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"capitalism Is E V I L," .....says New Michael Moore Film


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The ol' "I've made my bones, and think socialism for everyone else would be ideal for the world" hypocrisy.

Yes, to frame something for your-self in reality and think something opposite is ideal appears as hypocrisy, but not necessarily so. Take the Golden Rule formulated as an ethical reality that I have a right to just freedom ("make my bones"), and a social responsibility to work towards an idea of similar justice for others ("socialism" as ideal). Is there hypocrisy in this reality of self-interest becoming an ideality to work towards socially for others-interests?

It's hypocrisy in most cases, but not all. If you give it all away or live life like it was at square one, and at the same time practice socialism or whatever it is you're preaching, then you're not a hypocrit. If you defend your bones like a rabid dog though (as IMO most would), I'd say that you value your bones more than your ideology.


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The ol' "I've made my bones, and think socialism for everyone else would be ideal for the world" hypocrisy.

Yes, to frame something for your-self in reality and think something opposite is ideal appears as hypocrisy, but not necessarily so. Take the Golden Rule formulated as an ethical reality that I have a right to just freedom ("make my bones"), and a social responsibility to work towards an idea of similar justice for others ("socialism" as ideal). Is there hypocrisy in this reality of self-interest becoming an ideality to work towards socially for others-interests?

It's hypocrisy in most cases, but not all. If you give it all away or live life like it was at square one, and at the same time practice socialism or whatever it is you're preaching, then you're not a hypocrit. If you defend your bones like a rabid dog though (as IMO most would), I'd say that you value your bones more than your ideology.


Yes, defending one’s self without compromise is a case of absolutely valuing your “bones”. But, there is no connection to ideology since no ideology is involved. It’s an absolute value; against absolutely nothing of value: so it’s a null hypothesis, logically impossible, to value your bones more than your ideology as stated.

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Just read that US soldiers invaded a Swedish hospital in Afghanistan pursuing a patient who they felt had knowledge of the Taliban. This is another precedent for the US breaching Geneva Conventions. Anyone know if the Taliban and Al-Qaeda have respected this international law up to know? If not, I bet they breach it now too: NATO hospitals and allies in any hospital will become targets.

On Septeber 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda commandeered four US civilian aircraft and flew them into buildings in New York and Washington DC and a field in Pennsylvania murdering nearly 3000 innocent civilians. They have also been attacking US field hospitals with mortars since hostilities in Afghanistan began. So I would imagine that no, Al-Qaeda has not respected any kind of international law at any time and has no intention in doing so in the future either. Hospitals and medical personell have always been prime targets for Al-Qaeda. Nothing new there. Al-Qaeda also murdered hundreds in the Nairobi bombings before 9-11 remember? Most of the civilians killed by Al-Qaeda there weren't even Americans. They were Kenyan maintenance and administrative staff who just happened to work at the embassy. Still, I agree with you that storming into hospitals and tying up the staff is unacceptable. But lets wait until a full investigation is completed and all the facts are known before we automatically assume the worst. I suspect there is a lot of untold facts and exaggeration in these accusations. If there was wrong doing, then yes, those resposible should be held accountable.

Still, my hyperbole relative to indoctrination is not "absolute nonsense" as you say. I'll post a separate thread on this theme once I research a possible tie to Thailand.

I can't wait hardly wait for that. It will surely be factual and full of credible referrences. :) I will agree that my statements concerning your sweeping generalizations about American schools had little if anything to do with Thailand. Yet, I stand by my statement that your comments are complete nonsense. I can't wait to see what referrences you come up with to back up your ignorant diatribe. Will it be a comparison of teaching systems from America with other countries or will you selectively point out activities meant to instill a common identity among students as all countries do and identify them as the tool of some sinister force of evil? I find ignoramusus such as youself extremely borish but sometimes so much so that you're actually entertaining.

Edited by Groongthep
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I can't wait hardly wait for that. It will surely be factual and full of credible referrences. :) I will agree that my statements concerning your sweeping generalizations about American schools had little if anything to do with Thailand. Yet, I stand by my statement that your comments are complete nonsense. I can't wait to see what referrences you come up with to back up your ignorant diatribe. Will it be a comparison of teaching systems from America with other countries or will you selectively point out activities meant to instill a common identity among students as all countries do and identify them as the tool of some sinister force of evil? I find ignoramusus such as youself extremely borish but sometimes so much so that you're actually entertaining.

OK. Let's put aside the subjective projection of "complete nonsense"; "ignorant diatribe"; "ignoramusus"; "borish"; "tool of some sinister force of evil?"

Objectively, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) has tested reading, mathematics, science and problem solving in 2000, 2003 and 2006 in about 30 developed nations and 20 or so less developed nations, which includes Thailand. I've emailed the National Project Manager to find their ranking but haven't heard from him.

With the results the Finns were at or near the top; Canada has typically been near the top. The US is generally in the bottom third and dropping. Specifically, in science, the US ranked 21st in 2006; down from 19th in 2003, and 14th in 2000. In mathematics, U.S. scores dropped to 25th from 23rd in 2003, and 18th in 2000. Reading scores were invalidated and the tests need to be redone according to the US Department of Education & the Institute of Education Sciences.

http://' target="_blank">Here are the key findings for science with Pisa in 2006 from their website. Finland, with an average of 563 score points, was the highest-performing country on the PISA 2006 science scale. Six other high-scoring countries had mean scores of 530 to 542 points: Canada, Japan and New Zealand and the partner countries/economies Hong Kong-China, Chinese Taipei and Estonia. Australia, the Netherlands, Korea, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and Ireland, and the partner countries/economies Liechtenstein, Slovenia and Macao-China also scored above the OECD average of 500 score points. On average across OECD countries, 1.3% of 15-year-olds reached Level 6 of the PISA 2006 science scale, the highest proficiency level. These students could consistently identify, explain and apply scientific knowledge, and knowledge about science, in a variety of complex life situations. In New Zealand and Finland this figure was at least 3.9%, three times the OECD average. In the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and Canada, as well as the partner countries/economies Liechtenstein, Slovenia and Hong Kong-China, between 2 and 3% reached Level 6. America is nowhere in sight.

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Gentlemen......................please: :D

:) Entertaining...or not, discussing about wars and the Geneva convention, but the topic is about the newly released film by Michael Moore and the content of that film is about:

Capitalism: A LoveStory

From the Los Angeles Times - Entertainment


Patrick Goldstein on the collision of entertainment, media and pop culture

Does Michael Moore get a free pass from the liberal media ?

September 8, 2009


Judging from all the fear and loathing and sheer snarkiness emanating out of the conservative blogosphere, you'd think that Michael Moore was nearly as big a threat to a free society as Hugo Chavez and the Obama healthcare plan. According to conservative blogger Christian Toto, among others, the liberal media is always giving Moore a free pass. He expects a similarly one-sided reception for the filmmaker's upcoming documentary, "Capitalism: A Love Story," which just premiered at the Venice Film Festival before heading to Toronto (it opens in Los Angeles later this month).

In a post he wrote for Big Hollywood, Toto claims that Moore is "always" guaranteed rave reviews from most film critics, softball questions in interviews and a huge dose of ticket-selling Oscar buzz. I'm not saying Toto is wrong, though I'd argue that the media makes just as big a fuss about plenty of other filmmakers (starting with Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino and Michael Mann) simply because it's infatuated with their films, not because it endorses or even cares about their politics.

At any rate, Variety has the first authoritative review up of Moore's film -- and it hardly reads like a liberal valentine, with just as many caveats as kudos. It calls "Capitalism" one of Moore's best films but goes on to say: "There's still plenty here to annoy right-wingers, as well as those who, however much they agree with Moore's politics, just can't stomach his oversimplification, on-the-nose sentimentality and goofball japery."

The movie features home movie footage of Moore as a towheaded child, "visibly overjoyed to be visiting Wall Street on a vacation to New York from his hometown of Flint, Michigan," as well as a sequence in which Moore and his dad visit the vacant lot that had been the location of the factory where Moore Sr. once worked (I'm guessing that is one of the scenes that inspired the Variety reviewer, Leslie Felperin, to call Moore out for on-the-nose sentimentality). It sounds like the funniest scene involves Moore attempting to find a banker who can explain the concept behind derivatives. When he finally corners a Wall Street type and asks him for some advice, the banker instantly responds: "Stop making films!"

The likelihood of that? Less than zero. Here's the trailer, which is a hoot"

(trailer is in the link, below:)



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The only thing standing between the world and chaos is the US military.

Normally I agree with many of your posts but.....

I am sad to say the US using the Military is the chaos in the world at this time.

They have breached that which they swore to uphold in so many ways it is shameful.

The US military has become the biggest bully in the world.

They now have almost equal parts of young with stupid as an excuse soldiers & mercenaries (blackwater)doing the dirty work. They are operating well beyond the constitution & the declaration of independence. They have become that which at one time they sought to escape.

I could see in the not too distant future they becoming the enemy of the people & the principles they swore to protect.

Ironic that they will use what they term the Patriot Act to accomplish these deeds.

If the US military was wiped off the face of the planet tommorow would you feel safer ? Yes or no ?(regardless if your american or not)

People seem to forget how many countries are helping the US in Iraq and does not include Afganistan which has even more.

Western Europe:

United Kingdom








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Latvia #

Lithuania #

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Yes, I'm a radical, but not so pure and quite complex. While you imply "radical" negatively; it has a positive connation of going to the root of a problem.

Like a previous post on this thread claiming my post was "absolute nonsense", he posed an emotional reaction as critical thinking. Your "only thing" likewise is a universal that should not be so easily flung out in a critique, since one positive point collapses the argument. And, it usually exposes someone as an emotional reactionary.

Nonetheless, the opposite appears true: US military following orders may be the main thing standing between the world and chaos: i.e. perpetuating perpetual war; nuclear first strike option, etc. Ironically, the following orders argument was used against the Nazis in the Neuremburg trials to convict them of crimes against humanity.

Let me guess, you hate cops too right ?

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American school districts are for the most part run independently. There is no "national curriculum". If the district is conservative the teaching in the schools tends to be conservative also. If the district is progressive the teaching tends to encourage much more critical thought. There are plenty of good schools out there which encourage students to think for themselves. If there weren't do you think that you would be seeing so much heated debate between Americans on such a wide range of issues on this forum? We haven't seen too much of any debate at all from Continental Europeans on divergent views of issues in their countries. That's why I suspect that their schools are cranking out students that simply agree with every view their teachers espouse. Either that or they are far too self-conscious of what others would think if they dared criticize one of their own countrymen. Bashing the big bad Americans is so much easier, fashionable and fun.

Perhaps because we Europeans realise that this is a Thai-based forum and the issues that we have in our own countries aren't relevant here? Perhaps because we think it's bad manners to force our domestic issues down other people's throats?

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If the US military was wiped off the face of the planet tomorrow would you feel safer ? Yes or no ?(regardless if your american or not)

Safer from what/who?

My gripe is the use of military force. Not the concept of having a military for defense. (something by the way we deny others)

My gripe is the unlawful use of military for aggressive movements.

My gripe is......Since when has it become lawful to take our national guard & use them for invasion of another country?

The National Guards purpose is guess what?

Since when is it lawful or smart to spend well over 5000 of our sons & daughters lives (so far)chasing a terrorist who is credited with killing 3000 in the US?

How is it lawful to kill At least 753,118 people in Afghanistan and Iraq in this war on terrorism?

If all of this spending of both dollars & lives is truly based on terrorism then come home & protect home.

What is the purpose of having a US military base in almost every country on this earth?

Who died & made the US the police/judge & jury of the world? I am willing to bet Not the people of the united states.

Edited by flying
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If the US military was wiped off the face of the planet tomorrow would you feel safer ? Yes or no ?(regardless if your american or not)

Safer from what/who?

My gripe is the use of military force. Not the concept of having a military for defense. (something by the way we deny others)

My gripe is the unlawful use of military for aggressive movements.

My gripe is......Since when has it become lawful to take our national guard & use them for invasion of another country?

The National Guards purpose is guess what?

Since when is it lawful or smart to spend well over 5000 of our sons & daughters lives (so far)chasing a terrorist who is credited with killing 3000 in the US?

How is it lawful to kill At least 753,118 people in Afghanistan and Iraq in this war on terrorism?

If all of this spending of both dollars & lives is truly based on terrorism then come home & protect home.

What is the purpose of having a US military base in almost every country on this earth?

Who died & made the US the police/judge & jury of the world? I am willing to bet Not the people of the united states.

The 2 week war that it took to remove Saddam Hussain from power killed less civilians then the Sept.11 attacks. The rest of the deaths in Iraq where muslim on muslim, Sunni vs Shiite.

Historically the US has been an non interventionist nation but Pearl Harbor changed that forever. People seem to forget that Saddam Hussain was a criminal and it was not a good idea to let his sons be in charge of OPEC for the next 70 years.

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The 2 week war that it took to remove Saddam Hussain from power killed less civilians then the Sept.11 attacks. The rest of the deaths in Iraq where muslim on muslim, Sunni vs Shiite.

Historically the US has been an non interventionist nation but Pearl Harbor changed that forever. People seem to forget that Saddam Hussain was a criminal and it was not a good idea to let his sons be in charge of OPEC for the next 70 years.

my goodness! i am counting the days till the 14th :)

question: does an "ignore" button exist in Thaivisa?

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American school districts are for the most part run independently. There is no "national curriculum". If the district is conservative the teaching in the schools tends to be conservative also. If the district is progressive the teaching tends to encourage much more critical thought. There are plenty of good schools out there which encourage students to think for themselves. If there weren't do you think that you would be seeing so much heated debate between Americans on such a wide range of issues on this forum? We haven't seen too much of any debate at all from Continental Europeans on divergent views of issues in their countries. That's why I suspect that their schools are cranking out students that simply agree with every view their teachers espouse. Either that or they are far too self-conscious of what others would think if they dared criticize one of their own countrymen. Bashing the big bad Americans is so much easier, fashionable and fun.

Perhaps because we Europeans realise that this is a Thai-based forum and the issues that we have in our own countries aren't relevant here? Perhaps because we think it's bad manners to force our domestic issues down other people's throats?

wholeheartedly seconded!

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The 2 week war that it took to remove Saddam Hussain from power killed less civilians then the Sept.11 attacks. The rest of the deaths in Iraq where muslim on muslim, Sunni vs Shiite.

Historically the US has been an non interventionist nation but Pearl Harbor changed that forever. People seem to forget that Saddam Hussain was a criminal and it was not a good idea to let his sons be in charge of OPEC for the next 70 years.

my goodness! i am counting the days till the 14th :)

question: does an "ignore" button exist in Thaivisa?


Well actually I do not think Kuhn Sokal has enough posts to enter this forum.

Isn't Bedlam & out of the box in a section that requires x amount of time/posts?

In any case that last post of his you quoted is beyond the :D .

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The 2 week war that it took to remove Saddam Hussain from power killed less civilians then the Sept.11 attacks. The rest of the deaths in Iraq where muslim on muslim, Sunni vs Shiite.

Historically the US has been an non interventionist nation but Pearl Harbor changed that forever. People seem to forget that Saddam Hussain was a criminal and it was not a good idea to let his sons be in charge of OPEC for the next 70 years.

my goodness! i am counting the days till the 14th :)

question: does an "ignore" button exist in Thaivisa?


Well actually I do not think Kuhn Sokal has enough posts to enter this forum.

Isn't Bedlam & out of the box in a section that requires x amount of time/posts?

In any case that last post of his you quoted is beyond the :D .

You're right; Sokal is member since a little over 1 month;

access to Bedlam is with a minimum of 500 posts as far as I know...........................strange; maybe he has special rights...

Sokal ? :D


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Micheal Moore makes a lot of money off Capitalism.......hypocrite me thinks.

True and not so true.

At least Moore sells a product -a film- that everyone is able to comprehend and decide for him/herself to watch or not; agree with his views upon capitalism or not..or partly.

The Wall Street vultures sold baskets of wrapped-up products that NOBODY understood, not even the bankers-buyers, in the US and abroad.

To make insane amounts of money just because you're on a list for Xmas bonuses is hypocrite, criminal and disgusting because those guys have no moral whatsoever.

It's difficult to understand (if possible at all) why a man like Madoff screws even his best friends and family members by robbing them from their life savings.

I don't think Moore acts like that, whether one likes his views or not.

Apart from that it seems to me that a lot of Americans are disgusted with him and the American problems he's bringing to surface.

I wonder why ? :) ...because he's telling the truth ?

Sometimes it's not so nice to have a look in the mirror :D

LaoPo :D

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The 2 week war that it took to remove Saddam Hussain from power killed less civilians then the Sept.11 attacks. The rest of the deaths in Iraq where muslim on muslim, Sunni vs Shiite.

Historically the US has been an non interventionist nation but Pearl Harbor changed that forever. People seem to forget that Saddam Hussain was a criminal and it was not a good idea to let his sons be in charge of OPEC for the next 70 years.

my goodness! i am counting the days till the 14th :)

question: does an "ignore" button exist in Thaivisa?


Well actually I do not think Kuhn Sokal has enough posts to enter this forum.

Isn't Bedlam & out of the box in a section that requires x amount of time/posts?

In any case that last post of his you quoted is beyond the :D .

Ok it was 6 weeks

It sounds crazy but it is a fact that it only took 6 weeks to actually remove Hussain from power and overtake his army. Also, the US military accidentally killed less civilians in those 6 weeks then where killed in the 9/11 attacks.

This is from Wikipedia

The 2003 invasion of Iraq, (from March 20 to May 1, 2003) was led by the United States, backed by British forces and smaller contingents from Australia, Denmark, Poland and Spain.

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Micheal Moore makes a lot of money off Capitalism.......hypocrite me thinks.

True and not so true.

At least Moore sells a product -a film- that everyone is able to comprehend and decide for him/herself to watch or not; agree with his views upon capitalism or not..or partly.

The Wall Street vultures sold baskets of wrapped-up products that NOBODY understood, not even the bankers-buyers, in the US and abroad.

To make insane amounts of money just because you're on a list for Xmas bonuses is hypocrite, criminal and disgusting because those guys have no moral whatsoever.

It's difficult to understand (if possible at all) why a man like Madoff screws even his best friends and family members by robbing them from their life savings.

I don't think Moore acts like that, whether one likes his views or not.

Apart from that it seems to me that a lot of Americans are disgusted with him and the American problems he's bringing to surface.

I wonder why ? :) ...because he's telling the truth ?

Sometimes it's not so nice to have a look in the mirror :D

LaoPo :D

That is the point. He should have done a film on greedy A-hole bankers rather then a hit piece on capitalism.

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It sounds crazy but it is a fact that it only took 6 weeks to actually remove Hussain from power and overtake his army. Also, the US military accidentally killed less civilians in those 6 weeks then where killed in the 9/11 attacks.

Well it is a whole different topic from this thread but, First off we went in search of the supposed terrorist that caused the 9/11 crisis in Afghanistan.

We did a U turn & went after Saddam for what ever reason they chose to call it. Few can ignore that Saddam was used by the US for many a years. Until a time shortly after Saddam Hussein's conversion to the euro for Iraq’s oil exports in the fall of 2000

But all that aside it in no way makes everything the US does with its military might right. But remember I am only replying to your original claim that the world would be in chaos if not for the US Military. I on the other hand feel much chaos is caused instead by said military wrongful usage to further political agenda. Instead of the self defense it was designed to be.





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Micheal Moore makes a lot of money off Capitalism.......hypocrite me thinks.

True and not so true.

At least Moore sells a product -a film- that everyone is able to comprehend and decide for him/herself to watch or not; agree with his views upon capitalism or not..or partly.

The Wall Street vultures sold baskets of wrapped-up products that NOBODY understood, not even the bankers-buyers, in the US and abroad.

To make insane amounts of money just because you're on a list for Xmas bonuses is hypocrite, criminal and disgusting because those guys have no moral whatsoever.

It's difficult to understand (if possible at all) why a man like Madoff screws even his best friends and family members by robbing them from their life savings.

I don't think Moore acts like that, whether one likes his views or not.

Apart from that it seems to me that a lot of Americans are disgusted with him and the American problems he's bringing to surface.

I wonder why ? :) ...because he's telling the truth ?

Sometimes it's not so nice to have a look in the mirror :D

LaoPo :D

That is the point. He should have done a film on greedy A-hole bankers rather then a hit piece on capitalism.

Have you seen the film ?


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Well it is a whole different topic from this thread but, First off we went in search of the supposed terrorist that caused the 9/11 crisis in Afghanistan.

Come on Flying...you can't (as well as others) steal the thread and start a whole new topic WITHIN a topic about 9/11 and Afghanistan. Please!

This one is about Moore's film: Capitalism; A Love Story and not about wars.


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It sounds crazy but it is a fact that it only took 6 weeks to actually remove Hussain from power and overtake his army. Also, the US military accidentally killed less civilians in those 6 weeks then where killed in the 9/11 attacks.

Well it is a whole different topic from this thread but, First off we went in search of the supposed terrorist that caused the 9/11 crisis in Afghanistan.

We did a U turn & went after Saddam for what ever reason they chose to call it. Few can ignore that Saddam was used by the US for many a years. Until a time shortly after Saddam Hussein's conversion to the euro for Iraq's oil exports in the fall of 2000

But all that aside it in no way makes everything the US does with its military might right. But remember I am only replying to your original claim that the world would be in chaos if not for the US Military. I on the other hand feel much chaos is caused instead by said military wrongful usage to further political agenda. Instead of the self defense it was designed to be.





If Saddam Hussain was innocent then why didn't he just let the UN inspectors do their work ?

The US went to war with Saddam Hussain because he did not comply with UN resolution 1441.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 is a United Nations Security Council resolution adopted unanimously by the United Nations Security Council on November 8, 2002, offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set out in several previous resolutions (Resolution 660, Resolution 661, Resolution 678, Resolution 686, Resolution 687, Resolution 688, Resolution 707, Resolution 715, Resolution 986, and Resolution 1284). [1]

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That is the point. He should have done a film on greedy A-hole bankers rather then a hit piece on capitalism.

Have you seen the film ?


I seen the title. He could have done a good service by kicking the bankers around but now every dopey person that goes to see it will think capitalism is bad and that communism is good.

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Well it is a whole different topic from this thread but, First off we went in search of the supposed terrorist that caused the 9/11 crisis in Afghanistan.

Come on Flying...you can't (as well as others) steal the thread and start a whole new topic WITHIN a topic about 9/11 and Afghanistan. Please!

This one is about Moore's film: Capitalism; A Love Story and not about wars.


Its about a fat socialist moron that makes propaganda films. Don't you see what he is trying to do ? he is trying to tie in capitalism with war and the right wing.

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Its about a fat socialist moron that makes propaganda films. Don't you see what he is trying to do ? he is trying to tie in capitalism with war and the right wing.

I'm not sure what's wrong with you Sokal but every single post by you has a topping of aggression.

Isn't it possible for you to debate with a bit more class and style ? :)


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