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The're Baaaack

Gonzo the Face

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Her campaign just announced that no 1 posters were taken down all over the city over the past few days. They are putting more up, but looks like dirty politics again. No 7 is a very very old hand in the municipality and RUMOURS of corruption abound. She also belongs to my women's business association and they are all lobbying for her in the businesswoman community. No 2 is son of the oldest Buranupakorn brothers (both brothers were Lord Mayors, senetors, MPs and president of PAO), the Saetaew one is younger brother of owner of CM News, so he is getting great coverage (tons of slagging off other candidates in that newspaper!), the rest I don't really know.

As to the bloke from the last page, I am sorry I didn't clarify, of course the video is real, her shagging lots of men, is NOT, and that was what annoyed me. It was her long term boyfriend, whom she is still with. I know I am a rabid champion of hers but apart from your quotes above which showed her lack of jurasdiction in some areas, I think that her achievements in combatting corruption has been pretty marvellous (over 50 court cases she has launched against companies which signed contracts with the municipality to the disadvantage of tax payers). But yes, I am biased!

It's not only the No 1 posters being taken down is it, Sao jiang mai? Let's have less bias.

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I'm always a bit skeptical about the counter campaigns of snitching on someone elses dirty tactics. So far I have not noticed any posters that were here one minute and gone the next and anyone coming up with these claims should really have some sort of substantiated evidence.

I suppose we can presume that the 2 ladies are the ones involved as the no. 7 campaign put out leaflets to refute supposed rumours that they were allied to the blue shirts.

Fun & games indeed.

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It's not only the No 1 posters being taken down is it, Sao jiang mai? Let's have less bias.

If you have further information why not post that, instead of just accusing another poster of bias? :)

/ Priceless

yup, cmon out with it

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The campaign pictures do revel the vast age difference between the candidates. The one item I see missing in Thai election campaigns is a handbill for candidates with educational background, business/work experience, past accomplishments, family info, and a short statement as to what they want to do for the community, if elected. Has anyone on TV or your Thai acquaintances ever noticed this or am I mistaken?

If asked any of those things, I think you might get the standard reply "Do you know who my father is?".

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The campaign leaflets (that they put through your gate) have a summary of educational and work experience.

You will only see these if you live in the Tesabahn area however. Unless of course you resort to picking them out of litter bins or off the side of the street. Careful though this could be misconstrued!

I can see the headlines now.. "Farang arrested for binning posters of no. X campaign. Possible links to gay hotel and invisible forces at work." :):D

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I'm always a bit skeptical about the counter campaigns of snitching on someone elses dirty tactics. So far I have not noticed any posters that were here one minute and gone the next and anyone coming up with these claims should really have some sort of substantiated evidence.

I suppose we can presume that the 2 ladies are the ones involved as the no. 7 campaign put out leaflets to refute supposed rumours that they were allied to the blue shirts.

Fun & games indeed.

Well yes they are all going to take pot shots at each other. That's part of the election game.

As far as taking down posters is concerned I think it is also a matter of personal observation. I have seen areas where posters appeared to have been removed then replaced later. Certainly for No 1 but for others also.

Saojiangmai is well travelled in Chinagmai and I would guess she has seen this for herself also and collaborates what the campaign team said. My point is that it is not only No 1 that this is effecting. But to be fair she admits her bias. But as a journalist she should be more even handed. Just my view.

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The campaign pictures do revel the vast age difference between the candidates. The one item I see missing in Thai election campaigns is a handbill for candidates with educational background, business/work experience, past accomplishments, family info, and a short statement as to what they want to do for the community, if elected. Has anyone on TV or your Thai acquaintances ever noticed this or am I mistaken?

If asked any of those things, I think you might get the standard reply "Do you know who my father is?".

to which they will get my standard reply " why, dont you know?" :)

PS I wear running shoes :D

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I am on this forum as an individual, not as a representation of the media, or any company (hence my name SaoJiangMai, cunningly coined for annonimity!)...so, I feel as though I should be allowed to have bias, surely? That and the fact that Dr Pang is an old friend. If I prefer one restaurant to the next I am allowed to have that opinion right? If I hear that one campaign has been tampered with but have not heard about another, am I not allowed to say so (I certainly didn't malign any campaign for doing so)? I have maintained that I am biased throughout, so I don't think I am misleading anyone...But fair point I suppose. I am going to spend the next couple of days compiling as much (unbiased) info on as many candidates as I can and will post them on my web site...though don't accuse me of bias if Dr Pang is listed as number ONE! :)

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I am on this forum as an individual, not as a representation of the media, or any company (hence my name SaoJiangMai, cunningly coined for annonimity!)...so, I feel as though I should be allowed to have bias, surely? That and the fact that Dr Pang is an old friend. If I prefer one restaurant to the next I am allowed to have that opinion right? If I hear that one campaign has been tampered with but have not heard about another, am I not allowed to say so (I certainly didn't malign any campaign for doing so)? I have maintained that I am biased throughout, so I don't think I am misleading anyone...But fair point I suppose. I am going to spend the next couple of days compiling as much (unbiased) info on as many candidates as I can and will post them on my web site...though don't accuse me of bias if Dr Pang is listed as number ONE! :)

You actually give me my point. Though in a rambling sort of way. It is not a Thai trait to present a balanced view. Posters from many candidates have been removed and replaced.

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Quite frankly, the Tesabahn is not such a big area and none of the candidates show any initiative on campaigning tactics.

Its pretty clear as to what would work but most of them don't like to work up a sweat or get their feet dirty.

That goes for when they are in office too.

All I hope is that eventually Chiang Mai will get a mayor with a dose of humility and no attitude problem. Unfortunately those aren't always the people that stand.

As for the last mayor her reign saw the authorisation of a 6-7 storey monstrosity in our soi (where 2 cars can't even pass together) on a block of land leaving no space for parking at all. So much for the beautification of Chiang Mai.

The one before that was probably no better but at least someone came and swept the streets every day which is non existent now.

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Hey whats going on ????

Ithought there were 7 candidates..... now we seem to have a few johnny-cum-latelys. We now seem to be up to number 10.

I guess the streets were too quiet and there was perceived room at the trough.

They could have a hundred candidates but # 1 would still get my vote if I was eligible to cast one.

I have heard on the grapvine that she has had to have another 500 posters printed off. Maybe part of the reason is that I now have ten in my room. Do you think that she would autograph them for me. :)

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Why I'm sure she would be happy to do so , JBG. Once she knows what a handsome devil you are..... [is that the way you told me to say it ? ]

You know every dark cloud has a silver lining , if you just turn and turn and look for it.

I was thinking last week of sending a email to her campaign staff and request that they put up one of her posters across the street from my place. then the dark cloud of the miserable TOT ADSL non service hit. But lo and behold, nay hark and prithee, when I came out Sunday morn, there it was in living color. A huge No 1 poster occupies a place of honor right in front of my window.

And the silver lining ???? Now when the internet is down [lately almost all day] I can make believe that I cannot work without the internet and ponder the next mayors list of must doooos. heh heh heh

...and Sao Jiang Mai, hope you don't mind if I also show my bias.

To the underdog..... go team

Gonzo the Great

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Hey whats going on ????

Ithought there were 7 candidates..... now we seem to have a few johnny-cum-latelys. We now seem to be up to number 10.

I guess the streets were too quiet and there was perceived room at the trough.

They could have a hundred candidates but # 1 would still get my vote if I was eligible to cast one.

I have heard on the grapvine that she has had to have another 500 posters printed off. Maybe part of the reason is that I now have ten in my room. Do you think that she would autograph them for me. :)

10? Im sure she would be flattered but annoyed at the same time.

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Hey whats going on ????

Ithought there were 7 candidates..... now we seem to have a few johnny-cum-latelys. We now seem to be up to number 10.

I guess the streets were too quiet and there was perceived room at the trough.

They could have a hundred candidates but # 1 would still get my vote if I was eligible to cast one.

I have heard on the grapvine that she has had to have another 500 posters printed off. Maybe part of the reason is that I now have ten in my room. Do you think that she would autograph them for me. :)

Hopefully the citizens who can vote will use their brains to assess each and EVERY candidate (even 100) rather than just plumping for no. 1

This thread is not about one candidate

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Hey whats going on ????

Ithought there were 7 candidates..... now we seem to have a few johnny-cum-latelys. We now seem to be up to number 10.

I guess the streets were too quiet and there was perceived room at the trough.

They could have a hundred candidates but # 1 would still get my vote if I was eligible to cast one.

I have heard on the grapvine that she has had to have another 500 posters printed off. Maybe part of the reason is that I now have ten in my room. Do you think that she would autograph them for me. :)

Hopefully the citizens who can vote will use their brains to assess each and EVERY candidate (even 100) rather than just plumping for no. 1

This thread is not about one candidate


Hey ! ! Somebody is screwin around with not knowing wat dey is doin.....

JBG didn't say that last two sentences..... cuz both he and I are smart people and know there is only No 1.

You learn to count the first thing you say in " 1" .... you don't start with 7, or 5 or definitely not the one looking for a blowfish.

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I am on this forum as an individual, not as a representation of the media, or any company (hence my name SaoJiangMai, cunningly coined for annonimity!)...so, I feel as though I should be allowed to have bias, surely? That and the fact that Dr Pang is an old friend. If I prefer one restaurant to the next I am allowed to have that opinion right? If I hear that one campaign has been tampered with but have not heard about another, am I not allowed to say so (I certainly didn't malign any campaign for doing so)? I have maintained that I am biased throughout, so I don't think I am misleading anyone...But fair point I suppose. I am going to spend the next couple of days compiling as much (unbiased) info on as many candidates as I can and will post them on my web site...though don't accuse me of bias if Dr Pang is listed as number ONE! :)

Can you post here as well - or a link - this thread is getting a little unbalanced.

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I am on this forum as an individual, not as a representation of the media, or any company (hence my name SaoJiangMai, cunningly coined for annonimity!)...so, I feel as though I should be allowed to have bias, surely? That and the fact that Dr Pang is an old friend. If I prefer one restaurant to the next I am allowed to have that opinion right? If I hear that one campaign has been tampered with but have not heard about another, am I not allowed to say so (I certainly didn't malign any campaign for doing so)? I have maintained that I am biased throughout, so I don't think I am misleading anyone...But fair point I suppose. I am going to spend the next couple of days compiling as much (unbiased) info on as many candidates as I can and will post them on my web site...though don't accuse me of bias if Dr Pang is listed as number ONE! :)

Can you post here as well - or a link - this thread is getting a little unbalanced.

Well don't bitch about it.... rave on about whatever candidate you think is best....

Today's trouble..... world full of bitchers, but they have no solution or opinion of their own....just post to bitch

Put a little fun in your life..... do something WOW

Pick one and rave on... then maybe this thread will show a little balance. ..... or the alternative..... pick another thread

Number 1 is Number 1 Yeah. ! ! !

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I am on this forum as an individual, not as a representation of the media, or any company (hence my name SaoJiangMai, cunningly coined for annonimity!)...so, I feel as though I should be allowed to have bias, surely? That and the fact that Dr Pang is an old friend. If I prefer one restaurant to the next I am allowed to have that opinion right? If I hear that one campaign has been tampered with but have not heard about another, am I not allowed to say so (I certainly didn't malign any campaign for doing so)? I have maintained that I am biased throughout, so I don't think I am misleading anyone...But fair point I suppose. I am going to spend the next couple of days compiling as much (unbiased) info on as many candidates as I can and will post them on my web site...though don't accuse me of bias if Dr Pang is listed as number ONE! :D

Can you post here as well - or a link - this thread is getting a little unbalanced.

Well don't bitch about it.... rave on about whatever candidate you think is best....

Today's trouble..... world full of bitchers, but they have no solution or opinion of their own....just post to bitch

Put a little fun in your life..... do something WOW

Pick one and rave on... then maybe this thread will show a little balance. ..... or the alternative..... pick another thread

Number 1 is Number 1 Yeah. ! ! !

I'm not bitching. I am reminding the dear lady. Having a problem reading posts today are we. :)

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really doesnt matter where this thread goes as far as im concerned, balanced or unbalanced. As if its gonna make one ounce of difference on the outcome. Cant wait till its all over to be honest.

there's a technique for that - don't read or post on the thread. :)

if you are intrested in balanced debate ( which you aren't by youir own admission,and i have no problem with that) then read a forum. that is what a forum is for, to seek out ALL views.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So sorry for not posting the updated information as promised, i got a bit carried away with other things and only got round to compiling and translating the candidates' information yesterday. Anyway, if you are at all interested, you can read up about all of them at http://www.chiangmainews.com/pdf/MAYORAL2....aba0535b2412a11 (or just go to www.chiangmaicitylife.com, there is a link from the main page).

I couldn't even get any information on candidates 8-10 as apaprently they have been put there as supporting numbers of other candidates without any agenda of their own. There was only one candidate whose office responded to our questions, the rest of the information we got from their flyers, leaflets and posters.

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So sorry for not posting the updated information as promised, i got a bit carried away with other things and only got round to compiling and translating the candidates' information yesterday. Anyway, if you are at all interested, you can read up about all of them at http://www.chiangmainews.com/pdf/MAYORAL2....aba0535b2412a11 (or just go to www.chiangmaicitylife.com, there is a link from the main page).

I couldn't even get any information on candidates 8-10 as apaprently they have been put there as supporting numbers of other candidates without any agenda of their own. There was only one candidate whose office responded to our questions, the rest of the information we got from their flyers, leaflets and posters.

A balanced read. True professional citylife standard. Thanks Saojiangmai

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Whatever is planned (other than winning) by one of the candidates, the job must be important to someone. 1000 baht for a vote (not household either). This is a large increase over past elections for what was seen as more lucrative posts. Guess inflation has hit the political scene.

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While candidate No 1 is my favorite, I must say that candidate No. 7 has moved up a notch or two.

She seems to be an honest polititian. [is that an oximoron?]

I know this because I have been hearing her sound trucks going down the street screaming in louder succession.....


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I'm Broken Hearted......! ! !

Its not even dark and they just took down the No 1 poster from outside my window !

Nay Hark and Prithee....woe is me

Do you suppose I could get the Lady Mayor to give me one ...... autographed perhaps..... I would be willing to pay a hamburger or two...... maybe with fruit shake even, ...... if the poster is in good condition,,, that is...


ps nobody has even touched or thought of taking down the other eyesore posters.... thats Number 2 - 7 with sometimes 10


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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