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Sales Technique Needs Some Revision

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I think the door to door saleslady who called to the house today needs some sales technique revision.

She pulled out a folder and from that she took a sheet showing she was promoting some special food offers and pointed out that they had no fat. Before I could say a word, she then pointed to me and said, 'You need, you fat!!'


At 6' and 16 stone (224 lbs for you lot who have never heard of pounds and ounces :D ) I may be a bit overweight but certainly not fat. Needless to say her tact got her nowhere :)

Any other tactless salespeople you have met at the door or elsewhere here in Thailand that made you walk away immediately?


With an ideal weight of under 183 lbs you are about 3 stone over weight so I would say the sales lady was right

I think the door to door saleslady who called to the house today needs some sales technique revision.

She pulled out a folder and from that she took a sheet showing she was promoting some special food offers and pointed out that they had no fat. Before I could say a word, she then pointed to me and said, 'You need, you fat!!'


At 6' and 16 stone (224 lbs for you lot who have never heard of pounds and ounces :D ) I may be a bit overweight but certainly not fat. Needless to say her tact got her nowhere :)

Any other tactless salespeople you have met at the door or elsewhere here in Thailand that made you walk away immediately?

Sorry mate. You may be tallish for a Thai but 16 stone sounds definately overweight to me. At your height (see any dieticians chart) you need to loose a couple of stone. Maybe the sales lady was right after all. Don't go claiming that it's all muscle!biggrin.gif


I think any salesperson that knocks on your door, tells you that you fat, and then expects to sell you a product is perhaps employing the wrong tactic.

But yes it's a cultural thing, blah blah, being called fat is a compliment in Thailand etc etc etc.


Well, what about the bar girls telling the old, toothless, fat, tattooed farangs in walking street and other bar areas that they are handsome.

The guys believe that. :)


The lady is right, she has got the correct way of selling her products since you are overweight. In fact, I think she is saving your life !! :)

I think the door to door saleslady who called to the house today needs some sales technique revision.

She pulled out a folder and from that she took a sheet showing she was promoting some special food offers and pointed out that they had no fat. Before I could say a word, she then pointed to me and said, 'You need, you fat!!'


At 6' and 16 stone (224 lbs for you lot who have never heard of pounds and ounces :D ) I may be a bit overweight but certainly not fat. Needless to say her tact got her nowhere :)

Any other tactless salespeople you have met at the door or elsewhere here in Thailand that made you walk away immediately?

Sorry mate. You may be tallish for a Thai but 16 stone sounds definately overweight to me. At your height (see any dieticians chart) you need to loose a couple of stone. Maybe the sales lady was right after all. Don't go claiming that it's all muscle!biggrin.gif

A few kilos of muscle :D

But a bit overweight is not too bad. I need a decent sized engine for the longer runs.

I agree I need to lose a little weight, but do not want to be built like a lat :D

The lady is right, she has got the correct way of selling her products since you are overweight. In fact, I think she is saving your life !! :)

Not a lot worth saving :D

But her technique needs polishing. There are ways and ways of telling people things :D


Hello, remember it is portion control and more excercise to lose weight. The touts for the sex shows always make me feel dirty, and some are relentless as they follow me down the soi. The timeshare people do not understand "no", and the tuk-tuk drivers need to give a big discount before a lot of people will have a ride.

tuk-tuk drivers need to give a big discount before a lot of people will have a ride.

Thats because they are a complete rip off unless you are 60 year old Thai lady with 50 kg of vegetables that need taking to the market...

Funny thing is tourists and some expats are so scared of been ripped by taxis that they do not realise how cheap and usually safe this transport is..

I always laugh when tuk tuk drivers ask me where i go and sometimes i tell them..and they come back with ridiculous amounts and i just flag down a taxi and jump in there..

Sukhumvit to Khao Sarn can be about 100 - 150 by taxi and normally tuk tuks are asking 200 baht...

Pee... nong my chai kwai!


I saw a swimsuit vendor sell a suit this way on the beach. A guy and his Thai wife were on the beach next to me. The vendor came up and said his shorts were terrible looking or something along those lines. Guess he must have agreed because he was soon trying on and ended up buying new ones.

My girlfriend at the time said the guy's response (in Thai) was "yes, but my d*** is beautiful" So they all had a laugh before he started looking at the suits.

With an ideal weight of under 183 lbs you are about 3 stone over weight so I would say the sales lady was right

Thing is you cant say what is an ideal weight, someone could be real muscular with a low fat percentage and real heavy. I would not call those fat or out of shape. Ideal weights are for couch potatoes not for people who actively practice sports.

Muscle weighs a lot more then fat. I don't know the OP but its just crazy to make assumptions. You even got skinny fat guys.. right weight but much too much fat around the organs.

With an ideal weight of under 183 lbs you are about 3 stone over weight so I would say the sales lady was right

Thing is you cant say what is an ideal weight, someone could be real muscular with a low fat percentage and real heavy. I would not call those fat or out of shape. Ideal weights are for couch potatoes not for people who actively practice sports.

Muscle weighs a lot more then fat. I don't know the OP but its just crazy to make assumptions. You even got skinny fat guys.. right weight but much too much fat around the organs.

True. I'm 6 foot 1 with quite a big build (broad shoulders etc) and when I was younger and lost weight to what was supposedly my ideal weight for my height many people commented that I looked ill and gaunt.

With an ideal weight of under 183 lbs you are about 3 stone over weight so I would say the sales lady was right

Thing is you cant say what is an ideal weight, someone could be real muscular with a low fat percentage and real heavy. I would not call those fat or out of shape. Ideal weights are for couch potatoes not for people who actively practice sports.

Muscle weighs a lot more then fat. I don't know the OP but its just crazy to make assumptions. You even got skinny fat guys.. right weight but much too much fat around the organs.

Correct. Just take a look at some American football players, and I don't mean the big linemen. There are lots of 6 foot running backs who weigh 230 pounds and don't have an ounce of fat on them. A look in the mirror when you are naked will tell if you need to lose weight or not. Unfortunately, when you start losing weight it comes off your face and chest first. And, that makes you look gaunt even though you still have the love handles. Exercise is the only way to redistribute the body mass to places it's more attractive.

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