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Farang Marry Pattaya Lady Back To Their Country Success?


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Are there any positive true stories for a younger farang (27) to successfully find a life partner bring back to their country? I spent one month holiday and started hitting brick walls it seemed as far as finding some one like a college student or real estate agent. . . Or is Bangkok a much more positive place for a young farang to look for his match?

Thanks for any experience or advice given . . . .

Probably the best place would be to look online. Id avoid the online "meet a Thai bride" sites like I avoid Aids.

Facebook is really good! There is an application called Sparkey, there are many young educated Thai ladies on there looking for dates. Just get to know people, their personality, before you meet them. If someone is looking for a Farang, they might have ulterior motives.

Looking for love is usually a waste of time, let things kinda fall into place!

Many people have successful relationships with Thai ladies, even bar girls too.

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Are there any positive true stories for a younger farang (27) to successfully find a life partner bring back to their country? I spent one month holiday and started hitting brick walls it seemed as far as finding some one like a college student or real estate agent. . . Or is Bangkok a much more positive place for a young farang to look for his match?

Thanks for any experience or advice given . . . .

"like a college student or real estate agent"


Unless you are well educated and either have a good job or come from a good family you will most likely be unable to secure the interest of a higher end Thai lady, let alone a Chula girl. (You might score a Mahidol gal, but my friend insists that you need to keep the lights off or a bag handy to put over her head. ) You also might get a date from a lady that attends one of the low end universities, which are the equivalent of an advanced high school in most western countries, but she may force you to wear Hello Kitty's clothing line for boys and you better be extremely cool, with wispy bangs of hair, an ability to pout and of course be able to pay for everything, including the family's emergency treatment for the sick relative.

Even if you are the greatest of lovers and are incredibly endowed, you will soon learn that once a Thai lady has been with you for awhile she sleeps in pajamas and is often wrapped in a blanket. Hardly, the means by which to use those awesome attributes. Also, no hanky panky is allowed unless given the signal as the sexual lusts of Thai ladies is a tad overblown.

The wealthy Thais rarely breed out of their own demographic and they have no need or desire to leave Thailand. Either accept that the best you can do is the 7-11 clerk or brush up on your social skills and seduce a girl in your home country.

Real estate agents are the WORST kind of people ANYWHERE! Avoid real estate agents!!! Head to the bar!

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I just really enjoyed the nice sunny weather and sandy beaches of Pattaya but would prefer not to live smack dab in a 95% red light district environment of ladies ..... at least not every night after night.

So the novelty has worn off 35 girls later.

May I ask what is wrong with farmers, not specifically the OP? Yes, I have had relationships in my own country with farmers' daughters :)

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Are there any positive true stories for a younger farang (27) to successfully find a life partner bring back to their country? I spent one month holiday and started hitting brick walls it seemed as far as finding some one like a college student or real estate agent. . . Or is Bangkok a much more positive place for a young farang to look for his match?

Thanks for any experience or advice given . . . .

Hi there.

There are probably 1000s of success stories, but they do not need to post it on internet.

Why would people do that anyhow, unless they are asked a direct question?

In my oppinion you should go to Bangkok, as this is a bigger city.

Bangkok is evolving fast as a modern city, so you can both find the modern and the old fashion here.

You find the gold digger, the shy, and the young and hip people that want to get in touch with other people.

I humbly disagree with the other members here that talk about internet.

You will end up with loads on contacts, which you must at a later stage verify is for real (the read deal honest person).

This is very timeconsuming, and might cost you some money as well (going out on dates, etc).

Easiest way is to go to the most popular places where the Thais go during the evening.

RCA or Ratchada.

If you happens to befriend some Thai males, then you will rapidly expand your social cirlce here.

My brother (30s), a colleague (50s), and my son (early 20s), had been in Bangkok for a very short time before they already were dating decent ladies, with education and good paid jobs.

When you are out, never ever just approach a table and start a conversation just because you happen to like how the lady looks like. That can be back fire.

Keep some distance, and use your smile.

More often than not, if a lady likes you, she will send a friend, or the waiter/watress your way, whom will tell you that she likes you.

Then you change telephone numner, and not more maybe that evening.

You call her at a later stage, maybe you get a date.

If you do, dont be surprised if she bring along a friend.

One last thing.

Thais love to receive and give compliments. Nomatter how cheesy they might sound.

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Just join a uni for some classes.Educated Thai girls are much easier and much more fun to hang out with that girls working low end subsistence level jobs> As always theres the never ending face and privacy issues to consider though,.

This is the best advice given,up to now!

Not really Thailand related,I'm sorry.

And,no,I didn't meet my Thai wife of many years this way,but could have had. :)

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I humbly disagree with the other members here that talk about internet.

You will end up with loads on contacts, which you must at a later stage verify is for real (the read deal honest person).

This is very timeconsuming, and might cost you some money as well (going out on dates, etc).

Easiest way is to go to the most popular places where the Thais go during the evening.

RCA or Ratchada.

If you happens to befriend some Thai males, then you will rapidly expand your social cirlce here.

And here I would humbly disagree with you as well.  Not that a person cannot find someone at RCA.  Sure, it can happen.

But there is a one huge difference between RCA and any internet dating-type site.  At RCA, you can look at a woman and make a determination if she is attractive to you (as she can do to you, too.)  However, you have no idea of she is already in a relationship, if she is looking for one, if she is looking for a relationship with a man, if she is looking for a relationship with a foreigner, etc.  Also, you are limiting yourself to the type of woman who like to go out and party.  If that is what you are seeking, fine.  But many "decent" (I use that term with great reluctance) Thai women wouldn't be caught dead in a nightclub.

On the internet, at least you know that the person is looking, and if it is one of the English-language websites, that the person is probably willing to date a foreigner.  And if the person putting a profile is at all honest, you can tell some basics which might be important to you such as age, location, education, smoking and drinking habits, religion, etc..

Travel2003 is 100% right though, in that once you have a pool, so-to-speak, of women who might meet your basic requirements, you will have to go through the process of seeing not just who is being truthful, but with whom you might actually have some chemistry.  

Remember, though, this is a two way street.  The woman is screening the man just as much as the other way around.

You are going to be here a long time.  My suggestion is not to limit yourself to any one method.  Go to RCA.  Take some classes  Try the internet.  Go to the gym.  Try everything and see what seems to work best for you.

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How arrogant does one have to be to think he is going to swing by Thailand, find an educated Thai woman with a good job and a good life in Thailand, and she's going to melt and decide to give up her life for him just like that in a few weeks. LoLoL

I got news for you... mail-order brides are not usually of the educated variety, regardless of what their sales brochure says. And, educated women with money do not have a hard time getting out of Thailand if that is what they want... but, it's not what they want.

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The top universities and best jobs are in Bangkok so it is logically the best place in LOS to find highly educated successful women. Although it is possible to meet this type of women with a little luck, IMHO it is not highly probable for most farangs. In my experience, most of these women are fairly independent and not just looking for a farang ATM but are looking for someone that is also well educated and successful that they can love for all the right reasons.

I was both lucky and fortunate that I have a friend that is a professor at Mahidol who introduced me to one of his former grad students who was the beautiful girl that eventually became my wife. We have known each other for 5 years and have now been married for 3 years (a few days ago she received her US citizenship) and we both consider our life together to be some of the happiest years of our lives. I guess my short answer to the OP's question is yes, there are true positive stories out there.

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Are there any positive true stories for a younger farang (27) to successfully find a life partner bring back to their country? I spent one month holiday and started hitting brick walls it seemed as far as finding some one like a college student or real estate agent. . . Or is Bangkok a much more positive place for a young farang to look for his match?

Thanks for any experience or advice given . . . .

There is a big gap in the wealthy class and the poor class. Not allot of real estate agents or a students would not be interested in a farang. Go to a disco in the highroller area of BKK and see how you do.

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To the OP,

Oh wait, come to think of it…

Would you be able to handle these educated and/or successful girls?

Can you be in a relationship w/ a bit more of equal footing? These are not always a “YES” girl, u know.

I assume they would have slightly different personalities than those of umm-entertainment girls-?

Are you ready for a bit more self-assured, more assertive, and not necessary wanting to walk a few steps behind you or spend all their times topping off your beer glasses…etcs?

Btw….generally most girls here are still quite conservative, shy and non-drinker.

And..they don’t go out of their way to meet farangs,.. or throw themselves at the first farang that happens to be within 1 meter of them,.. or jump into your bed after the first/or second date, ..or follow you around like a puppy dog…etcs

And.. those who frequent bars are mostly called “a party girl” by the thai general viewpoint, whether a uni student or successful one w/ real job. If you know what I mean. So be careful w/ the bar scene also.

Like they say….Nothing in this world comes for free and everything has the costs attached to it.

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Hmm…I would assume 1 month is not long enough to find someone that you think you like for a serious relationship,... importantly a decent girl who would be willing to move to your home country after 1 month fling/romance…period.

Cant you find someone in your own country?…..or you're aiming for thai girls particularly?

I would imagine those you're looking for…. would be working while you're tourising around Thailand?

Strange question really, if you don't know this by now -- at your age

Btw….do you think that all thai girls are that EASY?__ :)

I think this guy is the classic young guy mentality that comes to Thailand, me included.

Young guys typically get drooled over by the girls and treated very well so they think, maybe I should marry one of these beauties...

Then they see some fat old red nosed alcoholic with one of these girls and they think, well I don't want to be with a girl that has been around those guys...so that is why they show interest in the higher end girls.

I think there is some girls somewhere in the middle that you can meet.

And BTW, I have heard that RCA is for serious high rollers. A couple friends went there and they said there was Lambos and Ferarris in the parking lot and the girls were not interested in them. Think about it, most farangs in BKK are tourists.

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I think there is some girls somewhere in the middle that you can meet.

Depends on....how high is his high end vs your high end

So your middle point may be differ than his.. :D

and most real higher end girls "in thailand", do not prefer farangs as their first choice of mate. :)

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I think there is some girls somewhere in the middle that you can meet.

Depends on....how high is his high end vs your high end

So your middle point may be differ than his.. :D

and most real higher end girls "in thailand", do not prefer farangs as their first choice of mate. :)

I am very aware. Middle of the road would be a waitress that does some BG stuff on the side.

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^ you can get many decent middle of the line, if you are in some......yoga class, dancing class, sport club, local fairs, weekend markets, and many charity events, for example

Why go to bars/resturant type venues only,...don't understand?

Do you have to drink all the time... when not working or sleeping? :)

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I have one Thai female friend, that I met online through networking , who is a real estate agent in BKK. We have been talking for about two months. Last conversation we had over phone she told me she finally had her first free night in the past couple of weeks and decided to go out with her other girlfriends for a birthday.. (which was posted on F*cebook). Guess where they went? RCA lol

Many highly educated BKK women who don't have much spare time who are in my "pool" also have invited me to go with them to RCA.

Thank you for informative opinions and replies everyone :D

It seems since I have already engaged in a contract with VT6 in Pattaya, I will explore on my street bike over to BKK and stay with girl friends for a while that can show me around to start a new contract with a similiar type of condo over there. Then I can spend time in both locations until I figure out where feels most like my Thai "home". :):D

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I am very aware. Middle of the road would be a waitress that does some BG stuff on the side.

:) Yep, I also ended up meeting girls who worked in Big C, Central Festival, Mike Shopping M*ll or restaurants who, come to find later, did work some BG stuff on the side. :D

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Finding and starting a relationship with regular (i.e. non bargirl) women for a tourist will be close to impossible.

Thailand is much the same as the rest of the world, you'll need to build up a relationship first.

IMO you simply cannot do that in a 4 week holiday, two people need much more time to start to know each other before either one can make a decision on going full commitment!

I have to disagree that it will be close to impossible.  It is easier now than ever.

My ex-mother-in-law was an actual mail-order bride.  Hawaii had many men, but a dearth of women back then, and she was literally plucked out of a catalog and brought to the US.  They remained happily married until his death some 45 years later.

Now, with the internet, you can chat and spend time getting to know someone, getting to see if you are basically compatible on a philosophical level.  Then you can come to Thailand, in this case, and actually meet the woman to see if you click, if you have chemistry.  For many people, 4 weeks is more than enough time to make that sort of determination.

And while many of the women on the dating sites are more financially oriented, whether for a true love of money or for a guaranteed security for her future children, many women are there for other reasons.  Many have a perception that western men are more faithful. many have a perception that they will be treated better by a western husband. Some Thai women seem to have an inferiority complex with regards to attracting Thai men (e.g, their skin is too dark, they are too heavy, whatever) and they think that western men might like them better.  There are a myriad of reasons why a woman might join a foreign dating site, just as there are a myriad of reasons why a man might join one.

I have never read about the success rates for Thai/Western marriages.  But in the US, the Filipina/American marriages have half the divorce rate of the general marriage population.  And I would think that most of these marriages were not long-term courtships.

I think it is certainly possible to find a good match in Thailand if a person really wants to pursue it.

(Of course, as a divorced man, perhaps my opinions needs to be taken with a grain of salt.)

You can't compare 45 years ago to now, with regard to your ex-Mother-in-Law. There is also a perception of foreign men, among educated Thais, that they (Farang men) are drunken women chasers, who come to Thailand with one thing on their mind. I have to deal with this stereotype very often in trying to establish a relationship with a "normal" Thai woman. Many Thai women have also told me that it is common for them to be "flashed" on the internet web cam by some foreign guy showing what he thinks are his best attributes. As a result, many won't chat with foreigners or avoid the internet altogether.

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How arrogant does one have to be to think he is going to swing by Thailand, find an educated Thai woman with a good job and a good life in Thailand, and she's going to melt and decide to give up her life for him just like that in a few weeks. LoLoL

I got news for you... mail-order brides are not usually of the educated variety, regardless of what their sales brochure says. And, educated women with money do not have a hard time getting out of Thailand if that is what they want... but, it's not what they want.

Exactly!! Most educated Thai women who are of marriagable age (20 something) are not particularly interest in Farangs, unless for some reason they are interested in going overseas. Otherwise, they will likely ruin their chances with a "proper" Thai boy and be typed a some Farang slut.

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Yep :) , I also ended up meeting girls who worked in Big C, Central Festival, Mike Shopping M*ll or restaurants who, come to find later, did work some BG stuff on the side. :D

I met a kick boxing guy at Good Times bar on walking street in June, maybe it was you. I will try my luck with some mall girls this time, maybe some of them hang out at Insomnia. :D

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Even if you are the greatest of lovers and are incredibly endowed, you will soon learn that once a Thai lady has been with you for awhile she sleeps in pajamas and is often wrapped in a blanket. Hardly, the means by which to use those awesome attributes. Also, no hanky panky is allowed unless given the signal as the sexual lusts of Thai ladies is a tad overblown.

It is me you're talking about isn't it???? :)

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Finding and starting a relationship with regular (i.e. non bargirl) women for a tourist will be close to impossible.

Thailand is much the same as the rest of the world, you'll need to build up a relationship first.

IMO you simply cannot do that in a 4 week holiday, two people need much more time to start to know each other before either one can make a decision on going full commitment!

I have to disagree that it will be close to impossible.  It is easier now than ever.

My ex-mother-in-law was an actual mail-order bride.  Hawaii had many men, but a dearth of women back then, and she was literally plucked out of a catalog and brought to the US.  They remained happily married until his death some 45 years later.

Now, with the internet, you can chat and spend time getting to know someone, getting to see if you are basically compatible on a philosophical level.  Then you can come to Thailand, in this case, and actually meet the woman to see if you click, if you have chemistry.  For many people, 4 weeks is more than enough time to make that sort of determination.

And while many of the women on the dating sites are more financially oriented, whether for a true love of money or for a guaranteed security for her future children, many women are there for other reasons.  Many have a perception that western men are more faithful. many have a perception that they will be treated better by a western husband. Some Thai women seem to have an inferiority complex with regards to attracting Thai men (e.g, their skin is too dark, they are too heavy, whatever) and they think that western men might like them better.  There are a myriad of reasons why a woman might join a foreign dating site, just as there are a myriad of reasons why a man might join one.

I have never read about the success rates for Thai/Western marriages.  But in the US, the Filipina/American marriages have half the divorce rate of the general marriage population.  And I would think that most of these marriages were not long-term courtships.

I think it is certainly possible to find a good match in Thailand if a person really wants to pursue it.

(Of course, as a divorced man, perhaps my opinions needs to be taken with a grain of salt.)

You can't compare 45 years ago to now, with regard to your ex-Mother-in-Law. There is also a perception of foreign men, among educated Thais, that they (Farang men) are drunken women chasers, who come to Thailand with one thing on their mind. I have to deal with this stereotype very often in trying to establish a relationship with a "normal" Thai woman. Many Thai women have also told me that it is common for them to be "flashed" on the internet web cam by some foreign guy showing what he thinks are his best attributes. As a result, many won't chat with foreigners or avoid the internet altogether.

My point about my ex-mother-in-law is that it was harder then than now to meet and marry someone from another country. Now, with the internet, phones, and easy access to flights, it is much easier.  So if my ex-mother-in-law was able to do this 55 years ago (her husband died 10 years ago), then it is certainly possible to do it now.

And please don't be too broad-brushed when you say "there is a perception . . . among educated Thais."  This may be a perception among some educated Thais, but it is hardly universal.  I can also say that it is a perception among some educated Thais that western men are less apt to stray and that they treat their children with more visible love.  I am not saying this is true about western men, just that some educated Thais believe that.

Yes, I have also heard that some western men seem to like to flash on cams, but there are still plenty of women who use the internet to try and find a match.

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Are there any positive true stories for a younger farang (27) to successfully find a life partner bring back to their country? I spent one month holiday and started hitting brick walls it seemed as far as finding some one like a college student or real estate agent. . . Or is Bangkok a much more positive place for a young farang to look for his match?

Thanks for any experience or advice given . . . .

As far as meeting educated Thai girls or Thai women who are gainfully employed you will not meet them in bars. You will meet them as you would meet many young woman in your home country. The internet is a very good way to meet educated and employed Thai women. After making a relationship with them online they will happily meet you when you come to Thailand. As far as "taking then to your home country" that is another question completely. Thai women are generally very attached to their families and living aboard is a big deal to them. Although many dream of that it can also make the marriage difficult at times. Language and culture also plays into this heavily. Like any successful marriage there has to be a bonds and common goals that bind. They will of course be very dependent on you in your home country at the beginning of the marriage. How many Farang/Thai marriages actually succeed is really unknown, but I would say that there is a higher incidence of failure than marrying someone in your own country. Just an opinion I am sure you will hear many more opinions here. GOOD LUCK

Finding and starting a relationship with regular (i.e. non bargirl) women for a tourist will be close to impossible.

Thailand is much the same as the rest of the world, you'll need to build up a relationship first.

IMO you simply cannot do that in a 4 week holiday, two people need much more time to start to know each other before either one can make a decision on going full commitment!

And for the girls, leaving your home country and family, ending up being virtually complete at the mercy of your partner, needs that kind of trust, love and commitment.

You can go the easy way and avail yourself of dating/marriage sites, but I do not think success rate in the long term is high. For tose women it will be more of a business/financial decision, and will have very little to do with real love/relationship.

Although nothing is impossible, I do know of very successful marriages, in couples one would give the least chance of survival. There is always a chance you find a soulmate somewhere.

I'll move this one to the general section as well, not really related to visa's!

Good Opinions. . . Yes I have established many online contacts and met them as well, business/financial decision seems to be the energy I feel also. At the airport on the way back home to my country, I have seen more than once a middle aged farang with an apparent beautiful young partner successfully bringing her home. I look with wonder in the back of mind if everything actually works out for them.

Yes I look in wonder also I know of one American guy who is 69 years old and his wife is just 19 and they have a young child makes me wonder if there is really love there.

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sorry - a little more info added to the question:

27 yrs old, own three successfull businesses in my country. Have had severe heart breaks in past and the last ex fionce (3 years ago) that resulted in myself filing a bankruptcy (which have recovered from quite well). Sort of mid life crisis and thai is so cheap to live for me, went there to meet many of contacts I met online, networking (Fbook,M*pace) along with dating sites. I guess I fast forwarded a bit in my question. I leased a condo for a year and plan on training muay thai and mixed martial arts in thai after my surgery is 100% healed in about 4 more months. (Have fought professionally in past). What I meant was if something did end up becoming serious while there, what was the success rate or previous stories for bringing back home happily ever after? . . . So I have more education on the subject to know if I shall choose to stay a fully - armor plated heart - bachelor... or, butterfly.

This sounds like a troll post but I will answer anyway.

1) If it is just the Asian-look you like, you should go to the Phillipines. PI is a hellhole but there are many, many women who want to get the hel_l out of the country. This is not the case in Thailand. There are many women in PI with Spanish genes that makes them much more attractive than "pure" Filipinas...in my opinion. Many are very loyal and will stay with you due to the fact the people do not believe in divorce in PI because they are staunch god-fearing Catholics. Personally, I won't consider a Filipina as a GF or wife because of the fact that they are Yahweh fanatics and I despise the Yaweh religions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. If a god-fearing Catholic does not bother you, go for a Filipina. I have met some sweethearts there! Much sweeter than Thai women. Thai women have a much "harder" personality than Filipinas! The culture in PI is basically the same as in the USA... except that PI is much more impoverished and there is more crime. Filipinas will adjust very easily to a western, English-speaking country. Thai women will have a very difficult time adjusting and will miss their homeland, friends, and family very much. They are like a fish out of water in the States. If it is just an Asian woman you are after, go for a Filipina! Personally I like Thai, Cambodian, and Vietnamese women because they are not usually christians. Also, I like SE Asia and its ecosystems, animal and plant species, the Khmer ruins, the beaches, the food and the culture much better than that of PI. No disrespect to PI and its citizens. I have friends from PI and they are very good people. It is not their fault that they were born in the hellhole of PI...although Palawan is nice and still has much rainforest in tact, unlike the rest of the archipelago ( 90% of PI rainforests have been cut down). :D

2) If it is a Thai woman you are set on, get out of Pattaya! :)

3) Good luck on finding a mixed martial arts facility in LOS. There are plenty of Muay Thai and some Karate, Tae Kwon Do, etc. facilities, but I never found a MMA facility like the ones that exist in the States. If you have something to offer MT players, ( e.g. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Catch Wrestling/Hooking, Shooto, Pankration, Freestyle or Greco/Roman Wresting, Vale Tudo, etc.) you might be able to trade with a freelancer or someone at a smaller facility. You could instruct them in learning a style that you know and they could train with you in MT. You should go to Chiang Mai. There are good Muy Thai facilities there and it is much more relaxed than BKK. Otherwise go to Fairtex in BKK. It is mainstream now... it has many "tourist" trainees. Last I heard it cost about $US 25.00 per day to live, train, and eat at the facility. Good luck. :D

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sorry - a little more info added to the question:

27 yrs old, own three successfull businesses in my country. Have had severe heart breaks in past and the last ex fionce (3 years ago) that resulted in myself filing a bankruptcy (which have recovered from quite well). Sort of mid life crisis and thai is so cheap to live for me, went there to meet many of contacts I met online, networking (Fbook,M*pace) along with dating sites. I guess I fast forwarded a bit in my question. I leased a condo for a year and plan on training muay thai and mixed martial arts in thai after my surgery is 100% healed in about 4 more months. (Have fought professionally in past). What I meant was if something did end up becoming serious while there, what was the success rate or previous stories for bringing back home happily ever after? . . . So I have more education on the subject to know if I shall choose to stay a fully - armor plated heart - bachelor... or, butterfly.


Marriages between women from the Philippines and "westerners" have a much, much higher success rate than those between Thai women and "westerners". I know of many guys who have married a Thai woman and have stayed in LOS or left LOS and who are divorced now or are miserable. My good friend is divorced from a Thai. Go for PI women if it is just an Asian woman you are looking for and if you don't mind christian women. Your chances of a successful marriage out of their home country are much greater than that with a Thai.

Also, if the "real estate agent" in BKK is named Natanicha (Nicha) Chumklang (aka Jinny or Richaya) you should avoid her. She is after walking ATMs and she has hundreds of suckers after her. I met her on a Thai dating site and summed her up quickly after meeting her. I also found her "little black book" which contained the names, addresses, phone numbers, and personal information of hundreds of falang guys she met online and also in LOS when they arrived in LOS. It was fun to chill with her, but she, like many other Thai women, are gold digging users. It will be hard for you to know what your Thai GF is up to and what she is after. Many falangs get taken for a ride. If a Thai woman ever asks you for money or just gets something and expects you to pay for it without asking you in advance you should leave her ASAP! You could stay and try to play her if you wish and you are into trading money for sex. That is not my style. I walk away. There are some good Thai women, but it is tricky meeting one and finding out what her true motives are. Good luck.

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.. If a god-fearing Catholic does not bother you, go for a Filipina....The culture in PI is basically the same as in the USA... Filipinas will adjust very easily to a western, English-speaking country. Thai women will have a very difficult time adjusting and will miss their homeland, friends, and family very much. They are like a fish out of water in the States. If it is just an Asian woman you are after, go for a Filipina!

Without a doubt, a Filipina woman can adjust to life in the USA much easier than a Thai woman. Many American men have a Filipina wife, it is very common. Do not underestimate the strength of a Thai woman's relationship and loyalty with her family and country as other posters have mentioned -- it is very, very strong! I personally know of a number of Thai women living in the states or Canada and they without exception greatly miss their families, especially their mothers, and all spend hours on the phone to LOS almost daily. They live for their next return trip, and are just passing time in the States until their husbands can retire back here. This isn't as true with Filipinas. Many are completely content living long-term in the States and visit the Philippines only occasionally.

Edited by Lopburi99
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