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Ballot Boxing


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Ballot boxing

By By Naya Jaikawang

Daily Xpress

Published on September 9, 2009


Ballot boxing

Actor Methee Amornwuthikul swings wild punches at fellow Puea Thai Party official over election expenses row

Rage at those he accused of shaming his beloved Puea Thai Party prompted actor-turned-red shirt Methee Amornwuthikul to turn his action-movie fighting into reality in front of a shocked crowd yesterday morning. The victim later filed an assault complaint against the actor at Bang Rak Police Station.

Protest 'humiliated' party

The events were sparked after Adisarat Thampitak, director of Puea Thai Party's Election Centre in Surat Thani, led a 15-strong group to party headquarters to protest they hadn't been paid Bt800,000 spent on campaign materials for the August 30 by-election in Surat Thani.

Upset by the move, the soap-opera hard man confronted 53-year-old Adisrat and asked, "Why are you doing this? Who hired you? If you have a problem with someone, you talk to that person -- don't humiliate the whole party. Are you trying to pick a fight?"

Struggle turned into fight

Adisarat replied he had no intention to cause trouble, only to get the money the party owed them.

Methee then struggled with Adisarat over a microphone before punching him in the face and several times in the stomach as the shocked crowd of media members, party officials and onlookers watched. Methee then retreated to the party office to "cool down", leaving the astonished Adisarat with a slight head wound, a scratched left wrist and a missing wristwatch. "I've been helping the party all along -- I never expected this," he told reporters.

Head wound, police investigate

Adisarat, who received three stitches for his head wound at Lertsin Hospital, vowed to press charges against the actor. Police said it would take about a week to gather evidence.

Officials at the Election Centre in Surat Thani were commissioned to produce campaign materials for candidate Sompol Wichaidit, younger brother of Puea Thai party leader Yongyuth. After Sompol lost, they say they tried twice to collect the Bt800,000 campaign expenses but made no progress.

Methee explained his version of the fracas later in the day. He had gone to take the microphone off Adisarat as the protesters were causing a nuisance. But Meethee said he feared an assault from Adisarat so decided to attack first.


-- The Nation 2009/09/09

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He deserves a few months in jail for that attack. Attacking an older and lot smaller man.

Obviously i tis not the first time that PTP havent paid for expenses incurred and left others holding the bill. However, this was in Surat Thani a Dem stronhold and the local people who fronted the campaign for PTP down there were probably putting themselves at risk of at least competetive business disadvantage in coming years. To stand up and campaign for an unpopular party in an area where they are despised takes guts. PTP should apologise to these people and make financial retribution ASAP.

In the meantime a common thug like this should be made an example of. There has been too much intimidation and violence towards people becaus eof their poltical opinions or politcal grievances and when a slam dunk case liek this comes up justice should be swift and devoid of any contacts this arrogant idiot has.

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Yeah, condemnation from PTP MPs, right.

Who's first? That guy (Karun) who tried kick-boxing in parliament himself?


So, what's the deal with not paying bills by PTP? Do you think it will send a strong message for the future elections? Will they be able to increase their vote if they treat businesses who work with them like that?

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He deserves a few months in jail for that attack. Attacking an older and lot smaller man.

Obviously i tis not the first time that PTP havent paid for expenses incurred and left others holding the bill. However, this was in Surat Thani a Dem stronhold and the local people who fronted the campaign for PTP down there were probably putting themselves at risk of at least competetive business disadvantage in coming years. To stand up and campaign for an unpopular party in an area where they are despised takes guts. PTP should apologise to these people and make financial retribution ASAP.

In the meantime a common thug like this should be made an example of. There has been too much intimidation and violence towards people becaus eof their poltical opinions or politcal grievances and when a slam dunk case liek this comes up justice should be swift and devoid of any contacts this arrogant idiot has.

Well this clearly points up a BIG difference between parties.

Democrats allow PTP to campaign in their neighborhoods

and don't lift a finger against it.

PTP/PPP/TRT would have their redshirts and others give beatings

just for trying to TALK PUBLICLY in their neighborhoods.

Let alone an active campaign.

And PTP even beat up THEIR OWN for having the temerity of

asking for 'promised campaign funds'; due win or lose.

Or is it PTP policy: 'Win or you get nothing.'

And TRT and it's decedents come by the animus shown them in the south,

by their own handiwork too. They are allowed to campaign because

Thaksin already 'poisoned the well' for them. No worries.

Certainly their local businesses are not the most popular any way you slice it.

Most people don't like to do business with neighbors who actively work against their best interests.

But they are allowed freely to make a fool of themselves as often as they like.

Edited by animatic
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I'm not saying this couldn't happen in any country, but this about sums up the mentality of some of the actors and politicians here.

This is assault not matter how you look at it. This man should be made an example of.

Of course he won't though. He's special because he looks good in make-up.

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And PTP even beat up THEIR OWN for having the temerity of

asking for 'promised campaign funds'; due win or lose.

Or is it PTP policy: 'Win or you get nothing.'

Reminds me of Brick Top from Snatch: "When I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not."

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No excuse for this type of conduct,  never a valid reason to lay a hand on another but maybe in the case of self defense.    I saw the previews of a soap the other day, must have been ten or more shots of people slapping, pushing, and fighting.  All the wine and beer bottles in the back ground were blocked out so I am assume they were sober.  Ironic

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I saw the previews of a soap the other day, must have been ten or more shots of people slapping, pushing, and fighting.  All the wine and beer bottles in the back ground were blocked out so I am assume they were sober.  Ironic

Actually, Maitee is a former amateur boxing champion and is a very talented boxer that probably could have acheived some success in that field had he pursued it instead of acting/etc. He hasn't done much acting for years now; I presume that he has instead having run out on that side, gone into the more lucrative political support network field. He has had previous run ins with the law including knocking someone out in Khao San Rd.

This type of figure is quite common from the TRT days; Sam Yuranan etc; people who the common man says - that guy is on TV/richest man in the country/famous - therefore they must be good for running the country. THink Ronald Reagan or that Italian pornstar; both prove this is not an exclusively Thai phenomena.

It was a bit of a foregone conclusion that PPP/TRT/PTP/red shirts would lose in Surat Thani; seems like they made some internal decisions and now no one wants to pay.

Still, hitting someone 50+ years old then stalking them....not a good plan.

At least knowing the red shirt support within the police force and ability to pay everyone off, this problem will go away for him and the party.

I don't like to suggest that this is typical of the PPP/PTP mentality of politicians despite the antics of people like Chalerm etc; I would say it is more symptomatic of the upcountry style god father political culture which is stronger on the PPP/PTP side perhaps, but certainly not exclusive to them.

If you want to see the reference to Brick Top, certainly a typical old school Thai parliamentarian, then this link for me best captures the magic - 'no sugar for me turkish, I'm sweet enough as is'

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I think Methee just punched his fellow red in the name of true democracy, freedom of speech, rule of law and simple decency. Either that or it was not really him. Truth Today folks might later reval that the whole thing was just staged by the PAD+Dems+Blue shirts+the eilte+the invisible hand! :)

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And PTP even beat up THEIR OWN for having the temerity of

asking for 'promised campaign funds'; due win or lose.

Or is it PTP policy: 'Win or you get nothing.'

Reminds me of Brick Top from Snatch: "When I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not."


that is a brilliant movie! Lets go back to work...

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I think Methee just punched his fellow red in the name of true democracy, freedom of speech, rule of law and simple decency. Either that or it was not really him. Truth Today folks might later reval that the whole thing was just staged by the PAD+Dems+Blue shirts+the eilte+the invisible hand! :D

Sure enough, the PTP spokesman has just come out and claimed that the whole thing was staged to discredit PueThai party, and the guy who got punched never worked for PueThai. :)


"“ไข่แม้ว” ปัดสวะ อ้าง “อดิศราช” ไม่ใช่คนของพรรค เชื่อจัดตั้งหวังดิสเครดิต" = "Maew's nuts" passed the buck, claimed Adisarat not a party member, believed it was a set up to discredit the party!


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Reds beating up reds. Not surprised at all by this. Why should the reds worry about the military using force when they have each other for instigating and using violence against their own. Once again, the reds clearly have shown they are nothing but a hostile and violent prone group.

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I think Methee just punched his fellow red in the name of true democracy, freedom of speech, rule of law and simple decency. Either that or it was not really him. Truth Today folks might later reval that the whole thing was just staged by the PAD+Dems+Blue shirts+the eilte+the invisible hand! :D

Sure enough, the PTP spokesman has just come out and claimed that the whole thing was staged to discredit PueThai party, and the guy who got punched never worked for PueThai. :)


""ไข่แม้ว" ปัดสวะ อ้าง "อดิศราช" ไม่ใช่คนของพรรค เชื่อจัดตั้งหวังดิสเครดิต" = "Maew's nuts" passed the buck, claimed Adisarat not a party member, believed it was a set up to discredit the party!


The guy who was attacked never worked for PueThai? By all means, that's great reason to attack the crap out of him. PTP is showing some great damage control. :D

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Where is the red brigade for a comment on how this action is actually the fault of the junta appointed government....lol

They could do that or they could posibly be trying to find the instances where the PAD or the Dems fought one of their own. And they'd say "Hey, everyone is corrupt!"...err I mean "everyone is a thug..so there's nothing wrong with that!" I doubt that they would find any though. :)

Edited by ThNiner
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The guy who was attacked never worked for PueThai? By all means, that's great reason to attack the crap out of him. PTP is showing some great damage control. :)

Yeah, very strange excuse. Don't quite understand their reason either. If the guy who was attacked was not a party member, then this would help make them look better? The PTP think having their young member punch any old guy who pretends to work for PTP is OK and acceptable for the public? Weird reason indeed.

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The guy who was attacked never worked for PueThai? By all means, that's great reason to attack the crap out of him. PTP is showing some great damage control. :)

Yeah, very strange excuse. Don't quite understand their reason either. If the guy who was attacked was not a party member, then this would help make them look better? The PTP think having their young member punch any old guy who pretends to work for PTP is OK and acceptable for the public? Weird reason indeed.

Nothing really surprises me anymore coming from PTP, PPP, TRT, or whatever name they decide to use. Thaksin's men did the same thing near Paragon a few years back. A lone elderly man protesting against Thaksin was attacked and beaten to the ground by the Men in Black AKA The Men in Red...only for exercising his democratic right. The police nor anyone else would come to this man's assistance. A very pathetic and violent group of "people" these Thaksin lovers can be.

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They could do that or they could posibly be trying to find the instances where the PAD or the Dems fought one of their own. And they'd say "Hey, everyone is corrupt!"...err I mean "everyone is a thug..so there's nothing's wrong with that!" I doubt that they would find any though. :)

nah. i am not argue as you suggest. i am not even say : "Let the one without sin cast the first stone" it's just for your information.

and i will take that challenge to find something, because it's so easy. how about a fight in the parliament?


bonus question just for you. What is the reason behind that a by-election was hold in Surat Thani? Why the seat for the MP, the representative of constituency Surat Thani became vacant? Who is the the Ex-MP and who is the new elected MP?

i guess you don't know that. anyone else, who knows it without looking up for it?

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bonus question just for you. What is the reason behind that a by-election was hold in Surat Thani? Why the seat for the MP, the representative of constituency Surat Thani became vacant? Who is the the Ex-MP and who is the new elected MP?

i guess you don't know that. anyone else, who knows it without looking up for it?

Suthep resigned as MP after the EC put him on the list of people who hold shares in state concessionaires, "True" in his case.

The by-election was to fill that empty seat and Democrats put his relative in the race. Don't remember if it's a brother or brother in law.

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