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Has Anybody Found Out Whats Problem With The Internet?


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Hi All, Clearly, the Internet throughout Thailand has a problem. It doesnt seem to matter who your provider is, right now you cant open pages within many International sites, and downloading video etc, eg from BBC sites is simply impossible.

I am with TT&T, and despite this problem, which they MUST know about you cant get a straight answer out of them. When you call them they act all surprised, like..Whats the problem?? Etc etc. Try As I might, cant get any info from anybody. Its a nightmare!!

By the way, this is normal news sites, and things like ITunes...not anything the Thai police might object to. Any News?? Please!!

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Perhaps the typhoon had something to do with it:


SINGAPORE (Dow Jones)--As many as seven undersea cables linking various Asian nations have been damaged by undersea landslides from Typhoon Morakat that battered Taiwan and China over the weekend, leading to Internet and voice call connectivity disruptions in Asia and sending telecommunications operators scrambling to restore services.

Although the cause and the extent of the damage on the cables remains unclear, operators in Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan say the impact of the damaged cables has been contained through various workarounds. This illustrates the benefits of continued cable network investments in the region since an earthquake off the coast of southern Taiwan in December 2006 damaged seven undersea cables and disrupted services for several days.

The disruption to Asia's telecommunications network points to global dependence on a series of cables lying on or just above the ocean floor. Most international Internet data and voice telephone calls are transmitted as pulses of light via these hundreds of undersea fiber-optic lines that crisscross the globe. The cables, which can cost hundreds of millions of dollars, are typically owned either by specialized cable operators or by consortia of telecom companies, which share costs and capacity.

Companies that have reported service disruptions include Taiwan's Chunghwa Telecom Co. (CHT), Philippines' Globe Telecom Inc. (GLO.PH), Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. (Z74.SG), Japan's NTT DoCoMo Inc. (9437.TO), KDDI Corp. (9433.TO), Indonesia's PT Bakrie Telecom (BTEL.JK), PT Indonesia Satellite Corp., (ISAT.JK), PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TLK) and South Korea's KT Corp. (KTC).

Earlier Thursday, Chunghwa Telecom said four international undersea cables it jointly operates in the region that provide international service calls and Internet connectivity have been damaged by seabed movements stemming from the typhoon. The cables are owned by a large number of telecommunications operators around the region.

Damage to two of the lines caused disruption in voice calls among Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines earlier Thursday but Chunghwa said in a statement later that voice calls from Taiwan to Southeast Asia were mostly restored.

Chunghwa Telecom International Business Group President Leng Tai-feing said it typically takes one to two months to repair the lines. But the company also said that service disruptions have been limited due to additional network capacity.

SingTel, Globe and the three Indonesian operators also made similar comments after noting minor disruptions on their networks.

U.K.-based Cable & Wireless PLC (CW.LN), which has a big presence in Asia, said in a statement that traffic on its network was rerouted automatically and that its customers were not affected by the cable breaks in Asia.

Rahmat Junaidy, director of corporate services at Bakrie Telecom, said voice and data services were disrupted for about 30 minutes. But the company was able to switch to other cable routes and satellite to restore connectivity.

Matt Walker, a telecoms analyst at consulting firm Ovum, said the severity of the current disruptions appear to be far more benign than the pan-regional brownout caused by the earthquake near Taiwan in 2006 that led to a number of cable damages in East Asia and days of disruption to Internet and data services.

"The real story here may be how much progress Asia's international network connectivity has made in just the last few years," Walker said in a report.

"With the installation of the Transpacific Express, the Asia America Gateway, several smaller intra-Asia projects and cables linking Europe and Asia through India and the Middle East (not all complete), the region's cable systems are now much more meshed and resilient, and less prone to catastrophic failures," he said.

Companies have spent millions in the past few years laying new cable networks connecting the U.S. via India and Southeast Asia. That has reduced the reliance on a few key networks of cables linking Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong to the U.S.

Walker said further investments in underwater cables that are laid in different locations to avoid concentration of lines in known trouble spots as well as reducing the reliance on the U.S. as a traffic hub will help companies against similar outages in the future.

"The more capacity, the better," he said.

-By Se Young Lee, Dow Jones Newswires; +65 6415 4155; [email protected]

(Perris Lee Choon Siong and Charmian Kok in Taipei, Cris Larano in Manila, Jung-Ah Lee in Seoul, Edhi Pranasidhi and Tom Wright in Jakarta, and Yuzo Yamaguchi in Tokyo contributed to this report.)

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Maybe a problem your end?

Not had any problems, downloaded a number of things this morning from 6 am...

In 5 years have had 3 problems and phoned True, all 3 times an engineer arrived with the hour.. The internet will cut out sometimes with heavy rain, as it did twice this morning but came back again very quickly. + I live out in the sticks

Speed is down a little, but still fine

Last Result:

Download Speed: 2776 kbps (347 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 430 kbps (53.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

TEST TIME:: Sunday August 30, 2009, 06:41 AM

Edit: Test run via Singapore so time is not Thailand time

Edited by ignis
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Just ran another test back up again

Last Result:

Download Speed: 2957 kbps (369.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 430 kbps (53.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

TEST TIME:: Sunday August 30, 2009, 06:46 AM

Against which server do you run your tests? You should test the speed to Europe or the US since the mentioned websites (BBC, Youtube) are hosted there.


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Hi All, Clearly, the Internet throughout Thailand has a problem. It doesnt seem to matter who your provider is, right now you cant open pages within many International sites, and downloading video etc, eg from BBC sites is simply impossible.

Ah yes the Internet is broke again! Gotta love these quotes :)

If its any consolation your post above is completely untrue! My provider does not have problems that you have mentioned so "Clearly, the Internet throughout Thailand has a problem" is not quite on the ball. Suggest you have a problem at your end with your provider? As alluded to by others the countries telecoms infrastructure is piss poor due to bureaucracy but what isn't in Thailand? Don't expect any services to be on a par with other developed countries.

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Thanks Welo, thats right, the problem is with sites outside Thailand. Going from page to page inside BBC site is taking forever, Youtube is freezing all the time, and Podcast downloads via ITunes which normally take 30 seconds or so wont download at all.

The idiots at TT&T say the local speed is good so all is well. Clearly it is not. Wouldnt you think that as that is specifically the only thing they do, ie, sell internet, they would be aware of these situations, or is turning a blind eye and pretending everything in the garden is rosy part of their training routine?

Perhaps the answer is undersea cables, as outlined in the earlier post (thanks for that) but if only I could get a straight answer from somebody in charge, at least you would know they are working on it!!

As things stand now, who knows how long this will go on?

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Thanks Welo, thats right, the problem is with sites outside Thailand. Going from page to page inside BBC site is taking forever, Youtube is freezing all the time, and Podcast downloads via ITunes which normally take 30 seconds or so wont download at all.

The idiots at TT&T say the local speed is good so all is well. Clearly it is not. Wouldnt you think that as that is specifically the only thing they do, ie, sell internet, they would be aware of these situations, or is turning a blind eye and pretending everything in the garden is rosy part of their training routine?

Perhaps the answer is undersea cables, as outlined in the earlier post (thanks for that) but if only I could get a straight answer from somebody in charge, at least you would know they are working on it!!

As things stand now, who knows how long this will go on?

Just moved here and had internet for 3 days now. For 2 days, i got my full package (2MB from TOT), no problem, SWEET, i thought. HAHAHAHAHA...

Today, it is taking 5 minutes to load the speedtest page...giving me a .590 M download (instead of 2M) and a .06 M upload... WAY below what i am paying for, and this is to server in BKK.....

the maxnet speed test page gives me even lower speed results. ThaiVisa pages are timing out for gods sake...

welcome to thailand... last night i dreamt about my 10 MB pipe back in SFO....

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Thanks Welo, thats right, the problem is with sites outside Thailand. [...]

My post was actually directed at ignis since I suspected that his speed tests are run against a server in South East Asia, which of course is a completely different story...

About your other comments. I personally deal with connection problems this way: I troubleshoot whether my domestic connection is OK (speedtest to Bangkok server), if not, I will call the local TOT office (unfortunately my provider) and complain, otherwise, if 'just' the international bandwith is rubbish, I will yell out loud at the spot and complain about said company in a very inpolite way (usually my wife has to listen to that)... and leave it by that.

You might complain with your provider, maybe it will change something in the long run if enough people do that, but for me I doubt that. I still have the hope that the internet connection in Thailand will improve in the future, but I doubt that customer complaints will be the driving point behind that.

Btw do you have Maxnet Indy or Premier package?


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Well "digitalbanana" youre the only person who doesnt know that right now THERE IS a problem with the internet in Thailand. Dont get all sarcastic with me when its you who is wrong. Have you tried to access International Sites like the BBC? Have you tried downloading Podcasts from sites like ITunes? The systems just not working and hasnt been for several days now. Local sites operating WITHIN Thailand (like this one) are not a problem, but most things International are. OK now? Understand now? I m not looking for sarcasm and stupidity I m using this site as its supposed to be used to share information and to seek the thoughts of others, OK, understand now...!!

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ok so here is what is happening....


Basically last year a Thai person posted something they shouldn't have about the King on youtube. Instead of banning the video or the link.... yep they banned youtube

Trying to read more about it but very difficult, as the only english information is chuffing slow. If there is a valid reason to block a site it will be blocked, otherwise it is illegal to do so (just like prostitution). As they block more and more sites (for no reason at all) they use a smokescreen to confuse people. Instead of saying "this site is blocked" they make it look like your internet is not working.. i.e. this page cannot be loaded blah blah blah...

Also an interesting point (if it is in fact true), if a person walks into an internet cafe etc and posts derogatory untraceable remarks, it will be the ISP who is in hot water, maybe that is why people like TT&T are so unresponsive and unwilling to help.... i by the way ring them everyday and demand a technician to come to my shop, just for funnsies....

Some contact info i got from Prachatai website, will be writing a few emails later in the day... also got their phone numbers too!

Ministry of Information and Communication Technology IT Regulation Bereau: Chief Aree Jivorarak aree

His superior is MICT, Permanent Secretary Su Lo-utai

They also have a direct complaint form



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So what is it? censorship? I find that hard to believe as I am watching youtube now


no need to exaggerate - i have gotten at least 10kbps at times today... but averaging about 2.... which is a LOT more than zero.... hahahahahah... welcome to thailand..

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So what is it? censorship? I find that hard to believe as I am watching youtube now


no need to exaggerate - i have gotten at least 10kbps at times today... but averaging about 2.... which is a LOT more than zero.... hahahahahah... welcome to thailand..

OK probably just some DNS problems then...hopefully will get better soon. I want to download the rest of House :)

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Well "digitalbanana" youre the only person who doesnt know that right now THERE IS a problem with the internet in Thailand. Dont get all sarcastic with me when its you who is wrong. Have you tried to access International Sites like the BBC? Have you tried downloading Podcasts from sites like ITunes? The systems just not working and hasnt been for several days now. Local sites operating WITHIN Thailand (like this one) are not a problem, but most things International are. OK now? Understand now? I m not looking for sarcasm and stupidity I m using this site as its supposed to be used to share information and to seek the thoughts of others, OK, understand now...!!

Sorry PostmanPat, wasn't intended to be sarcastic but anyone called PostmanPat saying the Internet is broke needs a bit of a ribbing eh?

To be of help, I haven't noticed anything in the last month that has affected my service. I have regularly accessed the BBC web site, downloaded several hundred MB of podcasts in the last month as well UK TV based torrents. So cannot really say I have been having anything out of the ordinary.

Good luck with your endeavors.

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Well "digitalbanana" youre the only person who doesnt know that right now THERE IS a problem with the internet in Thailand. Dont get all sarcastic with me when its you who is wrong. Have you tried to access International Sites like the BBC? Have you tried downloading Podcasts from sites like ITunes? The systems just not working and hasnt been for several days now. Local sites operating WITHIN Thailand (like this one) are not a problem, but most things International are. OK now? Understand now? I m not looking for sarcasm and stupidity I m using this site as its supposed to be used to share information and to seek the thoughts of others, OK, understand now...!!

Sorry PostmanPat, wasn't intended to be sarcastic but anyone called PostmanPat saying the Internet is broke needs a bit of a ribbing eh?

To be of help, I haven't noticed anything in the last month that has affected my service. I have regularly accessed the BBC web site, downloaded several hundred MB of podcasts in the last month as well UK TV based torrents. So cannot really say I have been having anything out of the ordinary.

Good luck with your endeavors.

Sorry, I agree with Digital Banana. I have been having no problems beyond what one would normally expect in any country. I have had no sites that have not loaded, a very few that have been a tad slow but loaded within a reasonable time...and I am mostly into American websites.

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OK, guys, sorry if I seem a little tetchy....thing is I normally download BBC Radio Podcasts daily via I Tunes in a matter of less than a minute, but since Friday havent been able to complete the download of even one programme.

Specifically, can anyone report if they have been able to download Radio Podcasts over the past 3 or 4 days?

Thanks a lot.

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I have not read through all the posts but the most basic reason for why internet is slow in Thailand is because most of the local exchanges that everyone connects to are probably outdated and have to many users.

An exchange is where everyone in each region in a 15km or more radius connects to. There are alot of telephone exchanges everywhere, some are better than others, and some have less users than others, therefore there is more bandwidth.

There is a reason why certain times and on the weekends the internet is slow, to many users, not enough bandwidth.

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OK, guys, sorry if I seem a little tetchy....thing is I normally download BBC Radio Podcasts daily via I Tunes in a matter of less than a minute, but since Friday havent been able to complete the download of even one programme.

Specifically, can anyone report if they have been able to download Radio Podcasts over the past 3 or 4 days?

Thanks a lot.

I download a lot of podcasts and have a consistent 2.4 MB real download speed (from a 3MB home account) with CSLoxinfo.

TOT is a tool of Satan. True are screw-every-penny corporate b@$tard$. CAT couldn't find their own behind with both hands. If you use these companies odds are your internet life is miserable. Vote with your feet, fire them. Refuse to pay your early exit penalty on the grounds of 'no service'. There will be no contest. Just leave the bastards, get out of there, punish them!

Edited by Crushdepth
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I have not read through all the posts but the most basic reason for why internet is slow in Thailand is because most of the local exchanges that everyone connects to are probably outdated and have to many users.

An exchange is where everyone in each region in a 15km or more radius connects to. There are alot of telephone exchanges everywhere, some are better than others, and some have less users than others, therefore there is more bandwidth.

There is a reason why certain times and on the weekends the internet is slow, to many users, not enough bandwidth.

so how does that explain people in different areas losing connection to international websites all of a sudden. TT&T were out last weekend (outside the shop) changing cables etc... still the same.

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I live in Taiwan and normally my (cable) connection is several degrees of magnitude faster and more stable than what is available in Thailand. But after the typhoon thing someone posted earlier, my connection quite closely resembled some of the symptoms you all mentioned - youtube will haphazardly refuse to load from time to time (and the worst thing is, the video grabbale by DownloadHelper has changed). Sometimes the BBC is slow, sometimes some random site will decide to be slow or inaccessible. It also occurs on my work connection on a different ISP.

Just thought this underwater cable thing might be the issue, instead of whatever the Thais normally do to their gateway to the interwebs.

Edited by mezzoninny
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So what is it? censorship? I find that hard to believe as I am watching youtube now


Got three movies downloading now at about 100K - not lightning fast, but not zero either. Last night it was going around 180K for torrents on my upcountry TOT connection.

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OK probably just some DNS problems then...hopefully will get better soon. I want to download the rest of House :)

I have my connection with TOT (in Phetchabun) and get DNS not available a lot of the time. Calling helpdesk and telling them,

get many times a reaction of surprise. And then the promise to sort it out in the evening . . . (they actually do sort it out ).

The new version of COMODO firewall gives you the option to use their DNS (for free), bypassing any Thai DNS service :D

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OK probably just some DNS problems then...hopefully will get better soon. I want to download the rest of House :)

I have my connection with TOT (in Phetchabun) and get DNS not available a lot of the time. Calling helpdesk and telling them,

get many times a reaction of surprise. And then the promise to sort it out in the evening . . . (they actually do sort it out ).

The new version of COMODO firewall gives you the option to use their DNS (for free), bypassing any Thai DNS service :D

Well I was wrong. Seems to be torrent throttling. I am now getting consistent 10-20 kb/s at the Big Mango in Nana

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