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Good Hearty Breakfast


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Crazy Dave's Soi Chaiyapoom (sp), includes free pantomime most days!

Agreed - good value, borders on the hearty, well cooked and I could see the pantomime potential.

2 eggs, 1 English sausage (smallish), 2 rashers of real back bacon, baked beans, fried bread and tomato, 2 slices of toast and marmalade, coffee, tea or orange juice, UK condiments. 75 baht - bargain. There's a range of paid for extras including some good hash browns if you want to make it more hearty.

If you are a pig, go round the corner to the Butcher's Arms on soi Bukaow - high quality huge sausages (2) and what seemed like half a pound of back bacon. Very good (best quality I've seen, but only trawled Bukaow/Diana area) I enjoyed it a lot until I got stuffed. But you will pay for your gluttony and the superior quality - 210 baht. Good aircon, which can be a blessing on a warm morning and lovely bright (geng) waitresses, rather than the usual laconic halfwits.

Edited by SantiSuk
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If you are a pig, go round the corner to the Butcher's Arms on soi Bukaow - high quality huge sausages (2) and what seemed like half a pound of back bacon. Very good (best quality I've seen, but only trawled Bukaow/Diana area) I enjoyed it a lot until I got stuffed. But you will pay for your gluttony and the superior quality - 210 baht. Good aircon, which can be a blessing on a warm morning and lovely bright (geng) waitresses, rather than the usual laconic halfwits.

Thanks for the heads-up. I have not been for a breakfast at the Butchers Arms for a while, so I shall certainly be checking out the 'high quality huge sausages (2)' one morning this week. One thing though; the blackboard outside has the breakfast priced at 140 Baht, was your breakfast a 'deluxe' edition for 210 baht?

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If you are a pig, go round the corner to the Butcher's Arms on soi Bukaow - high quality huge sausages (2) and what seemed like half a pound of back bacon. Very good (best quality I've seen, but only trawled Bukaow/Diana area) I enjoyed it a lot until I got stuffed. But you will pay for your gluttony and the superior quality - 210 baht. Good aircon, which can be a blessing on a warm morning and lovely bright (geng) waitresses, rather than the usual laconic halfwits.

Thanks for the heads-up. I have not been for a breakfast at the Butchers Arms for a while, so I shall certainly be checking out the 'high quality huge sausages (2)' one morning this week. One thing though; the blackboard outside has the breakfast priced at 140 Baht, was your breakfast a 'deluxe' edition for 210 baht?

robins nest 199 all you can eat with 3 soft drinks or coffee/tea! proper English, cooked well with good service! soi diana next to family mart lk metro

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Is there any way I can filter out the word "breakfast" from my account .... there seems to be a "where can I get the best breakfast in Pattaya" thread at least once a month.....followed by the 5 pages of usual recommendations... :)

Ignore all threads that have 'breakfast' in the title?

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Greg's Kitchen (Second Road) used to be very good for breakfast but haven't eaten there in a while.

Havent been there for a long time,you have reminded me that i have to start thinking about where i will have my xmas dinner

I have enjoyed many meals at Gregs, not just breakfast, only complaint I have is the coffee, its instant, it would be perfect if they made REAL coffee, but the wife says the tea is very good

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  • 1 year later...

A good English breakfast has never done me any harm, in fact I've had one every day for the last 40 years. (When I was a baby it was liquidised).

Look at the nutritional value of a typical English breakfast:


Bacon=pork full of fat

Sausage= intestines and offal

Baked Beans

Black Puddings=pigs blood



Fried Bread=oil sponge

Hash Browns=yesterdays spuds from peoples leftovers

Kidneys=never seen these in any English breakfast

HP Brown Sauce=sugar and salt


Butter/Marmalade=more fat and sugar to top it all off

Large mug of tea

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