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Motherin Law Has Hole In Heart


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Hello found out today that my mothein law has a hole in her heart, Does anyone know of good hospitals in BKK government and private. that dealith this. She is in Chumphon and I asked my wife to get her to BKK for help.

On the other side what are her chances traveling from Chumphon to BKK with this condition, and what are her chances all around ,

any opinions would be greatiful and advise

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I know another girl (26) who had the same problem.

She usually has no problems, but other times she has difficulties breathing.

She takes some medication for the problem, and it is usually pretty helpful.

It is more than likely that your mother-in-law has had this problem for a long time, although it may be worse now than before.

My certainly non-professional suggestion, is to go to the best hospital in the province, and then seek medication for the problem while you are sorting out which hospital is best for an operation.

I am unable to contact the girl who takes medication for the problem now. If I do make contact with her, I will post the name of the medication.

This is some more info on it.


I will try to locate the girl with the problem

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The prognosis depends on the diagnosis. Older people diagnosed with a "hole in the heart" has usually had the condition for a number of years already as these are congenital.

Sudden cardiac murmers that appear in older people are usually as the result of a partial rupture of a valve or sclerosis (calcification) of the valve or outlet.

Unlikely that travel will have any effect but, if she will be flying, an blood Oxymetry measurement will be helpful as well as a Echocardiogram to determine the residual cardiac output. (Ejection fraction) if lower than about 15 - 20% she will need oxygen in the air or may not even be allowed to fly commercially.

Any of the big governemnt hospitals in BKK will be equipped to deal with this. (Chula, Srinakarin...)

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Particulalry recommend Ratchaewi Hospital at Victory Monument, of all the govt hosps has the most experience with cardiac surgery and is the main training site for heart lung bypass technicians.

Be sure to bring all relevant reports, test resutls etc with her and be prepared for a fair amount of waiting and red tape before she finally sees cardiac surgeon. Always get there early AM as if you come late, may end up not being seen that day.

I accompanied a relative of a Cambodian frined there for cardiac surgery a few years back. Initial red tape was considerable but once in, care was excellent.

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Thanks all for your response, the doctor in Chumphon is sending her to Bkk on the 24of this month. From what I understand she has had the condition for some years now and it is now to the point were she has no choice but to operate. A little info on her is she is 73 and fragile weighs about 38kilos.

My concern is if she will survive the operation because I am out of country for the next 2 months and am woundering if I should go back incase something happens to her during the operation. Because I am in the Canadian north and it is not easy getting out of here. I can get out of here but it would take about a week.

What is your opinion of her or does anyone know the chances of survival rate for her age and health.

thanks again for all the help

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Going back many years Chulalongkorn was the teaching hospital for heart surgery. Thais were able to receive cheap heart surgery there.

I have an acquaintance who organized heart specialists and a team from Chulalongkorn to perform heart surgery (ASD closure?) in St Louis hospital. He rented the theatre etc separate to the surgeons fees. This enabled surgery to be performed without waiting but came at a cost.

I wish your MIL all the best.

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Just for general interest I checked what he paid in 1986.

56,000 Baht all up.

This included 2 cardiac surgeons, anesthetist and team from Chula, theatre, heart lung machine, anesthetic rental at St Louis. 6 night’s hospital room including ICU. The St Louis bill was itemized right down to the finest detail including the amount of O2 in liters and dressings. One dressing was billed at 50 satang.

Costs at the government hospital at that time were expected to be around 3,000 Baht with a 3+ week wait.

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