the same, however there are always exceptions. There is also a theory that cut men have a greater incidence of desire for non-genital sexual pleasure (so called kinky sex).

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ive not met anyone thats not cut except for thai hubby but i live in a predominantly jewish/muslem country... all are circumcised and no one complains...

try at the chabad house in bangko or chiang mai as they probably know of or have a mohel (traditional circumcisor) and most mohels have to be certified and most also can do older babies (like if a baby had health problems and wasnt allowed to be circumcised at the traditional 8th day)... they do it in hospital also. pretty sure the chabadniks do it in bangkok as no jewish mother would allow any old doctor to do it. mohels do thousands and are usually very very good. they also do follow up care.



forgot to add, muslems also circumcise at different ages so try thru a muslem association.

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i strongly do not recommend it

leave it alone.... he is fine

they want you to conform and its not a good thing

your son was born prefect as he can get already

i wish I would not have had this done to mine :)

maybe woman prefer one who has not been cut too

you can google this issuse too

spare your son!

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I would be very surprised if there is even one male that resents having had this done

I know 2 who had it done (for non medical reasons) & wish it had never been done when they were babies. One was an ex who has hardly any feeling in the end of his penis as skin was too tightly cut & it causes quite painful issues & the other (family member) suffered regular infections as a child which doctors put down to the foreskin being removed & foreign matter entering.

It is a personal choice of the parent but strangely, one that your child has no personal choice in. :)

Kinda sounds like religeon. Born into it.

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Wife and I wanted the son to be clipped - mostly on health reasons.

Was talked out of it by family members - now regret it - still considering doing sometimenear future when he can also have a say in getting it down.

At moment he wants the same as Daddy - waiting a year or two more.

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I think that we should remain the way we were born. No chopping apart from hair and nails.

The social issues far outweigh the health issues.

I wouldn't want my son being angry at me because he can't enjopy sex because he had his foreskin removed.

Cut and do enjoy sex...vey much. Where did you get the idea that cut men didn't enjoy sex? :)

Have never resented my parents for circumsizing me...there are too many other reasons to :D

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Health reasons!? . Its there for a reason folks; to protect a very sensitive part of the anatomy. I like my senstitive part to remain sensitive and would probably try to kill anyone who tried to remove it. Unless he has a problem with it, or its a deeply religious thing, leave it be.

get him to clean behind it regularly if your worried about medical reasons.

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Are you aware that circumcision, even for boys, is considered a human rights issue in many countries? Considered MGM - Male Genital Mutilation. And considered a horror equal to FGM - Female Genital Mutilation. Most of us would never consider cutting our little girls genitals - why do it to our little boys?

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Most of us would never consider cutting our little girls genitals - why do it to our little boys?

Because it is in no way the same issue. Shall I remind you of the differences between boys and girls? There are proven health benefits to circumcision. We are an advanced species, not wild natural animals. We have used technology for every single part of our body. :) Shalom.

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Are you aware that circumcision, even for boys, is considered a human rights issue in many countries? Considered MGM - Male Genital Mutilation. And considered a horror equal to FGM - Female Genital Mutilation. Most of us would never consider cutting our little girls genitals - why do it to our little boys?

Is it a human rights issue in Thailand? No, then I don't give a rat's behind.

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I would be very surprised if there is even one male that resents having had this done

I know someone who resents to this day it was done without his consent. Don't do it. If he wants it done, let him do it later in life when he's old enough to make the decision himself.

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I'm a 40 year old male who had to get circumcised 3 years ago due to health reasons (Constant thrush) and it's the best thing I ever did and wished I had got it done years ago, sure I was a little sensitive for a few days after but I've not had any problems since. My son was born almost 2 years ago and I regret not getting him circumcised then but I plan on speaking to the doctor soon to see if it's to late to get it done.


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Why would you have a part of your sons penis cut off ? What is your reason for doing that?

Wouldn't you be worried that he would later resent you for it?

I wish there was a short answer I could give you, but there are way too many medical benefits to explain here. If you really want to know, goggle it, like I did

I would be very surprised if there is even one male that resents having had this done

Um, I'm one. I wish my parents had not done this to me. You need to do more research if you think there are "many" medical benefits. It's better for your son if you don't do it, actually.

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Here are a few of the benefits that getting circumcised will result in:

• Having to go through a very minor surgical procedure that carries with it small risks.

• Improved hygiene.

• Much lower risk of urinary tract infections.

• Much lower chance of acquiring AIDS heterosexually.

• Virtually complete elimination of the risk of invasive penile cancer.

• More favourable hygiene for the man’s sexual partner.

• Much lower risk of cervical cancer and Chlamydia (and thus infertility and other problems) in the female sexual partner.

• More favorable sexual function and no reduction in sensation during arousal or in the sensitivity of the flaccid penis.

• A penis that is regarded by most as being more attractive.

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Speaking as a homosexual, I wish that all males get the kindest cut. It's cleaner and believe me it isn't all about the penis as obviously some localized pleasure potential is removed. Of course, this point may encourage many parents not to cut their baby. This issue will not go away, it will always be controversial, parents have every right to make either decision. It is a good thing for them to hear the arguments for both sides so they can make an informed decision.

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