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Drunken Cop Is No Laughing Matter


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Drunken cop is no laughing matter

BANGKOK: -- A joke about drink driving saw a comedian confronted by a drunken gun-wielding cop, who may now be thrown out of the force.

Somchai Songklod, whose stage name is "Jakkaboom Chernyim", discovered that not all members of his audience in Bangkok on Friday night found his jokes funny. A drunk policeman reportedly pointed a pistol at his head after being upset by one of his jokes.

Metropolitan Police Area 1 chiefs |may set up a panel to review the case. Officials said the officer could be fired if found guilty of pointing a gun at Somchai's head.

The 31-year-old comedian from the TV show "Ban Nee Mee Rak" filed a complaint at 11.30pm on Friday with Taling Chan police. It said a half-uniformed" policeman pointed a gun at his head in a restaurant on Ratchapreuk Road, where he does a show on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.

Somchai said he had mocked customers that they should not get drunk because they could drive to a police checkpoint and face the same fate as comedian Arun Pawilai, who recently made headlines for refusing to have his breath tested for alcohol.

After he got off the stage, a drunken man in white shirt, khaki trousers with a gun on his waist asked him what kind of joke he had just made, the comic recalled. The man then pulled out a gun and pointed it at his head, saying "Do you want to die [for mak-ing such a joke]? I'll shoot you dead."

Customers and staff separated the pair, before the man walked out to his motorbike, which fell over, allegedly because he was drunk. People then surrounded him to stop the man leaving. The drunken man later identi-fied as Lance Corporal Uthit Tipsri of Dusit Police Station. He was apprehended by police officers on patrol, but initially claimed that he didn't have a gun.

During an interview with Somchai |at Taling Chan Police Station, Uthit's supervi-sor Lt Colonel Thaveep Warapongkhiri asked Somchai to forgive Uthit for his impulsive action if he apologised on Uthit's behalf. But Somchai said he wanted them to press a charge of attempted murder.

"How can a police officer carrying a weapon bully innocent people? If that moment, he pulled the trigger out of drunk-enness, my life would end and what would happen to my family? If he hit me with his fists or assaulted me, I might consider drop-ping the charges, but I find what he did was unacceptable," the comedian said.

Taling Chan police ended up charged Uthit with attempted murder and carrying a gun in a public place without sound reason. Metropolitan Police Area 1 commander Maj General Wichai Sangprapai said he had urged Taling Chan police to report the case to him so he could assign |a fact-finding committee to look into it. |If Uthit was guilty as accused, he would be dismissed from the civil service, he said.


-- The Nation 2009-08-30

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Drunken cop is no laughing matter

During an interview with Somchai |at Taling Chan Police Station, Uthit's supervi-sor Lt Colonel Thaveep Warapongkhiri asked Somchai to forgive Uthit for his impulsive action if he apologised on Uthit's behalf. But Somchai said he wanted them to press a charge of attempted murder.

When will this type of BS end. A simple apology and everything is fine? Reminds me of another case not to far back with a drunken cop did pull the trigger and killed an innocent young man. Good for Somchai for standing up to these barbarians!

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One of my wife's staff has a husband who's a sergeant in the Khon Kaen police and she told (with a "what can you do?" look on her face) about how he got plastered at home, had an argument with her and decided to go into the street and unload a full clip into the night sky.

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Keeping/losing face and showing one's pow-urrrr gone wild once again in the LOS.

The irony is, a cop threatens a comedian for encouraging people NOT to drink and drive. One hopes he gets made an example of, but the odds are somewhere between 0 and 0.

Why are off duty cops allowed to have their weapons anyway?

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Hello, so it is not a good thing that the thugs with guns threaten people when they are drunk? What is the point of having a badge and a gun if they can not use it for personal reasons? It is a dark day in Thailand when a simple second-hand apology can not get the charge of attempted murder removed from a police officer, and he will not be moved to an inactive post.

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Hello, so it is not a good thing that the thugs with guns threaten people when they are drunk? What is the point of having a badge and a gun if they can not use it for personal reasons? It is a dark day in Thailand when a simple second-hand apology can not get the charge of attempted murder removed from a police officer, and he will not be moved to an inactive post.

You really shouldn't be making posts like this.

Too many TV members don't have the ability to recognise when someone is not being serious.

I hope that this is carried through to a good conclusion and the thug gets jail time. Tea money is one thing, but a person in authority should not get away with threatening someone with a gun for no good reason at all!

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Yoyo's like the policeman seem to not be an exception to the rule in many areas. I make a habit of leaving any establishment where policemen are carrying, drinking, or even just taking up space.

Guess the only defense against this type of behavior is issue weapons to all patrons when the bib arrive. Before someone mentions giving arms to untrained, clueless civilians, I would use the Thai term we often hear 'same same' Bullies seem to slither away if the odds are not in their favor. OK enough humor for the day, for those who think the last paragraph is a serious post.

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One of my wife's staff has a husband who's a sergeant in the Khon Kaen police and she told (with a "what can you do?" look on her face) about how he got plastered at home, had an argument with her and decided to go into the street and unload a full clip into the night sky.

He sounds a well balanced sort of a fellow. :)

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One of my wife's staff has a husband who's a sergeant in the Khon Kaen police and she told (with a "what can you do?" look on her face) about how he got plastered at home, had an argument with her and decided to go into the street and unload a full clip into the night sky.

He sounds a well balanced sort of a fellow. :)

He came to my wedding party and spent the entire evening getting wasted and informing the rest of the guests on his table that he "Didn't like westerners."

Liked us enough to drink my whiskey though. :D

Chronic gambler, hardcore drinker, riding his motorcycle without helmet pissed as a newt, teen mia noi on the side.

I think he passed the police selection board with flying colours.

"Keep an eye on young Kwanchai. That lad shows a lot of potential."

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Keeping/losing face and showing one's pow-urrrr gone wild once again in the LOS.

The irony is, a cop threatens a comedian for encouraging people NOT to drink and drive. One hopes he gets made an example of, but the odds are somewhere between 0 and 0.

Why are off duty cops allowed to have their weapons anyway?

I think the officer in question should be 'Hung , drawn and quartered ' in the village square to set a precedent of what may or may not be orchestrated to future perpetrators who are giving the Thai Royal Police a bad reputation .My goodness , what ever next is likely to happen to drag the flawless reputation of the force down into the gutter ?

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I hope that this is carried through to a good conclusion and the thug gets jail time. Tea money is one thing, but a person in authority should not get away with threatening someone with a gun for no good reason at all!

Tea money is not one thing it is the start of all things. :)

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I once went to a Thai wedding. It started approx. 5am as did the drinking of a fully uniformed bib. I went home for three hours in the afternoon returning for the evening party. The bib in question remained at the wedding; it was talked about. At about 11pm, in a hall full of people, the bib pulled out his gun and went on a fall about. Frightening.

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My goodness , what ever next is likely to happen to drag the flawless reputation of the force down into the gutter ?

Don't ask. TIT -- just when you think they must've run out of nails for their coffin, they'll pull out a few more.

Every act is topped in this place.

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dont the police have to hand there guns in when there shift is finished???

I see off duty cops packing heat frequently. I once saw one taking his daughter to school on a motorcycle with an HK MP-5 strapped across his back

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Go to virtually any Thai village. The cop sitting outside the village shop/in the karaoke joint/in the massage parlour, worse the wear for drunk, gun either in holster or placed on the table for reasons of comfort is a quintessential Thai scene. If spotted, be prepared for a "You, you, where you come fooorrrm?"

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Very sad and very scary. I hope they don't convince the comedian to change his mind. I hope he doesn't disappear either.

I haven't had too many bad experiences with police here. Most have been nice, but few are friendly.

The most unnerving thing that has happened was with a couple of friends. We were at an outside bar along the street enjoying a cold beer after work. There were two police officers sitting not too far away. There were very few people there and it was outside and covered a large area, so we weren't crowding them and couldn't here them. They were giving us the evil eye, while sharing a bottle of whiskey. They seemed tense, no real conversation, no smiling or laughing. One of them got up came over to our table and told us to leave. My two friends were upset, but I said OK and promptly paid the bill and convinced my friends to leave. I don't think it's wise to argue with two unhappy guys drinking whiskey who have guns.

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Very sad and very scary. I hope they don't convince the comedian to change his mind. I hope he doesn't disappear either.

I haven't had too many bad experiences with police here. Most have been nice, but few are friendly.

The most unnerving thing that has happened was with a couple of friends. We were at an outside bar along the street enjoying a cold beer after work. There were two police officers sitting not too far away. There were very few people there and it was outside and covered a large area, so we weren't crowding them and couldn't here them. They were giving us the evil eye, while sharing a bottle of whiskey. They seemed tense, no real conversation, no smiling or laughing. One of them got up came over to our table and told us to leave. My two friends were upset, but I said OK and promptly paid the bill and convinced my friends to leave. I don't think it's wise to argue with two unhappy guys drinking whiskey who have guns.

What kind of cowboy are you?  This is the wild wild wild wild East.  Your suppose to say "this ban ant big nuogh for the two many us". let your eye twitch when you say it so it looks like you really mean it. Then get on your moped and yell  "I beee baaach"    :D  Well OK maybe your choice was better. :)

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One of my wife's staff has a husband who's a sergeant in the Khon Kaen police and she told (with a "what can you do?" look on her face) about how he got plastered at home, had an argument with her and decided to go into the street and unload a full clip into the night sky.

He sounds a well balanced sort of a fellow. :)

He came to my wedding party and spent the entire evening getting wasted and informing the rest of the guests on his table that he "Didn't like westerners."

Liked us enough to drink my whiskey though. :D

Chronic gambler, hardcore drinker, riding his motorcycle without helmet pissed as a newt, teen mia noi on the side.

I think he passed the police selection board with flying colours.

"Keep an eye on young Kwanchai. That lad shows a lot of potential."

He is a perfect fit for Chief of Police. Maybe they can put him in charge at DUTY FREE

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Very sad and very scary. I hope they don't convince the comedian to change his mind. I hope he doesn't disappear either.

I haven't had too many bad experiences with police here. Most have been nice, but few are friendly.

The most unnerving thing that has happened was with a couple of friends. We were at an outside bar along the street enjoying a cold beer after work. There were two police officers sitting not too far away. There were very few people there and it was outside and covered a large area, so we weren't crowding them and couldn't here them. They were giving us the evil eye, while sharing a bottle of whiskey. They seemed tense, no real conversation, no smiling or laughing. One of them got up came over to our table and told us to leave. My two friends were upset, but I said OK and promptly paid the bill and convinced my friends to leave. I don't think it's wise to argue with two unhappy guys drinking whiskey who have guns.

Very scary position to be put in Scott, you did the right thing get the fuk out now. It is one of the most troubling things I find in Thailand. Cops with guns drinking in uniform !! How stupid is that ? Alcohol and guns do not mix !

I find it hard to believe that there is no regulation against this crazy behavior.

The fact that this guys Superior officer tried to condone this and make it go away with a " SORRY I was drunk" apology is also scary. This cop and his Superior should be charged and punished. If you folks see a cop,uniformed or not carrying a sidearm drinking booze get out fast. The incident in PAI last year should be a warning to all Farangs ! We are at risk here :) !

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I remember reading in the Bpost late 2002 early 2003 about an incident on the tollway - a drunk BiB colonel in a road rage incident pulled out his gun and shot at another driver . the other driver who was with his wife and kids was a BiB colonel also , but he was sober - he shot the drunk BiB dead.

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Unfortunately, this will likely be the last we'll hear of this. The gun-wielding a**hole of a cop is probably out working his beat right now, confident that he won't even get a slap on the wrist. This type of crap makes Thailand a laughing stock of a nation around the world. It's no wonder that people see Thailand as a country of children.

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Reminds me of a drunken cop in Kanchanaburi who killed a Briton point-blank. I never read anything about his conviction. This is why people don't come to Thailand anymore. When you can't trust the police, you can't trust anyone.

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Reminds me of a drunken cop in Kanchanaburi who killed a Briton point-blank. I never read anything about his conviction. This is why people don't come to Thailand anymore. When you can't trust the police, you can't trust anyone.

Yes, he was convicted and sentenced to life. His name is Somchai Wisetsingh. Maybe you didn't hear about it because at his trial, his police colleagues from his station "accidentally on purpose" pepper sprayed the journalists and also allegedly trailed them to and from the court hearings in a "we know where you are staying" manner. Who knows if he really is a prison or a suitable body double has been found.

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