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Do You Guys Ever Try To Disguise That You Are A Falang While On A Bike?

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I am just curious. As I am not a falang, I don't need to try it. However, I know that with the police chasing tea money if I were falang, I'd sure try it. Wouldn't be that hard. On a bike you could cover up falangness fairly easy. Like tinted shield. Mebbe a dust/face mask and sunglasses. Long sleeve shirts. Long pants. It's doable. Anyone ever try? Do you still get pulled over by the cops?

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I am just curious. As I am not a falang, I don't need to try it. However, I know that with the police chasing tea money if I were falang, I'd sure try it. Wouldn't be that hard. On a bike you could cover up falangness fairly easy. Like tinted shield. Mebbe a dust/face mask and sunglasses. Long sleeve shirts. Long pants. It's doable. Anyone ever try? Do you still get pulled over by the cops?

never tryed


At over 6'3" and 105 KG's it aint as easy as you make it sound :)

No never tried.. I do pretend blindness and fly through roadblocks when they flag me down tho.. Just slow enough naturally so they think your complying, turn your head obviously away and then bail fast.


I'm in the same boat; there's not much I can do due to my size. I do always wear my jacet and full face helmet (which coincidentally has the tinted visor on during the day) as well as my gloves. However, that's pretty much a red flag where I live in and of itself; the flip-flops and straw hat are all the usual safety gear that the locals wear.

The fact that I'm usually either riding my little CBR or my Ninja screams that someone with money to burn (7-15 months, at least, of local salary-and these are cheap bikes!) on a motorcycle is zipping by in a yellow honda or kawacker green flash. Not very subtle.

I also slow down and flip up my visor if I come up to a police stop. A slack jaw (as much as is visible through the helmet) and glassy eyes usually gets a wave through. Either that or I'm going too fast for them to attempt to stop me. There has been just one occasion where I was threading through traffic on the way down to Uthai Thani and the cop insisted on waving me over; circumstances precluded my desire to accomodate and so I just kept the throttle pinned. I did see him doing over-exaggerated gestures at me to stay in the left lane.....

That's not to say I haven't been stopped before. A bit of Spanish and feigning ignorance of English along with a bunch of pictures dragged out, a map asking for directions (once again in Spanish), etc is usually enough to cost them revenue in bikes that passed the point to let me go with an exasperated hand wave. Donning the helmet and a quick "khup khun" as I leave is plenty of satisifaction for me.


verbiage to actually reflect the performance capabilities.....:)


I have'nt been stopped in...maybe 4.2 years. Lots of black CBR150R in Chiang Mai. 130 KPH on freeway right lane daily. FF helmet quite common here; license tag and stickers in place. Flip flops, t-shirt, short pants, 174 cm, backpack...I blend in like a big Thai.

I am just curious. As I am not a falang, I don't need to try it. However, I know that with the police chasing tea money if I were falang, I'd sure try it. Wouldn't be that hard. On a bike you could cover up falangness fairly easy. Like tinted shield. Mebbe a dust/face mask and sunglasses. Long sleeve shirts. Long pants. It's doable. Anyone ever try? Do you still get pulled over by the cops?


I am 75 inches tall. LOL

At over 6'3" and 105 KG's it aint as easy as you make it sound :D

No never tried.. I do pretend blindness and fly through roadblocks when they flag me down tho.. Just slow enough naturally so they think your complying, turn your head obviously away and then bail fast.

I just saw that the other day, someone tried to fly through and the bib were prepared, They threw witches hats in is path about 5 of them , could have killed him amazing site. He stopped after swerving so hard he nearly went to oncoming traffic :)


It's quite the opposite in my opinion. I think the BiB are harder on the Thai's than farang. Also, I always speak Thai when stopped, and generally, the BiB don't know what to make of me ... especially when I'm not forthcoming with a red note or two. I make them really push me for it before I'll produce it. Funniest thing was the one BiB who didn't say a thing to me but just stood there and kept twisting my throttle until I produced a note. That was classic. :)


1.83m/80kg... I'm not not a usual thai man, I guess!

As PB, more than 3 years riding in and around CNX and never been stopped. But as many said I slow my speed and look at them if something... then when passed, go away...

Never had a problem on bike with BIB here... Sometimes a smile or a discreet waving from them...

I think it's more a problem for thai riders...


Yes .... after being stopped three times in one afternoon I took the advice on this site and started to wear dark sunglasses and a scarf over my face. Not been stopped since. It's only a problem down Sukhumvit and Rama 4 at weekends when the police seem to be targetting bikes, especially any with a white face aboard. I don't bother in other areas or during weekdays.

I've been selected out of a large group bikes and pulled over for apparently no reason ... on one occasion the police man was clearly trying to think of a reason for stopping me .... took him 5 minutes of umming and erring before he could think of anything!


Drive a Honda Wave and have several kids ride pillion...

BiB don't like "headaches". By making a nuissance of yourself, they are inclined to wave you on.

At over 6'3" and 105 KG's it aint as easy as you make it sound :)

No never tried.. I do pretend blindness and fly through roadblocks when they flag me down tho.. Just slow enough naturally so they think your complying, turn your head obviously away and then bail fast.

Ok, I've read of this tactic on TV a few times now. If you tried a stunt like that in the US, even going off road would probably to help you because they would probably call out a helicopter. A bit of a police state there where the cops get their jollies trying to catch the guy that tries to give them the slip (I have pulled it off a few time -- oh what a feeling!). I have never had the balls to try it here. Does this actually work in situations where you are not immediately pulling off the highway into an obscure village? Would you try it on a trip from BKK to Chiangmai where you actually intended to stay on the highway? My wife says they'll call ahead and have the whole highway closed while they wait for you. What gives?

Ok, I've read of this tactic on TV a few times now. If you tried a stunt like that in the US, even going off road would probably to help you because they would probably call out a helicopter. A bit of a police state there where the cops get their jollies trying to catch the guy that tries to give them the slip (I have pulled it off a few time -- oh what a feeling!). I have never had the balls to try it here. Does this actually work in situations where you are not immediately pulling off the highway into an obscure village? Would you try it on a trip from BKK to Chiangmai where you actually intended to stay on the highway? My wife says they'll call ahead and have the whole highway closed while they wait for you. What gives?

I've only ever tried it once in LOS (previously mentioned). However, it got me away a couple of times in the States. Guess that's the advantage of having live in a town that has the border as the state line. Didn't work one time, I had peeled off down to Ohio, away from the cop, and when I finally got home he popped out of now where and trapped the car between the garage and his cruiser. The officer wasn't.....happy.

The coppers do call ahead, you'll often see solitary or a pair of them with the raidos that have those really long aerials....whether they'd shut down Asian 1 Highway to save face by catching someone who blew through their $ making excercise? I doubt it unless you went through the National Police's checkpoint like that; I'd assume the coppers further down the road wouldn't want to share the extor^^^fine with another precinct.


These are just little roadblocks on Phuket island.. They are simply taxing anyone dumb enough not to have tax stickers, or a helmet on, or no license.. I 'usually' stop but for a time I was riding a bike without proper rego papers and hence untaxed, so more motivation to turn blind. To be honest they are just fishing, if a few slip through the net they dont seem to care that much, its a numbers game. They are just sorta waving 50% to one side and theres an art to avoiding eye contact with the waver and being one of the other 50%.

One day when I was preparing to do a rebuild I was out on a bike in this condition.


Untaxed, uninsured, no lights, no indicators, wasnt in my name and I didnt have the book !! Was just out to get a feel for how much work it needed. Came round the corner to a full on roadblock and cops everywhere.. Their eyes lit up like Christmas lights in Brighton, I saw a gap and had it through there is a heartbeat. That one I probably would have had problems as they CLEARLY wanted me to stop.

At over 6'3" and 105 KG's it aint as easy as you make it sound :)

No never tried.. I do pretend blindness and fly through roadblocks when they flag me down tho.. Just slow enough naturally so they think your complying, turn your head obviously away and then bail fast.

Ok, I've read of this tactic on TV a few times now. If you tried a stunt like that in the US, even going off road would probably to help you because they would probably call out a helicopter. A bit of a police state there where the cops get their jollies trying to catch the guy that tries to give them the slip (I have pulled it off a few time -- oh what a feeling!). I have never had the balls to try it here. Does this actually work in situations where you are not immediately pulling off the highway into an obscure village? Would you try it on a trip from BKK to Chiangmai where you actually intended to stay on the highway? My wife says they'll call ahead and have the whole highway closed while they wait for you. What gives?

I have serious doubts that the Thai police would send helicopters or shut down a roadway just to chase down one motorcyclist. Hehehe...I don't even know if the Thai police even have helicopters.

I can say that getting away with it on a bike in the States is easier than you think. In Socal police chasing motorists and it being televised live is fairly routine. But in all my years, I can't ever recall seeing a chase of a motorcycle. What I have seen are some regular news about cops losing control of their police cars after trying to chase a motorcyclist. I am pretty sure that even the cops know that they have no chance (sans calling in air support) of catching up to a supersport or faster bike. The cops that I have talked to have pretty much told me that. There is police department policy that the cops have to call off a chase if it is getting dangerous, and there is a chance that someone could be killed--and that includes of the chased motorcyclist could be killed. If you watch the police chases, usually the cops are far behind and keeping track by helicopter. That's because if it gets life threatening, they are ordered to fall back. That's also why the cops are prohibited from using spike strips on a fleeing motorcyclist. I have never done it, but enough of my friends have escaped the cops on bikes that I am under the impression that it is fairly routine. If you think about it, in Socal, the bike can cut between the lanes while a big police cruiser can't.

At over 6'3" and 105 KG's it aint as easy as you make it sound :D

No never tried.. I do pretend blindness and fly through roadblocks when they flag me down tho.. Just slow enough naturally so they think your complying, turn your head obviously away and then bail fast.

105kg lightweight :D

and tall too, try being 5'6'' and 115kg, i think the bib worry i cant stop, dont you just love newton :)


I get the idea that BKK police target farang where CNX police don't so much. The CNX police are way too lazy and they can't be bothered trying to communicate with a farang. Don't get me wrong, they still stop farang but I really don't think that they target them in CNX.


What a strange topic.

They stop you, fine you or not, it really makes no difference whether you are farang or not. Many Thais get stopped and have to pay.

If you ride a big bike, sometimes you have to pay more for being too loud (lol) or stuff like that. But if the BiB likes your bike it might happen that they wish you a nice journey without any fine.

Nothing is logical and/or regulated here. Up to mood, need for cash or whatever.

As many other pointed out, I as well are way to big to get disguised as Thai lol

I am just curious. As I am not a falang, I don't need to try it. However, I know that with the police chasing tea money if I were falang, I'd sure try it. Wouldn't be that hard. On a bike you could cover up falangness fairly easy. Like tinted shield. Mebbe a dust/face mask and sunglasses. Long sleeve shirts. Long pants. It's doable. Anyone ever try? Do you still get pulled over by the cops?

This is a wind-up right. "I'm not a falang, I don't need to try it". So why bring it up. I think the suggestion of the poster is that falang get pulled over more often than Thais on a motorbike. Absolute rubbish. The BIB might see bike riders as easy prey so therefore periodic crackdown. They don't want the hassle of dealing with foreigners.

I suspect this thread started simply to get the paranoid amongst us going. It seems to be working.


I don't know if this is true, but seems to me that the BiB hassle big bikes less than scooters...

Cruising down Rama 9 today in the fast lane the coppers were in all 3 lanes flagging down bikes and trucks. I just put the blinders on and drove right through. :)


I've only ever seen the helmet check official checkpoints. Have helmet - go through. No helmet - pay. Very simple, farang or not doesn't make any difference. That's Chiang Mai. Oh yeah and if you don't have a license plate they might keep your bike.

As for the cops calling ahead, I can imagine that to be true on those superhighway checkpoints from CNX-BKK. There's always more than one checkpoint so clearly they can call ahead. I don't know how you'd avoid these in the first place though, they close all the lanes except one. There's no way around these - unless you are Chuck Norris.

BTW I think it's easier to be a farang. If I get stopped by one of those unofficial checkpoints - only happened in BKK - there's not much talking, just hand over 100 bht and be on your way. If they say anything, smile - you don't understand as you are a dumb farang. No discussion, no talking, they let you go in no time. Of course it would be best to not stop at all...

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