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[สำเนียงส่อภาษา กิริยาส่อสกุล=The tree is known by its fruit


For others who shouldn't mislead by your post.

The tree is known by its fruit = ลูกไม้ย่อมหล่นไม่ไกลต้น

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Ok. If you accept that you are a dog..so it was my mistake to think that you are a human being . Sorry, I shouldn't reply. :D:D

Now you're barking up the wrong tree again,you naughty Thai "Bang-Kaeow" sunak you! :D

สุนัขบางแก้วเป็นสุนัขไทยแท้จริง :o

It's an idiom Einstein,and I was referring to you. :D

I am loving this thread for obvious reasons.....

And I must admit that I'm not ... probably for the same reasons ...

It makes me sad to say so, but I'm also starting to lose a bit of respect for some of the participants involved. My esteem for one has not changed, but I completely fail to see any justification for the attitude of one of the others.

You can call me whatever you'd like to, but I really wish people would just close this thread and move on.


this reminds me of the song: dueling banjos.....

anyway thanx to those that answered me didnt intend to start a duel,

but for thousands of years peoples of all different nations etc have been fighting about boundries that include water which is of course the gift of life so i dont find it unusual that a group of men (i'm assuming all the posters here are men?) are fighting about water, even the spelling of it..... :D:D:D:o:D:D

let it go, let it flow, water by any other name is still the stuff that flows in our veins, the stuff that we need to survive, and as yoot points out, whether long or short version, everyone understands the word......


this reminds me of the song: dueling banjos.....

anyway thanx to those that answered me didnt intend to start a duel,

but for thousands of years peoples of all different nations etc have been fighting about boundries that include water which is of course the gift of life so i dont find it unusual that a group of men (i'm assuming all the posters here are men?) are fighting about water, even the spelling of it..... :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

let it go, let it flow,  water by any other name is still the stuff that flows in our veins, the stuff that we need to survive, and as yoot points out, whether long or short version, everyone understands the word......


i dont find it unusual that a group of men (i'm assuming all the posters here are men?) are fighting about water, even the spelling of it.....
yoot Posted 2005-04-14 19:25:51

That's why I asked people who is around to test my understanding.

Yoot wanted answers so we met in person and had this polite conversation which I recorded.

If you want to listen in on our friendly little dialogue,please click on the link below... :o


[สำเนียงส่อภาษา กิริยาส่อสกุล=The tree is known by its fruit


For others who shouldn't mislead by your post.

The tree is known by its fruit = ลูกไม้ย่อมหล่นไม่ไกลต้น

This could also be translated as 'a chip off the old block', ie the son or daughter inherits characteristics of one or both of the parents, it's a much more well known idiom than 'the tree is known by its fruit'.

this word was a topic of discussion among Thais too. None of each discussions I have read, all people agreed that it's long. It was about the same as I asked people who are around. Later I read on some papers which are reliable,the information mentions about this word is pronounced as long,but not all of Thais pronounced it as long. There still be a lot of people in countryside pronounced it as short. It's started to pronounce as long from people in the central of Thailand.Even in a paper from RID has mentioned about this word too. It says the original of this word was pronounced as short and distorted to long later.

If you read this clearly you might understand. Many Thai words are pronounced different from their form,but all Thais are used to with them. Thais in some parts of Thai may not pronounce it the same so no one correct and no one wrong,it depends. Why RID doesn't put the length in every pronunciation of Thai words? It's because if we spell it as it form we will get the correct pronunciation by itself. Don't ask every Thais if any words is short or long, they probably don't know , you can try this with you friend. :D

That's why I asked people who is around to test my understanding.

Sorry everyone here. I can't keep quiet while someone try to insult me. I hope everyone here would understand. I want to clear with "snowleopard". I join in this forum because I think I can help others who want to study Thai which is my langauge and I'm proud with my language. I haven't got any advantage from you guys. I just wonder why someone here seem want to offense me. :o

You are right. Sometimes someone may do something wrong by not intend to do. I said "my Thai is perfect" and it means I can write , speak, and read them in the proper way. As someone here said no one perfect ,I think I shoud accept this to satisfy someone here who try to bite me. (คนที่คอยจิกคอยกัดคนอื่นตลอดเวลาแบบนี้ มีค่าน้อยกว่าแมลงหรือสัตว์เลื้อยคลานชั้นต่ำตัวหนึ่งซะอีก ) .I think you might be hurt that someone here can use Thai language better than you can but it doesn't make sense why you can't accept that. You are not native Thai . You have limit in Thai language the same as I have limit in English langauge. There is not any problem with me to accept that. (มันเจ็บปวดนักเหรอไง)
การกระทำย่อมดีกว่าคำพูด จงทำก่อนพูด แล้วจึงพูดตามการกระทำของท่าน

If you understand this sentense you should know that you did the same. You often give others the wrong explainations, but it isn't my behave to point out other's fault if it isn't effected to others. If I did it I'm ready to apologise if I'm wrong. (ผู้ที่เจริญแล้วย่อมรู้จักขออภัยเมื่อทำผิด และไม่คิดจองล้างจองผลาญผู้อื่น อย่างเช่นคนถ่อยบางคน)

คนอายุสี่สิบ ถ้าไม่เป็นหมอก็เป็นคนโง่ไปเลย


If you really have this idea , you are more foolish than I thought. People in forty's can be whatever they want. And yes, ความรู้ไม่ได้มีมาตั้งแต่เกิด. Should I expect this from you too?


ถูกต้อง แมลงวันจะไม่บินเข้าปากที่หุบไว้หรอก เพราะฉะนั้น กรุณาหุบปากของคุณ ก่อนที่แมลงวันที่บินเข้าไปตายในปากคุณ จะส่งกลิ่นเหม็นมากไปกว่านี้

คุณคิดว่าสิ่งที่คุณพยายามจะยกมานี่ จะสร้างความประทับใจให้กับผู้อื่นได้หรือ ขอโทษ สำหรับผม มันเป็นสิ่งที่เด็กทารกที่ปากยังไม่สิ้นกลิ่นน้ำนม หรือไม่ก็คนที่ไม่มีความเป็นลูกผู้ชายเพียงพอเท่านั้น ถึงจะทำกัน หวังว่าคุณคงจะอ่านเข้าใจนะครับ

โชคดี และสุขสันต์วันสงกรานต์ :D:D



สุขสันต์วันสงกรานต์เหมือนกัน=Same ๆ

A strange sense of humor this Snowleopard dude, spends its Songkran attacking one of the most useful contributors to this forum. What a miserable life it must have, coming out with tired cliches such as the above, the dog that barks won't bite, the successful person is one who can face disappointment with humor. Back to your cave with you.

DP25 Posted Today, 2005-04-19 14:36:09

A strange sense of humor this Snowleopard dude

มหาบุรุษคือคนที่ทำงานเป็นครั้งแรก :D
attacking one of the most useful contributors to this forum

ชื่อเสียงดีได้มายากกว่าสูญเสียไป :D

What a miserable life it must have
ความมีสติดีสามารถทนต่อความยากลำบากได้ :o
Back to your cave with you

คนโมโหยิ่งจะโมโหตัวเองยิ่งขึ้นเมื่อหวนนึกถึงเหตุผลได้ :D

one of the most useful contributors to this forumn


There you go... now you're dismissed dimbulb. :D

ความคมไม่มีประโยชน์ ถ้าไม่มีอะไรจะให้ตัด :D

ไม้กวาดใหม่ย่อมกวาดได้สะอาดกว่า :D

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