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Dr Panitarn: No Emergency Decree During Pm´s Visit To Us


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Dr Panitarn: No emergency decree during PM´s visit to US

BANGKOK, 11 September 2009 (NNT) - Acting Government Spokesman Panitarn Wattanayakorn said an emergency decree would not be needed during the Prime Minister's official visit to the United States from 20 to 27 September 2009.

With the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD)'s plan to stage a mass demonstration on 19 September in coincidence with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's absence to attend the United Nations General Assembly and the G-20 Summit in New York City, Dr Panitarn stated that the Internal Security Act would be sufficient for maintaining peace and order in the country during the period. The Acting Government Spokesman asserted that the emergency decree would not be necessary as the government would be able to deal with any possible political chaos and would closely keep a close watch over the situation and ill-intentioned individuals. He said the government would announce later on whether the Internal Security Act would be imposed.

Dr Panitarn indicated that the Prime Minister would visit the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) headquarters next week to grant policies on security operations to officials on duty. He added that Mr Abhisit would also listen to briefings on the ISOC's evaluation of overall situation ahead of the UDD's upcoming mass rally, which was aimed to mark the third anniversary of the 2006 coup d'etat.

The spokesman assured that the government would keep the public informed of the Prime Minister's activities during his official visit to the United States while planning to air live interviews through the National Broadcasting Services of Thailand (NBT).


-- NNT 2009/09/12

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"Dr Panitarn indicated that the Prime Minister would visit the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) headquarters next week to grant policies on security operations to officials on duty. He added that Mr Abhisit would also listen to briefings on the ISOC's evaluation of overall situation ahead of the UDD's upcoming mass rally, which was aimed to mark the third anniversary of the 2006 coup d'etat."

To grant, or be told what they will do?

To listen to, or be told what to do?

Very, very sad. The sooner this ISOC lot are 'run out of town' the better; they're a loaded gun pointing at the heart of Thai 'democracy'...

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"Dr Panitarn indicated that the Prime Minister would visit the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) headquarters next week to grant policies on security operations to officials on duty. He added that Mr Abhisit would also listen to briefings on the ISOC's evaluation of overall situation ahead of the UDD's upcoming mass rally, which was aimed to mark the third anniversary of the 2006 coup d'etat."

To grant, or be told what they will do?

To listen to, or be told what to do?

Very, very sad. The sooner this ISOC lot are 'run out of town' the better; they're a loaded gun pointing at the heart of Thai 'democracy'...

I think the briefings are intended to help any head of state in making informed decisions. I'm sure every leader in the world does this. What's so sad about making informed plannings and decisions?

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"Dr Panitarn indicated that the Prime Minister would visit the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) headquarters next week to grant policies on security operations to officials on duty. He added that Mr Abhisit would also listen to briefings on the ISOC's evaluation of overall situation ahead of the UDD's upcoming mass rally, which was aimed to mark the third anniversary of the 2006 coup d'etat."

To grant, or be told what they will do?

To listen to, or be told what to do?

Very, very sad. The sooner this ISOC lot are 'run out of town' the better; they're a loaded gun pointing at the heart of Thai 'democracy'...

I think the briefings are intended to help any head of state in making informed decisions. I'm sure every leader in the world does this. What's so sad about making informed plannings and decisions?

The difference is that in a functioning democracy the "ISOC" equivilent agency answers to the elected government. Here, ISOC answer only to themselves, are hugely powerful and don't feel the need to disclose their expenditure or actions or reasoning or...

You may want to read up. I've offered the obvious (cause it's easy though faaaar from perfect link - do your own HW) link and a couple of snippets for you:


"In June 2007, the junta approved a draft national security bill which would give ISOC sweeping powers to handle "new forms of threats" to the country."

"Junta leader and Army Commander-in-Chief General Sonthi Boonyaratglin appointed himself head of the ISOC (its previous head had been the Prime Minister) and transformed the ISOC into a "government within a government"."

"The Cabinet of General Surayud Chulanont gave the ISOC staff a 84.3 million baht "reward". The ISOC had originally requested the reward in 2003, but was turned down by the Thaksin government."

"The new ISOC was criticized as being a shadowy puppet master pulling strings among existing agencies, answerable to no one but its leader."

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Do you have other information besides the wikipedia's?

Besides I don't see a thing about how Abhisit's gov't is handling ISOC. Also, what was ISOC doing under Samak and Somchai administrations?

ISOC answer only to themselves, are hugely powerful and don't feel the need to disclose their expenditure or actions or reasoning

Don't see anything that supports this claim either.


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Do you have other information besides the wikipedia's?

Besides I don't see a thing about how Abhisit's gov't is handling ISOC. Also, what was ISOC doing under Samak and Somchai administrations?

ISOC answer only to themselves, are hugely powerful and don't feel the need to disclose their expenditure or actions or reasoning

Don't see anything that supports this claim either.


Do some research for yourself - there's a lot out there. Your claims above just make you look less informed in the eyes of members who've spent years here and have a bit more knowledge. You may impress newbies...

How is Abhisit handling them? That's easy to find if you check out the Bkk Post or the Nation. Needless to say, he was quickly and firmly put in his place; the writing was on the wall from his earliest days in power...

Edited by jasreeve17
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Do some research for yourself

You seem to be the expert on ISOC. Why can't you find any other sources of info besides wikipedia's about the operations of this super-evil, super-secret, super-powerful organizaton?

And I admit, yeah I know jack all about ISOC. Are they like the skulls? :)

Edited by ThNiner
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Do some research for yourself

You seem to be the expert on ISOC. Why can't you find any other sources of info besides wikipedia's about the operations of this super-evil, super-secret, super-powerful organizaton?

And I admit, yeah I know jack all about ISOC. Are they like the skulls? :)

I don't know why I bother, but:

The Nation


Snippet - "Why is the military educating us about democracy?"



Snippet - "The officers accused of this assassination attempt include a major general and a colonel. All come from Thailand's secretive counter-insurgency command, known as ISOC."

The Times


Snippet - "...General Sondhi Boonyaratglin, the army commander-in-chief and suspected main plotter in today’s coup..."



Snippet - "The Isoc revamp, to be modelled on the US Department of Homeland Security, is seen by many observers as a move to pave the way for Council for National Security chairman Gen Sonthi Boonyaratkalin to head the restructured agency..."

And how about these. Surely, you can find these...






The more interesting and respected posters choose to do a little research before making uninformed comments...

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The Nation


Snippet - "Why is the military educating us about democracy?"

So they are trying to help the gov't in educating the masses about democracy which Thailand obviously needs. How's this have anything to do with ISOC being the super duper puppet master?



Snippet - "The officers accused of this assassination attempt include a major general and a colonel. All come from Thailand's secretive counter-insurgency command, known as ISOC."

I don't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure that this has been proven to be nothing more than a PR stunt. Same as the one about Thai Airways airplane explosion. Remember?

The Times


Snippet - "...General Sondhi Boonyaratglin, the army commander-in-chief and suspected main plotter in today's coup..."



Snippet - "The Isoc revamp, to be modelled on the US Department of Homeland Security, is seen by many observers as a move to pave the way for Council for National Security chairman Gen Sonthi Boonyaratkalin to head the restructured agency..."

None of this offer any concrete evidence of ISOC being the skulls-like. So I guess it's all hyperbole on your part then? If it's all ISOC who's puling the strings right now, why didn't Samak or Somchai dismantle them when they were in power? Huh?

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The Nation


Snippet - "Why is the military educating us about democracy?"

So they are trying to help the gov't in educating the masses about democracy which Thailand obviously needs. How's this have anything to do with ISOC being the super duper puppet master?

No. They go to areas that didn't vote the way they wanted them to and 're-educate' them, to use their words. The fact is that the military, i.e. the people that have guns and are trained to kill people or force them to do something, are not the people to 're-educate'. - that is the job of the education system. The Nazis soldiers 're-educated' - get the picture???



Snippet - "The officers accused of this assassination attempt include a major general and a colonel. All come from Thailand's secretive counter-insurgency command, known as ISOC."

I don't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure that this has been proven to be nothing more than a PR stunt. Same as the one about Thai Airways airplane explosion. Remember?

Wrong again. It was not a Thaksin PR stunt, they were found guilty; though the actual offences and extent of the prosecution are questionable. i.e. Where did the explosives come from? What were the ISOC boys planning to do with them... The inquiry stopped before asking 'difficult' questions.

The Times


Snippet - "...General Sondhi Boonyaratglin, the army commander-in-chief and suspected main plotter in today's coup..."



Snippet - "The Isoc revamp, to be modelled on the US Department of Homeland Security, is seen by many observers as a move to pave the way for Council for National Security chairman Gen Sonthi Boonyaratkalin to head the restructured agency..."

None of this offer any concrete evidence of ISOC being the skulls-like. So I guess it's all hyperbole on your part then? If it's all ISOC who's puling the strings right now, (#1) why didn't Samak or Somchai dismantle them when they were in power? Huh?

#1 Good question. And the answer is: after the coup they changed the constitution, so that they didn't answer to politicians any longer - they answered to the head of ISOC, who happened to be General Sonthi Boonyaratglin - the coup General... the PM he appointed, Surayud Chulanont, then gave ISOC 84.3 million baht.

Soon after taking over as PM Abhisit made a statement that ISOC would be under his power. Two days later the head of the army made his own statement, via the national press, that Abhisit was mistaken!

Currently, MP's are discussing how to change the army imposed (okay, arguably...) constitution. I'm sure that Abhisit and many others would like to reign in ISOC, but the reality is they don't have the power - if he tried to push this through he'd be out!

Look back at ISOC's history from the 70's, their murder squads, the people involved at that time and ever since. Look at the recent coup and the people who most benefitted by giving themselves power and money and how they did it. You will see a theme; ISOC, ISOC, ISOC... Any poster with a bit of knowledge, even ones that hate my little guts (like Plus...) will be able to tell you about ISOC.

You are clearly ignorant of the facts and refuse to inform yourself by doing a little research. Up to you, but I'm bored of this one-sided discussion...

Edited by jasreeve17
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ISOC doesn't even have to answer to the PM!!! :):D Where exactly in the constituion does it say that? Interesting that with all the talks about constitution amendments going right now (of course spearheaded by the PTP=Thakky and the Newin's fraction), there's not even a single snip about amending the act about ISOC. Guess they are so untouchable...and even more so than the skulls? :D

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