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Confrontation Between Royal Marines And Jet Ski Owner

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Shame the Brit's did not have the stones to smash these beach bums.

If they did they would be out of the service and there would be a diplomatic incident that could well have repurcussions, if not at least in respect to services on leave in the kingdom.

It would be 'interesting' if it was dealt with in the old marines way. An old friend of mine was in the RM. When he was in training a fellow trainee and his bunk mate went to a local club and got into an altercation with a bouncer. The guy was known to have an attitude issue with young marine's in training. Anyway, it turns out that this bouncer and a couple of the others at this club gives this 19 year old kid and his mate a good going over. For two weeks all was quite. Then one busy Saturday night a few of the instructors decided on an unscheduled training op. All exists were sealed off and the thugs identified and separated from the club revellers. They were 'removed' from the premises. When the police turned up, the marines were gone (uniformed, so to witnesses they were just very fit looking members of public) and so were a few of the bouncers. The turned up again a couple of days later, somewhat bruised, naked and a long way from, home. Protests were made to the training corp and I was told the response was - "Couldn't have been our guys, there was a training exercise that night and all men were accounted for" :)

Be a real shame if an accidental fire destroyed a wooden house, workshop and dozen jet skis or so, eh?

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Here is the final interview conducted by Bravo/Vera Productions with Phuket jet ski operator JJ reflecting on his dealings with British Royal Marines and American Marines who he accused of damaging his jet skis. Again hasn't been broadcast>>>

...and one of JJ's coworkers taking 40000baht off some American Marines just a few days after the British Marines confrontation. JJ is at the start of this video>>>

As I keep saying.. Its way beyond Jimmy.. Its All of them.. Its the entire attitude of the cliques and gangs that they can do what they want..

See the Thai police standing around (waiting for their cut ??)

This JJ is a low life who if given a proper beat down would not have continued blatantly ripping off tourists
Nice clips phuketrex. What a criminal/thug this JJ is.

Again JJ is just an easy face everyone now can put to 'scammer' issues.. But what he does is what the entire beach rd does.. Its what the police make their money from.. Its the nature of the game where separating tourists from their money is the order of the day.


The sole and only reason this rat fodder has been "taken to task" (be good boy, wait TV camera gone, not do again for few weeks...OK JJ???) is because it has been brought onto the world stage. Up to then he was encouraged to rob, cheat and scam these unfortunate tourists by the local authorities. Does anyone believe for a nano second that they did not know about this??

It boggles the mind how much he has stolen if you reckon on ,say, an average of 50k per theft.

This dirt destroys tourism and hurts every single decent person in the business who doesn't resort to mugging tourists for a living.

Remember this has been aided, abetted and encouraged by the local thugs in brown. JJ has the confidence to even phone the thugs in brown himself...because he knows the outcome. Result for yet another mugging.

This is truly frightening and despicable behavior and anybody there with a peanut for a brain should have stopped this. I am delighted it has come onto the world stage and shows the world what the real Thailand is like. Cheat, scam and mug all under the watchful eye of the authorities. I have been banging on about this here on TV for a while now.

Maybe ...just a small maybe...this will change some attitudes and make some realise the value of an honest and truly caring tourist trade. But highly unlikely...it will be business as usual in a few weeks.

No I don't support the organized thievery, but in this case, there is an easy way to avoid it. Just say no.

Is it that hard?

Eh...do you mean say no to the jet ski??? I can just picture this gutter thug. "Hey nice guys...want jet ski. Cheapest and best on beach....I'll give you good guys a really good deal. I take care you. Ski already waiting in water for you....no problem. Have good time" His pals are wetting themselves laughing and drooling at the prospect of another 1-200k per day (??).

All these unfortunates are doing is assuming they are in a half civilised country (big mistake) and are merely having fun on holiday and taking a jet ski for a spin. Why would they be able to see the future?

Do they say no to restaurants (charged for more than you ate), say no to a beer (maybe spiked/didn't pay again/demand for more beer than you drank/"damage" to bar), do they say no to car hire ("damaged" on return), say no to hotel rooms ( demands for room damage) etc, etc, etc.

No...you can't have this foresight.

Wish we had.


Lets not forget that most Marines, both UK and USA, are very professional, career minded and don't want to have disciplinary actions on their records, holding them back from future promotions. They had probably been warned/ordered not to rent jet skis, so they knew they were in trouble already. Brawling would have only added to their woes. In the past, a large number of soldiers were draftees who really didn't want to be in the service to begin with. Many would have loved to rumble with JJ type locals and would have laughed when their officers reprimanded them. Fear of being discharged? hel_l yes, bring it on Sir. The marines ripped of by JJ Inc. showed remarkable restraint.

Had violence broken out, their training would have kicked in and JJ and lot would have had their (not) pretty faces rearanged.

For me the amazing part is that JJ types are operating with impunity. And why not? JJ earned a tidy sum in those two encounters and gained major face for humiliating military personel of two western powers. (Sickening, the photos of the US Marine wai-in JJ!) JJ is out on bail isn't he? Do you really think he will be punished or that the authorities will clean the criminal gangs up? The bail money was for PR purposes, consumption for the foreign press, nothing more. JJ does this because it pays-he explained in one video clip that jet skis are 500,000 and up. Well, just shake down 10 curtomers for 50,000 each and their is your meal ticket, free and clear.

I have to stop because I feel like throwing up. What a disgrace for decent Thais and decent "guests", like the marines.


Having just watched the episode with the marines I had to laugh. :) A biger bunch of *ankers you would be hard pressed to find. These are supposed to be one of the elite fighting forces in the UK. More like a buch of big girls blouses. I think a bunch of wrens would have put on a braver show than those fairies. I cannot imagine a bunch of Para's giving into these crooks.

You are never going to stop it as there is too much money to be had from the many suckers out there. There are some people who are just crying out to be had and always will be.

Having just watched the episode with the marines I had to laugh. :) A biger bunch of *ankers you would be hard pressed to find. These are supposed to be one of the elite fighting forces in the UK. More like a buch of big girls blouses. I think a bunch of wrens would have put on a braver show than those fairies. I cannot imagine a bunch of Para's giving into these crooks.

You are never going to stop it as there is too much money to be had from the many suckers out there. There are some people who are just crying out to be had and always will be.

Silly post, these guys are strictly drilled to avoid trouble with the locals wherever they go. The sergeant arrived, assessed the situation and realised that the most diplomatic, and sensible, option was to unfortunately stump up and put it down to experience.

Don' t forget these guys are fighting, and dieing, in Afghanistan so don' t call them blouses.


Excuse me ???? Strictly drilled to avoid trouble ???? What planet are you on my friend ? I have many friends in the services and did a bit myself years ago. Soldiers, sorry " real soldiers " kick off all over the world. It is what they are trained to do, fight!I have lots of friends in the Para's and they have all said they would not have parted with a satang! I stand by my opinion they were a bunch of sissies. What chance do they stand in Afghanistan if they can't deal with a two bit Thai thug. ? Even 2 ex marine friends here in Samui said they were ashamed. These are supposed to be highly trained fighting machines and you say they did the right thing and settled for the diplomatic solution. No wonder the Uk is finished as a fighting force.

We even have SAS soldiers crying about being called names now in the UK and wanting compensation for hurt feelings! This is what the Politically Correct liberals have brought us to!

To be frank, these guys have already been warned about the various scams, and perhaps they haven't fully understood the consequences. However, the main point is that they've stood the local mafia down, and there's no way that they are going to 'go for it' against these farang. Lesson learned folks, an element of strength in numbers.

Per mare, per terram.

Anyone who knows this JJ will tell you he bleats about everything, everynight. When they won't pick him to play pool, jetski damage, price of spares yaada yaada

I just love to see his mom come into the bar and chastise him, with a few well aimed shots, when he has been hauled up to the Police AGAIN. You can hear his puppy like wingeing and fake crying all the way from Nanai until he gets home.

Enrol his mom in the Police I say, he's half dutch so send him over there for a while, they wont take it. :)


Pity the RM guys rent staying up Nanai, where they would have heard JJ's bleating on in the bar everynight. Playing to the audience.

Please put his mom on the tourist police staff, she clips him and has him crying everytime she has to come to the bar, or comes when he's just returned from the police again, we'll maybe see him in another episode about the other main subject.

If you hear crying as your walking up Nanai, its probably JJ being kicked back home by good old mom. She is a lovely lady I might add.

He's half dutch he's always saying, let him try it over there.

# :)

Excuse me ???? Strictly drilled to avoid trouble ???? What planet are you on my friend ? I have many friends in the services and did a bit myself years ago. Soldiers, sorry " real soldiers " kick off all over the world. It is what they are trained to do, fight!I have lots of friends in the Para's and they have all said they would not have parted with a satang! I stand by my opinion they were a bunch of sissies. What chance do they stand in Afghanistan if they can't deal with a two bit Thai thug. ? Even 2 ex marine friends here in Samui said they were ashamed. These are supposed to be highly trained fighting machines and you say they did the right thing and settled for the diplomatic solution. No wonder the Uk is finished as a fighting force.

We even have SAS soldiers crying about being called names now in the UK and wanting compensation for hurt feelings! This is what the Politically Correct liberals have brought us to!

So you reckon they should have just waded in unarmed against a guy with a a gun then and risked being killed over a few quid and/ or potentially caused a major international political incident ? - i know it is only supposed to be a BB gun but that was probably not clear at the time.

Also a bunch of Paras saying they could have done better than the Marines ? - whatever next ?? ( no offence to any Paras as that happens in both directions ).

Uk finished as a fighting force ?? - not according to several reporrts of the medals awarded recently for extreme bravery in Aghanistan...

Anyone on here in/ or was in the forces who could shed some light ? Will be happy to eat my words if i' m wrong but just think that these guys showed good control when they would surely have been bursting to get stuck in

Dunc can you expand on the SAS thing ? - not a WU just interested to hear what the story is.


Warning against jet ski is on the front page in some news papers in Scandinavia

IMO that's good news. I make my living here from the tourist trade, but if a significant drop in arrivals is what it takes to put an end to these scams, then so be it.

Pity the RM guys rent staying up Nanai, where they would have heard JJ's bleating on in the bar everynight. Playing to the audience.

Please put his mom on the tourist police staff, she clips him and has him crying everytime she has to come to the bar, or comes when he's just returned from the police again, we'll maybe see him in another episode about the other main subject.

If you hear crying as your walking up Nanai, its probably JJ being kicked back home by good old mom. She is a lovely lady I might add.

He's half dutch he's always saying, let him try it over there.

# :)

Quite right, but I still can't see why this LivinLos, whose posts are normally accurate, witty and intelligent, persists in sticking up for Jimmy. He, Jimmy, is was and always has been a dreadful and violent individual.

Having just watched the episode with the marines I had to laugh. :) A biger bunch of *ankers you would be hard pressed to find. These are supposed to be one of the elite fighting forces in the UK. More like a buch of big girls blouses. I think a bunch of wrens would have put on a braver show than those fairies. I cannot imagine a bunch of Para's giving into these crooks.

You are never going to stop it as there is too much money to be had from the many suckers out there. There are some people who are just crying out to be had and always will be.

Sorry, it's you who is being pathetic. Do you really think that any of the armed forces would kick off anything knowing that they were being filmed???? It's not about 'giving in', only about getting yourself out of any local conflict that is ultimately going to result in yourself and/or oppos getting in the s***t. I must admit, I was impressed with the reaction of the US Marines caught in the same scam, who didn't argue, just obtained receipts, shook hands and thanked everyone for f*****g them.

I don't know which branch of the forces you served in, but I'm sure that should you wish to pursue your comments direct to any of the units in 3 Commando Brigade, they would be more that interested in measuring you for your own girl's blouse. T***er!!!

Having just watched the episode with the marines I had to laugh. :) A biger bunch of *ankers you would be hard pressed to find. These are supposed to be one of the elite fighting forces in the UK. More like a buch of big girls blouses. I think a bunch of wrens would have put on a braver show than those fairies. I cannot imagine a bunch of Para's giving into these crooks.

You are never going to stop it as there is too much money to be had from the many suckers out there. There are some people who are just crying out to be had and always will be.

Sorry, it's you who is being pathetic. Do you really think that any of the armed forces would kick off anything knowing that they were being filmed???? It's not about 'giving in', only about getting yourself out of any local conflict that is ultimately going to result in yourself and/or oppos getting in the s***t. I must admit, I was impressed with the reaction of the US Marines caught in the same scam, who didn't argue, just obtained receipts, shook hands and thanked everyone for f*****g them.

I don't know which branch of the forces you served in, but I'm sure that should you wish to pursue your comments direct to any of the units in 3 Commando Brigade, they would be more that interested in measuring you for your own girl's blouse. T***er!!!

Please PM H2oDunc


Well you need not worry anymore the thai authoroties have put a stop to big trouble being aired funny jjs out on bail the program is halted by the thais mmmm thats a strange 1 to savvy what do you think people in high place's perhaps do the thais not realise that trying to ban a program will make it more intersting to watch.

Well you need not worry anymore the thai authoroties have put a stop to big trouble being aired funny jjs out on bail the program is halted by the thais mmmm thats a strange 1 to savvy what do you think people in high place's perhaps do the thais not realise that trying to ban a program will make it more intersting to watch.

Where did you hear that? How did they intend to stop a show being shown in the UK?

The second episode of the series has just been aired in the UK.

Well you need not worry anymore the thai authoroties have put a stop to big trouble being aired funny jjs out on bail the program is halted by the thais mmmm thats a strange 1 to savvy what do you think people in high place's perhaps do the thais not realise that trying to ban a program will make it more intersting to watch.

Where did you hear that? How did they intend to stop a show being shown in the UK?

The second episode of the series has just been aired in the UK.

Yes Thailand is now denying they issues licenses and clearances required for broadcast..

All this info is listed on a local news source we cannot link.. Along with interviews with the producer, etc etc..

Just watched Ep 2.. Apart from some KPG pocket dipping and thug muggings it was much more favourable to Thailand.


US Aircraft Carrier, Warships Heading for Phuket

Latest The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and two warships are heading for Phuket . . . not to cause problems for jet ski operators, but to enjoy the island's delights on shore leave.


Quite right, but I still can't see why this LivinLos, whose posts are normally accurate, witty and intelligent, persists in sticking up for Jimmy. He, Jimmy, is was and always has been a dreadful and violent individual.

I am not defending Jimmy.. He made his bed and he can lie in it..

However I do see it as a massive level hypocrisy, suddenly hes the poster boy for evil and makes for a nice easy face saving scape goat. The fact is what Jimmy does is what they all do, what the police take money from, pretty much the entire attitude of the town from top to bottom. I see making one person a scape goat for that, while every one else continues ripping off as though nothing happened to be unfair and slightly pathetic.

Just look at todays news.. A nice baht bus service starts up in Phuket town.. Does any one expect to see this much needed service, probably the number one complaint from tourists who come here, lack of decent cheap public transport.. Does any one of us think this is going to be running from Kata to Kamala ?? So if we know full well it isnt, and its being held back by corruption from Tuktuks through police, and into the very power base of the town. If we accept that its all built on that kind of thuggery and corruption, isnt making one person the poster boy of bad behaviour, while it goes on this very day with different faces, just a joke ???

Jimmys biggest crime was stoking his own ego and playing the bad boy image up on camera.


Forgot to mention.. Even this morning there was 20 - 30 mins of this being discussed on Ch3.. Making much of the fact Jimmys not 100% Thai.. They are trying to say it was all a setup, that Jimmy was tricked into making the show, that he thought it was a holiday show !! Also trying to say maybe the Marines (Jack) damaged the jetski in a trick !! To trick Jimmy into the situation, to create the problem simply to make the show !! Trying to suggest it was a setup and Jimmy was the one fooled, no mention on if they gave Jimmy the gun as part of the setup !!!

Total face saving <deleted>.. Funny watching them desperately grab at excuses..

Also they are putting thai subs up on what the english statements are thats highly biased and not pure translation.. The missus read the subs while the welsh fella talked about bribing the police and it wasnt the way he said it. Then as soon as it cut off from him it cut to the presenter who started making a big deal about this 'drug dealer' busted for ya ba.. Must have said it 3 or 4 times emphasizing 'nasty nasty bad man' etc.. While the 2 dolly Kha kha'ed..

Its comedy face saving gold.

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