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Royal Thai Police Block ?


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Just a curiosity: This morning I was reading The Consumerist blog and, at the bottom of the article I was reading were the words: "Sorry, the web site you are accessing has been closed by Royal Thai Police..." It is becoming increasingly annoying to get this announcement and have to reload a page but to have it appear in the body of the page? Now that's just humorous.

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What can the admin (administrators) of Thai Visa give as an explanation to this message from the Royal Thai police?

Is the Government watching normal peoples Internet usage?

2-3 days ago I tried to open a subject/post on Tv . Think the title was something like “They have taken all my money” or something similar when I got the message from the Royal Thai Police.

Today I tried to open the online webpage to an US based sports magazine which I previously subscribed to in paper format and got the same message from the Royal Thai Police.

What’s going on here?

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I have read most of the posts in relation to this problem.

So last night i decided to log on to yahoo videos.........selected "Blue Movies. and waited......no problem.Started to scroll through the pages.Until i arrived at page 6......A notice appears from Yahoo,stating that the "connection has been interupted" or words to that effect.Could not "refresh" the page!

I then returned to yahoo videos,selected newest videos,and had absolutely no problems.

I know very little about computers or the internet. up to the forum To decide what is going on.......Good day to all!!

PS.....just a test to see whether censure-ship is being applied to certain words used in a search!

Edited by Udonfarang52
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anyone out there have any real idea whats going on with this stupid stuff, everything from my email to google webpage, to amazon, digg, just about any website even thai visa I keep getting this stupid posting its really annoying and to get my page winds up having to refresh the webpage

Same problem several times per day, specialy when i using classified sections for set up arverds and uploading pictures (sale and rent cars). Then the Royal Thai Police message comes and my whole information is gone and i have to start all over again.

Using Maxnet Pattaya

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I am now getting blocking on my AIS GPRS modem connection to a couple of sites which worked yesterday - one of which is Betdaq. The banner page is not going away when I refresh. I still have access over my other connection which is Planet Internet. At the bottom of the police banner page is a reference to Loxinfo. What do Loxinfo have to do with AIS mobile internet package?

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I have the same problems from yesterdays (MaxNet Premier) but it seems in fact a "glitch" !

Everytime I had the message, I hit "Refresh" and could reach the site ...

Maybe the Internet was working too good, it was starting to be indecent !

NB:The first message was displayed as I tried to upload a photograph of my cats ! :D

That's because they are really cracking down on kitty-porn. :)

I have also been getting the RTP message, always when accessing a seemingly innocuous website, sometimes it's when accessing Thaivisa. It always goes away when I refresh. Using Maxnet 4mb Premier in Phuket. (Now Triple T?)

Edited by Scubabuddha
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Perhaps someone who has an affected service should report this in a complaint to a company like Google who will then investigate to see why their service is at least partially banned in Thailand by the police.

Large companies like this can get results. I might embarrass the ISP into fixing this obvious problem.

People need to start complaining about it in the newspapers........time for them to lose face for their s%$#*d behavior.

This country in increasingly getting on my nerves.....how s%$#^d can people get?

Can you imagine what the large corporations trying to do business here are thinking..........I will tell you:




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I just got the same message a few minutes ago, "Sorry, the web site you are accessing has been closed by Royal Thai Police due to inappropriateness such as pornography, gambling or contain any information which is deemed to violate national security." while on tagged website. I have never seen it before and wonder if it is true or a virus as the link didn't have anything inappropriate on it. I then went to the back arrow then clicked back on the same link I had tried to access and the message was gone.

Maybe it is a message that is real, but the police haven't got the system working correctly and it appears randomly. I would like to know what is happening.. :)

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It is very amusing. A few minutes ago I wanted to visit the website of the Thai-Immigration and also received the alert.

Sorry, the web site you are accessing has been closed by Royal Thai Police due to inappropriateness such as pornography, gambling or contain any information which is deemed to violate national security.

Greetings from Chainat

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"This morning I have tried to log into my Yahoo email as well as Citibank and the websites are re-directed to http://w3.mict.go.th/"

I've occasionally been receiving the same message recently -- Below is a link showing the w3.mict.go.th server belonging to CAT ( Communications Authority of Thailand )


Below is another link to an explanation that a Google search turned up - I don't know anything about the legitimacy of what they're claiming, but Prachatai-- the group publishing it, appears to be credible. The information is not new, but appears to be valid.

"Censorship of the Internet is now being carried out by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MICT) and the Royal Thai Police, in collaboration with the Communications Authority of Thailand (CAT) and the Telecommunication Authority (TOT), which provide Thailand's international Internet gateways."


Here is an excerpt of how they describe the organization:

Prachatai (www.prachatai.com or www.prachathai.com ) is an independent, non-profit, daily web newspaper established in June 2004 to provide reliable and relevant news and information to the Thai public during an era of serious curbs on the freedom and independence of Thai news media.Prachathai was established by a group of concerned Thais who include a senior member of the Press Council of Thailand, a well-known lecturer in Journalism, two members of the Thai Senate, a number of senior journalists, and a number of Thai NGO leaders.



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internet browsing is getting slower and slower everyday because of this...

i really need to use my vpn to get it faster? or i could look into a proxy?

both of those solutions tend to slow connections, though i have seen some pages that load faster when i'm using my vpn connection. The real problem here is poorly managed internet,

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It takes a long time to load new pages. Each time I see the message on the left bottom of my Firefox which says: "Waiting for w3.mict.go.th" and after 10 seconds or so then it finally starts loading the page I want. It seems that every site I visit or page I open needs to be cleared through w3.mict.go.th.

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This morning I have tried to log into my Yahoo email as well as Citibank and the websites are re-directed to http://w3.mict.go.th/

They don't load - just a blank page. What's up with that? Anyone else getting that???

Yes on maxnet the RTP message seems to have now changed to mict pages hanging..

It really is amazing how pathetic they are at implementing this.. Its like a school project for them, lets try this on a whole country.. Nope that didnt work.. Lets try this..

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If they wish to censor they have only to look to look thseo commie experts in China the PSB

Public security Bureau has the sklls

Aproximation however Mei Guanxi

Could Mr T and the Happy True Ample rich be the cause of this tawdry break on commmerce and a cyber-literate society

IMHO a few amateurs are dabblng whilst tracking targets

Perhaps we'll all be packet switched to Cyberia

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Tried to find ncaa sports from the US this morning was redirected to w3.mict.go.th then my firefox 3.5 crashed. Restarted firefox and tried again and crashed again. I tried other websites, only seems to crash after being redirected to mict.

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It seems amazing to me that this is still going on, it's inconceivable that they are not aware of it yet nothing is done about the problem.

Looks like they are just burying their heads in the sand and ignoring the problem.

This makes the internet industry in Thailand look incompetent, ignorant and indifferent to technical problems, a bit of a joke really.

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Rising sun!

The 4%+ visitors from Laos is a bit odd too...

A thai friend suggested I browse a certain highly respected royal person's web site continuously until the block occurred, take a screenshot and bring a printout in asking them to explain this deeply offense mistake. Might be the only thing that gets them moving.

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"A thai friend suggested I browse a certain highly respected royal person's web site continuously until the block occurred, take a screenshot and bring a printout in asking them to explain this deeply offense mistake. Might be the only thing that gets them moving"

(Sorry, thai visa isn't working proper for me, at time, can't quote!)

Don't think so, they will find always a farang, had the finger in the code, I guess. So not a Thai(face) problem!

What I think can be a reason for this blocking:

Since Maxnet upgraded all old users by 1 Mb downloadspeed, I have to fight sometimes with my "premium".

Today, around noon, my line went to sleep, download from 3 Mb down to max. 1-200k!

Sometimes even nothing at all, for an hour or so.

And after that, it starts fresh with "thai police" and "mict" hints!

Also the radio streaming (usually all day, I listen real world radio) is "a bit different", since they upgraded for free the dsl-promotions!

btw, all the pages, they usually wanna block, are mostly available, aren't they? I guess, even if they find a fingerprint of a farang in that software, the stamp is totally thai!

And I'm sorry about that, for them!

Edited by noob7
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Could anyone do me a favour and test this URL from within Thailand and let me know if it is accessible - the domain hasn't been resolving. The IP address works fine though, maybe this is just a problem with 'True ADSL'


It didn't give the police warning but was unreachable, I suspect there is a problem with the True DNS service and somehow there are a whole bunch of domains missing from it, I can't help thinking it's related to some kind of cock up with their censorship system although I could be wrong.

I'm not in Thailand at the moment so can't run any more tests myself. This is a website which belongs to a colleague of mine and we have had reports from various people who can't access any of our servers from within Thailand, it's almost as if they have blocked an entire web host for some reason.

Edit : It's working fine from England at the moment.

It's opening fine for me on Maxnet in Chiang Mai.

Works fine for me from Patong

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