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Two Simple Questions In Regards To Thaivisa


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For the most part, thaivisa is an informative, fun place to visit and participate. And, I agree with most, if not all of the rules. But, the only one that confuses me is why on the "general" forum is it that all topics must relate in some way to Thailand? On most other forums people talk on a wide variety of topics. I can understand shutting down any topic that gets inflamatory, but why must everything relate to Thailand? It's not going to change, nor do I care if it does, but I was just curious about the reasoning behind it.

It's easy enough to ignore a topic if it's not interesting, but one thing I do know is if there isn't SOME controversy on topics then a forum slowly dies from boredom. That is the one great fault of separating a general forum into a bunch of specific forums where the majority of people don't visit. You can miss a lot of interesting topics that way. Or, nobody posts anything because of a lack of enough responses to make it interesting.

My second question is what are those little stars in a topic heading. Some are colured in and some are blank. And, not all topic headings have the little stars. I originally thought they referred to hot topics, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It's not earth shattering news, but i was just curious.

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For the most part, thaivisa is an informative, fun place to visit and participate. And, I agree with most, if not all of the rules. But, the only one that confuses me is why on the "general" forum is it that all topics must relate in some way to Thailand? On most other forums people talk on a wide variety of topics. I can understand shutting down any topic that gets inflamatory, but why must everything relate to Thailand? It's not going to change, nor do I care if it does, but I was just curious about the reasoning behind it.

It's easy enough to ignore a topic if it's not interesting, but one thing I do know is if there isn't SOME controversy on topics then a forum slowly dies from boredom. That is the one great fault of separating a general forum into a bunch of specific forums where the majority of people don't visit. You can miss a lot of interesting topics that way. Or, nobody posts anything because of a lack of enough responses to make it interesting.

My second question is what are those little stars in a topic heading. Some are colured in and some are blank. And, not all topic headings have the little stars. I originally thought they referred to hot topics, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It's not earth shattering news, but i was just curious.

Everyone who reads the topic of OP, can rate it himself, if he find it is interesting, so other members now that it might contain some interesting content.

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It is a Thai Forum Ian, you want to ask questions regarding the mating habits of Hamsters in the Crimea, then PM NanLaew, he will direct you to the necessary forum, it is a very good forum by the way.

General isn't the only forum that allows discussion outside of Thai subjects,, however, if you allow a free for all, then it will soon become a free for all and with little regard to Thailand, something I assume, is the reason we joined up in the first place.

A lot of the other sub-forums grew to allow members to help others with their experience, hamsters and Siberia, I guess will not be top of the list :)

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For the most part, thaivisa is an informative, fun place to visit and participate. And, I agree with most, if not all of the rules. But, the only one that confuses me is why on the "general" forum is it that all topics must relate in some way to Thailand? On most other forums people talk on a wide variety of topics. I can understand shutting down any topic that gets inflamatory, but why must everything relate to Thailand? It's not going to change, nor do I care if it does, but I was just curious about the reasoning behind it.

It's easy enough to ignore a topic if it's not interesting, but one thing I do know is if there isn't SOME controversy on topics then a forum slowly dies from boredom. That is the one great fault of separating a general forum into a bunch of specific forums where the majority of people don't visit. You can miss a lot of interesting topics that way. Or, nobody posts anything because of a lack of enough responses to make it interesting.

My second question is what are those little stars in a topic heading. Some are colured in and some are blank. And, not all topic headings have the little stars. I originally thought they referred to hot topics, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It's not earth shattering news, but i was just curious.

I agree, you need some dust ups on a forum to keep it interesting. The British boycott thread was a good sample. It was not racist or anything but it was not realated to Thailand.

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thought the name was a giveaway?

There are an extremely large number of forums out there with sections devoted to other areas outside the main concept of the forum. I'm a member of a hip hop forum and we're having quite and interesting back and forth regarding the shooting down of the Iranian Airbus by a US warship versus the American condemnation of the release of the Lockerbie bomber. Hardly "Yo my N#ggaz!"

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I can totally relate to how Mr. Forbes' sentiment. I do not agree with all the TV rules, however, for the most part I can at least understand why they exist. When I think that some of the TV rules are repressive, I think that Thailand is fairly repressive too. There ain't no 'freedom of the press/say whatever you wanna say' thing in the LOS. I can say alot of things about Barack Obama or the Queen of England; however even joking about making fun of 'certain persons' in Thailand will land you in jail. I can understand the concern that the powers that be on TV have, because breaking some of the rules could lead to very severe consequences for this forum. Like I can see a bunch of boys in brown kicking down the door and yanking the computers from the wall.

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TV is correct. All topics should relate to Thailand somehow. Just imagine how annoying it would be to open treads and then discover they only condern matters in USA? If smeone wants to discuss smething international, they can go to other sites, a massive amount of sites out there.

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Nobody answered my question about the 5 little stars though. I still don't know what they are for.

Now, about the guy who has a hampster farm. I have a friend who has a Thai snake farm who might be interested. He's always looking for a good food source for his pythons. :)

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Just so there's absolutely NO confusion here, my forum is on lactating hamsters for profit. I am NOT interested in breeding them although certain areas may overlap. In that instance, I would expect that to be the subject of yet another forum and not mine.

Thank you for your attention.

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And getting RIGHT back on topic, there's another forum that decided to close the 'Foreign Affairs' sub-forum because it lurched between American partisan political rants and seppo bashing from them not of the Old Colonial persuasion. I guess the mods on that one saw that it wasn't truly 'Foreign' anymore and after some initial wailing and gnashing of teeth about it's sudden closure, the more amenable seppos's did get back to posting more regularly on non-US and non-political stuff on the remaining forums.

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not sure why someone would sign up to a Thailand forum and want to talk about US politics. farking odd.

Probably for the same reason why some tourist or expat living ANYWHERE in the world might want to discuss issues about their native country with similarly interested people. I'm presently in Canada, but on the local fishing forums I frequent we discuss issues about what is happening all over the globe. Thailand is not a separate planet. What happens around the globe will affect people everywhere... either directly or indirectly. Change the price of oil in the Middle east and see what happens in Thailand. Look what happened to the Thai tourist industry when the American business scammers put the world into a global recession. I guess if there were NO foreign expats living or visiting Thailand then it wouldn't really matter what the Thai nationals discussed on a Thai internet forum.

Reasonable, well thought out debates makes life interesting providing people don't resort to bickering and personal insults. I don't mind shots taken at me providing they are funny or appropriate to the topic.

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^^ There's NOTHING wicked about hamster farming. If you want wicked, try weasels. NOT for the faint of heart IMHO.

Fiesty little critters those weasels. We had a lesser weasel that decided to raise her brood in the woodpile by our cabin. She wasn't any longer than 10 inches from nose to the end of her little tail, but she attacked us like a 1000 pound grizzly any time we went for a stick of wood. Her babies were about half the size of my finger when I first saw them. We finally left her in peace and cut firewood elsewhere.

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not sure why someone would sign up to a Thailand forum and want to talk about US politics. farking odd.

Probably for the same reason why some tourist or expat living ANYWHERE in the world might want to discuss issues about their native country with similarly interested people. I'm presently in Canada, but on the local fishing forums I frequent we discuss issues about what is happening all over the globe. Thailand is not a separate planet. What happens around the globe will affect people everywhere... either directly or indirectly. Change the price of oil in the Middle east and see what happens in Thailand. Look what happened to the Thai tourist industry when the American business scammers put the world into a global recession. I guess if there were NO foreign expats living or visiting Thailand then it wouldn't really matter what the Thai nationals discussed on a Thai internet forum.

Reasonable, well thought out debates makes life interesting providing people don't resort to bickering and personal insults. I don't mind shots taken at me providing they are funny or appropriate to the topic.

I have to agree. I understand the comments about things becoming a free for all, but is there any reason why there can't be a sub forum(s) for discussion on non-Thai subjects?

I feel part of a community in Thai visa and would rather discuss these topics on here than on another forum.

I mean, if we were going to get really strict surely we would discuss nothing but visas?

This forum is excellent and it would only be improved if a sub-forum were introduced. What's the harm? Those who aren't interested don't have to read that forum; much as I don't read a large number of the other sub-forums.

I'd be happy to moderate it if no-one else wants to.

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