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It Is Time To Set Up A Foreign Moaners Club In Thailand


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I think it would be a great idea for Farangs who daily love to whine and gripe about Thailand to have a place where they can release the hot air out of their system. The member who has the most complaints each month, no matter how banal or petty, would receive a reward - a moaners' elite card. What do you people on Thaivisa think about this idea? :)

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I think it would be a great idea for Farangs who daily love to whine and gripe about Thailand to have a place where they can release the hot air out of their system. The member who has the most complaints each month, no matter how banal or petty, would receive a reward - a moaners' elite card. What do you people on Thaivisa think about this idea? :)

There already is such a club. It's called thai Visa.com and you just posted on it.

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I think it would be a great idea for Farangs who daily love to whine and gripe about Thailand to have a place where they can release the hot air out of their system. The member who has the most complaints each month, no matter how banal or petty, would receive a reward - a moaners' elite card. What do you people on Thaivisa think about this idea? :)
I think its a crap idea, like everything else to do with this rotten place. Baa, humbug :D

Don't you guys know it is not a good idea to post when pi$$ed/high,enebriated?

Welcome to the site whinging Moaners for your first post.

With that moniker you are sure to win friends and influence people. :D

All I can say is welcome to the land of of eternal optimism and smiles!

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I think it would be a great idea for Farangs who daily love to whine and gripe about Thailand to have a place where they can release the hot air out of their system. The member who has the most complaints each month, no matter how banal or petty, would receive a reward - a moaners' elite card. What do you people on Thaivisa think about this idea? :)
I think its a crap idea, like everything else to do with this rotten place. Baa, humbug :D

Don't you guys know it is not a good idea to post when pi$$ed/high,enebriated?

Welcome to the site whinging Moaners for your first post.

With that moniker you are sure to win friends and influence people. :D

All I can say is welcome to the land of of eternal optimism and smiles!

Ironic bypasses big in CM ?

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There already is such a club. It's called thai Visa.com and you just posted on it.

That's what I was going to say. It's here already.

I've said for years, to anyone who will listen, that I would gripe no matter where I resided. I griped when I resided in a northern CA region where there are tons of artists and creative things to do, plus beautiful unpolluted wild rivers nearby.

I would gripe if I were a millionaire living in a palace at Monaco. ...and I gripe while residing in Thailand.

But griping is no all bad, as it can serve as an initial step towards improvement. When many of us groan about Thailand, we do so because we see such vast room for improvements in some aspects. Example: if I gripe about tons of trash left on the ground after every outdoor concert, there's a hope that Thais might learn something. Who knows, maybe some will hear of my gripe, get embarrassed, and learn to put trash in a bin next time.

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There already is such a club. It's called thai Visa.com and you just posted on it.

That's what I was going to say. It's here already.

I've said for years, to anyone who will listen, that I would gripe no matter where I resided. I griped when I resided in a northern CA region where there are tons of artists and creative things to do, plus beautiful unpolluted wild rivers nearby.

I would gripe if I were a millionaire living in a palace at Monaco. ...and I gripe while residing in Thailand.

But griping is no all bad, as it can serve as an initial step towards improvement. When many of us groan about Thailand, we do so because we see such vast room for improvements in some aspects. Example: if I gripe about tons of trash left on the ground after every outdoor concert, there's a hope that Thais might learn something. Who knows, maybe some will hear of my gripe, get embarrassed, and learn to put trash in a bin next time.

Thats called constructive groaning, whole heartedly agree.

Look for some folk the grass is always greener on the side, they tend to forget it was kinda brown looking when they left, a trip back home normally straightens them out.

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Excellent idea. :)

Importantly it must be a subscription based forum with a strict dual pricing policy to actively discriminate against farang members.

Subscription rates need to be regularly reassessed & increased by petty & insignificant amounts.

Have a system of 'Frequent Whiner Points' that are compulsorily redeemed for a one-way ticket to country of origin & passport

stamped with 'never allowed to return'.

Hold regular meetings - "My name is <insert name here> and I have been scammed....."

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I think it would be a great idea for Farangs who daily love to whine and gripe about Thailand to have a place where they can release the hot air out of their system. The member who has the most complaints each month, no matter how banal or petty, would receive a reward - a moaners' elite card. What do you people on Thaivisa think about this idea? :)

I agree, some of these people even feel proud that they are leaving Thailand when they anounce it.

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Isn't that, THIS IS the place...or HAS BEEN the place already?

Judging by most threads HERE :)

Careful with your logic............complaining about people who complain is a form of "moaning."

Wake up and look around you..........99% of Thais are complaining/moaning too.........many are pulling their heads out of the sand after decades of eating dirt.

The country is going through an internal struggle........people want something better.

"I am mad as hel_l, and I am not going to take it anymore." That seems to be the mantra of the day, even though most Thais will not actually say it publicly.

And the anti-moaners crowd will never understand what the "problem" is until it bites them in the backside........maybe when the grandfathered in rules are abrogated they will finally get it........maybe not, even then.

There is nothing wrong with positive criticism.

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