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Tot Internet Speed


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i find it hard to believe too, since at least five neighbours and myself have called them to complain this week and last. get the feeling they're not bothered once they've got you on the hook.

..... and you've been in Thailand how long? :)

My thoughts exactly, Greenside.


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Well, I went to the TOT office at Carrefour last night. Having attempted to complain and get their technicians to sort the dire speeds out for some months now, I decided to downgrade the package to a 2MB from the 4MB, as I may aswell not get 2MB for 300baht less than not getting 4MB. :)

Long story short, the girl working there said she wanted to send a technician out again, but charge me if the internet is ok for him when he gets to my house. I told her politely that every time the technician comes, he just goes straight to the Speedtest thailand website, and he shows me mixed results, that only sometimes get close to the 4MB paid for. But that is only for a Bangkok server. I point out that nowhere in their Net Up Speed T's & C's does it say that speeds outside of thailand aren't even given (Its not like they're even trying to get you high speeds outside of Thailand), and because the fundamental purpose of the internet is to connect to THE WORLD then they aren't providing what I'm paying for.

So, I told her no technicians, and that I wanted her to downgrade me to the 2MB package right away. She pointed out that this would cost 1000 baht to downgrade again. I told her that the contract is no longer valid, as they have repeatedly failed to provide anywhere near the speeds I pay for. She agreed to lower it if I could produce a Power of Attorney from my Landlord to take this action on the account. I gave her my Landlords phone number to call him and go through security checks. She wouldn't do that - "We need Power of Attorney". I pointed out that when I was upgrading and thus going to be paying them 300baht more per month, they were happy with a phonecall. Yet, now I want to downgrade, they are more concerned with security etc. So, I asked if she would be happy to downgrade my internet if I could produce the Power of Attorney..... She said yes, GREAT!! Anyway, as luck would have it, I had a Power of Attorney sat in my Gmail inbox.... which leads to this.....

I asked to use the internet in store (A PC setup for customers to use). I typed Gmails web address, and Im not kidding when I say that it took 3 minutes to just load the Gmail login page - IN THE TOT STORE!!!!!!! Anyway, after about 10 minutes of getting to my emails and loading the Power of Attorney, I returned to my seat, and continued discussions.

She started to say that as I live in San Sai, I would have to go to the San Sai office. I pointed out that she has a computer, and a phone in front of her, and suggested she just sort it out, and stop being so lazy, and trying to get rid of me. Furthermore, I pointed out to her that she was happy to do it before, if I produced a Power of Attorney. And now, because I have produced one (No doubt she wasn't expecting that), she is not willing to help. She was adamant that she cannot do it, and I must go to San Sai.

I told her to go get a manager. She told me that the manager is not there. So I suggested either getting a supervisor, or the manager on the telephone. She went to get the Supervisor.

I said to the Supervisor that I want to downgrade, as I may aswell pay less for rubbish speeds, as Im currently getting under their lowest package anyway. She said, No Problem, and did it all right there and then...... WHY THE <deleted> couldn't the first girl do that??? TOT Customer Service. Now that is an oxymoron.

Im ready to jump ship as soon as I can figure out a better ship to jump to.....

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Well, I went to the TOT office at Carrefour last night. Having attempted to complain and get their technicians to sort the dire speeds out for some months now, I decided to downgrade the package to a 2MB from the 4MB, as I may aswell not get 2MB for 300baht less than not getting 4MB. :D

Long story short, the girl working there said she wanted to send a technician out again, but charge me if the internet is ok for him when he gets to my house. I told her politely that every time the technician comes, he just goes straight to the Speedtest thailand website, and he shows me mixed results, that only sometimes get close to the 4MB paid for. But that is only for a Bangkok server. I point out that nowhere in their Net Up Speed T's & C's does it say that speeds outside of thailand aren't even given (Its not like they're even trying to get you high speeds outside of Thailand), and because the fundamental purpose of the internet is to connect to THE WORLD then they aren't providing what I'm paying for.

So, I told her no technicians, and that I wanted her to downgrade me to the 2MB package right away. She pointed out that this would cost 1000 baht to downgrade again. I told her that the contract is no longer valid, as they have repeatedly failed to provide anywhere near the speeds I pay for. She agreed to lower it if I could produce a Power of Attorney from my Landlord to take this action on the account. I gave her my Landlords phone number to call him and go through security checks. She wouldn't do that - "We need Power of Attorney". I pointed out that when I was upgrading and thus going to be paying them 300baht more per month, they were happy with a phonecall. Yet, now I want to downgrade, they are more concerned with security etc. So, I asked if she would be happy to downgrade my internet if I could produce the Power of Attorney..... She said yes, GREAT!! Anyway, as luck would have it, I had a Power of Attorney sat in my Gmail inbox.... which leads to this.....

I asked to use the internet in store (A PC setup for customers to use). I typed Gmails web address, and Im not kidding when I say that it took 3 minutes to just load the Gmail login page - IN THE TOT STORE!!!!!!! Anyway, after about 10 minutes of getting to my emails and loading the Power of Attorney, I returned to my seat, and continued discussions.

She started to say that as I live in San Sai, I would have to go to the San Sai office. I pointed out that she has a computer, and a phone in front of her, and suggested she just sort it out, and stop being so lazy, and trying to get rid of me. Furthermore, I pointed out to her that she was happy to do it before, if I produced a Power of Attorney. And now, because I have produced one (No doubt she wasn't expecting that), she is not willing to help. She was adamant that she cannot do it, and I must go to San Sai.

I told her to go get a manager. She told me that the manager is not there. So I suggested either getting a supervisor, or the manager on the telephone. She went to get the Supervisor.

I said to the Supervisor that I want to downgrade, as I may aswell pay less for rubbish speeds, as Im currently getting under their lowest package anyway. She said, No Problem, and did it all right there and then...... WHY THE <deleted> couldn't the first girl do that??? TOT Customer Service. Now that is an oxymoron.

Im ready to jump ship as soon as I can figure out a better ship to jump to.....

I did go to the carefoure TOT office to get a land line telephone, I was waiting for 2 years nothing happen. :)

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It's an absolute waste of time complaining to TOT as an individual - you will only get the run around and become more and more frustrated. I approached a couple of people who are also having major problems with TOT, asking them if they would like to help form a group to go to the main TOT office and keep on going until satisfactory answers are given. The responses I got were "It will just be a waste of my valuable time" and "TIT mai bpen rai"....so that ended my motivation.

I guess we should just continue coming here to gripe and vent to each other (when we are able to open a page) and let TOT resolve it the Thai way...........remember to breathe out folks!

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  Is it not quite extraordinary that TOT being a communications organization, totally fails to communicate with by far the most important element in its business - we its customers ?  Has there been any information, much less and apology, posted on their website about what is clearly a serious technical / political / business problem at TOT.  Not a word. Just take a look at the News & Activities page of their website, if you can log onto it that is.

Well it might be extraordinary elsewhere but we live in an anti-information non-communicative culture and society and it is not a “farang thing” either as you will know if you have ever monitored the quality of communication between Thai people.  Great talkers and all at once over the top of the TV, stereo and passing election loudspeaker van, but listen ?  They don't even listen to themselves much less one another so why would they listen to their customers ?

I talked and talked and what did I say ?  I said nothing thought I talked all day.

And as to customer service ethic, well with few notable exceptions that can be summed up as, “Oh customers, what a nuisance!  How can I get rid of them without actually having to do anything”.

May no customer ever be so inconsiderable as to disturb the happy tranquility of your slumbers.

But what the hel_l, compared to the bigger problem facing the country, a slow Internet doesn't amount to a pimple on its Londonderriere, no matter how infuriating it might be to us.

Public executions are the answer and lots of them, starting with the CEO of TOT.

Off with their heads !




Edited by rohitsuk
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TOT internet almost completely at a standstill for the last two days - even Thiavisa fails to load most of the time. Strangely though, Skype and torrents seem to not be affected. While I couldn't sign into Yahoo yesterday afternoon, uTorrent was happily absorbing a TV programme at 200kbs plus (and before you say it, stopping the download had no effect on the speed relating to regular pages in or out of the country). Why might that be?

I am as technically savvy as last week's sandwich- 6am for an hour or two is OK progressively the loading of pages in to the pm is almost stop however I have been able to watch internet tv uninterrupted why would that be?


If you can climb a pole, drink coffee by the side of the road, and drive a truck up and down the street, then you are on a PAR with the so called technicians they occasionally get to come by....


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Just got a call from the TOT technician and he was very apologetic and gracious. He said they are working on a major system problem but no word on when it might be resolved. Have to admit that is nice to have a help desk call you back, even though the immediate problem is still here.

It's not only nice, it's almost unique :)

/ Priceless

and quite probaly not true, but it is a different excuse and the way he did it seems to have soothed the irritated monkeys [us] for the time being

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My TOT has been diabolical for two months now and at the weekend it went off completely, even though Google would open up, sod all else would. Monday nothing at all, not even Google, in fact I think it struggled to show me the page saying that there is a connection error, phone call after phone call, visit to office at Airport Plaza, "will fix problem" was the answer more phone calls Tuesday, but this time no reply to my 101 calls and then I get up this morning all ready for a trip into town to get some work done and bang it is working probably only about as good as it has been a month ago but I can move.

Another poster said that they wwanted to get a group together to approach TOT as whole a maybe they would listen, would they? but if this is to go ahead petition wise or a mass walk-in and sit down and one of their branches I'm game.

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Another poster said that they wwanted to get a group together to approach TOT as whole a maybe they would listen, would they? but if this is to go ahead petition wise or a mass walk-in and sit down and one of their branches I'm game.

i am up for this too, but the big question i feel is what colour shirts should we wear?

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Suddenly it's working at a reasonable pace- is it just my wishful thinking?

Make sure you are testing to a center outside Thailand - who cares if speed to Bangkok is ok.

Most defintely NOT working ok 70kb/20kb to London @ 15:45.

Would be more than willing to join in group approach to see someone who actually has a clue whats going on!

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thank you all for providing your TOT experiences. i've gone with 3T (TT&T) and so far all is well.

signed up at pantip plaza with no difficulty. sales reps were friendly and efficient, signed up for service, got modem programmed, and

scheduled installation within about 30 minutes. technician arrived and installed my line three days ahead of schedule.

i got the 3M indy package for 832 baht: 632 monthly fee, 100 registration fee, 100 equipment deposit. free install.

(the TOT guys at pantip told me there was a 1600 baht installation fee)

the rep warned me that international sites will load slower, to try indy for a month. if too slow can upgrade to premier.

so far all is well, speeds are as advertised.

speed test results: Download Speed: 2543 kbps (317.9 KB/sec transfer rate) / Upload Speed: 254 kbps (31.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

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Suddenly it's working at a reasonable pace- is it just my wishful thinking?

No not wishful thinking .Its 5pm Wednesday and it is working far better than yesterday, which was diabolical. We are in Hang Dong, which should not make any difference, I guess. I went to the TOT office, near Airport plaza this morning , and retold the same old story. They will send technician tomorrow to pull out plugs and re connect I guess but if the speed I am getting right this moment continues all is well.

Many folk seem to be jumping from one company to another ,seems to me thats like from the frying pan into the fire ,but each to his own. I know some companies have cancellation fees in the small print be careful.

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Suddenly it's working at a reasonable pace- is it just my wishful thinking?

Make sure you are testing to a center outside Thailand - who cares if speed to Bangkok is ok.

Most defintely NOT working ok 70kb/20kb to London @ 15:45.

Would be more than willing to join in group approach to see someone who actually has a clue whats going on!

Me too if someone wants to organise it, but it needs considerable support not just two or three.

A bunch of 'jai yen yen' farangs demanding their rights at TOT.....hmmm, sure to make the news. :)

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thank you all for providing your TOT experiences. i've gone with 3T (TT&T) and so far all is well.

signed up at pantip plaza with no difficulty. sales reps were friendly and efficient, signed up for service, got modem programmed, and

scheduled installation within about 30 minutes. technician arrived and installed my line three days ahead of schedule.

i got the 3M indy package for 832 baht: 632 monthly fee, 100 registration fee, 100 equipment deposit. free install.

(the TOT guys at pantip told me there was a 1600 baht installation fee)

the rep warned me that international sites will load slower, to try indy for a month. if too slow can upgrade to premier.

so far all is well, speeds are as advertised.

speed test results: Download Speed: 2543 kbps (317.9 KB/sec transfer rate) / Upload Speed: 254 kbps (31.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Well I really hope it works for you but I switched a month ago from TT&T to TOT because having started with Indy which was slow and disconnected every few minutes ,I upgraded to Premier (ha ha) at their suggestion and it was actually only a little faster and no better with the cut offs.

On switching to TOT at 40% less than I was paying TT&T until two weeks ago, I got a better speed ex Thai 2-3megs so OK but without the constant cut offs I had suffered with TT&T.  

Also a month ago there were rumours that the parent company, Jasmine were pulling out and of imminent collapse.  It seems to have reinvented itself as 3BB without any public statement of exactly what is going on so god knows where it all is now.

Do keep us posted.

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and for international speeds, from

speakeasy, los angeles : Download Speed: 486 kbps (60.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 25 kbps (3.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

speakeasy, seattle: Download Speed: 1602 kbps (200.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 69 kbps (8.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

time warner, ny/nj: Download Speed: 1099 kbps (137.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 51 kbps (6.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

internetmeter, frankfurt: Download: 151,21 kbit/s (18,90 kB/s)

Upload: 91,87 kbit/s (11,48 kB/s)

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Suddenly it's working at a reasonable pace- is it just my wishful thinking?

Make sure you are testing to a center outside Thailand - who cares if speed to Bangkok is ok.

Most defintely NOT working ok 70kb/20kb to London @ 15:45.

Would be more than willing to join in group approach to see someone who actually has a clue whats going on!

Me too if someone wants to organise it, but it needs considerable support not just two or three.

A bunch of 'jai yen yen' farangs demanding their rights at TOT.....hmmm, sure to make the news. :)

See the very small upload speeds of < 50kb which make TT&T unstable (it has intermitant breaks in service), so ok as back up but not 'clean' enough for me. Maybe now Jasmine has taken ove rthey will improve but will wait and see on tha score.

Its probably best to go early week - as for TOT the weekend is probably already here! I suggest Monday or Tuesday AM - 10am - before som-tum break(s) etc etc.

With any luck they may even fix something over the weekend!!

Would be good if record speed test results so have as solid evidence as possible to submit.

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Suddenly it's working at a reasonable pace- is it just my wishful thinking?

Make sure you are testing to a center outside Thailand - who cares if speed to Bangkok is ok.

Most defintely NOT working ok 70kb/20kb to London @ 15:45.

Would be more than willing to join in group approach to see someone who actually has a clue whats going on!

Me too if someone wants to organise it, but it needs considerable support not just two or three.

A bunch of 'jai yen yen' farangs demanding their rights at TOT.....hmmm, sure to make the news. :)

See the very small upload speeds of < 50kb which make TT&T unstable (it has intermitant breaks in service), so ok as back up but not 'clean' enough for me. Maybe now Jasmine has taken ove rthey will improve but will wait and see on tha score.

Its probably best to go early week - as for TOT the weekend is probably already here! I suggest Monday or Tuesday AM - 10am - before som-tum break(s) etc etc.

With any luck they may even fix something over the weekend!!

Would be good if record speed test results so have as solid evidence as possible to submit.

sign up with www.speedchecker.org (free service), go to "Speed Test Plus". they offer summaries, results of the last 30days, and charts/graphs.

but don't expect to get any information from TOT. the callcenter and all PR departments are instructed NOT to give out any information. and this is against the law again. just like the fraudulent commercials and ads...

as long as the ohther ISPs use TOT lines and their gateway it makes no difference who you switch to. it's just the same crap in another disguise. TOT was gov't phone company, so you have an idea what kind of people are leading this company. they want to make money and that's it. no customer care, no new hardware.

and it is still low season. what will happen when double as many users try to connect to servers outside Thailand ? TOT will not do anything. the callcenter chief said "we lie only a little". alright...

Edited by punkrock192
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It's an absolute waste of time complaining to TOT as an individual - you will only get the run around and become more and more frustrated. I approached a couple of people who are also having major problems with TOT, asking them if they would like to help form a group to go to the main TOT office and keep on going until satisfactory answers are given. The responses I got were "It will just be a waste of my valuable time" and "TIT mai bpen rai"....so that ended my motivation.

I guess we should just continue coming here to gripe and vent to each other (when we are able to open a page) and let TOT resolve it the Thai way...........remember to breathe out folks!

I gave up calling to complain after more than 30 phone calls!

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I had a meeting with the manager of TOT's office (near Airport Central) today - and my conclusion is that this problem will eventually be resolved.

He acknowledged there was a problem with the 'inter' bandwidth being unable to cope and work is on-going to increase capacity.

Other factors are the massive debt TOT owed to TT&T and the up comming red shirt marches this weekend.

He was pretty understanding and willing to discuss the problems - he had looked at my 3 months worth of performance records I had given the office last week. Resolution is more weeks than days away so suggest finding alternative ISP solutions in the meantime. I doubt much would be gained by mass complaint, but further evidence of failing service may help focus attention on this problem.

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I had a meeting with the manager of TOT's office (near Airport Central) today - and my conclusion is that this problem will eventually be resolved.

He acknowledged there was a problem with the 'inter' bandwidth being unable to cope and work is on-going to increase capacity.

Other factors are the massive debt TOT owed to TT&T and the up comming red shirt marches this weekend.

He was pretty understanding and willing to discuss the problems - he had looked at my 3 months worth of performance records I had given the office last week. Resolution is more weeks than days away so suggest finding alternative ISP solutions in the meantime. I doubt much would be gained by mass complaint, but further evidence of failing service may help focus attention on this problem.

K2K you are doing all of us a great favour ,thank you,and we should continue to complain. We were, after a visit to TOT yesterday, promised a tech at our house today,which was probably going to be a waste of time anyway and just a fob off,he didnt show.

I am intrigued by mention of a red shirt rally as a factor can you enlighten me to what thats all about ?

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the speedtest.net for penang server is still "preparing download" for the last ten minutes. i reckon i might get some results sometime before tomorrow morning and will post the result. i might win the contest of "who can beat this".

to add some constructive opinion to this thread, TOT has totally gone downhill for the last 1 year. they upgraded me from 2MBPS to 3Mbps but somehow forgot to inform me on the change of Login Name. ie xxx@gold to ie xxx@premium. After going through all the regular BS about try this on your router, try plugging this out and that out, we found out the problem was in the upgrade.

Used to be very useful this internet connection. Now its usable but perhaps only for forum browsing.

My CAT internet at the office is however superfast. Hinet by CAT is what it is. 4Mbps and thats exactly what i get.

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I am intrigued by mention of a red shirt rally as a factor can you enlighten me to what thats all about ?

Thottling any attempt by Mr T. to incite 'undisired activity' aided by excessive filtering (slowing down) by MICT - noting that during the ASEAN Summits 'inter' net speeds also plunged.

NB: If your getting normal Thai speeds on your system the engineer check is total waste of time.

(At 01:30 I got 550k/80k to London and can even post!!)

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just letting out some air here, the internet here really is bad and i do not know how they (thailand) wants to keep companies that need fast internet speed happy, i can see alot of companies moving to other regions, maybe better speed in Vietnam? :)

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